Century, Cantonment Cable Customers Could Lose WEAR

November 30, 2010

Cable television subscribers in Century and Cantonment are in danger of losing WEAR TV 3, the local ABC affiliate.

The current retransmission agreement that allows Bright House Networks to deliver the Sinclair Broadcast Group owned WEAR expires on December 31. That contract is still in the negotiation stage.

“If another agreement is not reached by the end of the year, our programming will no longer be available on their system,” WEAR Operations Manager Joe Smith said.

“Unfortunately, based on the status of the negotiations Sinclair does not believe we are going to be able to reach agreement on an extension of the deal,” according to statement released by Sinclair. “As a result, (Bright House) would no longer be carrying the stations covered by the agreement with Sinclair beginning on January 1, 2011.”

“As a normal part of business operations, our agreements with channels come up periodically for renewal. As a negotiating tactic, sometimes the channel owner threatens to take its channel off of the cable system. While this is an extreme measure, it rarely happens in our markets. Most channel owners stay on and put our mutual customers first,” Bright House said in a statement on their website.

In information aired on WEAR, the station is urging Bright House customers in Century and Cantonment to begin considering other methods to received WEAR 3.

“We are telling them to make plans to receive the station elsewhere, like DIRECTV, Dish Network or over the air with an antenna,” Smith said.

Bright House does not currently carry WEAR sister station WFGX MyTV 35. However, Smith said part of the Sinclair negotiations with Bright House would include adding the station to the cable provider’s lineup.


26 Responses to “Century, Cantonment Cable Customers Could Lose WEAR”

  1. TimberJohn on December 8th, 2010 10:41 am

    I agree with “Just Listening” That Ted Solarski is the best! The rest of the team do have issues… but that Mollye Straughn and Jared Garmen are pretty smooth. And all those live reports by Bill Thomas and Gregg Nagy can be fun, especially when they talks to toothless folks. But in the end, I just flip back to FOX NEWS…. local news from north escambia.com Keep up the good work!

  2. Clinton Curly Brooks on December 1st, 2010 10:58 pm

    Hey,with the money I will be saving
    from Gulf Power we might be able to
    buy Sinclair ourselves.I don’t care what
    they do,JUST DONT TOUCH FOX NEWS and

  3. Jodie Nash on December 1st, 2010 5:04 pm

    To all the direct tv users….what do you do for your internet service. Brighthouse was are only option at the time and I’m getting fed up with paying so much and then they are going to take away a channel?!!

  4. Patriot on December 1st, 2010 1:58 pm

    Direct TV customer for 15+ years, left cable years ago and have never regretted the decision.

  5. Capt. on December 1st, 2010 4:50 am

    WEAR never covers anything in the north end of the county any why, they r to busy over in Santa Rosa covering stuff that has no bearing on us or P’cola…
    WKRG 5 dose more

  6. me on November 30th, 2010 10:18 pm

    well brighthouse is a rip off eneyway we no thay put thair sticky hand in our acc

  7. me on November 30th, 2010 8:45 pm

    This happens every year and they always come up with some sort of deal to keep it. (even if they dont i wouldnt care nobody likes ACC football anyway)

  8. Tired of the games on November 30th, 2010 8:12 pm

    I really love to watch GMA. No other program on 3 interests me normally. As much as Bright House charges me. I should be able to watch GMA in the morning!

  9. huh on November 30th, 2010 7:59 pm

    Guess that means that WEAR is charging brighthouse too much for the channels. Much like FOX does to all other networks.

    THey should drop them considering wear is in HDTV free to air as it is

  10. A. Davis on November 30th, 2010 4:59 pm

    Really I do not like brighthouse they dont have any good channels and they cost more than a lot of other companies. I wish we didnt have to get stuck with them. I guess its time to get direct tv.

  11. Faith on November 30th, 2010 4:28 pm

    I enjoy WEAR-TV programs. They have a great news team, great coverage for our local area and awesome weather information.

    Don’t want to change anything and I for one will not be affected by any cable change.

    Also appreciate NorthEscambia.com and the great job done to provide us with this service on the northend.

    Thank you William for all your hard work.

  12. Citizen on November 30th, 2010 12:02 pm

    Well I for one will be canceling Brighthouse if they fail to keep the channel. I could care less about WEAR news or the ABC News/Programming. But what I do not want to miss is any College Football Bowl Games. I feel I pay enough for the meager service they provide, not to mention the antiquated dvr cable box that freezes all the time… anyone got the number to Direct TV?

  13. JohnMolino on November 30th, 2010 12:00 pm

    Direct TV.
    Awesome service

  14. C W on November 30th, 2010 10:10 am

    Dish Network goes through spats like this sometimes too, they cut off my FX channel about a month ago because of a fee disagreement. I was without it for a couple of weeks until they finally reached an agreement.

  15. just wonderin on November 30th, 2010 9:43 am

    is brighthouse gonna pay fer the customers to switch over to a satellite company? or the consumer gonna get screwed again?

  16. T on November 30th, 2010 8:42 am

    I would gladly say good-bye to brighthouse AND wear 3

  17. Just listening and good at it.! on November 30th, 2010 8:14 am

    A 5th grader could do as good as the WEAR news team does except for Ted Solarski as he is the oinly professonal on the team. Everyone else is just reading a scrip.
    Brighthouse does a fair job keeping us with cable, after all this is the sticks and these pine trees are doing a good job holding the cable lines up.
    As far as their program selections go its mostly just junk anyway. Hundreds of channels and nothing but juck and the price is sky high,
    Come on WEAR we all know that you are running these adds just to pressure Brighthouse. There goes that simple minded 5th grade way of thinking again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. xpeecee on November 30th, 2010 7:28 am

    Bright House Cable is the most unreliable and uncaring service provider I have ever dealt with…

  19. You Who on November 30th, 2010 7:15 am

    I am a Brighthouse customer and I do watch some of channel three’s programs. We all know what this is all about (MONEY) that greedy Sinclair wants to carry thier channel. I would tell Brighthouse to drop them and let thier advertiser know that they lost some of there veiwers due to greed. One thing for sure is if they agree on some kind of deal that it’s going to cost you and me more. Who ever dream watching TV would cost so much and to have to watch commercials TOO!!!. TV should be very low cost or free due to all the advertising we have to watch just to see 18 mins. of show


  20. YELLER HAMMER on November 30th, 2010 7:13 am

    Who cares give us a discount on our bill. There will be no more Christian Garmen,Dancing with the stars and tea party conflic.

  21. Elizabeth on November 30th, 2010 6:37 am

    Their news coverage will probably not be missed.

  22. Chris on November 30th, 2010 6:37 am

    Screw them let all the pay companies drop them, get a digital antenna and get them for free. There news sucks any way.

  23. nf on November 30th, 2010 6:13 am

    Seems as though every year some one has “confilict of contract” with Sinclair. What’s the deal????????

  24. angie on November 30th, 2010 5:28 am

    Have had directv for 15 years and wouldn’t ever consider cable anyway. To much for to little.

  25. Oversight on November 30th, 2010 5:16 am

    Whom needs WEAR-TV when there is NorthEscambia.com?

  26. WEAR last to know on November 30th, 2010 1:05 am

    They done this with Mediacom to I believe…WEAR and Sinclair can go pack sand as far as I’m concerned!