Pine Forest Downs Tate

October 9, 2010

The Pine Forest Eagles defeated the Tate Aggies Friday night, 29-8.

The Eagles held a 21-0 lead at the half. The Aggies added the only score of the third quarter on with a 34-yard pass from David Moorhead to Kenny Masson.

The Aggies will celebrate homecoming next Friday night against Brother Martin. Game time 7:30 at Pete Gindl Stadium.


4 Responses to “Pine Forest Downs Tate”

  1. aam on October 11th, 2010 7:21 am

    Citizen X

    You have to admit the team is judged on win-loss ration and nothing else matters in football today. You will never get the talent out of the halls onto the field with a loosing record. Tate does have the talent to do better than it is, as proven when Carl Maddison came in for a while then pushed out by Rigby. If the Coach cannot start winning games I for one say its time for a new coach.

  2. aggie fan on October 10th, 2010 10:16 am

    Mr X, I’m not sure you’ve been to the same games. It is very sad to watch those boys play their hearts out only to lose. These kids had plenty of talent in the 9th grade. The coaching is terrible and almost unbareable to watch. My 13 year old and his friends have a better play book than coach Rigby. If it didn’t matter who won or lost they wouldn’t keep score. GO AGGIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Citizen X on October 10th, 2010 3:25 am

    Hey Einstein. Please don’t presume to speak for all of the alumni and football club. Sure, we haven’t won every game we have played in, like some of the parents think we should have. But I think the coach has done a decent job with the player personal that he has to work with. This years team is not quite as big or experienced as other squads are or have been, but they play with a lot of heart and determination and they have to run the plays that best suit their style and physicality. Coach Rigby is also a great role model for the students he coaches and that means more to some parents than winning every game does. Maybe Einstein, you should go to discuss your problems and concerns with Coach Rigby in person, rather than blasting him here in this forum. Go Aggies!!!

  4. Einstein said on October 9th, 2010 10:15 am

    Albert Einstein once said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.

    Coach Rigby should think about this quote and ask himself, does this quote apply to the way he runs the football team?

    IMO yes! Coach Rigby has been running the same couple running plays over and over all season long with very little success, yet he continues to run these same plays.

    Time for change coach because your team’s performance thus far has been embarassing!

    We, the Tate Alum and Football Club, expected far more from you and your coaching staff.