New McDonald’s For Atmore; Plans For Flomaton

October 15, 2010

Last week, a new McDonald’s was announced for Atmore, and plans are underway to bring a McDonald’s to Flomaton.

The new Atmore McDonald’s will be located in the city’s Rivercane development at Highway 21 and I-65. Construction is expected to begin in early 2011. The store will be in addition to current Atmore location just north of the Florida line.

According to the Mobile Press-Register, Tim Herrington of Herrington Realty in Mobile is also working to find a McDonald’s location in Flomaton. The Flomaton and Atmore location choices are based upon high roadway traffic, not local demographics, to support the stores.


36 Responses to “New McDonald’s For Atmore; Plans For Flomaton”

  1. From Jay on November 13th, 2010 2:03 pm

    I am excited to hear there is a McDonalds coming to Flomaton. We do not eat out a lot but it is nice to have more options however, I would have liked for it to be something a little different other than burgers.

  2. waven on October 27th, 2010 6:31 pm

    You guys are dreaming. I want all these things too but nothing is going to happen as long as Howard Shell, Jim Staff, Web Nall, Garrett etc are in there. Shell want even let “Schwanns” come in. Check Schwanns out online. Great meals especially for older people to prepare. Maybe you can order because they will deliver to your door. I’m sure Howard will like that :)

  3. MIIXSTER on October 19th, 2010 1:39 pm


  4. SISSY on October 18th, 2010 11:07 pm


  5. keith on October 17th, 2010 9:31 pm

    just to let you know mcdonalds will be breaking ground the second week in nov and opening day is set for feb 13…the location is behind the bp on 113…i know because they tried to buy my firework store ,,,sorry about there luck ……it will be nice for a change in flomaton but i still wish it was wendys are cracker barrel….i am friend with the owner of mcdonalds and it will not be good for hardees because all that keeps them alive is there breakfast……

  6. walter Wilson on October 17th, 2010 7:06 pm

    Sure, let’s open another Mcdonalds when the existing one screws up orders all the time, and draw more people away from the other businesses in town. thank you. What bank finance this one wasn’t a local one. didn’t think so

  7. Nippin Tucker on October 17th, 2010 1:14 pm

    Doesn’t anybody eat at home any more? There’s your nice “sit-down” restaurant. Too many people complaining about lack of choices and fat kids. The problem is too many choices. Think about it. Tax those fast food joints like you tax cigarettes. They are both killing us slowly.

  8. cygie on October 17th, 2010 8:09 am

    To respond to “Century,

    I agree that the problem is there is nothing for a family or kids to do in these small towns. The popularity of TV and video/computer games has put an end to playing outdoors, getting excercise, and community growth. That is why no chain food place will ever come to Flomaton. Nobody would keep it in business. I cannot fathom how the new library in Flomaton will pay for NEW books.

    Tourists have no reason to stop here, albeit gasoline. The town is a blip on the road map, and if it wasn’t for the 113 exit, Flomaton would be a ghost town. The town is teetering on bankruptcy so how can they afford to attract any decent business here?

    As for Wal Mart in Brewton, the customer service is terrible, but people (including myself) enjoy the one stop shopping. I patronized Winn Dixie before they closed, as well as still shop at the Pig. Wal Mart will always draw shoppers because they low ball items and lull you into thinking you are getting a good deal. Compare prices and you’ll see that they are not always the best deal.

    Century and Flomaton need to look at the community as a whole and identify why they cannot attract and then keep a good business there. Is it town leaders, business climate, traffic counts? Don’t know. But something is not working.

  9. Just My 2 Cents on October 16th, 2010 5:41 am

    The local businesses in Atmore, probably Flomaton and Century too, close every afternoon by 5 (before if they get a chance), close Thur. afternoon, Sat. and Sun. That’s why we all want Walmarts and Targets. No more locals – I don’t see how they make enough to stay open, Looks like if they want to make money and succeed they would be open when people are off from work and can shop. They are all living back in the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s when women didn’t have to work and could shop while hubby did. Atmore supports 2 Dollar Generals, 1 Fred’s, and a Family Dollar – then The Family Dollar right across the line by the Pig. Why? Because they stay open after 5 in the afternoon. Towns should not cut deals to get these department stores into their town.

    Target and Walmart would create jobs – better than the opportunities the above mentioned towns offer now. They may not support a family but they would help support a family. The American way is competiton and the Pig in Century needs competion. Everyone goes to Walmart in Brewton, Bay Minette, or Pensacola. It would be great if local governments and the locals could benefit from the dollars spent in those places. The town officials need to get into this century – the 21st – it seems they think a town will grow using the old ways but things have changed.

    The plants and factories left The USA and went to 3rd world countries because the Federal Gov. gave them tax breaks to do do. The unions pushed saleries up so high that middle America couldn’t afford their products anymore. Plants and factories had to go over seas to keep the cost down which resulted in jobs lost, so the cost of the product was still too high because no one has money – vicious cycle. We need our plants and factories back home or we will become a 3rd world country.

  10. Century on October 15th, 2010 10:22 pm

    Why cant it be Red Lobster! Or a New Bowling Alley, or something that the children can get involued with. Parent’s now days want even take their children to church let alone to Pensacola to one of these Places i listed.. There is to many fast food chain’s and not enough of Sit down and eat a good ole homecooked meal Resturant…. Century is getting a “New Chiness Resturant” across from Whataburger, but if it’s like all the other food chain’s it wont last long either.. We do need something in this town for the whole community, not just fast food chain’s.. That’s why alot of kid’s today are over weight cause of this.. What about something healthy.. As far as a walmart, I dont beleive Century or Atmore will ever have one. Look at the one in Brewton! The New Walmart’s there, dont know body like it, thats why they still go to Pace or Pensacola. I live in Century Fl. and i would rather drive to Pensacola than i had Brewton Al, To Walmart’s. Century Need to grow as well as Atmore & Brewton, we have alot of Tourist that come through everyday of the year and it’s a shame they have to go all the way to Pcola or where ever to get what they need. A new Grocery Store would be even nicer. Look how long it took piggly wiggly’s to remodel in Century, Thank’s to Food Giant. That use to be the most stinkinest store in town, and had the most awful meat you could ever want to buy. You People may think i’m crazy but like i said. We need to let century grow to with out having to join in with Pcola. I agree on a Mexican Resturant, anything but fast food.. Poor ole Hardee’s all it make’s is off the breakfast menu, they not what they use to be ither.. Burger King! who wants food from there.. People are slick around this town, if they know you & dont like you they may spit in your food, or drop it on the floor, I had that done to me at hardees one time they served my hamburger to me with raw meat that was still frozen. Thats ashame. I dont do fast food resturant around this town or any other town cause you never know what your going to get. That’s everywhere you go.. not just in Century or Flomaton. I remember when Granny’s Resturant was in Century many many yrs ago. Mammie’s Resturant. Claude’s Grill, We even had a Motel right here in Flomaton on 29 & 31 many many yrs ago.. I remember alot of stuff in this town we use to have and now we having nothing. all fast food chain’s.. What about a New Clothing Store, Or a Payless, or something people can benefit from.Or Opening our School’s back up here. Century alway’s get’s the messy end of the deal..I rather live in a Big City Than I had here but Thank’s to the Good Lord Up Above he brought me back here for many reason’s and most of them reason’s have been accomplished. Only The Good Lord Know’s What’s going to Happen Next..I Live my Life for the Lord! It would be nice to have a Nice Resturant you could go to around here after Church on Sunday’s but there’s not.. What a life Century Has!! This is Ashame….Thank God for the Panhandle resturant & The Sandwich Deli in Century Fl.. Thats all we got around here thats worth anything… We Would Love To see Century Grow Up To…

  11. huh on October 15th, 2010 10:09 pm

    To all of you saying nice restaurants, stores and etc. This is flomaton we are talking about. I think the citizens drive away most of the businesses that try to come to the area (like walmart)

  12. stall on October 15th, 2010 4:57 pm

    As far as Flomaton…yeah that might be good news

  13. stall on October 15th, 2010 4:55 pm

    My personal opinion: this isn’t news at all. McDonalds…more of the same…another “burger joint” as someone else pointed out…..smh. People have posted fab ideas on here….Cracker Barrell…Ruby Tuesdays, Apple Bees, Zaxby’s….It must’nt be too easy otherwise, I’m thinking one of them would have already been there. AGAIN: my personal, god-given opinion.

  14. Bob on October 15th, 2010 4:41 pm

    Judith has the very best comment of all. The traffic thru Atmore is most terrible. I have advocated for years that Atmore needs a bypass,that is where new business springs up. Leave downtown as it is and build for the future on the perimeters. Until this happens we will continue to go out and have fast food burgers and fried chicken for our dinners. New business will never locate where traffic congestion is so bad and parking is almost impossible. By the way I hope they hire some people at the new McDonalds that has a little personality.

  15. amanda on October 15th, 2010 3:31 pm

    michelle, the old davisville store used to be the buffet, and it closed due to lack of business …i’m guessing, that’s all i could imagine it was

  16. Michelle on October 15th, 2010 2:57 pm

    How about a buffet, are there any around here? Maybe someone could turn the old country store in Davisville into one : )

    But not another McD’s they never get your order right no matter where you are.

  17. TJ on October 15th, 2010 2:46 pm

    Hey, Flomaton be glad your getting something!!! A Cracker Barrel Would be GREAT at the interstate!!! Maybe oneday soon !!! Do you remember Berta’s???? In Atmore the old house!!! great food What happen to it???

  18. amanda on October 15th, 2010 2:28 pm

    what we need as far as home cooking goes, is more old style boarding houses, they were the best…best food and best place to gather. As far as fast food chains go, they are franchises and individuals have to open them…buy the franchise, and that costs lots of $$$$…..most people around here don’t have that kind of money. As you have seen through the years, local people don’t support small businesses because they have to charge a little more for their products because they don’t have the buying power that a Walmart or Target have. I remember a restaurant that was owned by the Stuckeys down across the line that had decent food….they ended up closing too…had probably invested a lot of money into it too, but the locals didn’t support them……the have been several restaurants in town that have had to close due to no business….these people have bills to pay in the business, if folks don’t go, bills don’t get paid, doors get closed. As far as buying a GOOD product from a local independently owned store vs a big chain (lowes and Home depot included) , you ARE NOT getting the same quality product that you get from a local retailer….i will argue this anyday….they get a cheaper model with cheaper parts made just for them so they can sell it CHEAPER…not much cheaper, but, when you have a problem, you can go back to the small retailer for work, you go to lowes, home Depot, walmart etc…you sometimes get the run around or they send your product off to who knows where for a long time…just remember this when you go to shop for a QUALITY branded product….your not getting it from the big box stores… included!

  19. huh on October 15th, 2010 12:55 pm

    I miss Taco Bell in brewton, it was always packed I dont know how they went out of business. I wish they would return

  20. Anonymous on October 15th, 2010 12:17 pm

    McDonald’s? Ugh. Gross. How about a Wendy’s?

  21. CW on October 15th, 2010 11:34 am

    @Blah!!, the McDonalds on the south side of town is also new, they demolished the old one a couple of years ago. So Atmore will now have two McDonalds.

    Personally I was hoping a Zaxby’s would open at the interstate, oh well.

  22. judith on October 15th, 2010 10:31 am

    THE WORST PLACE TO DRIVE NOW IS HWY 21 you almost get killed every day people dont wait for traffic are lights and i know because i travel it several times a day any thing else out there will get even worst if you will just go out there and wait a few minutes you will see what i mean one almost killed there yesterday bike pulled across in front of a truck without looking

  23. TriedKeepingQuiet on October 15th, 2010 10:28 am

    Why doesn’t someone put in a Ruby Tuesday’s or a Applebees or something besides a burger joint! Some people like to go in & have a nice “sit down” dinner, not a burger on the run! Just a thought!

  24. Darryl on October 15th, 2010 9:56 am

    Regarding the comment “How about putting in a Target or Walmart?? something that will bring in some profit for the city of Atmore.”. A supercenter corporate retailer will kill jobs, and those that it does bring will as one VP of Communications at Walmart stated in an interview have salaries that are not designed to support a family. If you want the most benefit for the community you need to think local independent business. The most job creation is by new small business start ups. As to the corporate retailers, remember this:
    *The supercenters typically create 276 job losses.
    *The do not use local businesses such as advertisers, attorneys, accountants, local suppliers, etc. Even the banks are used just to wire transfer the deposits back to corporate.
    *They put less money back into the local economy. One person likened them to colonial powers that went into an area with the intent of not improving it but to siphon off the resources, in the case of corporate retailers that being capital.
    *Their push for cheaper and cheaper cost (not necessarily the cheapest retail price) has driven down salaries, and is one major cause of vendors shutting down plants in this country and going overseas. It is do what the retailer wants or loose the account.
    *The corporate retailer is able to front load depreciation at such a short term that they in many cases pay no taxes. Add to this the fact some cities give them subsidies (land, tax breaks, direct cash subsidies) they end up costing towns and cities money. Their development model of going further and further out causing sprawl, also cost the city with extension of services, greater area coverage for police, ambulance, fire, etc. which adds to their cost.

    Check out this for more detailed information:

  25. ?? on October 15th, 2010 9:55 am

    Why in the world are they doing that? Atmore needs something different. Maybe a Taco Bell? That would be nice.

  26. Darryl on October 15th, 2010 9:54 am

    Regarding the comment “How about putting in a Target or Walmart?? something that will bring in some profit for the city of Atmore.”. A supercenter corporate retailer will kill jobs, and those that it does bring will as one VP of Communications at Walmart stated in an interview have salaries that are not designed to support a family. If you want the most benefit for the community you need to think local independent business. The most job creation is by new small business start ups. As to the corporate retailers, remember this:
    *The supercenters typically create 276 job losses.
    *The do not use local businesses such as advertisers, attorneys, accountants, local suppliers, etc. Even the banks are used just to wire transfer the deposits back to corporate.
    *They put less money back into the local economy. One person likened them to colonial powers that went into an area with the intent of not improving it but to siphon off the resources, in the case of corporate retailers that being capital.
    *There push for cheaper and cheaper cost (not necessarily the cheapest retail price) has driven down salaries, and is one major cause of vendors shutting down plants in this country and going overseas. It is do what the retailer wants or loose the account.
    *The corporate retailer is able to front load depreciation at such a short term that they in many cases pay no taxes. Add to this the fact some cities give them subsidies (land, tax breaks, direct cash subsidies) they end up costing towns and cities money. There development model of going further and further out causing sprawl, also cost the city with extension of services, greater area coverage for police, ambulance, fire, etc. which adds to their cost.

    Check out this for more detailed information:

  27. Erin on October 15th, 2010 9:18 am

    I agree with ‘Blah!!’. They should put a Target where the trailer park used to be once you cross the Florida line (by the Grey Goose). I heard they thought about putting a walmart there but decided it would destroy all the grocery stores. Not many people buy groceries from Target, so it would be a better decision.

  28. Elizabeth on October 15th, 2010 9:13 am

    Micky Dee’s?

    Bleh! I can taste the cardboard right now!

    Good for the town though.

  29. LULU on October 15th, 2010 8:42 am

    Wish they would put a Hungry Howies Pizza, or Mellow Mushroom and a Popeyes Chicken in there.

  30. luvin life on October 15th, 2010 8:21 am

    What about Molino. We are still here……

  31. flimflam on October 15th, 2010 7:48 am

    While it will definitely be nice to have a McDonald’s in Flomaton, I agree with Out For Justice. They closed the Taco Bell in brewton and it was a bummer because now to get that you have to be in the Pensacola area. I believe with the Casino making it so big in Atmore a Wal-Mart or Target would profit very well. It would be nice to eventually get things closer to the northend that would not require the trip to Pensacola to just shop or eat out!

  32. Horrific! on October 15th, 2010 7:32 am

    if you want nice businesses to come to your town you have to look like a nice

    if they read this newspaper…………………………

  33. cygie on October 15th, 2010 6:38 am

    What will a McD’s do for Flomaton? Do people think there will be a re-awakening of the town due to one drive thru based food chain? Or, what are the tax revenue figures for this food chain? I sincerely doubt that a new McD’s will keep the town from robbing the sewer fund to pay the bills.

    If a McDonald’s is the best news in years, I suggest opening the Bible and reading a few chapters.

  34. Out for Justice on October 15th, 2010 3:02 am

    I want a Taco Bell……

  35. Blah!! on October 15th, 2010 12:56 am

    I’m glad that Flomaton might actually get another place to eat, but are they going to leave the McDonald’s that is in South Atmore or are they going to close it down & open the new one at the interstate? I wish Atmore would quit just putting in FOOD places, we’re all getting fat enough with all the dang fastfood! How about putting in a Target or Walmart?? something that will bring in some profit for the city of Atmore. Instead of having two Dollar Generals, two Family Dollar’s, and four grocery stores, how about something NEW? If they’re going to put anymore food places in, how about a Taco Bell, maybe a Chick-Fil-A, or Ryan’s/Golden Coral?? but on another note, what ever happened to the good ol’ days with home cooked meals? When I was growing up, it was a priviledge to get a Happy Meal from McDonald’s… and now days you’re lucky to get a home cooked meal!? Okay I’m done venting now! :)

  36. huh on October 15th, 2010 12:44 am

    McDonalds in Flomaton = Best news in years !