Deputy Shootings Started With Suspect’s Demands For Ring

November 5, 2010

The home invasion incident that led to the shooting of three Escambia County deputies last Friday started when a Mississippi man forced his way into his former girlfriend’s home demanding a ring be returned.

Deputy Jeremy Cassady, 36, remains in intensive care at Sacred Heart Hospital in critical condition after being shot by Phillip Monier, 47. Monier remains in the Escambia County Jail on $2 million bond.

Cassady was shot by Monier at the Bayview Circle home of his ex-girlfriend Jackie Rosenbloom. Cassady was struck in the side. Deputy Sam Parker was hit in the chest, and Deputy Chad Brown was hit in the arm.

Rosenbloom has been upgraded to fair condition at Sacred Heart Hospital. She was shot several times, including in the legs and pelvis.

She called 911 while Monier forced his way into her home looking for the ring. He took Rosenbloom hostage and ignored orders to drop his weapon as deputies entered the home. Monier used Rosenbloom as a human shield, but he was struck by at least one round in the hand. He was eventually talked out of the home by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office SWAT team and hostage negotiators.

Monier’s trial will be held in Escambia County before Okaloosa County Judge John Brown; all of Escambia County’s judges were disqualified from the case due to their previous involvement with Cassady. He had worked court security for nine months before returning to patrol just four days before he was shot.

A blood drive will be held in honor of Cassady this Saturday from 11-2 in Walnut Hill during the annual Walnut Hill Volunteer Fire Department Catfish Fry. Cassady has received over 200 units of blood during the past week.


12 Responses to “Deputy Shootings Started With Suspect’s Demands For Ring”

  1. David Huie Green on November 9th, 2010 12:45 pm

    ” that THEY GAVE YOU”

    While the proper response to anyone pointing a gun at you is, “Yes, Sir!”, please consider the only reason to do that is to avoid being killed. Aside from that, please consider that a gift no longer belongs to the giver after it is given.
    Taking it back is stealing.
    Taking it back at gunpoint is armed robbery.
    Armed robbers are not nice people.
    Avoid them when possible.

    I think she had already done all she could do by herself.

    David for properly placed blame

  2. censored on November 6th, 2010 9:41 pm

    when someone comes in your house with a gun demanding that you give them back a ring that THEY GAVE YOU, the only thing you should say is HERE!

  3. Marie on November 6th, 2010 5:52 pm

    The ring is his excuse. He went there armed, he planned on hurting her. If she had given him back the ring instantly, he would have found another excuse. It is most dangerous for a person in a domestic violence situation during and not long after the relationship ends. For those who think she got what she deserved because she kept it–it was a gift. You are not required to return gifts to anyone. But no one asks to be shot repeatedly. No one asks to be held hostage. Some people are just better at masking their inner selves. Remember Ted Bundy, the serial killer, worked at a rape crises hotline along side one of the best true crime writers there are. And she had no clue as to his inner demons. My prayers go out to the officers, their families, and to the victim.

  4. Horrific! on November 6th, 2010 3:43 pm

    Don’t get me wrong tho…..

    This guy had no right to go in with a gun and demand the ring…..
    Thats not the right way to handle that type of situation….and certainly
    he didn’t have the right to threaten, hold hostage and shoot anyone.

    i hope the whole dag gum bunch of them get what they deserve,
    three officers got shot that day and I went in the hospital Sunday
    for kidney stones and didn’t get out for several days and got up
    dates on the officer that was still in and it sounds to me like
    he has had quite a fight for his life. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

    I got out of the hospital 2 days ago and was able to attend the walnut
    hill fish fry and it was so good to see that some ppl just came to
    give blood for the officer even tho they couldn’t stay for the festivities and rushed on to do all their saturday errands.

    It was nice to know that ppl were still remembering that this officers
    fight is not over.

    William I stayed for the dinner and got to see you get your award,
    you do do a wonderful job. Thanks from so many of us…..

  5. I agree on November 6th, 2010 10:31 am

    “horrific” You hit the nail on the head! I agree that the guy has serious issues and probably would have snapped later in time probably but this Incident all started with that lady not giving the ring back. Why would she want it if she didnt want him? People need to realize that wrong is wrong no matter how silly you may think it is.

  6. Terri Sanders on November 6th, 2010 8:24 am

    I agree with Horrific and would add she should have really checked this guy out before becoming involved with him. It is highly unlikely he became violent all of a sudden.But the if we are unhealthy in our behaviors we can’t make the best decisions for ourselves. Hope she gets some support counseling on boundaries and how to avoid Mr.Wrong.And for those who say get a restraining order, those are about worthless especially if someone is bent on hurting you.

  7. Horrific! on November 6th, 2010 6:47 am

    I agree….over a stupid ring.

    I will get jumped on here but what else is NEW!

    It is my belief that Rosenbloom got what she deserved too.
    A ring is a promise of love and marriage.

    You DUMP the guy then you DUMP the ring.
    If your done with one your done with the other.
    Send them both on their way together.

    This girl was being a bad woman and ppl got hurt badly over her stupid
    cheap stingy ways. I hope this woman is very proud of herself.
    Keeping his ring made her no better than a common theif.
    would have been hurt including her….

  8. Terri Sanders on November 5th, 2010 5:20 pm

    I guess I will be keeping my ring forever!

  9. Jim W on November 5th, 2010 12:52 pm

    This guy had to be on something. All this destruction of lives over a ring. It does not make sense. Lock him up and throw away the key please! We do not need people like that walking amoung us.

  10. David Huie Green on November 5th, 2010 12:14 pm

    or at least the ring was the reason given. Lots of folks lose rings and don’t go on shooting rampages. The mind of the violent matters most.

    David thinking of actions and attitudes

  11. CDB on November 5th, 2010 9:57 am

    It’s such a sad thing for this to be all over a ring. Of course it really doesn’t matter what it is about. No Officer should ever have to endure what he has, and his family and friends as well. My heart goes out to him and his loved ones. He will pull through this with a lot of time, but he has so many people that know and love him behind him. Including the other citizens that don’t know him like myself. I will make a donation to this family, and he will always be a hero in my eyes. God Bless you Officer Cassady your in my thoughts and prayers 24/7. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much support go out to a local hero like I have this guy. These are some wonderful people you have praying for you. I know God is watching over him, and will heal all of his, and his families wounds in time. Once again God Bless you for your a Hero in everyone’s eyes. This guy couldn’t be punished enough for the things and trouble he has caused.

  12. art on November 5th, 2010 7:24 am

    it is so disgusting to me that a ring is at the bottom of all this mayhem. deputy cassady’s life is in the balance, this idiot’s ex has been shot up,,,the other leos shot up…we have not even got to the part about the court costs and lawyer fees and reviews and reports which all cost taxpayer monies and the cost to keep him locked up in the mean time… all that for a ring. it is just too much.