Atmore Quarterback, Two Others Facing Felony Charges

December 29, 2010

Three people — including the quarterback for the Escambia County High School Blue Devils — have been arrested and charged with two felony counts each of shooting into an occupied building and one count of reckless endangerment.

ECHS quarterback Rico Cordall Stallworth, 18; Deauntae Kaevon Woods, 19, of Defuniak Springs and an unnamed minor were all charged following the December 22 incident on Laurel Street in Atmore.

The three were allegedly involved in an incident in which a BB gun was fired into a Laurel Street shed occupied by a man. The three reportedly continued to fire at the man as he gave chase.

The suspects were located by Atmore Police on Pine Street where they were arrested. The trio had reportedly also fired the BB gun into a Pine Street residence.

According to Atmore Police, Stallworth, Woods and the juvenile are also suspects in additional incidents in which BB guns were fired into vehicles in the area. They have not yet been charged in the additional shootings.


23 Responses to “Atmore Quarterback, Two Others Facing Felony Charges”

  1. stacy on January 6th, 2011 9:16 am

    yall have so much bad to say about Atmore… it isn’t Atmore’s fault what people do they choose to make these decisions Atmore doesn’t make it for them… Maybe if yall stop shuttin down parties and things for teens then you wouldn’t have to worry about them doing foolish things and calling it fun

  2. Sweetie on January 3rd, 2011 2:51 pm

    I have read several articles today about these kids with guns. It seems to me that television may have a lot to do with the perception of these children on guns and violence. TV programs are for entertainment, but kids really think things work this way, just like my own son believes that wrestling is real. The boys that my son is friends with have an air soft war game about once a month. This is a game and still, they are taught about gun safety and are made to wear safety gear, such as glasses, gloves, and an extra shirt. This game is similar to paint ball war games. So, my point is that if the kids want to play cops and robbers, or war, or whatever, which every kid in nearly every generation has played, then supervise it and let them gain experience. And teach them that the real world doesn’t work this way. Another article I read was about a fourteen year old who stole two cars and disabled one deputy and tried to do it to another. Is it just me, or doesn’t this sound sort of like a Lethal Weapon movie? Teenage years are where our kids have their imaginary audiences…this is why they believe they are not attractive, have a pimple the size of Texas, there feet or nose or ears are too big, and so on. It is all because of the way they percieve themselves and things around them. I don’t know, it just seems to me that there are so many things that affect our teens and how they think. It’s difficult to put the blame on any one thing.

  3. David Huie Green on January 3rd, 2011 7:11 am

    or any other reckless person

  4. Jimmy on January 1st, 2011 7:17 pm

    we still love this kids football skills. but NO ONE ever loves being endangered by a reckless teenager.

  5. Hmmm.... on December 30th, 2010 8:16 pm

    Can we say STUPID!!!!! These boys know the difference between right and wrong.

  6. randy on December 30th, 2010 5:29 pm

    Just a few weeks ago during Football season Everyone LOVED this KID ……..Now look…Hes a KID …He needs direction in his life….NOt to be thrown away…..He should be punished but not to the extent that his life is ruined by this situation…People live and learn from these things…

  7. Serious on December 30th, 2010 1:29 pm

    On main street a son-in-law decided to bring a gun to his mother-in law home.Hmmm , are these the same people you were referring to on Main street each day? Seriously, it does not matter where crime happens at or when it happens or who does it.Prayer can change thing no matter what state you reside in.Pray for these people and let hope they get better.

  8. gott2sayit on December 30th, 2010 12:26 pm

    These pictures ought to make the yearbook dont you think…..senior portraits
    have been taken…for free,,,,well almost…stupid is a nice word for these boys

  9. AC on December 30th, 2010 11:43 am

    It is not always a result of poor parenting that produces criminal behavior. There are those who are raised right but choose to commit crimes and to rebel against their parents. Maybe they are influenced by peer pressure, thrillseeking, or just plain stupidity, but the parents are not ALWAYS to blame. I have done things, particularly in my youth, that I knew was wrong, had been warned against by my parents, but out of stupidity did it anyway. I think we all have. I reeped the punishment of it and am a better person now because of it. I do not personally know these young men or their parents, so they could be the result of poor parenting for all I know, I’m just saying it is not always the case. Perhaps we should reserve judgement on the parents. But, even if the parents failed to teach these kids right from wrong, at 18 and 19 years old, they should know it is wrong to shoot at people with a BB gun or any other weapon and to randomly shoot at vehicles.

  10. Me on December 30th, 2010 10:10 am

    Unless a normal eighteen year has lived secluded in a cave all of those years, he or she knows the difference between right and wrong by that age–poor parenting or not.

  11. Atmore Mom on December 29th, 2010 11:42 pm

    You are so right Bob! We live very close to where all this happened. I have called the police on several occasions because of characters like these walking the streets after midnight. I am not sure what they do if anything about my calls, I just know that it is consistently happening. There is no reason for anyone to be walking the streets at that hour…. I hope they don’t just get a slap on the wrist for this. My children could have been near one of those windows. For a young man to give up a way out (he had a scholarship to USA for those of you that didn’t know) is just sad. Poor parenting if you ask me.

  12. Bob on December 29th, 2010 9:46 pm

    Wake up Atmore. Anytime you drive down Main Street you can see these kind of people walking the streets. No purpose in life and no place to go. Just walking, holding up their pants with one hand and looking like a total retarded piece of humanity. All the people that are financially able have already started moving out, it was a good move for me and a lot more will follow. Atmore is truly dying a slow death.

  13. Jim W on December 29th, 2010 4:42 pm

    I have to agree with the person who said “you can’t fix stupid” Stupidity by definition is one who knows better and does it anyway”. These kids knew better it kind of goes back to what the parents use to say “what is cute when they are little will not be cute when they are older”. I hope the judge does not just smack them on the hands and let them go. They need be taught a lesson and that is: do not endanger other people what so ever. Where oh where have all the morals and standards gone too?? Once again it is a reflection of our enviroments if you don’t teach children correctly this is what happens and we the people pay the price. And even when you do teach them they sometimes they still stray due to peer pressure. Just my 6 bits.

  14. jimmy on December 29th, 2010 2:08 pm

    CW – “becoming a ghetto”

    the city of Atmore was becoming a ghetto 20 years ago.
    In recent years it has reached full Ghetto status and is quickly aproaching the highest level of Ghetto called “Detroit” Status”
    So much for the small town to be so proud of. this is not a knock on law enforcement as they do all they can, it is a reflection on the rif raf hoodlums that stay there.

  15. C W on December 29th, 2010 12:54 pm

    It’s no wonder people are moving out of Atmore, it’s not even safe to stand in your own shed anymore. This town is quickly becoming a ghetto.

  16. David Huie Green on December 29th, 2010 11:49 am

    ” why was the Walton County 19 year old in Atmore?”

    One would imagine visiting relatives and/or friends.

    David for most likely answers

  17. Cynical on December 29th, 2010 10:56 am

    The teenage brain is capable of awesome stupidity. Add a few hard tackles and you now have one addled human. I bet his coach is bucket kicking angry.

  18. Ummmm on December 29th, 2010 10:21 am

    Well now,I have heard it said that you just can’t fix stupid!!!! I wonder if that applies to this situation????

  19. rukiddingme on December 29th, 2010 9:32 am

    It amazes me what young people think they can get away with. If it is a BB gun now, what will it be later? Guess Stallworth thought he could do what he wanted, as did the others. You aint all that Stallworth, on or off the field.

  20. Paul on December 29th, 2010 8:00 am

    They might be teens but they are also adults. 18+.

  21. T on December 29th, 2010 6:53 am

    well, another smart one :) they just keep getting smarter and smarter…………….now does this interfere with his football?

  22. Oversight on December 29th, 2010 6:26 am

    18 and 19 years old – sounds like these two will be heading to adult court. By the way, why was the Walton County 19 year old in Atmore?

  23. Just My 2 Cents on December 29th, 2010 2:15 am

    WTG Atmore Police.

    There are a lot more teenage criminals in Atmore that need acatchin too! Good work!

    The longer teenagers are allowed to get away with what some may call mischief (you wouldn’t if you were on the recieving end of it), and given only a slap on the wrist, the worse criminals they may turn out to be.

    Escambia County Alabama judges are way, way to lenient on these underage hoodlums.