Rick Scott Scheduled To Appear In Cantonment, Molino

October 28, 2010

Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott will be in Escambia County on Friday as his week-long campaign bus tour continues, and stops have been confirmed for Cantonment and Molino.

Tentative plans call for Scott to make a stop at Plastic Coated Paper on Kingsfield Road at 3:30 p.m. and Fran’s Country Grill in Molino at 5:00 p.m.

Later, he will appear at a “grassroots” celebration at The Pensacola Fish House in Pensacola at 6:35 and at the Pensacola Interstate Fair at 8:15 p.m.


34 Responses to “Rick Scott Scheduled To Appear In Cantonment, Molino”

  1. ABC on November 1st, 2010 12:02 pm

    What I dont understand is how do the Republicans and Democrats have the almighty nerve to put up thieves and questionable people to run for office, It sure looks like these high and mighty politicians are all looking down their noses at us and they think we are all ignorant, and stupid folks not to be able to see what is going on in our very own country……..they all know that only a very small percentage of our nation actually studies their actions while they are in office, and the greatest percentage of voters just go to the poles with a decision made from watching the tv. listening to the news media telling you what you heard, etc. etc. like cattle going to slaughter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and thats where we are headed……………………….

  2. ABC on November 1st, 2010 11:57 am

    Sure let Rick Scott in the governors seat so he can suck Fla. dry just like he sucked money for nothing when he ran HCA A Ceo is supposed to be a leader, a leader who knows whats going on in the company he is head of, if he insists it wasnt his fault how do you think he can keep an eye on this State.? We need some decent people runnning for office, and unfortunately the decent ones are down here with the rest of us, broke by government spending and unable to get the backing to run for office.

  3. David Huie Green on October 30th, 2010 12:10 pm

    “What we really need to do is pass legislation that would ban all candidates running for office from mentioning their opponent’s name. ”

    The problem with that legislation is that it is unenforceable. The first amendment gives people the right to speak. Even if we ignore that aspect, let’s say Atmo and Davi were running for dogcatcher and each agree to not mention the other, that would not stop Atmo-friend from mentioning Davi or Davi-friend from mentioning Atmo.

    They have the right to speak too. Further, they might not be a friend of either candidate but simply fear one would oppose gun rights or the other would oppose personal choice. It would be wrong to silence them from speaking their opposition.

    And there’s the old joke speech: “My opponent, Atmo, is a fine upstanding person. You know I am already a crook. Politics corrupts everybody. Protect him from corruption, keep him out of office, re-elect me.”

    David for perfect candidates

  4. just tired on October 30th, 2010 10:16 am

    What we really need to do is pass legislation that would ban all candidates running for office from mentioning their opponent’s name. They should have to run on their own merits and not be allowed to try to win votes by trashing their opponent. Maybe then we would get a better picture of the candidate and what their agenda is all about. As it stands right now, all we hear from some of them are what the other candidate has done. I wonder then what would Mr. Scott have said in his ads which would merit his winning our vote. There are plenty of people who have started successful businesses from ground up, but that does not qualify them to become Governer of Florida.
    And as for the “CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN” Big B little ill, we didn’t hear anything from the people when Mr. Bush was messing up our Country with all of his bad leadership, at least not from the ones that voted for him. It took eight years of bad leadership for our Country to get in the predicament that it is in, so why would any sane person think that it’s going to get better in a few months or even a year or two. The citizens of this country know that President Obama had nothing to do with the situation this country is in, but the minute he was sworn in, it was all his fault. You seem to be an intelligent individual so let it be known!
    And to sick and tired, just because Mr. Scott didn’t have anything pinned to him does not mean that he didn’t do it. And also, just because he took action when he found out there was a problem still doesn’t mean anything, he probably took action because he knew then that his company was being watched.

  5. Big B, little ill on October 29th, 2010 4:12 pm

    Horrific……I could not agree more. But how long before everyone else gets to that point. We don’t have an eject button when they lie to get your vote and we need one bad. Once in office we just have to wait until the next time around to vote them out and this day and time that has become out dated.

  6. Horrific! on October 29th, 2010 2:40 pm

    Big B
    Thats because we accept them.
    Run them out……don’t vote for them…..what ever you have to do.
    Why vote for just another crook?????
    Just because he is republican? That’s not good enough!!!!!

    Make a stand…. make phone calls…..

  7. Big B, little ill on October 29th, 2010 1:30 pm

    I would say that when you have a democrat telling Obama to shove it because he will not indorse him and others in the party wanting Obama to stay from there campain that someting rotten in Denmark is not the only place things are rotten. Don’t get me wrong..I am for voting them all out Rep & Dem along with all judges and lets start over. But once we get them out of office we need to stop all that free insurance and huge retirement plans they have given themselves. But that’s just me dreaming, we have so many that are diehard one way or the other that placing someone in office with less than backgrounds have become commond practrice. If some smells bad about them before elected, don’t expect the smell to get better. We no longer have Hero’s to vote for just Zero’s.

  8. Horrific! on October 29th, 2010 12:36 pm


    Yes says you…
    but when that little curtain closes YOU can’t control anyones vote but your own,
    so as for your whole house…..you mean thats what you think will happen. lol

  9. LL on October 29th, 2010 11:41 am

    As for me and my house, we are not voting for anyone in office or anyone that has Obama backing.

  10. Patsy Green on October 29th, 2010 8:05 am

    I don’t know if any candidates running for governor came to Molino, but I know one who started both his Senate and his Governor campaign in Century. His name was Lawton Chiles.

  11. sick and tired on October 29th, 2010 7:52 am

    Just tired– The allegations against Mr Scott are serious, yes. However, our legal system could not pin anything on him and due to the complex nature of his business, it is difficult to understand because most of us don’t run a facility like he did. There is evidence that as soon as he knew of a problem, he took imediate action to correct it. Does not sound like a bad record to me.

    Sink, on the other hand, has a questionable history as a politician. She sounds like a big risk.

  12. just a thought on October 29th, 2010 6:47 am


    This is To^ You do know that Molino is a Northend city too…. Century is not the only northend city…..

  13. Jim on October 29th, 2010 12:00 am

    The NRA ranks Sink an F, Scott an A.
    Easy to check.

  14. interested reader on October 28th, 2010 10:35 pm

    WOW! From all the posts it sounds like a lot of people will be out voting. Hoping for a big turnout . Personally, I could never vote for Sink so that leaves Scott. Maybe the lesser of two evils, who knows?

  15. John Reading on October 28th, 2010 10:21 pm

    Ask the Medical Center Doctors how much money Scott cost them a few years back? The name of the plan was MCHP and local business like mine lost a lot on his so called insurance/management company. Beware of this man. He is a stranger to honesty.

  16. Jane on October 28th, 2010 7:53 pm

    Here’s a question for Rick Scott: Where does he stand on the septic tank inspection issue????

  17. Jane on October 28th, 2010 7:51 pm

    So here’s a thought: Just how many candidates running for governor have ever visited Molino? Have we ever talked to any of them? Maybe we need to in order to make an informed decision. I have not found anything that said Rick Scott was convicted of anything. Alex Sink seems a little out of touch here in northwest Florida. Maybe a businessman instead of a politician wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Hmmm…..haven’t we had enough politicians lately?

  18. Neighbor on October 28th, 2010 6:18 pm

    ok, there are alot of opinions out there and all are valid to a point.. My concern is the remark Sandra made about Sink being against gun rights…..I haven’t heard that so can anyone confirm it? If so I’m going to make it simple and go for Scott on that alone. With the meth labs and crime in this end of the county today the last thing I want is someone to threaten my right to keep my family safe against drug heads and home invasion types. To me that alone is important enough to sway a vote since there isn’t alot more to go on anyway.

    David :
    Good point, how many people just didn’t vote last time because
    ” they didn’t like either candidate”

  19. David Huie Green on October 28th, 2010 5:37 pm

    I wonder if I could get an amendment on some future ballot after things cool down from this election.

    The amendment would place on every ballot a spot saying NOT THIS ONE beside every candidate.

    Nobody would have to check it but if a majority of voters did check it, that person would NOT be elected to that position.

    You could check as many or as few NOT THIS ONE marks but no more than one check in favor of any particular position.

    Sometimes several good people are running and nobody thinks any of them should be checked NOT THIS ONE. In that case the one with the most votes would be elected.

    If only one did not get a NOT THIS ONE majority vote, he or she would be elected even if only with five percent of the vote. This would encourage people to choose carefully.

    If all candidates got a NOT THIS ONE majority vote, eliminate them from consideration and have another election.

    Imagine spending tens of millions of dollars only to have your candidate and his opponent both disqualified by the voters. I suspect it would encourage candidates to accentuate the positive.

    Further, nobody would have a reason to say he didn’t vote because he didn’t like any of them, the only reason to not vote would be if you thought all of them would do just fine.

    It just seems reasonable to me and I’m not down on any particular candidate, just think each voter should have a real say in the election process, not just think “I HAVE to pick one of THESE?”

    David for giving voters a real voice

  20. Bill w on October 28th, 2010 4:50 pm

    Sandra you said a mouthful.
    As usual it comes down to the lesser of two evils.
    We aren’t really a very intelligent electorate usually voting for that good old boy who throws the best BBQ or comes by more often. Throw party loyalty in there and we end up with legislators for all the wrong reasons.
    I don’t see it getting better in the future when you look at who the up and comers are.
    We have met the enemy!!

  21. Faith on October 28th, 2010 4:38 pm

    Rick Scott will get my vote. Alex Sink is an Obama liberal and does what he says.

    I don’t know about you, but I have had enough of people who are tied to Obama private or political, meaning Democrat.

    If you won’t more of Obamacare , ( how’s that working for you these days?) vote Sink , Florida right into a hole!

    RICK SCOTT has the vote of my family, friends and myself.

    My prayer is God have mercy on us all and this nation as a whole, and I pray for the peace of Jerusalem!


  22. Big B, little ill on October 28th, 2010 3:26 pm

    Obviously some people don’t care who they vote for or there would be no question after all this wonderful CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN. that has taken over. How much of this wonderful democrat leadership can one take? But what the heck, I’ve been called a racist ever since the last Big election. I keep wondering when they changed the definition of the word myself. Webster needs to re-write it so that is says anyone who disagrees with the democrats. Back in the dark ages when I went to shcool we could agree that we disagree and go back to shooting marbles. But I am so out of touch! Yea right.

  23. David Huie Green on October 28th, 2010 2:05 pm


    Now, now, there’re two groups of people about which every politician cares: VOTERS and TAXPAYERS.

    rick scott cares

    While I’m here, has anybody else noticed the lady doing the voice-overs for a number of politicians? She has this really, mean, catty condemnatory tone. Why would anybody pick someone with a voice like that?

  24. jon on October 28th, 2010 12:35 pm

    The man is crook and will privatize every thing he can to help his other crooked buddies. And the ads he runs about Alex Sink are all lies it is not her fault the economy has been bad and lost money in retirement funds. I lost money myself and one more thing the man moved to Florida in 2003 just what we need another outsider telling us how to live and dont think republicans want raise your taxes I pay them new taxes when I buy my tag and my drivers and fishing license etc…

  25. sandra on October 28th, 2010 12:35 pm

    Sink nor Scott are perfect choices. Sink is against gun rights, Scott has allegations of fraud. Sink made incredibly bad choices with taxpayer dollars as CFO, Scott pled the fifth 75 times. Sink cheated during the last debate, Scott lets his mom speak for him. I flipped a coin and Scott won.

  26. just tired on October 28th, 2010 11:33 am

    I can not believe people would actually consider putting this man in office when you already know he’s a crook. You KNOW his company cheated the government out of millions of dollars and still you want him. Really makes me wonder what is wrong with people these days. If he robs Florida blind, don’t complain, remember, you asked for it!!!

  27. Just An Old Soldier on October 28th, 2010 10:36 am

    And how often has Alex Sink visited? Zero.

    Rick Scott has been running radio spots on 790 AM for a while, and he makes a lot better sense to me than his Democrat opponent.

    Vote for Rick Scott!

  28. Gerry Dumenkoffen on October 28th, 2010 9:33 am

    Just awesome. Its about time we get a business man who will run the state like a business. Let the good times roll.

  29. Horrific! on October 28th, 2010 9:23 am

    Hey Scott

    Head on up to Century……Delmer wants you up there…..


  30. DELMER TEW on October 28th, 2010 7:57 am


  31. Big B, little ill on October 28th, 2010 7:42 am

    What wallet, no need to carry one anymore!

  32. Disgusted on October 28th, 2010 7:40 am

    I’m looking forward to going to the polls just so I can vote against him.

  33. Big Chief on October 28th, 2010 4:33 am

    I would keep one hand on my wallet if I were attending this rally!

  34. Everett on October 28th, 2010 3:21 am

    He needs to try the liver and onions at Fran’s.