Auburn QB Cam Newton Cleared By NCAA, Can Play Saturday

December 1, 2010

Auburn quarterback Cam Newton is eligible to play in the SEC title game this weekend, but the NCAA says Newton’s father did break rules when he shopped his son.

The NCAA released the following statement this afternoon:

Auburn University football student-athlete Cam Newton is immediately eligible to compete, according to a decision today by the NCAA student-athlete reinstatement staff. The NCAA concluded on Monday that a violation of amateurism rules occurred, therefore Auburn University declared the student-athlete ineligible yesterday for violations of NCAA amateurism rules.

When a school discovers an NCAA rules violation has occurred, it must declare the student-athlete ineligible and may request the student-athlete’s eligibility be reinstated. Reinstatement decisions are made by the NCAA national office staff and can include conditions such as withholding from competition and repayment of extra benefits. Newton was reinstated without any conditions.

According to facts of the case agreed upon by Auburn University and the NCAA enforcement staff, the student-athlete’s father and an owner of a scouting service worked together to actively market the student-athlete as a part of a pay-for-play scenario in return for Newton’s commitment to attend college and play football. NCAA rules (Bylaw 12.3.3) do not allow individuals or entities to represent a prospective student-athlete for compensation to a school for an athletic scholarship.

In conjunction with the case, Auburn University has limited the access Newton’s father has to the athletics program and Mississippi State has disassociated the involved individual.

“The conduct of Cam Newton’s father and the involved individual is unacceptable and has no place in the SEC or in intercollegiate athletics,” said Mike Slive, Southeastern Conference Commissioner. “The actions taken by Auburn University and Mississippi State University make it clear this behavior will not be tolerated in the SEC.”

“Our members have established rules for a fair and equal recruitment of student-athletes, as well as to promote integrity in the recruiting process,” said Kevin Lennon, NCAA vice president for academic and membership affairs. “In determining how a violation impacts a student-athlete’s eligibility, we must consider the young person’s responsibility. Based on the information available to the reinstatement staff at this time, we do not have sufficient evidence that Cam Newton or anyone from Auburn was aware of this activity, which led to his reinstatement. From a student-athlete reinstatement perspective, Auburn University met its obligation under NCAA bylaw 14.11.1. Under this threshold, the student-athlete has not participated while ineligible.”

“We are pleased that the NCAA has agreed with our position that Cam Newton has been and continues to be eligible to play football at Auburn University,” Auburn University Director of Athletics Jay Jacobs said.  “We appreciate the diligence and professionalism of the NCAA and its handling of this matter. “

During the reinstatement process, NCAA staff review each case on its own merits based on the specific facts. Staff decisions are made based on a number of factors including guidelines established by the Division I NCAA Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement, as well as any mitigating factors presented by the university.

Reinstatement decisions are independent of the NCAA enforcement process and typically are made once the facts of the student-athlete’s involvement are determined. The reinstatement process is likely to conclude prior to the close of an investigation. It is NCAA policy not to comment on current, pending or potential investigations.


32 Responses to “Auburn QB Cam Newton Cleared By NCAA, Can Play Saturday”

  1. Tiger19 on December 2nd, 2010 5:21 pm

    You gotta love that kids personality! Not to mention his football skills.

    I’m glad we’re this it to the national championship, but it’s still so sad for the season to be over already! This awesome season will be gone before we even realize what happened. I mean just look at Alabama…it’s a very small step from great to pathetic.

    Let me just add this – if Auburn’s defense would always play like they did the last three quarters against Alabama…nobody would even be talking about Oregon.

    Ok…I’m done! War Cam Eagle!

  2. AUBIE PRIDE!!!!!!! on December 2nd, 2010 5:08 pm

    comment made by master of the Harvest “Go check the tires on your Dale Earnhardt (moment of silence sniff sniff) memorial Monte Carlo while you put life on hold until next football season.”
    umm not only am i an AUBURN FAN but im also a HUGE NASCAR FAN!!and idk how to take that comment!Dale Earnhardt SR. was the best driver out there!!!!so umm before you want to talk bout him dont ok?!the only thing i really liked bout that sentence is that you did put in parethenses ‘moment of silence sinff sinff’ that is the only thing i like about ok!thank you!WARRR EAGLE!!!!AND GO JR GO!!!#88 N #3 DIE HEART FAN!!!!!!!!!

  3. William on December 2nd, 2010 5:04 pm

    “Just a thought” mentioned a song below by Mary Booth on Lite Mix 99.9

    Click here to listen to the song.

  4. Just a Thought on December 2nd, 2010 5:01 pm

    Too Cute not to Share..

    Newton For Christmas by Mary Booth on 99.9 FM


    “Newton for Christmas”
    He’s in the clear, but daddy’s not…
    Somebody snitched on Cam
    Dad broke the rules and he got caught
    Somebody snitched on Cam
    But Gene and Newton they won’t pay
    says the N-C-DOUBLE A
    They have ruled that he can play…
    even though somebody snitched on Cam…

    Oh, we’re getting Newton for Christmas
    Auburn and Chizik are glad
    We’re getting Newton for Christmas
    Cause he didn’t do nuttin bad.

    Kenny Rogers said he’d play for pay
    Somebody snitched on Cam
    Dad Cecil texted his ok
    Somebody snitched on Cam
    Now Dad’s banned from the locker room
    Ken won’t shop any players soon
    And Bama has to change its tune From Son of a Preacher man….

    Oh, we’re getting Newton for Christmas
    Auburn and Chizik are glad
    We’re getting Newton for Christmas
    Cause he didn’t do nuttin bad.

    Unnamed sources had their say
    Somebody snitched on Cam
    It’s been a media field day
    Somebody snitched on Cam
    But now they say he’s free to play
    Auburn could go all the way
    And Heisman voters get their say War Eagle, YES WE CAM

    Oh, we’re getting Newton for Christmas
    Auburn and Chizik are glad
    We’re getting Newton for Christmas
    Cause he didn’t do nuttin bad.

    Now he’s in the clear… Oh, Thank You, Santa Dear! We’re gettin Newton for Christmas….

  5. lauren on December 2nd, 2010 12:37 pm

    War Eagle! Point made.

  6. Tru2d5 on December 2nd, 2010 10:35 am

    I am a giant Alabama fan, snuggled up in my houndstooth jacket and scarf right now… but Math Wizard is hilarious! I enjoy some light hearted football bantering :) I am an UA fan first and foremost, then an SEC fan. I don’t think SC will be an issue since you get to have your Cam and eat it to… so lets hope I don’t break out in hives with this, but… War Eagle for National Champs! Ugh, that was rough!

  7. Math Wizard on December 2nd, 2010 9:50 am

    Bama Boy.

    Very true Auburn does not know the feeling of being Last Years National Champs
    they also don’t know the feeling of holding a 24 point lead at home and losing 28-27 to their rival THIS YEAR.

    As a life lonng Auburn Fan I realize that it takes one game at a time. If SC wins so be it…Auburn has still had a great year going undefeated in the regular season while winning the SEC west and beating Alabama. While experts like you predicted otherwise.

    “B Boy” you were probably one of those WM Bama fans who “Hated” to tell Auburn that they would “Never” beat Alabama again either. Especially with CNS at the helm…. So go get your faded Saints Jersey and wear it while they are still the Defending Champs and are still in the hunt!

    J McCall is right……for the ones of us that have more than a football game to base our love and respect for each other on..we enjoy the fun that comes with winning and respect our family and friends from across the Isle.

    So WAR EAGLE! and good luck to the Tide because it is no fun and of no signifigance if one of the 2 teams are a doormat as Auburn was the last 2 and Bama was the 6 previous to that!

  8. bama boy on December 2nd, 2010 9:13 am

    Math Wizard Makes a good point Defending National Champions! Alabama Fans Know what if feels like to be National Champions and I hate to break to you Auburn people yall are not going to know what that feels like!

  9. Joey McCall on December 2nd, 2010 8:53 am

    It’s good that Cam will be able to continue playing. He deserves it. He has worked hard for his team and for his future. Taking that away from him would be a tragedy. It is a shame that he and many other great athletes, regardless of their school, get misled, misdirected and entangled in controversy by self serving agents, crooked alumni, and greety family members. Who knows whether or not he knew anything about what was going on. Doesn’t matter! To me college athetes are still kids and not mature enough to be making many adult decisions.
    I am a Auburn fan but far from being an Alabama hater. Anybody who thinks that last fridays game was a good game to watch is mistaken. The only thing good about it was that AU won (if you are a AU fan). You expect this rivalry to be a tennis match game. Not half and half blow outs. I want AU to go all the way and be #1 in the nation. I think a lot of AL fans also want that. Just like I wanted AL to win it last year. However, if AU plays South Carolina the way they did AL Friday for only one half, I think Spurier will have his team ready to take full advantage of it. They aboslutely have to play four full quarters of good football if they expect to win and be in contension for the #1 spot in the nation.

  10. me on December 2nd, 2010 8:25 am


    The investigation is not over!!!

  11. master of the Harvest on December 2nd, 2010 7:36 am

    I love you Math Wizard.

  12. Math Wizard on December 2nd, 2010 7:14 am

    Math Lesson for the day:
    28 > 27

    Foozeball games are 4 Quarters.

    24 – 0 = Opportunity for BIGGEST comeback in IB history!

    24 – 7 Halftime Score = NULL (Note: Final Score is what counts)

    Fumble by former Heisman Winner = Hustle by Tiger Defender!

    Dropped pass for TD = Another Excuse! or “I hear that train a coming” either accepted as correct answer.

    Auburn’s future without Cam = History shows that when a Hiesman Winner returns his team LOSES 28 – 27 and is held to around 60 total yard in 2 IB Games……Then again Cam did contribute more that 30 yards and a fumble!

    Defending National Champions playing at home, giving up a 24 point lead being robbed = ladfoasiufasdldfhsaf sorry I can’t type for laughing!

  13. Really on December 2nd, 2010 7:12 am

    You failed to mention in the violations, that no one profited or was trying to sway someone to come to school there. They where getting free books. Oh my gosh.Also, the school, not the NCAA, turned themselves in. No coaches involved. No money for hirre or play. Yet it’s okay for a dad to sell his kid to the highest bidder and CLAIM his son knew nothing about it.

  14. master of the Harvest on December 2nd, 2010 7:07 am

    “Lets see how you do next year without cam.”

    This is the most STUPID statement I hear from the b’necks…

    You act like Auburn is the ONLY school to ever have a truly dominant player in the most skilled position on the field. “What if” Florida did not have Tebow? Or Bama did not have Ingram last year…or if any school did not have their Heisman quality player. of COURSE not having this player on the field would hurt you.

    Go check the tires on your Dale Earnhardt (moment of silence sniff sniff) memorial Monte Carlo while you put life on hold until next football season.

  15. master of the Harvest on December 2nd, 2010 6:56 am

    here you go: from June 11, 2009. Seems like you would know a little more about what’s happening at “your” school.

    TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — The NCAA placed Alabama’s football program and 15 other of the school’s athletic teams on three years’ probation for major violations due to misuse of free textbooks.

  16. Citizen on December 2nd, 2010 4:54 am

    Great job NCAA….they really exposed a great big loophole in the rules here….its okay for your parents to ask for money….as long as your kid says he didn’t know about it.

  17. Bama fan on December 1st, 2010 10:12 pm

    Down kitty ..don’t get your fur all matted up…ROLL TIDE!

  18. just a thought on December 1st, 2010 10:10 pm

    I am not really sure what is worse.. loosing the game or trying to defending the win….

  19. Northview fan on December 1st, 2010 10:00 pm

    Hey war eagle. Name the 16 teams. And so what if Bama does. I guess Auburn has never done ANYTHING wrong. I couldn’t agree with you more, Alabama choked and lost the game, Period…. They get rid of the mistakes, they win. Thats football. Lets see how you do next year without cam.

  20. AUBIE PRIDE!! on December 1st, 2010 9:55 pm

    To:BRITTANIE POSTON-umm no Auburn will beat down Oregon!!!!thank you very much!!!!!WARRR CAM EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    To:MathWizard-i love that!!that was pretty amazing!!!!!!!!!:)
    WARRRRR EAGLE,HEY!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. war eagle...who actually attended said school on December 1st, 2010 8:48 pm

    Hey bamrnecks…it’s not like he was playing by different rules of THE actual GAME…he was not taking steroids, or wearing magic shoes, or had wings on his back. Get over it…you lost THE GAME fair and square. Sad that your only hope for joy in your life would be the fact that Auburn gets punished somehow. Still would not change the fact that Bamr choked and LOST THE GAME and Auburn gutted it out, came back and Won the game…you know, the one played on the field.

    And quit acting so innocent…bama has 16 count em 16 athletic teams on probation as I type.

  22. downanout on December 1st, 2010 7:00 pm


  23. Bama fan on December 1st, 2010 6:38 pm

    @ Math Wizard : I’m not missing but Cam it I think we WERE robbed!!!

  24. Really on December 1st, 2010 6:15 pm

    I might believe that Auburn knew nothing about this. But, Cam knew nothing about it, well that one is a little hard for me to believe.

  25. BRITTANIE POSTON on December 1st, 2010 5:51 pm

    wow! serious? War eagle? really what a bunch of loserss! lol Oregon For Sure will beat Auburn!! just sayinn! GO DUCKS!!

  26. me on December 1st, 2010 4:53 pm

    WAR EAGLE 12 down 2 to go oh yeah wal mart has all alabama stuff on sale for 28 to 27 percent off

  27. samantha on December 1st, 2010 4:30 pm

    hehehehe ,,,thats funny

  28. me on December 1st, 2010 3:54 pm

    WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!

  29. Aubie on December 1st, 2010 2:54 pm

    Math Wizard….
    That is awesome! I have already located several, however, the only thing that I keep hearing is that they won the first half. So I would also recommend that no one should mention that the second half was what counted. War Eagle!!

  30. wondering on December 1st, 2010 2:39 pm

    Math Wizard: if awards were given for the best post of 2010, you would win hands down. Great post. War Eagle!!!!!!

  31. Math Wizard on December 1st, 2010 2:19 pm

    In other News the Alabama Legislature has passed a bill related to recent events in the state structured after the National “Amber Alert” Bill. The Alabama version is named the “Big AL Alert”. Officials have issued a “Big AL Alert” as of 12 noon CST today in search of missing UA football fans. The individuals were last seen Friday afternoon 26 November at around 5:30 PM CST. They were dressed in Hounds Tooth and Crimson and White with a Shell Shocked look on their faces. Officials who follow the game reccomend that if a missing UA fan is located that no one should mention that the game did not end with a 24 point…..more on this story as it develops.

  32. kelly on December 1st, 2010 1:54 pm

    Waaaarrrrrrr EEEaaaaaggle!!!!!!!!!