Sales Tax Funds Paving North Escambia Dirt Roads
November 15, 2010
Work is underway to pave two dirt roads in Walnut Hill, and engineering work is progressing to pave another dirt road in Molino.
Pelt and Seals Roads
The $310,457.25 project to pave Pelt and Seals road was awarded to Roads Inc. Of NWF. The next lowest bid was $388,178 from Panhandle Grading and Paving.
Pelt Road is about a mile in length between Highway 97 and Pine Forest Road in Walnut Hill. Seals Road is a dead end dirt road that runs about a half mile north off Pelt Road. The project includes paving the existing dirt road, removing and replacing existing culverts, driveway replacements and signage.
The project is being funded with Local Option Sales Tax funds.
Brickyard Road
Engineering is currently underway to pave a portion of Brickyard Road in Molino. Escambia County awarded the $65,903.27 project to Metric Engineering rather than use the county’s engineers due to reduced county staffing in the engineering department.
The Brickyward Road project is also being funded with Local Option Sales Tax funds.
Pictured top: Work is underway to pave Pelt Road in Walnut Hill. photo, click to enlarge.
33 Responses to “Sales Tax Funds Paving North Escambia Dirt Roads”
How interesting…I would love to know what critieria it takes for a dirtroad to be paved. I live on one and it is very nasty. I made a phone call because all of the dirt they haul in somehow looks like a river in my front and back yard when it rains. The nice gentlemen came out and are trying to fix our problem. So I have to commend them for that. I sure hope it works. Yes I did ask if they could pave it and I don’t know that it will happen but it would be great. I have to say whoever is posting that you should move or should not have moved on a dirt road is “special”. My land used to not even hold water until they started bringing in dirt so now I should sell my land because the county is trying to help out and fix the problems…..plz
dead end, no outlet, sans egress–all the same thing
but yep, a sad excuse for paving a road. I suspect they must have used and emulsion and when the water portion evaporated, little was left.
slag was the waste product of iron ore refining, not done much any more, so fewer slag roads. I think contractors are switching to limestone more lately since they can barge it in.
David for real roads
and durable material
Anyone can call the Road Department at 850-494-5860 and place a work request. It couldn’t hurt. you might at least get to talk to someone different.
To dnutjob….I stand corrected. You are probably right that when taxes, permits, etc. get too high people could move, at least the younger generations, but it would be very hard for a lot of the older people who probably couldn’t afford to move. I have heard several people saying that if they have to move it will be permanently out of FL & away from the high taxes, insurance, etc.
Well,I would like to get our two block
road done with some new slag.I would like to get the dead-end sign changed back to no-outlet.But,I will be able to mow the whole road next year.The grass grows
real good on the road.Wish it did that
in my yard.Thanks for the space to gripe
Pineville Rd, no its not a ridiculous statement, yes I have lived here all my life and I for one like my dirt road, life is way too short to get all bent out of shape over the things you can’t change. If i didnt like it I would move and yes I am considering it because all the taxes and permits here are way higher than border counties.
Horrific, WOW!
Have only lived up in this part of the county about 5 years.
But I have learned that if you want your dirt road paved forget Kevin White , call Leroy Wiggins he’s got more pull in getting your road paved . Leroy told me several years ago that Van Pelt Lane would be paved before any other roads up here got paved. Guess what he’s right. I don’t know why Leroy has the power in getting dirt roads paved. Maybe Mr. White could tell us.
A meeting was held 14 yrs. ago at the local church with county representatives assuring the people in the Pineville Rd. community that the county was going to pave the road, but now 14 yrs. later the roads are worse than ever. It’s mostly politics. Large land owners do not want the road paved & their pockets are quite a lot fuller than the citizens on Pineville Rd. And there is at least one individual land owner who would not sign the agreement to turn over a small smidgen of her land for road easement. The other argument is that there are not enough people on that road to justify spending the money, but that argument is actually quite ridiculous since some of the roads that have been and are now being paved don’t have & didn’t have years ago, as many families as there are on Pineville Rd. Most homes are down smaller roads off Pineville Rd.
And about the argument that you don’t have to live on these dirt roads….most of the people on the dirt roads were born & raised there & love there homes & just saying “move if you don’t like it”, is also a ridiculous statement…
Yea how about Occie Phillips Rd……It would be nice to beable to travel up and down to 97a without beating and sliding 90% of the time also the same goes for Pineville Rd we need a break to…..what happen to us on top of the list not enough registered voters…..
AND by the way…
IF the taxes get to big for you then you can do as you advise everyone else to
do and move.
I also know who you are….A county employee so you stick up for
the county, but for the rest of us….raise the taxes a little and clean up
our streets and stop the filth…..let this town grow and clean up as
it should.
It will bring progress. A dirty town will not!
I prefer a clean town and jobs, which will intern bring money for the
schools and everything else we need in this town like stores and
small businesses here owned by the ppl of this town can open
and will have a chance to thrive.
As to your statement that apparently you think think that if you buy on
a dirt road….then you get what you get….and in a town that is growing
you don’t have a right to think that a reasonable growing town would
take on the dirt roads.
This matter too many times becomes a matter of safety to the public,
to say nothing of inconvienience when you buy in the summer and
the roads are fine, then fall and the next spring rains comes and
wash the road away and you have never lived on a dirt road before.
STILL the county should recognize that these roads at some point will
need to be brought up to safety……
After all look how much they ticket ppl in the name of safety
Dnutjob I agree to a point but when you are faithfuly promised that your road is next on the list, just waiting for the permits, ect.ect.. Call it gullable but you to believe it. Also in our case when most of us moved here the traffic wasn’t even a 10th what it is now. As far as having a choice to move its not quiet as easy for some as it is for others.
Bama 54, City of pensacola? and by the way the people of the city of pensacola get screwed twice they pay city and county taxes. I guess then if you were like the govenor you would take the ROW, most of the roads that are not paved in this county is because they cant get the ROW to pave them.. I am not sure why you addressed me with your post??? Nothing you said related to my statement. Did the county promise you a timeline for resurfacing, I think not , but what you have is better than what it was and will be eventually repaved. It takes more than triple the money to pave a dirt road than it does to resurface one. An easement is not a ROW. I live on a dirt road, it was dirt when I moved there so that was my choice as it was anybody elses who lives on a dirt road, there is that choice to move? I have seen some fine huge houses on dirt roads and the people gripe about the road, why didnt they build on a paved road to begin with or move on one. Sunshine Hill Rd yes is a cut through road if it bothers people so, don”t take it. Choices, choices, they are ours to make. More paving means they want more tax money from me, I am ok and I will keep my dirt road.
dnutjob thanks for the reminder it was early when i posted the first time but yes when it rains it washes the latest layer of red clay staight off into the river swamp.If it were a property owner or private bussiness that was responsible for this the fine would be so high their great grandkids couldn’t pay it off. Yes I live on Rockybranch and no I don’t use the shooting range.
What about the re-surfacing of Highway 99. About 8 years back they widened it a little on both sides, now the entire road needs resurfacing. To me, paved roads in Florida are barely wide enough for two vehicles to pass without colliding. I wish that all rural paved roads in Northwest Florida were brought up to a higher standard, by widening them and painting lines on them. Traveling on un-marked paved roads at night, especially when raining, is hazardous at best.
■dnutjob, on Stout Rd, they have the row I gave them the easement years ago when it was a dirt road. The county could do a better job of communicating when the project are scheduled and work to begin. It is ease start from the northend and work south, or from Cantonment and go north. Let the city of Pensacola take care of itself. If I where retired, I think I would run for district 5 job, I would be like one of the governors in Alabama years ago I promise to pave all the dirt roads and put money in my back pocket. The key is to pave the roads!!
speaking of roads, has there been any developments on the road grader that was found after it had been used to demolish roads?
The county is also not responsible for the water companies cut outs, the water company is suppose to fix it.
Sunshine Hill rd and Stout rd were paved using open grade cold mix which at the time was cheaper because Of DEP requirements, they are still classified dirt roads until they are resurfaced. Open grade cold mix has a shelf life of 5 to 7 years and the majority of the roads that are left that have not been resurfaced are well over 8 years old. If the county cannot get the needed ROW from the land owners it falls to the bottom of the list, but one of the worst polutants of Escambia River is Rocky Branch Rd. and they do at least have the ROW to at least pave and correct the drainage where the red clay is entering the water, so hey maybe we need to get water management to look into some state funding? (Oh by the way I don’t live on it or use the range.) Just saying
Judy Masek
Don’t blame the road ppl for the mess of garbage!!!!
4 cars of teens went down there in front of me the other evening and all four
cars threw out food bags and drink cups with straws right in front of me
and some of the drinks still had fluid and it hit me and ran all over my vehicle.
It was like they were all talking on the phone or something and decided to
do it all at the same time…….
The girl down the street and I were talking about it and she had stopped
when she saw me stop to pick up in front of my place and she told me
the garbage trucks were doing it too, and she had followed them down
the road and stuff was flying out everywhere.
O.C. Phillips Rd was one of the top 3 roads to be paved, on the list when they where trying to stop the sediment entering Perdido river! But we never got paved! We did get surveyed 3 times though, still no progress! If we could only get our “Political portion”* connected to 97a we would be very happy!
* “Political portion” –This would be the 1 mile stretch of pavement that Grady Albrittan had paved to get the voters to vote for him back in the day. That we have to travel 2 miles on dirt to get to!!!
I might add the ECUA big trucks are not helping with the road problems. Everytime they stop to pickup the trash cans they seem to slam on breaks and skid to a dead stop.
pineville rd in the longest and the one that is in the worst shape…paving it wold be nice!!…thanks for not helping us!dont guess it will ever be paved…least nit in my lifetime.
and how about Sunshine HIll Rd? it is used as a cut off to get from Molino Rd. to Highway 97..Including 18 the damage done from the 4 wheelers..which woke me up sunday morning!!
Pineville Road between Arthur Brown Road & Occie Phillips Road. Built by my grandfather & probably one of the oldest roads if not the oldest road in the county.
Hey, about some resurface work on Stout Rd. The junk you call slag is nothing but a glorified rock. As the newly elected governor say, it is time to get to work Commissioner White!! I’ll make a deal with you, you resurface Stout Rd, and I’ll work to get all 20 families to vote for you. If not then I’ll work to find someone who will. I know this is a shovel ready project, because I been using a shovel to digging the sand out around he culvert for the past several years. I do have to admit, I use the sand from the ditch for pot holes in the yard!! Now get to work!!
i dont know where else to make this comment, but…although im happy for the road improvements made on hwy97 (even if it did cause delays), i think that its pretty sad that the crews left so much “trash” behind…like fast food garbage, bags, paper products, etc. strewn from tom thumb up 3-4 miles along both sides of hwy97…..seems like it would have been much easier and responsible to have picked up after themselves…and, i dont buy the excuse that it just gives someone else a job to pick up after them (on my taxpayer dollar) or, “reduced county staffing”, as mentioned above.
How about HALL Rd they had it surveyed out and plans drawn up then they stopped working on it that’s a lot of money to throw away like that, the county needs to finish what they start !!!
Now if we could just get the county’s road department to do the routine the maintenance. Pine Barren in the “new” stretch of paved road between Breastworks and highway 4 is littered with pot holes only a few years after was paved. One of the water companies (Bratt/Davisville?) dug out a section in the 4500 block on N. Pine Barren over a month ago to repair a leak yet the hole is still in the pavement.
Not to sound like a hater but we’ve been waiting on our road to be paved for 15 years.To make things worse we have an 800 member shooting range at the end of it. thats a lot of traffic for an ole country dirt road. Everybody wonders why you buy 10 year old vehicles,the answer we can’t afford to tear up a brandnew one.
How about Occie Phillips Road!