Prayer Vigil Held For Jay Native Injured By Suicide Bomber In Afghanistan

November 5, 2010

The Jay community gathered Thursday night to pray for a native son injured during a suicide bombing earlier this week in Afghanistan.

Miles Baker of Jay was severely injured by a suicide bomber Monday in Afghanistan. Shrapnel was removed from the left arm and stomach of the Army infantryman.  His wife, Brittany, was able to talk to him for the first time Thursday, just a few hours before the candlelight prayer vigil at the Jay City Park.

Thank you everyone for the prayers,” she said. “You have no idea what it means to me. Please continue to pray. They are not sending him home right now.”

Miles Baker joined the Army right after graduating from Jay High School. He and wife Brittany have one child, Zaiden, age two months. Miles Baker will celebrate his 20th birthday on November 17.


8 Responses to “Prayer Vigil Held For Jay Native Injured By Suicide Bomber In Afghanistan”

  1. Angel Collins on November 7th, 2010 8:09 pm

    OMG This is the first I have heard of this. I have been out of town for the last several months helping my parents. I pray Miles will be okay and I pray for his family. I know this is a very difficult time and our love and prayers are with Miles and family.

  2. Jane on November 6th, 2010 11:19 am

    I hope all goes well for him, God Bless him and all our soldiers over there!

  3. SFC Ewing on November 6th, 2010 12:47 am

    To the Baker family….It is a blessing for Miles to be in the condition he is now. I pray all continues to go well for your Soldier and that he makes a full recovery and comes home soon. From one army Soldier to another, Baker stay strong for yourself, your unit, and your, country. God, along with your family and fellow service members are here for you. God Bless Baker family.

  4. DJ Sheffield on November 5th, 2010 11:48 pm

    Miles finally got to talk to his wife yesterday and he is doing good. He told his wife that he didn’t want to come home just yet. Miles wants to come home with his unit. Continue to pray for him and the other two that are life support from the suicide bombing.

  5. i dunno on November 5th, 2010 2:58 pm

    Anyone know if he is tha miles that worked at munson?

  6. CDB on November 5th, 2010 9:35 am

    Ya’ll are in my prayers. God Bless our men and women for there time, and putting their lives on the line everyday!

  7. AL on November 5th, 2010 9:24 am

    Continued prayers for Miles’ healing, and for the comforting of his family while he is away from home. Thank you, Miles and family, for your service.

  8. timothy Gardner U.S. AIR FORCE on November 5th, 2010 2:12 am

    I hate to see another person injured in combat, bc no matter wat branch of service weather it be marines,army,air force or navy when we hear of a soldier that was hurt it hits home hard for some of us but I no the U.S. ARMED FORCES NEVER BACK DOWN FROM A FIGHT so soldier keep fighting and pull through and we’ll see u home soon. (We’ll all keep u in our prayers)