Rick Scott Campaigns For Governor In North Escambia (With Exclusive Interview)

October 30, 2010

Rick Scott, Republican candidate for Florida governor, brought his campaign to North Escambia Friday in a last minute effort to earn votes in advance of Tuesday’s election. Following a stop in Molino, Scott sat down with NorthEscambia.com for an exclusive interview.

Scott made several stops in Escambia County, including Plastic Coated Papers in Cantonment and Fran’s Country Grill in Molino. Scott told supporters that his business experience and rise from the bottom qualifies him to lead Florida forward.

For more photos from Scott’s visit, click here.

“We have the chance to change our country. If we do the right thing here in Florida, every state has to compete for us with jobs, for people. We can change the whole country with what we are doing,” he said. “We cannot allow this country to go down the path of high taxes and high regulation. This is our opportunity.”

Government has gotten too big at every level, from local to federal governments. The place to cut, Scott said, is at the state level. “We can be the number one state. The number one state for taking care of taxpayers, the number one state for job creation.”

“Mr. Scott, do you mind if I interrupt you?” Ray Chance, operator of a local trucking company, said from the back of the room during Scott’s stop at Fran’s Diner in Molino. “I run trucks.”

“My dad was a truck driver,” Scott said.

Chance (pictured) explained that he had to shut down his trucking business do to increasing costs from the state.

“A tag went from $1,058,” he said, “to damn near $2,000 up a year. What’s the problem?”

“Government has got too big,” Scott replied, “and they justify it through fees and taxes and just more and more inspections.”

“The drivers have got five  and six young’uns that I am having to cut loose right now,” Chance said, “because I can’t afford to keep ‘em running. I’ve run down to zero. Now what was your plan?”

“What we have to do is look at every tax and fee and regulation to see what we can reduce and eliminate to make it where people say this is the state they want to do business in,” Scott said.

Scott’s plan includes the creation of 700,000 jobs in Florida during a seven year period.

“We are doing really well,” Scott said as he echoed his ongoing message of seven steps to 700,000 jobs. “I am going to make sure the state runs like a business. I am going to reduce regulation; I am going to work every day…I am going to run the state like you run a household or you run a business.”

Scott, his voice obviously strained from days on the campaign trail, said he would be campaigning hard all the way to Tuesday.

“I believe in this country; I believe in the American dream,” said Scott, who grew up in public housing and worked since he was in second grade before building successful businesses. “I’ve lived the American dream, and I want that dream for all of Florida. That’s the dream that we all want, and we want to get the state back to work.”

Following his appearance at Fran’s, Scott said down one on one with NorthEscambia.com on his campaign bus (pictured left) to talk about some of the issues facing North Escambia.

The Town of Century’s primary focus over the past several years has been to improve economic conditions. Scott said he can help.

“My focus is to get people jobs. The real key is to get everybody a job and build businesses back in the state. Then our local communities like Century will have the tax base to grow,” Scott said.

If elected, Scott said he won’t forget about small rural communities. He pledged to get out and talk to people all across the state to learn what issues are important to them.

“When I am governor, I will get out and see how these laws, these regulations impact them. I grew up with no money, so I know what it’s like when government passes things that cost you money.”

One such regulation, Scott said, is SB 550, legislation passed earlier this year to require septic tank inspections every five years to protect Florida springs.

“It doesn’t make any sense to me and I want it repealed. What is the state government involved in that? It makes no sense.”

For more photos from Scott’s visit, click here.

Pictured top and bottom: Rick Scott addresses supporters Friday afternoon at Fran’s Country Grill in Molino. Pictured top inset: Supporters greet Scott at Fran’s. Pictured bottom inset: Scott sits down for an exclusive interview with NorthEscambia.com. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


32 Responses to “Rick Scott Campaigns For Governor In North Escambia (With Exclusive Interview)”

  1. Juana La Cubana on November 4, 2010 on November 4th, 2010 10:53 am

    I think it is a disgrace that so many people voted for him after all the frauds that
    he was involved with in Medicare and other things. Apparently people like to
    be taken advantage of, the more they approve of that person. Well now you
    have him for Governor, so get ready, you don’t know what he is going to do
    because now that he is Governor, he has more power to do what he wants,
    so you know what that means.

  2. Name on November 3rd, 2010 10:04 am

    CONCERNED: I am with you on drug testing people who receive ANY check from the Government!!
    If I have to take a drug test to earn a “paycheck’ for taxes to pay for medicaid, welfare, and so called “disability” checks, to people who have a back ache, or claim the “crazy” check, then by GOD the one’s receiving portions of my check should darn well have to take a test as well.
    I get so sick of people, MEN, who are ABLE to work sitting on their behinds and because they have a school age child are able to get welfare, medicaid, whatever they want while I work killing myself.
    AND, the one’s who claim crazy so they can get their “Crazy check” haha what a joke!! They aint so crazy that they can’t count a gram, 1/4, 1/2 pound of pot!!
    AND now the ones who go to the Dr, using medicaid, then go to the drugstore using medicaid, MY TAX DOLLARS…….then turn around and sell the medicine.
    And then you have the ones who call churches and organazations EVERY month to get the electric bill paid. Must be nice not to have to work.

  3. smokey on November 2nd, 2010 7:09 am

    the biggest question i have ……IS THIS THE BEST FLORIDA HAS TO OFFER????? if so then we are in trouble….it seems the only way to be a nominee is to have money and connections and this does not mean you have to have GOOD MORALES or ANY COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!! i am very disappointed in both of the candidates.

  4. Just An Old Soldier on November 1st, 2010 10:38 am

    Here’s a FACT: Alex Sink is VERY Anti-gun, and has received an “F” from the NRA.

    Rick Scott received an “A”

    Think about the 2nd Amendment Rights that will be threatened by Sink if she is promoted after FAILING as State CFO. And who’s endorsing Sink? The Pensacola News Urinal and 0bama. That should be enough for most right-thinking people to avoid Sink at any cost!


  5. Concerned on October 31st, 2010 11:38 pm

    I LOVE his thoughts about performing drug tests on folks receiving state assistance! If I have to pass a drug test to work, those receiving assistance should have to pass a drug test for my tax monies to support them! You CAN’T hold him accountable for the fraud with Medicare. My gosh, he was the CEO, not the accounts manager. He can’t control the actions of everyone in HCA. Every manager reads the rules and interprets the rules differently. If you read every multiple page of the rules, you would be confused also. He didn’t, I’m sure, get up every morning and plan on screwing Medicare for monies!
    I like a man that lived in the slums for a change. Maybe he will understand POOR!

  6. dad on October 31st, 2010 7:24 pm

    I agree Ruff!

  7. ProudArmyParent on October 31st, 2010 5:01 pm

    Well, I’m not going to be voting for Rick Scott and I usually vote the Republican ticket. My husband is a Correctional Officer and we won’t be able to live on the cuts Mr. Scott wants to make. My husband works hard for the State of Florida and he deserves his pention, his health care, and his pay raises. His life is on the line everyday he goes to work. Sure Mr. Scott is “saying” he is going to put people to work, but he is also going to put more below the poverty level. Yeah “He’s a good boy,” seems like he is just another of the “Good ole’ boys!”

  8. NO VOTE FOR SCOTT!!!!!! on October 31st, 2010 3:31 pm

    As a christian, there is just NO WAY I can vote for Scott!

  9. the truth! on October 31st, 2010 3:25 pm

    Hey, Just A Old Soldier

    Get the facts!

    God is not on the republicans side anymore than he is on the democratic side. Both have unchristian values. There are more than one way to kill innocent children — unjust wars — to name one! A life is a life! Their are some republican that believe in abortion and their some democrats that don’t !

    Get the facts!

  10. the truth! on October 31st, 2010 3:14 pm

    When I vote, I plan to vote for the person, not the party. Not all republicans are the same, and neither are all democrats. Everyone is their own individual, and each person has their own beliefs. The party doesnt always make the candidate

    Thank You Penny!

  11. David Huie Green on October 31st, 2010 3:06 pm


  12. penny4mythoughts on October 31st, 2010 12:02 pm

    I think it is very important not to vote for someone just because of their party. People shouldnt jump up to vote for a candidate just because theyre republican or democrat. As a responsible voter, you should vote for the person who has the morals you share and is able to do a better job. Some politicians are a certain party for convenience or popularity.

    When I vote, I plan to vote for the person, not the party. Not all republicans are the same, and neither are all democrats. Everyone is their own individual, and each person has their own beliefs. The party doesnt always make the candidate.Do your research on these folks before you vote.

  13. David Huie Green on October 31st, 2010 9:37 am

    “last year when Social Security got no cost of living raise?”

    Social Security got no cost of living adjustment because–based on the way they’ve been figuring for years–the cost of living did not go up.

    It’s not supposed to be an automatic raise, it is supposed to cover actual changes in the cost of living to maintain the same level.

    As to why they gave THEMESELVES more money, they like money–for themselves.

    David in a cheaper world

  14. Jane on October 31st, 2010 9:27 am

    Here’s a thought: If we are all supposed to “share the pain” why did Congress vote itself a big fat raise last year when Social Security got no cost of living raise? How does Social Security figure that the cost of living hasn’t gone up? The electricity rate went up, the water rate went up, the cable bill and the groceries have gone up. Some of us dropped our medical insurance, cut our medicine in half, just to keep a roof over our heads. Maybe we need to be the ones voting whether or not to give a raise to Congress instead of letting them raise their own salaries!

  15. Jane on October 31st, 2010 9:14 am

    I forgot to mention there is also a petition at Scott’s Pharmacy on Hwy 29. We need to send in the petition before the legislature goes out of session but it will definitely be there until after the election on Tuesday. If you don’t want this septic tank inspection (just another way to tax us without calling it a tax) please sign the petition. We hope it will make a difference! It can’t make it any worse!

  16. Just An Old Soldier on October 31st, 2010 8:57 am

    After reading the first post in this, I can’t help but reply “A vote for any Democrat is a Sin against God”.

    Review the history of the Democrats, they follow the Way of Death. They promote the destruction of the family, they promote the killing of the Innocents, and they promote the State over the Individual.

    The voices of millions of the slaughtered unborn children cry out an indictment against all who have voted for Democrats. Our most precious National Treasure, our children, have been torn to pieces and dumped in a garbage bag.

    Democrats have one message (and it’s one they don’t say in public), “You’re too stupid to know what’s best for you, so WE, the Democrats, will TELL you what to do!”

    They believe the State is the giver of our Rights. They are wrong. It’s not enough that they are wrong in their heads, it’s that they are wrong in their hearts. They follow the path of Death. Even when they say they are supporting “the good of all”.

    Our inalienable rights are given by our Creator. It was recognized by our Founding Fathers.

    A vote for a Democrat is a vote for the Devil.

  17. Buddy on October 31st, 2010 8:29 am

    Ruff,concerning your comment,I must say if you consider a vote for Scott a “sin against God” I urge you to consider this; the Democrat Party has made support of all types of abortion, including partial birth abortion,a centerpiece of their platform.Now I can’t speak for you but I feel that the horrendous act of taking the lives of unborn children to be a definite sin against God .This is reason enough for me not to vote for Ms.sink or any other democrat. I am sure there are many in the democrat party who do not support abortion but until they stand up and take the party back from the radical element that is in control now,maybe,just maybe,voting for the democrats is a sin.

  18. Horrific! on October 31st, 2010 7:31 am

    I can’t believe they smiled and sucked up to a crooked business man.,…..

    will they never learn.

  19. jt lamont on October 31st, 2010 4:10 am

    it all sounds good but can one person make a change?? and once he goes in will he stick to his words( if he goes in) or will he do like the others has done before him and do nothing that he said before? i am not sure what to say about campaigns for governor race well need to think real hard about this and prey.

  20. interested reader on October 30th, 2010 1:27 pm

    Thanks for the interview. Hope Mr. Scott lives up to his promises if he is elected. We know he can’t do it all by himself but with the help of the people doing their part maybe we can turn this state around. We found out this summer that tourism is great BUT there should be other things happening in the event of another oil spill. It could happen any time The commerce park on hwy. 29 is a prime example of “dropping the ball” on industry coming into NW FL.

  21. Just An Old Soldier on October 30th, 2010 11:34 am

    William – thanks for asking about the stupid septic tank inspection law. It’s good to hear a common sense response from a politician on this.

    I’ll be signing that petition to repeal it.

  22. Football Fan on October 30th, 2010 11:25 am

    How long is the petition going to be at Frans???

  23. Jane on October 30th, 2010 10:44 am

    Regarding the Septic Tank law added onto SB550…there are petitions at Fran’s, Molino Utilities, 1st Stop, Hammer’s, and D&C Feed in Cantonment. If you want this repealed, go sign one of them! Make your voices heard in Tallahassee! Get Rick Scott to help us repeal a bad law! He said he’d sign a repeal!

  24. Jane on October 30th, 2010 10:40 am

    Let’s try some Green Jobs here in Florida: how about solar and wind power? We have the sun and a combination solar/wind system could really create jobs and help our environment.
    Let’s vote out the politicians we don’t like…starting in Escambia County and the state officials, and in Washington! Go to the polls, use your absentee ballot, whatever, but VOTE!

  25. Jane on October 30th, 2010 10:33 am

    I think Rick Scott is on the right path. We need to create jobs, fill up the Commerce Park on Hwy. 29, and give our graduating students jobs here instead of in Alabama, etc. We have a wonderfully divercified work force and the need to grow. The idea of the government creating jobs is inconsistent with democracy. As far as correctional jobs go, I doubt people will ever stop being sent to jail for crimes they commit!
    Whatever you think…PLEASE VOTE! If you don’t vote, don’t complain about the type of government you have as a result of others votes!

  26. DOC on October 30th, 2010 10:05 am

    I’m with you Heater. Scott has scared the heck out of many state and expecially DOC employees by threatening huge cuts to the DOC budget. Budgets has been cut again by over 1/2 this FY already and he is talking pay cuts and 40% reduction. Driving vehicles with over 200,000 miles now and no money to fix what’s wearing out. State employees have gone 4 + years without a pay raise! Some say SInk will give a pay raise! HOW!!!!!!!!!!!! The states are effectively bankrupt.

  27. JUDY MASEK on October 30th, 2010 9:57 am

    i believe that any inference to cutting correctional employees, may be due to his aspirations to give early release of minimum risk inmates, who the taxpayers must foot the bill for….we need to STOP/REDUCE alot of the wasteful govt spending- keep all of the bush tax cuts IN PLACE…and give the small businessmen incentives and take away the “fear of the unknown”….too much huckering down w/spending and cash flow(understandingly so)….small businessmen have to see a light at the end of the tunnel or theyre not going to expand- or stay in business…banks have to start releasing some of the $ that was given to them during the massive bank bailout- cut back on the power/perks that the UNIONS get …the hard facts are (in my humble opinion): screw the the notion of “spreading the wealth” –everyone of us need to come to terms w/the fact that in order for our democracy to once again flourish as the great UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, we are ALL going to have to “SHARE THE PAIN” OF CUTTING BACK/CEASE INCONSEQUENTIAL, WASTEFUL SPENDING from the government down to each one of us….its gonna hurt!!….there is no way of getting around it…im anxiously hoping and looking forward to repealing and, or, greatly modifying the OBAMACARE fiasco!…last, but not least…..we have to remember and return to our original principals from which our country was founded on- with great emphasis on the what our founding fathers knew would be the undying source of our countrys enduring strength–>IN GOD WE TRUST

  28. Bill w on October 30th, 2010 9:05 am

    How do you create a new job?
    A job that would pay a living wage and last long enough to achieve some family goals i.e feed a family, buy a home, transportation, educate the kids; just things like that.
    Oh and the creation of that job shouldn’t put someone else out of a job just to make this one, permanently damage the environment we live in or hurt our relationship with our international neighbors.
    How much new product can be produced or service provided to create 700,000 of these types jobs or are they part time or short term jobs to provide favorable statistics for political gain? 700,000 won’t cover the jobs lost in Florida in the few years.
    How do you create a job?

  29. heater on October 30th, 2010 8:21 am

    I wish someone would ask him about state jobs…. he didn’t say anything about cutting correctional officers jobs…. his plan will cut thousands of jobs all across the state in the department of corrections……how is that going to keep florida working???? I’m a republican always have been but I don’t know about this one….

  30. Bob on October 30th, 2010 8:00 am

    Sounds like Scott has a plan. Once we get rid of the tourist mentality and look on the horizon for new business things will begin to improve. The economy will be difficult for large manufacturing but lots of smaller firms springing up will ease the problem. Zoning and code structure is another problem but each county can more than likely stand on its own,Escambia county being one of the most difficult.

  31. Tony Howard on October 30th, 2010 7:18 am

    He’s got my vote. I am tired of “Big Government” telling us how to live our lives. They have their hands in everything we as private citizens do. It’s time to take our government back, and let us tell government what they will do. Get out and vote and let’s take our state and nation back and put it in the hands of the people.

  32. Ruff on October 30th, 2010 7:16 am

    Years ago when Bill Clinton first ran for president, there were a series of signs put up west of Milton on Berryhill Road. One of the signs said this:

    “To vote for Bill Clinton is to sin against God.”

    I feel that way with Rick Scott. I cannot cast a ballot for a person who was obviously deeply involved in what essentially was robbery (Medicare fraud at Columbia Medical, where he was CEO). The campaign against Bill McCullum was demeaning, personal, and against all Christian ethics. And the campaign against Alex Sink has been just as personal, and outright lies and misconstruction of facts have been perpetrated, and approved, by the Scott campaign.

    Everything we teach in our Sunday Schools and churches about morals, honesty, decency, and honor have gone out the door in the Scott campaign. The words, twisting of truths, and demeaning nature of the Scott campaign is nothing close to an example to live our lives by as taught by Christ. Yes, other gubernatorial candidates have fired away, too, but generally it has been in response to a ill-willed campaign by Scott to buy his way to the Governor’s office in Tallahassee. It is difficult to believe that Scott, and those in the campaign around him (who will most certainly be appointed to public office if he wins) has the heart of Christ in him.

    No candidate is perfect, but given my Christian upbringing, I believe I must say this for the 2010 governor’s race in Florida:

    “A vote for Rick Scott is to sin against God.”