Hundreds Of Volunteers To Take Part In Day Of Caring

October 22, 2010

Over 100 volunteer teams take part in the annual Day of Caring today in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties, including projects at Northview High School and Jim Allen Elementary.

At Northview, volunteers from Exxon Mobil will trim and cut weeds and clear brush, while at Jim Allen volunteers from Publix will sand and paint playground equipment.

Volunteer projects across the two counties include yard work at homes of elderly or disabled residents, repair of playground equipment at children’s centers and schools, planting gardens and grounds beautification at schools and nonprofit outreach centers, and help building a Habitat for Humanity home.

Today marks the 18th year of the United Way Day of Caring in Escambia County. There will be more than 90 projects completed in Escambia County and more than 30 projects in Santa Rosa County, with over 1,100 volunteers taking part.


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