For “Good Boy” Rick Scott, Mom Can Be The Star Of The Show

October 30, 2010

Proud that her son is a “good boy”, Esther Scott has become something of star in this year’s race for Florida governor.

Her son’s TV ads feature her explaining how she raised her son in public housing, gave him all that she could and how he worked to buy a doughnut shop and gave her a job. Esther Scott said she really is proud of her son Rick Scott, the Republican candidate for governor.

“He really is a good boy,” Esther Scott told Friday afternoon aboard the Rick Scott campaign bus. Rick Scott stood nearby, busily working to tidy up an on-board kitchen as he conducted a radio interview on his cell phone. Mom’s eyes were approving he as straightened up the mess left behind from doughnuts from an earlier visit to the Donut Hole Bakery Cafe in Santa Rosa Beach.

As Esther Scott, 86,walked into Fran’s Diner in Molino Friday, one would think a star had walked through the doors. Forget the guy with his name in huge letters on the side of the bus. Esther Scott has become a campaign star. As she travels with the campaign, she is asked to sign autographs, shakes hands and gets introduced like a star when Rick Scott takes the microphone. The applause is notable as she was introduced Friday in Molino.

Esther Scott said she remembers the day that her son came to her and hinted at his plans to run for governor of the Sunshine State.

“I told him to just be sure to hear what the people say, and not take money from people that would want favors in return. That’s what crooked politicians do,” she said. After all, he was a good boy, and mom planned from the beginning of the campaign that Rick Scott’s image would not be tarnished.

“He is going to make the best governor that Florida has ever had,” she said. “He will do the best that he can for this state, and keep every promise or die trying.”

She admits that she was a bit surprised that Rick, one of her five children, would seek the governor’s job. And she was even more surprised when he called and asked her to do the television ad.

“He’s a good boy,” is the ad’s catch phrase that has beamed its way across our televisions since Scott defeated Bill McCollum in the Republican primary.

“I was scared to death when it came time to film the ad,” she said. “I didn’t know why they wanted to hear from his mom. But it was kind of fun, and I think it got him a few votes.”

“I know I’d vote for him,” said said with a smile. “He’s good boy.”

But while she may be the rock star of the 2010 political ad season in Florida, Esther Scott told that she is not a political adviser on the campaign. No pushing the issues to her son, she said.

“He didn’t listen to me as a child, and he’s not going to listen now about politics,” she said. “But he did always respect me.”

Pictured top: Esther Scott, mother of gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott, sits down for an exclusive interview with Friday afternoon on the campaign’s bus. Pictured inset: Scott listens as her son addresses a crowd of supporters in Molino. photos, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “For “Good Boy” Rick Scott, Mom Can Be The Star Of The Show”

  1. billy on November 8th, 2010 3:07 pm

    Love scott……..glad I voted for him.

  2. malle on November 1st, 2010 5:48 pm

    I just can’t see myself voting for a guy that would buy a doughnut shop and give his Mother a job. I don’t think I could brag about that. I would be ashamed of my self to have my Mother work for me. I can’t believe that she actually brags about it either….. Go figure

  3. A. Davis on October 31st, 2010 8:14 pm

    Ive always thought it was funny to read or listen to people in law enforcement call people crooks and make judgement on stuff they have herd from others. Has anyone ever really thought there might be a reason for some people not to want change. I think there needs to be a change to break up some of the “goodolboy”stuff and really all the time its the same thing “law enforcement is going to be cut” come on people COs are already short staffed, anymore cuts then maybe you all could stand up for yourselfs and refer to chapt 33. Im just saying always keep your eyes and ears open to some of this it doesnt make sence but if people follow their leaders then I guess they dont have to make decisions of their own….And no I am not for or against Scott but I might go for him because I would like to see a diffrent type of person get a try.

  4. dad on October 31st, 2010 7:17 pm

    Scott is a crook. He should be in jail not running for office.

  5. Bamcubz on October 30th, 2010 8:53 pm

    “Scott and other executives offered financial incentives to doctors in exchange for patient referrals, in violation of federal law”

    Wonder what dear old mom has to say about this?

    NO, we won’t be voting for Scott, not even as the town’s dog catcher.

  6. ProudArmyParent on October 30th, 2010 3:45 pm

    Well, I’m not going to be voting for Rick Scott and I usually vote the Republican ticket. My husband is a Correctional Officer and we won’t be able to live on the cuts Mr. Scott wants to make. My husband works hard for the State of Florida and he deserves his pention, his health care, and his pay raises. His life is on the line everyday he goes to work. Sure Mr. Scott is “saying” he is going to put people to work, but he is also going to put more below the poverty level. Yeah “He’s a good boy,” seems like he is just another of the “Good ole’ boys!”

  7. Independent thinker on October 30th, 2010 6:10 am

    Yep, that is often the last words a judge hears before sentencing “He was a good boy judge”.

    I would love to hear mom’s explanation of how her son profited from Medicare fraud! Or why her son set policies at his companies that discriminated against hiring eldely. Do a little research folks, he is not a good boy!