Mariah Carey Announces Extreme Home Makeover Family In Baker, Home Location In Escambia

October 18, 2010

Imagine Finis Gastonʼs surprise when the music legend Mariah Carey came to the small community of Baker where he takes care of his niece and nephews. Finis was coaching one of his cheerleading sessions on Monday, Oct. 18, when Carey announced to the Gaston family that they are the latest recipients of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

In just one week, Gaston and his family will be able to move into their new home in a new town to start their new lives. “We are ready to give Finis Gaston and his family a fresh start here in Pensacola,” said Frank Lott, III, president of Heritage Homes. “His positive attitude and big heart will be the inspiration that carries our team of builders and volunteers as we take on this weekʼs build.”

Finis was raised by a single mother in a poor neighborhood. His mom also took care of his young niece and two nephews. When Finis was 16 years old, the straight A-student and sports enthusiast tried out for the Baker School cheerleading team. After the coach saw his sky-high jump and perfect toe-touch, she volunteered to pay for everything he needed to be on the team. He made school history as the first male cheerleader and his confidence and sense of humor made him a school favorite. His dream to go to college and earn a degree in social work came true when he was discovered by a football scout, who offered Finis a full scholarship to Alabama A&M University.

With just one year left to graduation, Finisʼ beloved mother unexpectedly died. Although he was living his dream, he didnʼt hesitate to leave college to return home and care for his niece and nephews. Family comes first for Finis; and splitting up the children to be sent to foster care was not an option for him.

In addition to his job as a lunch server at Baker School, Finis is a volunteer coach for a local area girlsʼ cheerleading team at the Baker Area Youth Association. Under his guidance, he has led their team to win local competitions and more importantly, has given the girls a much-needed boost of confidence. He opened a gymnastics business called Finest Tumblers, but he had to shut down when the building was recently sold.

The community lost a fun, healthy place for kids to train; and Finis lost the income that he planned to use to make his familyʼs home safe and livable.

Finis and his niece, 18-year-old Jasqulon Gaston, her baby boy, LaRon and Finisʼs nephews: Tyshun Morris, 15 and Tyvun Morris, 8, will go on vacation to Disneyworld. Meanwhile, EM: HE design team leader Ty Pennington and designers Michael Moloney, Tracy Hutson and Johnny Littlefield, local builder Heritage Homes and community volunteers will build the structure.

The home will be located at 1301 Rainbow Avenue in Pensacola.

For volunteer and material needs, visit


60 Responses to “Mariah Carey Announces Extreme Home Makeover Family In Baker, Home Location In Escambia”

  1. Mimi on December 12th, 2010 7:40 pm

    GOD BLESS FINIS & HIS FAM! He’s inspired me to change my attitude to work w/you have until you get what you need!

  2. Shower Caddy · on November 13th, 2010 1:48 pm

    well of course community colleges are part of a good educational system too ‘..

  3. Electric Cement Mixer : on October 27th, 2010 9:48 pm

    most community college offers a good educational standard at par with the ivy league schools—

  4. wrenchman on October 25th, 2010 10:52 pm

    regardless of record he should not work with children. i had a charge when i was 15. and cant even enjoy things with my children at their school events. ive done my time and change u dont see any body helping me. i work everyday and struggle everyday. MY OLD KID WORKS. WHY CANT HIS NIECE

  5. Nicole on October 25th, 2010 6:07 pm

    I’m happy for you Finis, you deserve it…. As for Renea you are hater who had nothing to do at 7 a.m. Finis is not a criminal. If i knew your whole name how would you like it if i posted your criminal record. I love you Finis don’t worry bout the haters let them keep hating!!!! God has blessed y’all..

  6. Oriana Varner on October 24th, 2010 10:44 pm

    Uncle Finis don’t worry about the haters they just hatin. Granny said that it wouldnt have happended to a better person. Granny said you deserved that and we all love you. We are so happy god bless you with that house and for all you and your family have been through god chose you to be blessed with that house so let the haters keep right on hatin but just know this they hate and you keep praying for them in your five or more bed room house. We love you and wish the best for you and your family. Love, Oriana Varner, Dadalus Livingston better known as monk, Ja’terion Hart better known as blanket, Nay’trean Parker better known as marie, Angel Hart, Johnnie Callahan JR better know as tank, Le’syia Mcgee better known as sy sy, and Granny better known as Momma Sand.

    P.S. The hater that posted that and that know who they and we know who they are and everybody know who they are they probally have a record five pages or more long Love you Uncle Finis

  7. Dadalus on October 24th, 2010 10:18 pm

    god is good for this family

  8. Jus a comment on October 21st, 2010 9:06 am

    To the GASTON family,,, A huge CONGRADS on your new home,,,,, That is totaly awesome,, I cannot UNDERSTAND why some people can be so negitive,,, We all have had something that goes on in our lives that makes us bitter,, but we have to forgive and forget, then it seems to sit on the bac burner in your mind,, Until someone digs it bac out and then there’s the boiling point AGAIN,,,,, What i’m saying here is jus this YOUR PAST IS JUS THAT YOUR PAST,, Don’t bring this family down because you didn’t get picked,, If it had of been your next door neighbor would you do this to THEM,,,???

  9. Dave on October 21st, 2010 8:13 am

    Funny how LaTonia and Barnes FOUND him after he got a new house.

  10. Parent on October 21st, 2010 8:07 am



  11. Parent on October 21st, 2010 8:00 am


  12. LaTonia on October 20th, 2010 9:33 pm

    WOW!! I am so excited for FINIS AND FAMILY….Sorry to hear about his loss of his mom and all the hard times he has went through. Finis and I went to school together at Jefferson Davis Community College. My name is Latonia but everyone called me “Che-Che” and Finis would always call my name out loud….LOL. He always talk about his niece and nephews. I just don’t know what to say, “IT’S A BLESSING”. Finis is a GREAT PERSON. CONGRATULATIONS U AND YOUR FAMILY HAVE TRUELY BEEN BLESSED!!!!!!

  13. Bridgette Miller-Barnes on October 20th, 2010 8:24 pm

    OMG!!!! Finis!!! I went to Jefferson Davis Community College with Finis, and I found him to be a WONDERFUL person!! (and he kept my hair on point lol) We lost contact when we graduated and moved on, and I have been looking all over for him!!! So sorry to hear about his mom- she was his heart!!! I am so excited…I am in tears right now!!! I say keep your head up, bruh and don’t worry about what people say. If it wasn’t meant to be…God would not have allowed it to happen…so who are they to question the man up above?? I will definitely be researching to see how I can help out!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  14. oneofthe5 on October 20th, 2010 12:10 pm

    I put this on PNJ too:
    The negativity that is spewing about this family is very disappointing. My family was one of the 5 in the running. We lost everything we own due to fire and corrupt insurance. Our recovery has been hampered by our youngest son having 17 brain surgeries, the last of which left us wondering about his survival. We are greatly disappointed (Understatement), but very happy for the Gaston family. My uncle, a retired deputy in that area, says that this man has a heart of gold. After years of being a cop, my uncle is a cynical man, if he says that Finis Gaston deserves this, then he does! He also said they are living in a shack that only has partial electricity. Why don’t we wait until the WHOLE story comes out before we make judgments. My only issue, is why would Escambia county give this family a “fresh start” in a such a horrible neighborhood? While my heart breaks for my family, I am excited for the Gaston’s and will be there Friday to volunteer. God Bless the Gaston family!!!!!

  15. Jennifer on October 20th, 2010 10:33 am

    Also….to all you “negative commentors”…why don’t you go volunteer at the site. It may make you feel better.

  16. instigator on October 20th, 2010 9:36 am

    P.S. yesterday was TY PENNINGTON’s birthday …..

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. instigator on October 20th, 2010 9:34 am

    went to the site yesterday gave supply donation. soooooo happy for the family in new start. hope they give him good job so he can enjoy new surroundings and not be worried about feeding his family. he is soooooo blessed and lucky. it was great to see the design tent and cast of show – you only think you would see in dreams. and its here in our backyard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and its real!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Just My 2 Cents on October 19th, 2010 9:24 pm

    Natasha, click on the link at the end of the article. That takes you to a place you can volunteer for the project.

  19. Dave on October 19th, 2010 9:14 pm

    If he is the one that the negative remarks were made about,they put him in the right neighborhood.

  20. Natasha on October 19th, 2010 7:37 pm

    I would like to volunteer, is it too late??

  21. Just My 2 Cents on October 19th, 2010 4:43 pm

    A minute ago is the past – last June was way past. And we don’t know the circumstances.

    Looks like whoever was supposed to be paying child support wasn’t and he was doing the best he could. Kids cost money!!! They can eat enough for bunches of adults – and totally don’t get the concept that lights left on have a direct impact on the amount of the light bill. On and on.

    Seems like this guy deserves a break. I am so happy he’s getting one. I really can’t believe all you negative people. Shame on you. Like Mary said – ‘what goes around, comes around’. And I’m old enough to KNOW that’s true.

  22. Mary on October 19th, 2010 4:11 pm

    @ Horrific..We finally agree on something!!! Leave these people alone!

  23. Alida Spicer on October 19th, 2010 3:56 pm

    I am truly happy for this family. Some people can be so rude there ALWAYS has to be a hater in the bunch! Before you start to sweep someone else’s door step you better sweep yours, are you telling me that the ones that posted something negative about a “petty theft” are saying that they never stole anything in life ” LOL yeah right all kids have taken something even if it was a piece of candy!” I am happy remember this is not just for Mr Finis this is for those kids “A FAMILY” in much need of a SAFE HOME! The main focus needs to be on the children and not the adult here. Yes he has made a wonderful choice to raise children that are not his! Question for EVERYONE out there “how many of you would honestly take in someone else’s kids to raise and provide for them?” Right, that is what I thought some people would look at it as a burden. And dont forget that he gave so much and has tried to make a life for them. I bet if you got in a situation and was hungry enough and did not have food YOU negative people would have done the same thing. So remember people when you point a finger that there are 3 others pointing back at you! And one of the TEN Commandments is “thou shalt not judge” Hope that softens your hearts! God Bless this family with everything they need and LOVE and YOUR GUIDENCE! In Jesus Name I PRAY!

  24. Proud to be a silly.... What am I? on October 19th, 2010 2:42 pm


  25. Horrific! on October 19th, 2010 2:21 pm


    You have to be kidding, there are sooooo many ppl in pensacola guilty of that
    it is incredible.

    Look to your own kids before you mouth stuff about a KID who would
    come home to take care of other kids in the family. This kid gave up
    his dreams that he had worked so hard to achieve.

    Looks like he kind of had a rough start, maybe someone didn’t give him
    the basics he needed to stay out of trouble.

    Why don’t you all shut the heck up and be glad for this guy?

    I’m betting he was thoroughly checked out and they decided his
    crimes were almost understandable or something.

    Just lend a helping hand and wait and see……


  26. Mary on October 19th, 2010 1:52 pm

    to all that are sending negative thoughts…what goes around comes back & slaps you in the face…so watch out!! I am happy they are doing this from what I’ve heard about the family..still dont get why the move to Pcola…He had a “driving w/o a license” WOW..maybe he did it to gett to work..maybe it was from late payment or non payment of car can lose your license for a lot of little things to the big things..There arent too many people who dont have something from thier past that will always haunt them..this shouldnt hold someone back..I’m sure he took care of it. & yep I am jealous…how i would love someone just to fix up my house(which by the way is just a double wide mobile home).. Hope they enjoy thier vacation & new home!!!

  27. Mary on October 19th, 2010 1:39 pm

    why are they moving someone from Baker to Escambia County?

  28. Sandy on October 19th, 2010 1:19 pm

    Well, Geez, you are probably right on the “tons of families more deserving”, however, they were not in the running for this particular location. If I understand it correctly, there were 5 or 6 families to choose from, and the Gaston family was the chosen ones. Apparently, the committee who does the choosing thought they were the most deserving of the Extreme Makeover. How many single men do you know who would stop what they’re doing to take care of an already made family? Let me see………………….NONE! The case its self is not sad, but the condition of their house, is a different matter. Again, I know there are a lot of families who live in unsafe conditions, and may be more deserving, but the Gaston family was the chosen ones, this time. Be happy for them. Next time, it could be you.

  29. Geez on October 19th, 2010 12:16 pm

    This could of went to a more deserving family. This case is not sad & not deserving IMO. He is only 1 year short of completing his degree….finish it online…scrafice. There is tons of familys that do this much or MORE than this.
    Hopefully he will realize what is given to him.

  30. Sandy on October 19th, 2010 12:08 pm

    First of all, why are you people focusing on the the little things? This man quit college to come home and take care of his niece and nephews! He didnt have to do that, he chose to. He put his life on hold to help his family! What have YOU done that’s so noble and deserving? So what if he’s had some trouble in his life! There isn’t a sole around who doesn’t have a skeleton in their closet, as well. Secondly, I live on Rainbow Ave, and this is NOT a bad neighborhood! Maybe putting that house on the corner will make it even better. The only bad thing I can see, is it’s right across from the new ECUA LIFT STATION! Where are all the negative comments on it? NOBODY IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD WANTED IT THERE!!! Why can’t you just be happy for this family? This might be the very thing they need to start a new life, and make a huge difference for them. God has a plan for everyone. This is just part of His plan for the Gaston family.

  31. Sweetie on October 19th, 2010 11:41 am

    boy, some people are so messy!

  32. S on October 19th, 2010 11:10 am

    For the life of me I can’t understand some people… Be happy for others, stop being so judgemental! I do not know this family but I am happy for them, hope its everything they dream of…

  33. instigator on October 19th, 2010 10:54 am

    unfortunately your past still follows you forever. my husband was a mortgage broker. he was ill 10 years ago. he was on chemo. he was out of work 90 days fmla he rec’d short term disability checks for the time he was out. he went back to work and a check came in the mail. he put it in the bank and tried to find out how to return it to them he made a call left a message and didnt hear back from them for 2 years. at that point while fully cooperating with them in depos andd they refused for us to pay back – HE NEEDED TO OBTAIN A LAWYER. they proceeded to grand jury and PRETRIAL INTERVENTION WAS ASSIGNED WITH PROBATION. HOWEVER THAT GAVE HIM A FELONY RECORD WHERE HE IS LOSING HIS MORTGAGE BROKERS LICENSE. HE WAS OFFERED JOBS AS INSURANCE SALES BUT BECAUSE OF HIS RECORD HE IS UNABLE TO GET AN INSURANCE LICENSE SO NO JOB. HE CANT EVEN GET HIRED BY GEE WILLIES- HE IS TOO OVER QUALIFIED AND WOULD TAKE A JOB FROM SOMEONE WHO WOULD KEEP IT- SO YEARS LATER MY HUSBAND IS STILL UNEMPLOYEED, BECAUSE HE NOW HAS A RECORD

  34. curious on October 19th, 2010 10:40 am

    If the person lives in Baker, why are they building the house in Pensacola? Just curious.

  35. Grateful Whitfield on October 19th, 2010 10:35 am

    Congratulations!! Im happy that EXTREME H.M. can focus on the positive things this man and his family has accomplished. E.H.M has had GRACE on this family. Let’s all hope we all receive GRACE for our mistakes in this life as well. Im so glad that Judgement day isn’t here yet and that some of you wont be my Judge. Be Thankful for this family’s blessings and Leave the Judgement in the Hands of the Lord!

  36. You Who on October 19th, 2010 8:59 am

    If you payed your dept to society then you are supposed to be a free man/woman. With the Gov. posting all your personal life for everyone to see you will never be able to live beyond your past. People need to understand just because you mess up once or even several times does not make you a bad person. I believe once you pay you dept to society then you are suppose to get another chance. Not in this country we have created a monster where when people mess up and yes people will mess up they are never able to outlive it. They can’t get a job and even if they could it does not pay anything and so these people sooner or later will end up on welfare or some kind of Gov. assitance and then we all pay for them to live. Not very productive.

  37. jc on October 19th, 2010 8:35 am

    i thought the episode would air this sunday?

  38. new7up on October 19th, 2010 8:31 am

    I, too, had reservations about the criminal record thing. Yes, it was “only” driving with a suspended license(but why was it suspended in the first place?), but it seemed to be repeatedly, with knowledge, included violation of probation, and very recent. I thought that although his hardship story fits the bill for most of EM:HE cases, I wondered whether there was a better choice of families. Unfortunately, only 5 were in the running and I think that maybe there really was not enough lead time to allow for more nominations to be made. There certainly were other choices available, but had no one to nominate them.

    I wish them the best and most of all, stay out of trouble. I have no idea how they are going to live in a tough neighborhood with that big ol’ house and not have it vandalized. I can’t imagine the taxes on it either…

  39. unchainyourdog on October 19th, 2010 8:27 am

    Thank you, Renea. That was quite an eye opener! The facts are there: arrests for worthless check, probation violations, several petit thefts, open container of alcohol (driver), driving while license suspended, plus a lot of minor traffic infractions.

  40. WORRIED RESIDENT on October 19th, 2010 8:05 am

    How do we know whether or not any of the rest of the recipiants have had criminal records? We don’t! Let’s just be happy for these people. They applied, and, they were chosen. I for one am happy for them.!

  41. renea on October 19th, 2010 7:04 am

    Past isn’t the past when he was last arrest on JUNE 14, May 14, May 7 all of 2010,
    Granted he has had a rough childhood , but there are several family in this area that have lost everything from fires and because of loss jobs, and others who are dealing with children dying with cancer, Giving this to someone with a RECENT criminal just isn’t right.

  42. Just My 2 Cents on October 19th, 2010 4:15 am

    John Smith, are you jealous? Did you apply and was turned down? The past is just that – gone. A lot of people have made mistakes in their past and paid for them – they should not punished for them in the present or future. I’m happy for Mr. Gaston and his family and am impressed and proud of his sacrifices to keep his family out of the system. I wish them all the best.

  43. Baker Friend on October 19th, 2010 1:27 am

    I hardly call an arrest for driving with a suspended license a “criminal record”!!

  44. Stephanie on October 18th, 2010 10:42 pm

    Kevin you are exactly right. Some people live for conflict and to be contrary. “John Smith” is not the type of friend I want!

  45. Elizabeth Weigelt on October 18th, 2010 9:15 pm

    Congratulations Gaston Family hope yall have a great time in Disney, we all will be waiting to welcome you to your new home. Well deserved keep up the good work.

  46. jimmy on October 18th, 2010 7:50 pm

    free food, free medical care, free monthly money, why not a free home? seems like the American Dream come true, good job!

  47. Kevin on October 18th, 2010 7:49 pm

    I see that no matter how good the story is, or how hard that someone works to prove they are a valuable part of society, somebody is gonna sling mud at them!
    I am glad that I don’t go through life only looking at the negative side of everything!

  48. Terri Sanders on October 18th, 2010 7:42 pm

    John Smith, did he maybe do the time for the crime? no matter there are children invovled whoare deserving of help.

  49. Stacey Rainwater on October 18th, 2010 7:33 pm

    Mariah Carey tweeted that the episode will air on Dec. 12th

  50. MRS. J. on October 18th, 2010 7:31 pm


  51. John Smith on October 18th, 2010 4:31 pm

    It would have been nice if they had chosen someone without a criminal record.

  52. Justme on October 18th, 2010 3:45 pm

    Congrats!!! Sounds like a well deserving family. Do you know when this will air?

  53. Samantha on October 18th, 2010 3:11 pm

    this is great! GOD IS SO GOOD!! (:

  54. Jim W on October 18th, 2010 3:07 pm

    Now that is some wonderful news to the ears. he sounds so deserving of this so now it is his turn to get something good back for all the good he has done. Congrats to him and his family and that you to all those who are making this happen!

  55. instigator on October 18th, 2010 3:02 pm

    i am certainly going to volunteer

  56. A. Washington on October 18th, 2010 2:49 pm

    I can’t think of anyone who deserves this more that Finis and his family. He has always been the most caring person. Congratulations.

  57. Mindy Strickland on October 18th, 2010 2:45 pm

    Congratulations Gaston family!! This community needs more great people like you!! Have a great time at Disney & can not wait for you to see your new house when you get back!!
    Stay safe and have fun!!

  58. Morgan Holloway on October 18th, 2010 2:44 pm

    Also, do you know why the home is going to be located in Pensacola when he works at Baker?

  59. Beverly on October 18th, 2010 2:44 pm

    Congratulations to this deserving family! Imagine having Mariah Carey show up at your door to reveal this surprise. We’ll be helping with the build and are looking forward to making a new home for the family.
    Since the house is being built in Pensacola, is there a new job waiting for Mr. Gaston? That’s a long commute to Baker.

  60. Morgan Holloway on October 18th, 2010 2:42 pm

    Are they looking for volunteers because I would love to volunteer. It’s a great opportunity for me to give back.