15-Year Old Gets 20 Years For Fight With Deputies

December 31, 2010

Tracy Edward Squaire Jr. has been sentenced 20 years in state prison for an incident where he fought with deputies and grabbed a service revolver. He was just 14 years old at the time of the incident.

squairetraceye.jpgThe conviction stemmed from an April 20, 2010, incident in which Squaire, now 15, snuck out of his house at night and loaded a car with his belongings. He then stole the car and  wrecked it less than a mile from his home. He then walked back home and stole a second vehicle from his parent’s home.

While Squaire was transferring his belongings from the first car to the second he was approached by Deputy Brandon Minor. As Deputy Minor attempted to investigate the stolen vehicles, Squaire resisted and a struggle ensued between Squaire and the deputy. The struggle ended with Squaire wrestling away Minor’s firearm and turning it on him. Squaire held Minor at bay with his own firearm while he fled in one the of the stolen vehicles.

As Squaire was pursued by law enforcement he proceeded to wreck the second stolen vehicle. When Deputy Kelly Hall approached the wrecked vehicle Squaire leaned out the window and pointed the firearm at Deputy Hall. Deputy Hall fired a round into the vehicle. At that time Squaire exited the vehicle under the guise of surrendering. After exiting the vehicle Squaire lunged for Deputy Hall’s weapon. After a brief struggle Deputy Hall was able to get Squaire in custody.


35 Responses to “15-Year Old Gets 20 Years For Fight With Deputies”

  1. David Huie Green on January 3rd, 2011 7:16 am

    “If we would take care of our kids and teach them values they would rarely get into the system!”

    We can only teach what we know. Check Senior’s record to see what he knows.

    David for good things

  2. billy on January 3rd, 2011 1:00 am

    twenty years isnt long enough………he will be a murderer soon

  3. Charles Green on January 3rd, 2011 12:17 am

    I feel for the guy, I do, but we have got to stop blaming the system! ITs not the system. If we would take care of our kids and teach them values they would rarely get into the system! This guy is bad news, its good he is going away for 20 years! I would guess his parents want him gone too, he did steel their cars… We are having a growing problem in the south end of the county… The cops come round them up for drugs and violent acts, and the thugs are back on the street before the cops get off their shift! This is a society failure, not a law enforcement or system failure! We need more activites that can keep these kids acting like Kids until they are able to make decisions for themselves as some of you have pointed out!

  4. OMG on January 2nd, 2011 11:43 pm

    AT 15 ??? THIS IS CRAZY !!!!!!!!!

  5. Chris on January 2nd, 2011 8:21 pm

    Stealing two cars is a really, really bad choice.
    Following up that choice with gun violence, against law enforcement officers, an even worse choice.

    Before stealing cars – he should have considered learning how to drive them without crashing.

    If he just wanted to ‘run away’ from home – a backpack would have been more than enough.

    Well, now he’ll be out of that home, and have a new home for 20 years – with no job, no bills, no worries – everything paid for by You and Me.

    He is lucky to be alive – in most places pointing a weapon at someone is an automatic death.

    Oh, and any 1st grader would tell him ‘pointing a gun at police is bad’ & ’stealing is bad’ – so it’s not really a question of ‘could he make moral decisions’.

    I am sure he wouldn’t want people pointing guns at him, and he wouldn’t want some random stranger to just steal all his stuff – but that is exactly the situation he created.

    For everyone who says ‘20 years!’ – they should consider that if he shot the officers, they would have been dead – and stayed dead – for the rest of their lives.
    Think about it.

  6. David Huie Green on January 2nd, 2011 9:33 am

    “if i were his judge, i would definately want to consider these scientific studies when im deciding his punishment”

    and we have no reason to assume the judge did not do so when reaching his decision

  7. js on January 2nd, 2011 7:21 am

    when he goes to jail the big boys in thair thay will take care of him
    he want be that tuff he thought he was mr bad a/// i dont feel sorry for him
    one day the table will turn he might be looking down a barol he is a dont care kid
    and for the officer you kelp your cool well dune

  8. retiredsrso on January 1st, 2011 10:53 pm

    I’m just saying, maybe some of the folks concerned with the “age” and ablity of this “child” to make “moral decisions” should get out of thier safe enviroments and deal first hand with a “child” who made a decision to try to elude law enforcement and then not once but twice attepted to disarm a deputy and held one at gun point. Maybe they should also realize the ‘chiid” was taken into custody, not shot down by deputies who had every reason to belive he had and would try to harm one of them. There have been several incidents in 2010 when ECSO deputies could have used deadly force to terminate an event, yet they should extrahuman restraint. They did the right thing, now it is time for the judical system and society to step up and do the right thing. IF YOU CAN NOT DO THE TIME< DO NOT DO THE CRIME.

  9. Jim W on January 1st, 2011 4:27 pm

    Brain developement and maturety are two different things. Just saying.

  10. got 2 say it on January 1st, 2011 4:26 pm

    got a car…..got a gun….going out to have some fun
    he got caught and gave em hell…now his butt is going to jail

  11. happy on January 1st, 2011 3:56 pm

    I have read all the comments about the studies and the young mans mental state. I have talked to a couple of people that were involved with this case. This kid is a prime example of our juvenile system failing to properly punish juvenile offenders. This kid had been in trouble several times and the juvenile courts failed. So now this kid knowingly fights the cops when he know was wrong and the adult courts took care of it. Happy new year

  12. JUDY MASEK on January 1st, 2011 11:20 am

    there are many scientific studies on adolescent brain development that you can easily google ….personally, i wouldnt “justify” this kids actions, based on his 14 yr old brain developement…but, if i were his judge, i would definately want to consider these scientific studies when im deciding his punishment.

  13. Someone on January 1st, 2011 10:07 am

    Oh my goodness, are you kidding me? For anyone to attempt to justify what this child did due to brain development is absolutely ridiculous! You learn (or should learn) not to take things that aren’t yours when you’re about 2 years old, and, at 14, you should very well know what’s right and wrong. I guarantee that boy knew what he was doing was wrong, and ILLEGAL! So are you saying that because he’s 14, he shouldn’t be held to the full extent of that law? What does that teach him, and other teenagers?

    I say, make an example out of him and show other teens that there ARE strict consequences for breaking the law and putting others LIVES IN DANGER!!

  14. Thinker on January 1st, 2011 9:41 am

    Well there’s sure a lot of confusion and disagreement on this age issue here. Hogwash needs to catch up on the science of brain development. According to him a newborn can make moral decisions. I’d hate to be his child with that kind of thinking.

    In the end, the boy may get lucky and be able to adjust to the “structured environment” that prison ideally provides. He can continue to demonstrate his unwillingness to “pull the trigger”, proving that he is capable of compassion and not a cold blooded killer that some make him out to be – devoid of evidence. Many kids with good hearts get abused and act out in desperation. What we DON’T know about this child is key. Remember that by law he is too young to sign a contract, fight for his country, or live independent of his parents….despite his “brain being fully developed at birth”. I’ve paid my dues in this field and I’ve said what needs to be said here. Have an enlightening new year y’all.

  15. A. Davis on December 31st, 2010 11:18 pm

    I think that if 14-15 year olds are able to make desicions that will effect them for the rest of their lives then why not draft them to war and why do we have all these labor laws for them if they are old enough to work and act like a grown up we should treat them like ones.And when a 14 year old thinks a 40 year old is cool and is in “love” with them why not let the child make a relationship with them? I forgot all of that is diffrent because they are children and still need grownups to protect them. Why when a grown up does wrong to a child they get how much time? not much. this is very sad.

  16. Hogwash on December 31st, 2010 10:47 pm

    I remember what I thought when I first read this story. That was, “this one will kill someone before he’s 16″. I thought it was a sure bet that he’d be sent back home and maybe have to serve a couple nights in juvie. I am stunned but elated to hear he got 20 years.

    As for ‘thinker’ saying a 14 year old isn’t capable of making a moral decision? You say: ” It’s a matter of physical development of the brain I’m talking about.” Dear one, in case you don’t know, a human’s brain is fully developed at birth. Show me the MRI’s to prove a 14 year olds brain isn’t fully developed! That’s hogwash!

    A 14 year old that’s capable of doing what this one did is as dangerous as a rabid dog and the only way to protect the rest of society from him is to do exactly what this judge did – put him where he can’t hurt anybody.

  17. David Huie Green on December 31st, 2010 7:14 pm

    ” don’t think that a 14 year old can make a moral decision. Anyone in neuroscience…any knowledgeable psychologist, or for that matter, any experienced parent can tell you REAL moral decision making doesn’t develop in our brains until we’re in our twenties. Before that it’s rote…it’s parroting”

    Based on court records and similar names, parroting is quite possible here. Regardless, this gives him plenty of time to develop a moral decision making capability and protects those he might kill in the mean time.

    Ain’t that a blessin’?

    It will also give the neuroscientists time to lobby the legislatures of the country to do away with sentences which protect us from amoral gunslingers. After all, why protect the people?

    David considering safety
    and mumbo jumbo

  18. David Huie Green on December 31st, 2010 7:08 pm

    Frank L. Bell

  19. A. Davis on December 31st, 2010 7:06 pm

    I guess we could blame the judge for this but he did have a jury so that is also on them I know some people think judge Bell is to hard and yes I think so also sometimes but he does his job atleast he does sentence people that other judges let go. But really I wonder what he was thinking this time….. I remember being this boys age and I was just like this but age has sure calmed me down over the years along with meds and as I look at this I know the fear this officer had but at the same time no I wouldnt want a child with true mental problems to be sent to state prison for 20 years no that is not good because he will get out with more problems then what? Could our system not send this child to counsling and make it clear to him if he failed at geting help and dong right he would be gone maybe even let him speak to someone who has been where he is going and had to make a change. I guess they can only offer help to crackheads and drug addicts and spend all the tax dollers on them instead of a child. that is how it is. I could stand to live by this child anyday if the police and judges would do their jobs and get rid of these drug addicts instead of giving them chace after chance and Im not even going on about how much time people get for having sex with children or other wrongs. this is sad.

  20. JUDY MASEK on December 31st, 2010 7:05 pm

    thinker- your perspective has alot of merit- ALOT…quite a few important questions that you pose, as well.

  21. A. Davis on December 31st, 2010 6:46 pm

    what judge did he have?

  22. Thinker on December 31st, 2010 3:33 pm

    Don’t. Please don’t think that a 14 year old can make a moral decision. Anyone in neuroscience…any knowledgeable psychologist, or for that matter, any experienced parent can tell you REAL moral decision making doesn’t develop in our brains until we’re in our twenties. Before that it’s rote…it’s parroting…it’s peer pressure. It’s a matter of physical development of the brain I’m talking about. So how does the system get off throwing this kid in a man-made hell…for whose protection? It’s a school for scoundrels, no matter how well it’s run…and few are run well. If you’re a teen needing help…don’t run, don’t steal, don’t confront authority. Cry, tremble crawl if necessary to community counseling centers or mental health centers or social service people. Don’t make the mistake this boy made. and please, somebody educate this Judge !!

  23. Thinker on December 31st, 2010 3:21 pm

    Any priors? What about the parent or parents…or guardian? Who taught this kid how to react to authority? Probably by beating him almost to death. I’d really like an explanation from the courts on this one, but we may never get it. What we seem to have is an intelligent, if not well planning young teen who was running in fear from something. Note that he did NOT fire the weapon. Adrenalin causes us to do desperate things. If he had prior juvenile offenses, and had adequate counseling, home evaluation, etc. maybe a prison sentence is appropriate. But 20 years? Is this the best we can do as a society to remedy poor parenting or gang influence? I’ve worked in the system and I’ve met some “animals” before. Who was the Juvenile Officer on this case? What has Florida got to offer teen offenders? A story on the latter question might be REALLY appropriate, William…or someone who publishes!

  24. going to miss frank bell on December 31st, 2010 3:04 pm

    I know it sounds horrible that a 15 year old would go to prison for twenty years. However this kid will have a more structured environment in prison then he would have at home. Our law enforcement officers would be responsible for him and possibly have to deal with him in another violent episode. I wish this kid the best of luck in prison and hope the he can better his life with the resources that are available. Deputy minor and deputy hall should use this and better themselves in their career,but my hat is off to this officers and all others that dress in green.

  25. David Huie Green on December 31st, 2010 2:54 pm


    That’s one way of looking at it. Another is that he likely won’t kill anyone for twenty years this way. Every time you point a gun at someone, you risk someone getting killed. This reduces that risk on his part.

    This probably wasn’t one of his best decisions.

    David for giving him another chance in 20 years

  26. Jim W on December 31st, 2010 2:45 pm

    What a sad thing for all concerned except for the perp. He knowingly did what he did child or not. Now he will have twenty years to grow up in side bars. What is also sad is the way he will grow up. We will be hearing about this young man again because the enviroment he will be in. What a waste of life. What has happened to our youth?? Thank goodness there are a lot of good kids still out there. They are the ones we never hear about.

  27. Dan on December 31st, 2010 9:39 am

    Yes T,

    20 years for a violent, bloodthirsty teenager!
    Not enough but I hope he serves the entire 15.

    I’m sure you’d feel differently if it was YOUR LIFE
    on the line !!!!!

  28. Someone on December 31st, 2010 8:50 am

    T,are you serious? If someone was pointing a LOADED WEAPON at you, and you didn’t know whether this was going to be your last breath; would you care whether they were a teenager or not??? I don’t think so! That was an adult crime and he should be sentenced as such!

  29. CreamPuff on December 31st, 2010 8:43 am


  30. Anoghater on December 31st, 2010 8:43 am

    Our tax dollars will support this animal for 20 years? What would the sentence have been in China?

  31. Safebear on December 31st, 2010 8:22 am

    I guess he has now “run away from home” for 20 years. T, this young man was acting crazier than some adults. Do the Crime, Pay the Time. Would you have been questioning Life if he had killed either or both of these LEO’s?

  32. Just listening and good at it.! on December 31st, 2010 7:56 am

    So Young and So stupid!

  33. Neighbor on December 31st, 2010 7:22 am

    So what will we do with him in 20 years?
    He has no respect for anyone and it’s not going to get better in prison…..scary.

  34. nf on December 31st, 2010 7:18 am

    I know a lot of people are going to say “He needs Help!!!” However, kids today are doing the things they are due to the fact they know there will not be any true consequence for the actions. GOOD JOB once again to the judicial system.

  35. T on December 31st, 2010 5:42 am

    TWENTY YEARS?? For a 15 year old??