Century Can’t Conduct Business; Considers $1.5 Million Investment

November 2, 2010

The Century Town Council was unable to conduct business Monday night with two council members out ill and another absent for an unknown reason.

The council had few action items on the agenda — approving a “Hospice Month” proclamation, approving previous minutes and considering a $1.5 million investment proposal. But without the quorum of members present, the were unable to vote on any issues.

Council member Nadine McCaw is recovering at home after having a kidney removed, and Councilman Gary Riley was sick according to council President Ann Brooks. Councilman Henry Hawkins was expected at the meeting, according to Brooks, but he did not attend. Brooks and Councilwoman Sharon Scott were unable to vote on any issues without a third member present.

$1.5 Million Investment Proposal

Robert Lasher, a local financial advisor for Edward D. Jones, presented a investment proposal that he said would increase the towns earnings five-fold on $1.5 million currently invested with the state.

The $1.7 million total investment with the state currently earns a half percent interest, while Lasher said the Treasury securities would earn a current rate of 2.83 percent return. The Treasury securities are risk-free, backed by the federal government.

Lasher suggested that the town invest $1.5 million, leaving $200,000 in reserve in the state fund. He recommended that the investments be laddered in $100,000 increments, with each investment maturing in different years over a 15 year period.

“You would have to look and see what the cash needs are,” Robert Hudson, the town’s accountant, said. “To me, 15 years is long time.”

Lasher said the investments could be structured over a shorter period, like seven and a half years.

“We’ve been talking about using some of that money for paving, Brooks said, adding the town might need faster access to those funds. Lasher said the investments could be sold within one business day — with a possible loss — if the town needed the cash.

Without a quorum present, the council took no action on the proposal.

Hospice Month

Covenant Hospice asked the town to approve a resolution proclaiming November as “Hospice Month”.  The council was unable to approve the resolution without the quorum present.

Pictured top: Empty seats surround Century Town Council members Ann Brooks (left) and Sharon Scott Monday night as the council did not have a quorum to conduct business. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Century Can’t Conduct Business; Considers $1.5 Million Investment”

  1. interested on November 4th, 2010 9:36 am

    People please vote someone in that will bring jobs into this area, don’t let it become a ghost town it is almost there and who ever votes for someone that does not stand behind their words you have no one to blame but yourselves!!!!

  2. David Huie Green on November 4th, 2010 7:26 am

    “The Treasury securities are risk-free, backed by the federal government.”

    Would that that were true.

    On the other hand, if the federal government ever collapses, all our money is worthless anyway.

    David for secure securities

  3. JustMe on November 2nd, 2010 4:01 pm

    Henry Hawkins doesn’t give a rip about the town government. All he cares about is having that “power”. Please make your voices heard on election day for Ms Johnston

  4. brian w on November 2nd, 2010 9:51 am

    it would have been really great if nadine would have showed up at the meeting given her situation that would have really made the others look bad, hope for a speedy recovery

  5. Citizen on November 2nd, 2010 7:34 am

    “My soul, I bet Nadine would much rather be at the council meeting than revocering from surgery and fighting cancer. How ridiculous!”

    I think you are missing the point of the story — Nadine and Mr. Riley had excuses for not being at the meeting. No one knows why Hawkins did not show up one week before the election.

  6. someone who cares on November 2nd, 2010 7:20 am

    My soul, I bet Nadine would much rather be at the council meeting than revocering from surgery and fighting cancer. How ridiculous!

  7. Concerned Citizen on November 2nd, 2010 6:59 am

    Just another reason we should make our voices heard and vote for Jacke Johnston for Council Seat 3 next Tuesday! Henry Hawkins has a lackadaisical attitude about our town government. One week before the election and he doesn’t even show up to an important council meeting?! What does that say to the citizens of this town?

  8. Oversight on November 2nd, 2010 6:00 am

    Hawkins is on the eve of loosing a re-election bid, so he probably didn’t see any reason for showing up.