Another Escambia Homicide: Man Found Thrown From Vehicle

December 20, 2010

An injured man found along the side of Hollywood Avenue in the morning hours Sunday has died, and investigators have classified his death as a homicide.

Escambia County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to the 4300 block of Hollywood Avenue at around 3:25 am for an unknown problem. They arrived to find a badly injured man lying near the road. It is believed that he was thrown out of a vehicle, according to Chris Welborn, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators have identified the victim as Christopher James Holland, 22, of Pensacola. He was transported to Baptist Hospital where he later died.

According to witnesses, Holland was last seen in a red, four door Chevrolet truck with dark green or black paint on the passenger side. A white male was said to be driving and they were traveling south on Hollywood Avenue from Massachusetts Drive.

Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620 or Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


15 Responses to “Another Escambia Homicide: Man Found Thrown From Vehicle”

  1. David Huie Green on December 23rd, 2010 10:12 pm

    “but what about the generation that was raised with an iron rod,in church and still strays.”

    Please consider Ephesians 6:4 “And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”

    Please notice the words “nurture” and “admonition” . You can find the word “rod’ elsewhere, but I don’t think you will find “iron rod” used in conjunction with properly nurturing and admonishing children. I’ve known a few who seemed to think they just weren’t hitting their children hard enough when in fact they were provoking them to wrath. Spending time with children, sharing beliefs, values, hopes and fears may be more likely to produce what you actually want.

    David for good people

  2. NOT TRUE on December 22nd, 2010 5:57 am

    To Jim W I have got to say I almost agree with you 100%,but what about the generation that was raised with an iron rod,in church and still strays. God’s word says raise a child in the way he should go, IF he strays he will return to it (paraphrasing) so do we give up on em or what and I am in no way shape form or fashion trying to defend what this guy has do the crime you must do the time.

  3. citizen on December 21st, 2010 9:57 pm

    Jim W, I couldn’t agree with you more. If you ever plan to run for any office, I’m with you 100%. Those are words that were well spoken. Values start at the front door of your house and if you didn’t pick up any while growing up, I feel that you never really get the idea. Thanks for the refreshing comments.

  4. Jim W on December 21st, 2010 6:40 pm

    It is a sad state of affairs when people are thrown away like garbage on the side of the road to die. You can blame the law enforcement all you want but it really is our fault for letting our our generations raise themselves or not lead them in the manner they needed to be led. Most values and standards come from home one’s enviroment which includes Church, school and friends and so on. It does not take wizard to figure this out. Some how we have failed our society very badly.
    The thugs now days only have one thing in mind and that is for themselves. Have no value of human life. Just Sayin something has to change and it has to start with each one of us.

  5. citizen on December 21st, 2010 4:48 pm

    to Deb/molino Jim, we have had drugs in Escambia County for a lot longer than any of us have been living. Law Enforcement use to be proactive [ I'll explain that if needed ] but now with a administration that takes bogus complaints at the drop of a pin, they’re no longer going to be proactive. I do believe I have the experence to speak about this issue due to being here well over 20 years now. These complaints do nothing but give the media something to run you down with when you have to use lethal force on one of these nuts. No one or should I say most of us do not feel that if we get out there and do proactive work which helps with the violent crime, we would be supported by this Sheriff when the complaints start coming in. So, you come ride and see what we go through and then look at what we have leading us and you make you’re own decision.

  6. molino jim on December 21st, 2010 10:11 am

    DEB I’M WITH YOU 100%. When there is a murder or what ever and there are witnesses who are all at once BLIND. Law enforcement can not be every where all of the time. When you the public see something call it in. There was a case within the last year of a child being abused and after the child died several people said they had seen the mistreatment but did nothing. Then in the same breath ask why the S.O. or the state didn’t do something.

  7. Deb on December 21st, 2010 7:16 am

    ~ to Citizen ~ I am confused what the Sheriff has to do with the rate of crime in the area ~ is he some super being that is supposed to control other peoples’ actions ~ are his deputies supposed to be standing on each and every street corner and stand watch? Think about this, we have been spoiled for the past, 7-10 years +-, unemployment benefits, oh, I don’t need to look for a job, I’m get all these benies from the govt..oh, I need more income, hey have another baby; there ya go, little more money…so many of America thinks someone else OWES us or are entitled to everything…parents could care less, they teach their children NO values, have no conscientious, live off the govt therefore this is what they only know…oh and when they can’t have something they think they are entitled to, they will get it from YOU, either in your house, in a parking lot, wherever it may be, you need to be aware, the sheriff will not be holding your hand, get a license to carry and maybe with eyes wide open, you could ride with one of them and see exactly what they themself go thru day in and out, I can only imagine. So, why don’t you try to not put the blame game (as so many of American’s do) on something you may have no clue of what you are talking about, get involved and help take the streets back, if you dare.

  8. Tinia Hennington on December 21st, 2010 6:58 am

    His Mother Doreatha is my longtime friend. A GOOD person who does not deserve this.
    Doreatha, you are in my prayers girl. I love you!
    Know that we are thinking of you and your family
    May justice be served.

  9. Marcus Hennington on December 21st, 2010 5:20 am

    I don’t know what this unfortunate young man was doing out at this hour, but I do know his mother and his aunts. We all grew up together in Quinntette. They are a good family and thay need our prayers and compassion. Please don’t criticize.Hug your children. Thank God you will get to spend Christmas with them and ask God to comfort the parents who won’t get that chance.

  10. citizen on December 21st, 2010 3:35 am

    Things are not going to change until we get a Sheriff that knows what he’s doing. All the one in there right now cares about is how much time he can get in front of a camera and being able to tell some one every day that he talks to the new Governor. I don’t think this part of Florida was a big fan of his. Maybe Morgan can go to Tall’ to live so he can hang out with him more. The violent crimes have just about doubled since this joke has been in office. We need some one that respects our opinions and doesn’t just show up because of a camera crew being there.

  11. JohnMolino on December 20th, 2010 11:40 pm

    Wow. What is causing this? Unemployment?

  12. molino jim on December 20th, 2010 8:38 pm


  13. AL on December 20th, 2010 7:32 pm

    educator… I believe it is 8 in 45 days

  14. educator on December 20th, 2010 2:11 pm

    How many homicides does this make in the past 3 months? Just seems that every couple of days we hear about another one.

  15. Oh OK on December 20th, 2010 12:42 pm

    Even Adults should learn that nothing good goes on after midnight!