Suspect Named In Escambia’s Latest Murder

December 15, 2010

A suspect has been named in Escambia County’s most recent homicide.

An arrest warrant for Cameron Tyler Cherry (pictured), 18, of Pensacola, has been issued in connection with the death of  Robert Witherspoon, 24, of Pensacola.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a shots fired call at the intersection of Mary Lane and Paula Avenue around 4:42 pm Wednesday, after area residents called 911 and reported hearing gunfire. When deputies arrived they found Witherspoon, who had suffered a gunshot wound, sitting in a 2005 Chevrolet Aveo. Medics pronounced the man dead at the scene.

“Investigators were able name Cherry a suspect after speaking with very cooperative witnesses. In past cases it has been difficult to obtain such cooperation. This is what it’s going to take, the community and the Sheriff’s Office working together, to rid our streets of this unnecessary violence,” said Deputy Chris Welborn, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office.

Although investigators have a warrant for Cherry, the investigation into Witherspoon’s death is ongoing, Welborn said. The Sheriff’s Office is not releasing any other information concerning the case.


28 Responses to “Suspect Named In Escambia’s Latest Murder”

  1. danielle on June 28th, 2013 10:40 pm

    I was one of the jurors the first time he was tried and the jury was Hung because 2 people said he was guilty everyone else said it was not enough to convict him soo its crazy they found him guilty. I do believe he was innocent because i saw all the evidence and heard everything because once again I was on the Jury and i think a terrible mistake had been made. I know we were a hung jury because the individuals came with stories in their heads already made up

  2. harley1 on December 19th, 2010 9:05 am

    ok, UPON CONVICTION, there is no reason the pictured offender could not be taking a dirt nap within 2 weeks of conviction

  3. OMRBKH on December 16th, 2010 11:34 pm

    “Investigators were able name Cherry a suspect after speaking with very cooperative witnesses. In past cases it has been difficult to obtain such cooperation. This is what it’s going to take, the community and the Sheriff’s Office working together, to rid our streets of this unnecessary violence,” said Deputy Chris Welborn, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office.”

    Very well stated, Deputy Welborn!
    Giving truthful information to Law Enforcement is not being a snitch. It’s being a good citizen and showing you care about your community. It’s saying “we’re fed up with you punks/thugs and we’re not gonna take it any more!”

  4. bama boy on December 16th, 2010 1:35 pm

    Ok serioulsy…I know that Pensacola did not say something about casting stones……This man committed murder………..I think that is one of the ten commandments by the way I have not committed murder.. People are sick and tired of and if they come on my property they will meet God sooner than they expected!!

  5. pensacola on December 16th, 2010 12:10 pm

    You all who are quick to throw stones watch it you need to pray. He without sin cast the first stone! THE END!!!

  6. Just My 2 Cents on December 16th, 2010 2:11 am

    Things won’t change til parents take responsibility for their off-spring and teach them right instead of letting the TV teach them fight.

    Parents don’t take their kids to Sunday School anymore – families don’t attend prayer meetings anymore – families don’t even sit down and have supper together anymore. When I was a kid we had at least 2 revials in our church a year – and everyone came – not just our church members – different denominations came – standing room only.

    Us kids had to be at church every time the doors opened – our parents went and made us go with them. We were not allowed to date anyone unless they came to at least one meeting a week with us.

  7. downanout on December 15th, 2010 8:04 pm

    Shame on you for looking at someone and painting a picture. I guess you only seen “thugs” on t.v., when you finally see a real one [any color] you will be able to recognize that the guy in pic. is only a punk.
    @ Jerry I saw where he didn’t have anything but traffic in Escambia County too but that is definitely a booking photo. Maybe we will find out more about this gun toting thug.

    @Northend, I didn’t say he was guilty I said he looks like a thug, which he does

  8. Ifish4 on December 15th, 2010 6:03 pm

    If found guilty, at only 18, the death penalty would be the only appropriate sentence.

  9. Don on December 15th, 2010 4:43 pm

    Bet he is a hero I mean zero in the hood………….

  10. BARRY on December 15th, 2010 4:15 pm

    I hope his homeboys are hiding him out. The sheriff will kick booty……….

  11. psu1earl on December 15th, 2010 3:44 pm

    @Jerry, he’s 18, I’m sure his juvenile history is not available on the county website if he has one.

  12. OldMarine on December 15th, 2010 12:42 pm

    There has never been a repeat offender who received lethal injection

  13. sambo on December 15th, 2010 12:35 pm

    Im with Jerry.My motto “I carry a gun because cops are too heavy”. Not saying the other person would have had a chance to defend themselves but I like options.

  14. barry on December 15th, 2010 12:26 pm

    I moved to pensacola in 1989 was a good place.I moved to south charlotte n.c. in 2010 .Just got sick and tired of the crime and all the hoodlums. I kept believing it was going to improve but it continued to get worse.

  15. VISITOR on December 15th, 2010 11:40 am

    @ Jerry I saw where he didn’t have anything but traffic in Escambia County too but that is definitely a booking photo. Maybe we will find out more about this gun toting thug.

    @Northend, I didn’t say he was guilty I said he looks like a thug, which he does.

  16. droopy eye lids... on December 15th, 2010 11:28 am

    Hi Oversight…regarding your comment: “Pensacola = Thugville!”…do you not read all the stories on this page about all the arrests of Molino’s finest citizens? Just scroll down the page. You’re not in Mayberry just because you live north of Muscogee Road.

  17. droopy eye lids... on December 15th, 2010 11:27 am

    Hi Oversight…regarding your comment: “Pensacola = Thugville!”…do you not read all the stories on this page about all the arrests of Molino’s finest citizens? You’re not in Mayberry just because you’re north of Muscogee Road.

  18. Jerry on December 15th, 2010 11:17 am

    @ Visitor, According to Escambia County Court Records he does not have an extensive criminal history. Up until now all he has against him are some traffic violations.
    But I agree, he certainly looks like a thug.

  19. Northend Alumni on December 15th, 2010 11:15 am

    What ever happened to innocent until PROVEN guilty. Everyone who is arrested in NOT guilty. Let’s let the courts judge whether or not he is a “Thug”.

  20. VISITOR on December 15th, 2010 11:08 am

    I see this is another one of Pensacola’s finest THUGS!!! He is only 18 and look at the look on his face in his last booking photo. Yup it says I’m a THUG and proud of it.

  21. Jerry on December 15th, 2010 10:58 am

    That is the very reason that I have a concealed weapons permit and I never ever leave home without my weapon. Some may disagree, but at least if someone pulls a weapon on me, I at least will have a fighting chance and I may go down, but at least I go down fighting.

  22. CONCERNED on December 15th, 2010 10:29 am

    This is horrible. You can’t even walk out of your home without worrying if you will get killed or not. This world is gone downhill. The government needs to be harder on people that commit crimes then maybe it would be a little better. Makes you not want to go to Pensacola. you are seeing so many murders. People better get ready its the end of days. God bless this young mans family.

  23. Bama Boy on December 15th, 2010 9:40 am

    This killing will not stop….the governmnet has created a welfare state and this is what we are going to have until Jesus comes back. So Life you can pray it will stop and it will when Jesus comes back and rules with an iron rod………

  24. Life on December 15th, 2010 8:08 am

    Do ppl not care about there life and friends and family member anymore?! Everyday show one has been getting killed it must end somewhere.

  25. Life on December 15th, 2010 8:03 am

    I pray that all this killing comes to a end.

  26. t on December 15th, 2010 7:03 am

    I used to like Pensacola, now I dread having to go down there. It is only going to get worse because the value of life for some isn’t worth anything anymore

  27. Oversight on December 15th, 2010 6:02 am

    Pensacola = Thugville!

  28. Just My 2 Cents on December 15th, 2010 2:32 am

    So sad.