Resurfacing To Begin On Chumuckla Highway
November 30, 2010
Santa Rosa County has begun construction of a 12.5 mile widening and resurfacing project on Chumuckla Highway, also known as County Road 197, between the Chumuckla crossroads and State Road 89 near Jay. No road closures are anticipated but some delays should be expected. The project is expected to be completed by mid-December unless there are significant weather delays.
Currently the road is being widened, followed by the placement of asphalt leveling courses with a motor grader to fill depressions and wheel ruts. For safety purposes, a temporary centerline stripe is painted as needed each day. Motorists may mistake one of the leveling courses as the final pavement surface, according to Santa Rosa County. However, the roadway leveling is an intermediate phase of the project and the final pavement surface will be placed by a paving machine, resulting in a much smoother surface.
The project cost is expected to be $2.7 million with 75 percent funded by the Florida Department of Transportation through a Small County Outreach Program grant. The county will be responsible for the remaining 25 percent, much of which will be met with in-kind services such as labor, equipment and materials for drainage and shoulder work performed by the Santa Rosa County Road and Bridge Department.