Jay 0-9 After Loss To Baker

November 6, 2010

The final home game ever for 21-year Jay Head Coach Elijah Bell was the ninth loss of the season as the Royals fell to the Baker Gators 50-14.

The loss in the The War on Highway 4 put the Royals’ season record at 0-9, 0-8 in District 1-A.

The final game of the season next week will see the Royals on the road as they hope to pick up a win against Wewahitchka.


4 Responses to “Jay 0-9 After Loss To Baker”

  1. Proud Royal Mom on November 8th, 2010 9:33 am

    Alumni – Played for Bell as well as others:
    I cheered for Ms. Donna Bush and was also a student in her class. I have more respect for her then most teachers that have ever taught at Jay. She believed in working hard, setting goals and achieving them. She also practiced what she preached!!! She gave respect therefore she got respect in return from her cheerleaders and hard working students. She did not have to curse us or put her hands on us. She set rules and guidelines for every situation and then she had the punishment that was within school board policy! She also believed in positive encouragement. Other sport coaches like Coach Bell, have taken it outside the school board policies to punish students in a way that is against policies. I have viewed this type of behavior with my own eyes! So this is not hear say. I’m now a mother of a child that enjoys playing football at Jay and we are looking forward to a change for the better. We need more teachers like Ms. Donna Bush in the system today!

  2. Loyal Royal on November 7th, 2010 11:32 am

    “Coach Pettis” pushes her students in a respectable way. I believe there is a difference, as far as I know she treats all the students the same and doesn’t play favorites. Coach Bell has shown disrespect to students on and off the field. Coach McClure showed disrespect to some of his high school girls, but as the coach of his daughter’s Jr Pro team he showed plenty of respect. Coach McClure even got on the court and showed the players the way to play…but in the end parents got their way and he was removed…he’s still winning where ever he is. Coach Holley does things the way she thinks they should be done… Hopefully, the SRCSB will have had enough with the way things have been done at JHS and will hire somebody from another area to come in to take Coach Bell’s position. Then things will change.

  3. Bamcubz on November 6th, 2010 8:25 am

    “Coach Pettis” and the Royal Pride Band have done great so far this year in competitions and hope they continue to do so. I know several kids, including my own, that have gone on to college with band scholarships. The band is larger this year and looks to continue growing with about a dozen 6th graders ready to join in. Mrs. Pettis program works and the parents support her. Sorry the football team had a loosing season, weathers that’s the coach’s fault or not, it still reflects on him overall. He’s putting a lot of years, so maybe its time to get in some new blood and hope for a better season next year. Either way, I’m still a JHS Royal’s supporter.

  4. Alumni - Played for Bell as well as others on November 6th, 2010 3:38 am

    While I am not arguing one side of the fence or the other I will say that the criticism does not come weather you are winning or losing. Coaching and teaching in Jay is like being in politics. You have to watch what you say and who you say it to. It’s not only about being a teacher and a coach in small town America. There are far too many people that think that they should have a say so in many things and the fact is that they should not. There are many aspects of our culture that only occurs in Jay. If winning was the only factor of the equation then Terry McClure would still be at Jay. The truth is that the guy knew how to win. The parents hated him. The players that loved the game enough to push through loved him. In the end he made his players love the game even more. Maybe Jay should call him back. I don’t know if the girls’ basketball has had more than 1 or 2 winning seasons since he left. Go Becky!! Watch out if you make the wrong ones mad, you may be the next to go. Heck in Jay you can molest your students and get promoted to cheerleader coach, even if they don’t have a clue what a cheerleader is. In many places not only do you have to pay a fee to play sports but you also have to buy your own uniforms as well as do certain fund raisers. As far as I know in Jay if you want to play all you have to do is show up for practice. How fortunate are the kids and families. Maybe that is a lot of the problem…. the parents are still a bunch of spoiled rotten kids that want to spout off and have a fit if they do not get their way. Get over it people!!! School and sports are supposed to build character and teach life lessons. I personally think that the coaches or teachers that push you the hardest are the ones that get the most out of their students. I’m sure Miss Bush would agree. Without sacrifice and ambition then greatness can never be achieved. That is a great quote! Grow up parents, try growing a set, and telling your kids how it is. Then the faculty does not have to be the bad guys for pushing your child to strive for greatness when the time comes. The only other hope is to let them blow on someone’s flute for “Coach Pettis”.