Meeting: New I-10 Exit Under Consideration For Beulah

November 2, 2010

A new exit on I-10 at Beulah Road is under consideration, and the public will have the opportunity to offer their input next Tuesday.

A public meeting to discuss the proposed interchange in the vicinity of the overpass where I-10 and Beulah Road intersect has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 9, from 5:30 until 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Beulah Baptist Church, 5805 Beulah Church Road.

The meeting is being held to allow local officials, affected property owners and the public an opportunity to express their views and comments concerning the proposed interchange in an informal environment. The meeting will be hosted by PBS&J, the engineering firm retained by the county for the feasibility study and project design.

For more information, contact Eugene Harris, Escambia County Project Manager, 595-3434, or Greg Allen, PBS&J Project Manager, at 478-9844.


7 Responses to “Meeting: New I-10 Exit Under Consideration For Beulah”

  1. Lela Powell on November 13th, 2010 6:04 am

    The exit is very much needed it would releive some of the congestion. Beulah is growing and need a place to
    shop the exit would help bring in new business. We
    have so many new subdivisions need the exit.

  2. concern fo Beulah on November 9th, 2010 7:07 pm

    I would have to say, NO to this interchange taking place. I live very close to were this is proposed to be done and it would not only make Beulah Road even Busier than it already is, but would bring ALOT more noise and big truck traffic as well. Its nice the way it is. Leave it alone. Its not going to kill anyone to drive 3 miles (6 minutes) to the 9 mile exit. Anywho…
    I have to vote NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

  3. Vikingwench on November 4th, 2010 2:22 pm

    Replying to anydaynow: PBS&J is hostng the public meeting on behalf of Escambia County. PBS&J is NOT a development firm- strictly engineering and environmental consulting, one of several with whom county has general engineering contracts. Also, PBS&J’s focus in the panhandle is on civil engineering- roads and facilities being developed by FDOT and local governments for the use of the public.

  4. interested reader on November 2nd, 2010 3:28 pm

    This exit is long overdue. This may cause growth but growth has to start somewhere. We moved to Beulah in 1970 and there were very few paved roads then so we were in the country. This is not Beulah today. People wanting a rural setting need to move further north as we did..

  5. Beulah on November 2nd, 2010 12:05 pm

    We are in favor of this happening as a Beulah resident. We need to be open to growing in order to see any economic development in this area of Escambia County. This exit would be a blessing to the area!

  6. Oversight on November 2nd, 2010 11:05 am

    If there is ever going to be a by-pass that runs around Cantonment and over to Pace/Milton north of I-10, this interchange will need to be built.

  7. anydaynow on November 2nd, 2010 9:23 am

    The corporation is holding the public meeting? Interesting.
    Think carefully about this because what would follow would be large development projects, four lane highways, and strip malls every 1000 feet, along with four way stops and dozens of red lights, and your community would look like 29 between Pensacola and Cantonment. And that fine if that’s what people want, but go sit and watch those communities for a bit.