Meth Lab Discovered In North Escambia, Walnut Hill Man Charged

October 27, 2010

The 30th meth lab found this year in Escambia County was discovered near Walnut Hill, and the man deputies said is responsible is behind bars.

Mark Allen Shipps, 37, was charged with manufacturing methamphetamine, possession of methamphetamine,  possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana after the meth lab was discovered late Monday night at a shed located at his home at in the 6400 block of Rockaway Creek Road in the Nokomis community.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Department said Shipps’ ex-wife called the department and told authorities that he was cooking meth in the shed behind the house, and she gave deputies permission to search the property.

When deputies arrived, Shipps reportedly told them that he had did not have anything illegal and gave them permission to search. Shipps reached into his pocket and pulled out a baggie with rolling papers and a small amount of marijuana, according to the arrest report. Deputies also found a small baggie containing methamphetamine and two glass pipes in another pocket.

Under a shed awning, deputies found items known to be consistent with a meth lab, and the ex-wife told deputies that Shipps had already burned some of the meth-making equipment.

According to Sgt. Ted Roy, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the meth lab discovery was the 30th in Escambia County so far this year.

“And I expect that there will be more,” Roy said.

As of early Wednesday morning, Shipps remained in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $26,000.


70 Responses to “Meth Lab Discovered In North Escambia, Walnut Hill Man Charged”

  1. Just An Old Soldier on November 1st, 2010 10:56 am

    “Righteousness for His Righteouness’ sake….”

    Happy All Souls Day!

  2. Sandra on October 30th, 2010 4:08 pm

    Regarding David’s last post…….Awesome Dude!!

  3. David Huie Green on October 30th, 2010 11:53 am

    “anyone that has any psychology training knows that all of us (yes, I said all of us) have evil thoughts…especially at the id level of our psychic apparatus…and it certainly does not make us bad people. On the other extreme of thought, we are all bad people because we have all been born into sin and could never possibly be good without the saving grace of Jesus Christ our Lord”

    Jesus the extremist. I wish people could read better, but repeat that the bad thought was not proof of being bad but rather those who are only restrained from bad actions out of fear are bad, to my way of thinking.

    Actually the teachings of Christ are not that He makes people good but imputes His righteousness to believers. It seems you don’t believe Him, so wasting time discussing the matter can definitely wait for a rainier day.

    “Psychology training,” “id level,” “psychic apparatus”

    Most impressive terms. One would think they actually meant something if one knew nothing. It’s interesting to consider some of the schools of psychology including structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, gestaltism, psychoanalysis, individual psychology analytical psychology, humanist psychology, transpersonal psychology and cognitive psychology–to name a few.

    Each one considers itself better than all the others and holder of absolute truths and that the others are just mistaken at best. If you could put a voltmeter to each one and see whether it were right or wrong, I fear you might be disappointed. Thankfully for you, there is no proof of the wrongness (or even possible rightness) of any particular school of thought here.

    David for truth,
    or failing that–impressive terminology
    and Atmore

  4. PROUD ATMORE RESIDENT 4 LIFE on October 30th, 2010 11:49 am

    I am afraid that the topic is way too complicated to explain over this medium. We all have within us the ability and even the thoughts to do bad things and probably more often than not, the fear of bad consequences is indeed the reason we don’t do them (whether that fear comes from God, prison, peer pressure, etc…).

    There is no ONE bad decision that makes you a good or bad person. Rather the basis of our character comes from a lifetime of choices (a complete body of work, if you will). Hence our tendency to rush to judge some and to rush to defend others. We know that it is “out of character” for them…or, we know it is well within their character based on past “bad” decisions.

    Me – for looking at the life of a person and not judging them as good or bad based SOLELY on recent good or bad decisions.

  5. David Huie Green on October 30th, 2010 11:21 am

    “It’s easy for you to stand on the outside and judge. You have no idea how much hurt this has caused my boys, – - ’s parents, the entire family… It is something I truly hope you never have to face. So instead of criticizing my children’s comments as if they are somehow beneath you, why not show them a little support and encouragement to help them through this”

    Actually, I do have an idea. All your hopes, wishes, dreams shattered by something beyond your power to fix, knowledge that more pain, suffering and death lay ahead if something didn’t change. I don’t think I’ve disagreed with a word you said or a thing you did. You have burdens no other human can carry. You didn’t appreciate people cutting down your children for what another did.

    Without reading anybody’s mind I understand her frustration, too, in that so many keep acting like it’s all good even though as you well know, it isn’t good.

    You tried to get help, but the one needing it denied he had a problem. You tried to get him to give up the dope but he denied he ever used it. You said he “is not the same man that I married. He’s become someone that we don’t even recognize: paranoid, angry, violent, obsessive, irrational,” and others stand up for the new, unimproved man.

    You deserve better, not people attacking you for protecting your children as if the one who refused your help was the only one worthy of consideration.

    May the Lord strengthen you and your children
    and give understanding to the other

  6. David Huie Green on October 30th, 2010 10:54 am

    “DHG…man you really are obtuse.”

    DUH, obese too.

    David for honesty

  7. David Huie Green on October 30th, 2010 10:53 am

    remember, Patsy is innocent here (as elsewhere) I just didn’t notice it was using her name, but anyway,
    “however when it comes to just thinking something….that makes you a bad
    person….come on.”

    Please consider what I actually said was, “In fact if I even wanted to do it but didn’t do it out of fear of punishment, I am still a bad person”

    Understand, that’s just me but if my ONLY reason for not doing a bad thing is fear of punishment then I am a bad person held back only by that fear, just as some killers are only restrained by handcuffs or prison bars.

    If a bad thing might tempt me but I don’t do it because I know it would be wrong, then I am a better person.

    If I weren’t even tempted in the first place – - –

    Also please understand here I am not even pretending to judge any specific person because as my Atmore friend keeps pointing out, I’m too ignorant to do a thing like that, “DHG has no perspective on – - and therefore has absolutely no basis for commenting on whether he is a bad person or a good person that made a bad decision…and YES, there is a difference!!!”

    I’m simply discussing the concepts of what a person is in relation to what he does. My friend seems to think the two are unrelated. It would still be interesting to know what that ONE bad decision is supposed to have been since it seems to be all important to him.

    David for perfect psychology and understanding

  8. PROUD ATMORE RESIDENT 4 LIFE on October 30th, 2010 10:11 am

    There are LOTS of flaws in the “Green” family comments…some people that do bad things ARE bad people…but not all people that do bad things are bad people and certainly not all people that think bad things are bad people…anyone that has any psychology training knows that all of us (yes, I said all of us) have evil thoughts…especially at the id level of our psychic apparatus…and it certainly does not make us bad people. On the other extreme of thought, we are all bad people because we have all been born into sin and could never possibly be good without the saving grace of Jesus Christ our Lord.

    DHG did make a comment earlier…”thanks Heather, that helps give perspective”. And THAT is the point, DHG has no perspective on Mark, Sr and therefore has absolutely no basis for commenting on whether he is a bad person or a good person that made a bad decision…and YES, there is a difference!!!

  9. Horrific! on October 30th, 2010 7:56 am

    I agree with Patsy for the most part….

    however when it comes to just thinking something….that makes you a bad
    person….come on.

    Just this morning I was thinking when I read that one of the cops from the
    stand off had to undergo surgery and was still in need of blood and then
    right on the heels of that statement it said the perp was still in the hospital,
    my first thought was perp….you can eat crap and die!


    I don’t happen to be a bad person…. I know that…..
    I take care of ppl who deserve care….and I don’t like and never will all the others
    who go around and make life hard for them.

  10. barrineau on October 29th, 2010 7:48 pm

    DHG…man you really are obtuse. Heather you have my family and my prayers!

  11. David Huie Green on October 29th, 2010 5:10 pm

    Hmmmm, sent that one under Patsy’s name.

    As Agent 86 would say, “Sorry ’bout that, Chief.”

  12. Patsy Green on October 29th, 2010 2:50 pm

    “DHG – God should be our test and not the authorities – - – DHG is putting the “authorities” a little too high up on the pedestal”

    You could be right, maybe I give them too much credit just because they stand and place their lives between us and total anarchy. I figure that’s worth a little bit of consideration.

    I’m also influenced by the teachings of the Bible which says the Lord has placed them over us for our good, not our harm. Thus, condemning them without very good cause would be to condemn the Lord, the way I see it.

    I could be wrong, it happens frequently, doesn’t stop me from trying to be right.

    For example when I read “When good people do not so good things it does not necessarily mean that they are bad people,” I have to try to consider the viewpoint which would believe such a thing. I am convinced people are what they do, they do what they are. You disagree. You seem to believe my actions have nothing to do with what I am.

    I don’t understand that thinking. You may be right, I just can’t see it. Unless someone holds a gun to your head and makes you hurt other people, it seems to me like you are the one who does it. If I go around killing people, I am doing a bad thing and am a bad person. In fact if I even wanted to do it but didn’t do it out of fear of punishment, I am still a bad person.

    I imagine that is most of the reason the other disagrees with you. She seems to think that making poison makes one a poisoner.

    Now if he never did it, he is innocent but if he willingly did do it, that just looks like a reflection of what he has become.

    Best wishes to all of you

  13. angela shipps on October 29th, 2010 8:13 am

    The family don’t blame you at all…..We know you are a very good mom and you would only do the best thing for them……….And when Mark gets his head right he will see that too….. cause i know if he was in his right mind he would have never put his family,neighbors,or nobody else in harms way…..We are here if needed

  14. David Huie Green on October 29th, 2010 7:39 am

    thanks, Heather, that helps give perspective

  15. art on October 29th, 2010 6:58 am

    wow heather you are one brave woman with a head on her shoulders…you absolutely did the right thing, no question about it. you have given your children a strong loving example of how an adult and parent does the right thing. everyone in your family and in the community owes you the support you so richly deserve.

  16. interested reader on October 28th, 2010 10:41 pm

    GOOD JOB, ECSO! Keep it up and maybe some of these meth labs will be out of business. Now, it’s up to the judges to do their job. Does the north end seem extra busy lately? Guess we are just getting news since William keeps us up to date now. THANKS!

  17. Heather Shipps on October 28th, 2010 8:28 pm

    Nathan was not referring to Sandra’s comments that meth is bad, he was referring to her other comments:

    “Oh no! Here we go. Another one of the man’s kids saying the police report was wrong”

    “To brad and the rest of the ignorant fools. You are just as much of a problem as he is. You slap him on the back and tell hin that he is a good person, all the while he is cooking up meth and wasting his life. Some support group you are. Have you ever taken him for help? Of course not because in your small minds he is a :good” person and isnt hurting anyone. You people are pathetic.”

    I think it is time that I set the record straight.

    What Mark Jr said is true. I am not denying that I am the reason the cops searched the shed or that I gave them consent. However, I did not call the cops. My involvement did not come about exactly the way it is portrayed.

    In response to Sandra and everyone else that wants to judge my family…

    You don’t know the story. You don’t know the hell that my family has been through over the last couple years as things spiraled out of control. We’ve had suspicions about what Mark had become involved in but it was only that, suspicions. Like most people with drug problems, he denied every using meth. I tried to get him “help”, but he refused to admit he had a problem, therefore, he didn’t need help. The whole time this drug was taking over his life and tearing apart ours. The Mark you see in this picture is not the same man that I married. He’s become someone that we don’t even recognize: paranoid, angry, violent, obsessive, irrational…

    I had noticed things over the past two weeks that lead me to believe that Mark had moved on from using meth (which by the way, he still denied) to cooking meth. So I had to make the choice to turn him in or allow him to put my children, the neighbors, and even himself in danger. I didn’t turn him in because I have a grudge against him. I did it because it was the only thing I could do. I couldn’t stand by any longer hoping that he would overcome this. It was protect my kids or protect Mark. I chose my kids. I will always choose my kids.

    I have shed a lot of tears over this decision. I’ve worried that my children and the rest of Mark’s family would resent me for turning him in. And if they do, then I will have to live with that. I would rather they hate me for turning him in now, than having them hate me later, after this drugs kill him or some other innocent person, for doing nothing about it.

    It’s easy for you to stand on the outside and judge. You have no idea how much hurt this has caused my boys, Mark’s parents, the entire family… It is something I truly hope you never have to face. So instead of criticizing my children’s comments as if they are somehow beneath you, why not show them a little support and encouragement to help them through this.

  18. PROUD ATMORE RESIDENT 4 LIFE on October 28th, 2010 8:25 pm

    When good people do not so good things it does not necessarily mean that they are bad people…it just means that what they DID was bad…

    Me, thinking that DHG and SANDRA are getting this idea a little mixed up…

    Me, thinking I am getting a little tired of hearing from DHG and SANDRA…

  19. PROUD ATMORE RESIDENT 4 LIFE on October 28th, 2010 8:19 pm

    DHG – God should be our test and not the authorities…

    Me, thinking DHG is putting the “authorities” a little too high up on the pedestal…

  20. A♥♫ on October 28th, 2010 7:05 pm

    I am glad that they found this meth lab before it could have exploded and killed people around the area. I really don’t understand why people want to make this stuff, with knowing some of the poisonous and hazardous stuff that is in that crap. I do hope this man can get help and get off of that stuff…

  21. David Huie Green on October 28th, 2010 5:13 pm

    “it appears to me from all the comments i have read , that you are the only person who [agrees] with what [you're] saying.”



    Are sure her thought is flawed? It doesn’t seem like a good thing to be doing.

    One possible test regarding whether or not it is a good thing is to start doing it in the front yard in front of authorities. If they all agree it’s hunky dory, then perhaps Sandra is wrong.

    If not. . . .

  22. Nathan Shipps on October 28th, 2010 4:23 pm

    @ Sandra , it appears to me from all the comments i have read , that you are the only person who agree’s with what your saying. Obviously your out ruled , so why do you keep thinking that what your saying when 35 other people agree with my brother, Brad,and my Aunt?

  23. Horrific! on October 28th, 2010 3:09 pm

    Well said David….
    I had to zip my mouth when I read that one……..

  24. David Huie Green on October 28th, 2010 2:26 pm

    “Drugs are a part of life in the present day and we shouldn’t be discouraging their use, but instead regulating and maximize the information available to us.”


    That’s a fascinating thought, not only should we ignore their usage, we should encourage it? No, I’m misreading that, but it’s definitely confusing. We should not discourage use of drugs? Who knows more about drugs than drug users? Yet many of them continue to use.

    If a person was a good person once but now does bad things, is he still a good person? If the drugs rewire your brain are you still the same person? Are you still in control of your destiny of are you a slave to your new master? Does anyone consider drug addiction a good master?

    I was never a good person, have to force myself not to do bad things; but I have wondered why anyone would place themselves in the chains of addiction. Lots of folks figure they can use and quit whenever they wish despite so many reporting their wishes get captured and they are trapped.

    David for avoiding Russian Roulette

  25. Brad Lowery on October 28th, 2010 2:06 pm

    To call someone ignorant, who has actually been around the man, when you yourself have no clue what is going on is becoming a little beyond foolish. No one on here has said that cooking meth is a GOOD thing. I agree that it is a bad thing. People, at times in life, get caught up in bad things. Even good people. Are you so “holier than thou” that you have never done anything wrong. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes, even though I highly doubt your brain possesses the intelligence needed for empathy, and understand that Mark DID NOT say that the crime committed was a good one. He simply said that there is MORE TO THE STORY than what you know. Which is the case. You are the definition of an ignorant woman, and the fact that you would immediately jump to the fact that Mark, as well as everyone else who agrees there was more to the story, is wrong for believing so, only PROVES your inability to conceive anything outside of the tiny little box you obviously live in. I would suggest not posting anything else in fear of not ever being given the credit to think rationally, or at all for that matter, as an adult. You ma’am, not myself, Mark, or anyone else on this page, are pathetic.

  26. angela shipps on October 28th, 2010 1:45 pm

    @ SANDRA


  27. parent on October 28th, 2010 1:45 pm

    to Sandra,
    everyone reading this knows that making, doing, and selling meth is wrong. your comments are not helping anyone. we all have sinned – maybe not doing meth, but sin – yes. his son is a fine young man and not responsible for his Dad’s sins.
    don’t point a finger because 3 are pointing back at you.

  28. Briana with one n on October 28th, 2010 1:34 pm

    Why are you so adamant about convincing everyone that he is not a good person, sandra? I mean, I don’t think cooking meth is good to do either, but why yell about it? Why focus on such an insignificant argument among the possible ones in a story such as this and try to convince people on a website that he’s not good?

  29. blessed beyond comprehension on October 28th, 2010 1:26 pm

    Most of us have been blessed beyond what we even can fathom. I don’t know the whole story with Mark, Sr…perhaps no one but he and God know the entire story, but I know enough of the story to know the tough breaks he has had over the last 5 years. And no, not for one minute do I condone turning to anything other than God…however, I don’t think there is a single one of us that can say we have never turned to the wrong things for comfort during times of trouble.

    Sure, Mark has made a huge mistake…sure, there are good people (e.g., his family) that will suffer because of his mistakes…but you know, that is what sin does to us…that is what Satan does to us…he causes us to not only hurt ourselves but also the people we love the most.

    Sandra, the reason you are coming across so offensive to many on this site is that your words are so full of judgment against not only Mark, Sr but also Mark, Jr. What else would you expect a young son to do than to stand up for his father? And to label everyone that doesn’t agree with you as idiots…hummm, who do you think really looks like an idiot when you do that??

    Am I glad that the ECSO has found and destroyed this meth lab…YOU BET…Do I pray that Mark, Sr gets the help he so needs…Absolutely…but to come on here and talk down to Mark, Jr shows absolutely no class or understanding.

  30. sandra on October 28th, 2010 12:39 pm


  31. angela shipps on October 28th, 2010 11:59 am


  32. Mark Allen Shipps Jr. on October 28th, 2010 11:50 am

    Sandra, the irony of your comment lies in the fact that you label others as ignorant fools, yet they probably know more about this particular situation than you.

  33. Gerry Dumenkoffen on October 28th, 2010 11:35 am

    We are all saying prayers for your family now.

  34. Just An Old Soldier on October 28th, 2010 11:27 am

    I’d like to point out that this drug, methamphetamine, is a powerful actor once it is in the central nervous system (especially in the Brain). The use of it can cause the individual to act in a deranged manner, a self-induced psychosis, often paranoid. And the more it is used the tighter the grip it has, in terms of addiction.

    The drug itself, in the quantities that abusers dose themselves with, gives the user a “high” that is similar to the “high” of a Bipolar Manic-Depressive – and worse, it reorders the brain’s neural pathways. Connections are made that were never intended by Nature, and connections destroyed that were once of great use and value to the individual.

    I have seen the tragic outcome of this in kids that I grew up with that became addicts to this horrible drug. Some wound up in prison, and some died by their own hand during the deep depression that occurs when the drug is not present.

    Some of the best and brightest kids (before the drugs), lost forever. May God have mercy on their souls.

  35. angela shipps on October 28th, 2010 10:50 am

    To the ones of you that dont know him you can comment on the meb lab or him using it but you need to keep your comments about his family to yourselfs. Cause my brother Mark was/ is a great father, husband, son, brother and friend.And for yall to judge him for what only the newspaper tells you then that tells how much you need to keep your mouth shut….And if yall care so much about your family then why is it that yall have to wait until the cops find something instead of yall walking threw your own neighborhoods to maybe CLEAN-UP THE TRASH ON THE ROADS and maybe you might come across something yourself. But NO YALL want to be the ones who sit back and call yourselfs concerned parents!! YEAH RIGHT!!!!! So you all dont know what the hell is going on…… So i tell you dont judge him you can judge the crime but believe me he will be man enough to do the time for his crime………AND FOR ALL OF YOU THAT THINK YALL DONT DO NOTHING WRONG YOU DONT KNOW WHAT HE IS GOING THREW RIGHT NOW AND YOU MIGHT BE IN HIS SHOES ONE DAY!!! BOYS YOU KNOW THAT YOUR DAD LOVES YALL BUT HE (like alot of people) ARE GOING THREW A HARD TIME!!!!! And i know that is no excuse for what has been done but this might be what he needed to help him GOD KNOWS HE’S FAMILY WILL BE BESIDE HIM NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!

  36. sandra on October 28th, 2010 10:25 am

    To brad and the rest of the ignorant fools. You are just as much of a problem as he is. You slap him on the back and tell hin that he is a good person, all the while he is cooking up meth and wasting his life. Some support group you are. Have you ever taken him for help? Of course not because in your small minds he is a :good” person and isnt hurting anyone. You people are pathetic.

  37. Gerry Dumenkoffen on October 28th, 2010 10:10 am

    It sure looks like the criminals that are busted in Escambia county have lots of loving and caring friends and relatives. There is so much love that you wonder how they had the time to go out and commit their dastardly deeds. I guess because meth gives you the whole 24 hours a day to play with. That plus all the enabling!

  38. art on October 28th, 2010 8:39 am

    here we go again…is it just me or does there seem to be a problem developing here in the north end?

  39. T on October 28th, 2010 6:17 am

    “SANDRA” stop while you can…..YOU are way out of line, you make NO sense, your comment is ignorant, and you are being very judgemental to this man’s son.

    He is NOT denying what his father did, he is only stating that it did not happen as it is being reported!!
    You are 100% totally wrong Sandra.

    “RE”READ this SANDRA…………….

    My father was a fine man before this drug took control of his life. The police report according to this site seems a bit skewed from reality. My mother did not “turn him in” or “report him” in the connotation that this article conveys. It happened a bit different, and there were MANY complications that contributed to her decisions as not only the homeowner, but also a caring mother.

  40. A.Christ on October 28th, 2010 3:52 am

    It seems like we are treating a symptom here. Why was this man selling meth? Because people want it. Drugs are not of the devil, granted they have been demonized. Drugs are a part of life in the present day and we shouldn’t be discouraging their use, but instead regulating and maximize the information available to us. Everyone has those days when they could use a little pick me up.
    What I’m saying is that we are the present let’s get our minds out of the past. You guys say these users are crazy….Crazy can be defined as using the same method and expecting different results.(i’m sure the meth heads know that. Meth can be done a lot of ways ya’know.)Obviously, our strategies for drug control are ineffective not to mention our police force’s resources are about as extensive as “mayburys”. So what should we do? Steaks can be cooked many ways. Why focus on the supply side it’s relative to demand, nixion must of really had his thinking cap on to rationalize such backward logic. Why not make it readily available? It would lower prices and become easily obtainable. People’s life wouldn’t have to revolve around the backwards hidden life style or drug use and their drug usage would remain drug usage and not a drug problem. It’s hard for a minor to buy cigarettes too. Also, for the people who are going to respond with the faces of meth, meth is a monster drug, and meth destroys people type stuff. amphetemine is taken is as large as 30mg dosages by millions of children a day,but its prescribed for ADHD. Lets not fear the findings of technology but embrace them in hopes of making our day to day lives easier.

  41. momma#2 on October 28th, 2010 12:46 am

    TO sandra you apparently do not know any of the people involved mark is no alexis. He does not deny that his father has problems and you are very pathetic and a poor excuse of a woman that apparently has no loved ones or else you wouldn’t be commenting the way you are. I do not know mr shipps but I do know his son mark like one of my own and it infuriates me for someone to act as if mark is acting as if it didn’t happen I don’t think he says the police report is wrong he said this SITE big difference. As for anyone else that wants to act as if they are GOD ready to hand down judgment who do you think you are because your not God. And as far as the police reports go they are not always correct. This I know for a fact. Mark and Brad love you both bunches.

  42. Brad Lowery on October 27th, 2010 10:59 pm

    Let me be very clear when I say that you have NO IDEA what you’re talking about. To presume that instances are exactly the same every single time makes you ignorant. But obviously, you’re just so good you can sit at home, read a report, fill in the “truth missing from the report” Maybe we should start calling you Psych?

  43. Jus a comment on October 27th, 2010 9:47 pm

    Would you all re-read your comment,, As a mother of a child that ONCE had the monkey on her back PEOPLE do and can change, As for the ex-wife in this article even if you did report it, you did it out of LOVE!! No=one knows the whole story jus everyone wants to put their 2 scents in,,, Yes there is alot of drugs on our streets in the surrounding area, But our counties jus don’t have all the man power and the funds to keep our areas clean,,, Hats off to them however for a job well done,,,

  44. PROUD ATMORE RESIDENT 4 LIFE on October 27th, 2010 9:26 pm

    Sandra –

    You must be awesome…to presume to know more about the situation that the man’s son…you must be psychic or something…

  45. Mark Allen Shipps Jr. on October 27th, 2010 9:18 pm


    It’s perfectly acceptable if you don’t believe me because I do agree with your statement, and if I were in your position, I’d probably be just as skeptical. You choose what to believe. I was just stating the truth from how I saw it–firsthand, that is.

  46. kaitlyn on October 27th, 2010 9:03 pm

    well said brad! and i’m sorry mark. i don’t blame your mom for doing what she did. let me know if there’s anything i can do for you guys!

  47. Sandra on October 27th, 2010 8:51 pm

    Oh no! Here we go. Another one of the man’s kids saying the police report was wrong. Didnt jennifer Blacks kid say the same thing?

  48. Mark Allen Shipps Jr. on October 27th, 2010 8:22 pm

    My father was a fine man before this drug took control of his life. The police report according to this site seems a bit skewed from reality. My mother did not “turn him in” or “report him” in the connotation that this article conveys. It happened a bit different, and there were MANY complications that contributed to her decisions as not only the homeowner, but also a caring mother.

  49. Brad Lowery on October 27th, 2010 7:55 pm

    In response to “john on October 27th, 2010 8:13 am .. Also, his ex must be holding a grudge against him to call in and report him, instead of getting him help.” You make yourself seem foolish to leave a comment like that. To throw out statements that she should get him help, do you know the whole story? In fact do you know her? I highly doubt it. She has two sons to think about, which are much more important to her than if you thought she should have tried to hide what he was doing and risk her sons, as well as her own, safety. Way to show your ignorance of the situation and your ability to formulate a conclusion without actually knowing anything other than the police report.

  50. OldMarine on October 27th, 2010 6:41 pm

    The Poison Makers and Dealers need to be put away for life on multiple attempted Murder Charges.

  51. Harley Caraway on October 27th, 2010 6:21 pm

    This is pretty sad cause i live like 2 minutes away from this person. I personally know his kids and you would have never known that he would have done this. I get on and off of the bus right across the road from his house and this is kindof scary to think about. But this is one more bust and they are going to keep making them until these stupid meth-heads stop!!!

  52. don't know everything on October 27th, 2010 5:35 pm

    I have heard that if you do meth. A Inmate from Louisiana said that if you try me once I may let you go. I you try me twice I have you soul. I am proud of our State Troopers and police officers they have a tough job. They don;t know what they are driving up on.

  53. Hopeful on October 27th, 2010 4:57 pm

    Thankful that the ECSO is locking these people up. Too bad they just get a slap on the wrist and get right back into it.

  54. c man on October 27th, 2010 3:07 pm

    Way to go ECSO and you are right there are more out there in the area. Keep up the good work.

  55. Sandra on October 27th, 2010 2:29 pm

    Good job ECSO for relieving our community of yet another druggie. Maybe one day they’ll all be gone.

  56. trackDad on October 27th, 2010 11:51 am

    “Mark” may be a nice guy…but he only has himself to blame. I don’t think anyone was making him take (or make) this junk. What he was doing is illegal, and harmful to himself and his neighbors.

  57. BrewtonBrat on October 27th, 2010 11:22 am

    Whats the song say: Another one bites the dust……

  58. Just An Old Soldier on October 27th, 2010 10:45 am

    Great job, ECSO!

  59. ha on October 27th, 2010 9:19 am

    in reply to john’ ’s comment: “Also, his ex must be holding a grudge against him to call in and report him, instead of getting him help”…
    well, for one, if she is his ex, then she probably knows that she can’t help him, he’s got to help himself…two, making that crap is no joke…if something went wrong he could have killed innocent people…including the distribution of meth to supporting others habbits….he may ‘be a good guy’ but he deserves to be punished for his crimes….i don’t care for people like this…gettting off drugs CAN be done, it HAS been done, but you have to WANT it.

  60. Me on October 27th, 2010 9:03 am

    Meth was invented by Adolf Hitler’s thugs during WW II. It help to keep his soldiers up for days without sleep. It is definitly the devil’s drug. Hope this guy can get the help he needs!!

  61. "T" on October 27th, 2010 8:34 am

    God bless him, release this terrible demon of drug addiction,

    and “Parent of 3 girls” there may be a chance that he WILL NOT spend time in prison, as sometimes the person will get 7-10-20 years, then sometimes not even ONE year in prison….look at the couple in walnut hill last year
    TWICE!! was caught, and did NOT go to prison…………it all has to do with the Judge over the case, and depending on if he will become a nark for the cops.
    Seems so unfair, that 2 people can do the same crime, one can get 7 years, one can get nothing, and then you have some who get caught 2-3-4 times and still NOT pay consequences, especially females.
    Certain females getting busted around here, no consequences, and then just move a couple miles away, then start a new lab. Amazing!

  62. se on October 27th, 2010 8:16 am

    How scary is that….that is right near my house. Myself and my children pass by this place every day. This stuff is deadly in so many ways. The meth labs are esp. a danger to law enforcement, fire and ems if we don’t know they are there….they explode and kill innocent people. A rehab clinic is a great idea but these criminals rake in money making this crap and get more people hooked. Good job ECSO!! Keep it up.

  63. john on October 27th, 2010 8:13 am

    “he tells them he has nothing illegal”, then pulls the dope out of his pocket AND the stuff they found in the shed……..???????????????? Must have just “lit up” before he talked to him. Also, his ex must be holding a grudge against him to call in and report him, instead of getting him help.

  64. Parent of 3 girls on October 27th, 2010 7:48 am

    Mark is not a bad guy, he’s a drug addict. Crystal Meth is the devil’s drug and is running rampant in our community. I’m quite sure that once Mr. Shipps has detoxed all of the crap out of his system, he will be relieved to have that monkey off of his back. Too bad he has to wake up and smell the coffee in prison.

  65. trackDad on October 27th, 2010 7:26 am

    walNUT Hill residents like to talk like they live in “Mayberry”…apparently Otis is making more than corn likker now.

  66. trackDad on October 27th, 2010 7:23 am

    Have you noticed that all of these “chemists” wear the same “uniform”? Blank stare, dirty white t-shirt, buzz haircut, lopsided eyes, bad skin.

  67. aam on October 27th, 2010 7:04 am

    The Person I Once Knew

    If only you had listened,
    to what I tried to tell,
    If only you had realized,
    I knew you all to well.

    Nothing was more important,
    than what you had to do,
    the drug had taken over,
    the person I once knew.

    Now every time I pass the place,
    we buried you that day,
    I think of all the others,
    that are soon to pass this way.

    Your face will always linger,
    in the chambers of my mind,
    and I am thankful someone cared,
    and got me help in time.

  68. Oversight on October 27th, 2010 5:52 am

    People who make meth do not do this activity by themselves and they have to have help from others to purchase items needed to make it. Keep looking and you’ll find more of Shipps’ friends who are involved in meth making.

  69. deeply saddened on October 27th, 2010 5:17 am

    I really wish I had the money t open I free rehab in this area between Molino n walnut hill cause its not easy and some people are in so deep they Dnt see a way out n old habits die hard … Not all wanna change but no one wanted to be a drug addict when they grow up…. I am so sad cause I grew up here in north escambia… When are we gonna wake up and realize we cnt just leave it up to the police b the area …. Cause the Game dnt like officer…. N help take our community back …. Give them hope…..JESUS….. GOD I PRAY RIGHT NOW TO BREAK THAT STRONG HOLD ON THIS COMMUNITY I DNV HAVE TO SIT BACK AND LET SATAN TEAR THESE PEOPLE APART I KNOW THEY HAVE MADE BAD DECISION BUT GOD SHOW ALLL YOUR LOVE….WHO WILL STAND WITH ME WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD IF WE ARE UP TO THE FIGHT

  70. mary on October 27th, 2010 5:06 am

    Another “Meth Lab” put out of commission!! GOOD JOB!!! There have been way too many of these busts..meaning there are many more!! Just knowing how they make this stuff scares the hell out of me!