Firefighter Dies In Wreck Chasing Kids That Were Rolling Yards

October 21, 2010

A 34-year old Flomaton man was killed in a single vehicle accident Wednesday night near Flomaton after he reportedly gave chase to a group of high school students rolling a yard with toilet paper.

James Luther McRae, 34, lost control of his 2003 Chevrolet pickup truck about 7:50 p.m. in a curve on Stanley Road near Magnolia Church, about 15 miles northwest of Flomaton. Alabama State Troopers said McRae, who was not wearing a seat belt, was ejected from his truck as it rolled over. McRae, a career firefighter with the Poarch Creek Fire Department, was pronounced dead at the scene.

Authorities said McRae was chasing a group of high school students that were rolling a house.  Officials said the teens were from Flomaton High School, which is celebrating homecoming this week. They believe McRae thought the teens were trying to break into a house. He called 911 as he gave chase, trying to get a tag number for deputies.

Authorities have determined that McRae was chasing four teens when he lost control of his truck, which was pulling a trailer. At least three of them –all under 18 — have been interviewed by the Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Office.

McRae is survived by his wife of just a few months.

The incident is still under investigation by Alabama State Troopers and the rolling incident is still under investigation by other local law enforcement.

Pictured top: The site of a wreck that killed James Luther McRae, 34, Wednesday night outside Flomaton. Pictured inset: Toilet paper hangs from trees near McRae’s home. Images courtesy WEAR TV 3 for, click to enlarge.


188 Responses to “Firefighter Dies In Wreck Chasing Kids That Were Rolling Yards”

  1. Fire Training Recruit on April 4th, 2015 12:07 am

    This was a tragic event. Nearly 5 years later and I only just learned about this. One more for the fallen brothers and sisters.

  2. GREG and GLORIA FORTNER on October 31st, 2010 10:54 pm


  3. David Huie Green on October 26th, 2010 5:06 pm

    What the kids did was dumb but common dumb, nothing unusual. The response was tragic. Each one is responsible for what he did and how he reacted. A heavy price was paid. Especially sad when one who has worked wrecks and seen the results of not being buckled up forgets to buckle up himself.


  4. Flomaton Alumni on October 26th, 2010 11:56 am

    This was a tragedy for both the kids and the McRae family. These kids now have to live with this and I hope they get the counseling needed for them to handle this. I have t kids who attend FHS and have gone rolling at friends houses and teachers homes. I have told them not to go to someone home if they don’t know them and do this and if the person they roll gets mad they have to go back and clean it up. They have also been told not to throw eggs because they can cause property damage. I know the home they were rolling and it’s across the road from the McRae’s. Only the kids know if they went onto his property but I live in a rural and have heard things outside but if I look out and see somebody I’m not going out to join them I’m going to get my gun protect my family by staying inside call 911 and give them the best description possible but not try and chase them down it simply wasn’t God’s plan to take those children because they too could have been killed and if Mr. McRae saw toilet paper at his neighbors come on he knew it was just a prank perhaps he didn’t see the toilet paper . There was no toilet paper from my understanding even on his property. Also these kids weren’t out late this happend around 8pm and kids are still out during Homecoming week working on floats. There has been enough heartache and punishing these kids for something they had no control over is ridiculous it’s time to start healing now.

  5. Whatever on October 25th, 2010 10:11 am

    I don’t think comparing schools has anything to do with this. Them poor kids are probably feeling guilty from what has become of this. I feel bad for them as I do for the family that lost the loved one. You would think being a firefighter that he would of taken the right actions, and just called the cops if it bothered him that bad. It’s toilet paper people just like many have mentioned it washes away. Hey, and guess what??? It’s raining out that way right now. Growing up wih my brother playing football all his middle/high school years. We got egged, rolled, whatever, and it wasn’t even around here. Everyone has their own traditions, and I’m sure they will continue on with them. If the kids would been the ones in the wreck and not with us today, then everybody would be so against this guy for chasing them down, and killing them. Sandy, a little something to you. Why would we want to have these high school kids tried as adults so maybe they can do some prison time??? They didn’t wreck that truck he was driving, they didn’t ask him to chase them down the road. They rolled a freakn house that wasn’t his. People come on please this is a very sad story, but what would of happened if he didn’t wreck and caught up to the kids??? What would he of done to them??? Ask yourselves that question bc it could of turned out way different, but we cannot control others actions. God Bless Everyone involved. You grown-ups on here act like you never did anything like this when you were young, it was proabaly worse than what these kids did. (rolled as house)

  6. C on October 25th, 2010 9:34 am

    I have heard about 3 different people getting hurt within the last week in different areas from rolling a yard. Maybe the kids should only roll the yards of the people they know who don’t mind having to clean up trash later. You can’t really blame someone for seeing people in their yard and taking action. Some people prefer their privacy and don’t like cleaning up someone else’s mess.

  7. Beth on October 24th, 2010 11:04 pm

    While it’s sad that the man died, I don’t understand why people are upset over the TP issue – does no one understand that toilet papper degrades in certain weather conditions??? It was a harmless prank, that was unfortunately mistaken for a more serious crime. I’ve been house rolling and I have had my house rolled, and I believe it’s a fun thing that’s just part of the highschool experience. I get that this was an EXTREME case in which someone got killed, but goodness the ACT of toilet papering a house isn’t cause for such harsh punishments being put up on the block here. I’m not saying that this isn’t tragic, and I do feel for this man’s family, but some of you are going to the extremes here.

  8. Just My Thoughts on October 24th, 2010 10:01 pm

    Ok… did not read all of the comments, but I personally never rolled or egged a yard or house during my highschool years. My grandparents taught me more respect for people’s houses that they work hard to pay for. Off subject kind of, but we did not hold the partying teens over at the Blacks house responsible for drinking under age, and as an audience a lot of people seem to think that tresspassing and litering a stranger’s property is a teen’s god given right. I disagree. I think that attitude is a big problem with the teens today. My prayers and thoughts are with all the families involved.

  9. Tammie on October 24th, 2010 9:00 pm

    Someone told me that the McRae’s had just came off of their honeymoon. If that’s the case…. they probably hadn’t even been around for several days. I mean, it probably never crossed thier minds that it was even Homecoming Week and that they were being rolled. This is so sad. I will never allow my son to roll a yard (again). I was one that thought it was ok to roll friends during that week until my son (just 13) had to find his way out of the woods because they were being chased, he got left by a “mother”. Then to hear this terrible story…. Wow…. Just think… it could have been anyone’s son, or husband, or brother or best friend. I am so sorry for the loss. My prayers are with all families involved.

  10. Guess? on October 24th, 2010 2:18 pm


  11. NW Florida on October 24th, 2010 8:14 am

    I have read your comments from the first comment until now. I have worked in this community and I knew this great young man. I also know this sweet young girl that has lost her entire life, or so she thinks. I have prayed for this family every day since this horrific accident. So, before you start throwing stones make sure YOU do not live in a glass house.

    First, the community in which the wreck happened is thirty minutes from any law enforcement getting there. Luther was making the 911 call and thought someone was stealing his stuff. YOU think about if someone was stealing your stuff what would you do. Secondly, things are different now than from ten or twenty years ago of rolling yards. So get over that part of rolling yards, people are more protective of their property and do not know what the kids really want to do. Thirdly, this is a great learning point to WEAR YOUR SEAT BELTS no matter what. Lastly, make sure that you know Jesus and that he is your savior, this is the only way that you will see your family members again.

    My thoughts, prayers, and deepest regrets go out to Briitaney, Gloria, Greg and Luther’s parents. God is watching over you. I want to say a big thank you to PCI Tribal Fire Department, all the fire departments involved for the funeral. Life Flight you made something so bad feel good with the fly by. The young man that was flying that helicopter, thank you for the bow; I salute you and all of the hard workers that keep us safe every day.


  12. IAmAHurricane! on October 24th, 2010 7:24 am

    Tell me when in the world did eight o’ clock turn into “Late at Night” ? Yeahh , people get your facts STRAIGHT ! They weren’t in his yard, and it was the kids fault! And to EVERYONE conparing this event to the one about the dude in Prichard, saying it is about “race” or some crap! I am a AFRICAN-AMERICAN that PROUDLY attends FHS. The guy in Prichard was in that man’s YARD ! The kids were not in that mans yard. Personally I think it was basically a suicide attempt. And apparently it was just an adrenilane rush or something, because fighting fires weren’t enough! Apparently if he thought a “burgular” was there trying to rob him, he waited a bit too long in his mindless act to chase the teens, he never caught them did he? Ok. For those stating what his wife SAID. But basically saying whatever the teens say are “not true” that’s a double standard dontcha think? They know where they were. She said they where BEHIND the barn which is OFF there property, why would he think someone was robbing his house from ACROSS the road? SO STOP BASHING FHS and the students. We are FLOMATON HIGH SCHOOL, not Tate,Brewton, or all the schools you all mentioned we are FLOMATON, don’t compare us please. My prayers go to his family for their loss. I am deeply sorry.

  13. saddened on October 24th, 2010 7:04 am

    Did the kids stop when they knew the man had wrecked? If not WHY NOT? If they were kids that had been taught not to roll just any house, BUT a house that they knew would be okay to roll……a life would not have been lost. If I thought someone was robbing my barn I really don’t know what I would do………..the kids put their selves in a place they shouldn’t have been. Those 4 kids and their parents will know they were the cause of a man’s life being taken and they will have to live with that for the rest of their lives..

    Parents teach your children to respect other people’s lives and property.

  14. Dixie Chick on October 24th, 2010 3:40 am

    You made a comment “What if Luther had shot at the kids or shot a tire in the vehicle?” Wasn’t there a story not long ago about a Jay teen who shot into an occupied car because he said he was protecting his property. He was charged in that case. If someone shoots at an occupied vehicle they should be charged.

  15. Nurse on October 24th, 2010 1:30 am

    Come on folks-it was toilet paper! I had my house rolled for many years and I am very glad that my children are grown now and I don’t have to look forward to the mess anymore! Rain will help you out. Our society is getting so paranoid about anything not “main stream”. Be proud that the kids are not stealing or DESTORYING property. I don’t agree with the annual activity, but IT’S ONLY TOILET PAPER-and it will go away! So sorry for the death but, WHAT was he thinking? Why would he decide to chase them? They were already gone from the property!

  16. McDavidResident on October 23rd, 2010 9:41 pm

    this indeed is a very sad and tragic event. the kids were just being kids doing what kids do. the parents of these kids should be thanking God right now if they havent already that this didnt turn out worse than it did. kids nor parents dont often take into account that harmless pranks can become deadly. for example…those kids could have been shot and killed if they had rolled the wrong persons home, they could of wrapped their vehichle around a tree or power pole while trying to get away…anything could of went wrong other than this person being killed chasing them. I would never allow my children to partake in pranks such as this because of the fear that something could go wrong like a home owner going too far to catch the kids. This world isnt the same as it was 10 or 20 years ago, people are wicked mean these days. My sincere sympathy to the family of the man who died, and to the kids…hang in there, most everyone knows you guys meant no harm to anyone. and to the parents of the kids, be strong for your babies, this is going to be hard for them but time will ease this awful feeling of guilt. my prayers go out to all involved.

  17. kristallnacht on October 23rd, 2010 7:50 pm

    Let me start by saying I’m sorry for his families loss, it’s a tragic story. However, it is sad that he simply didn’t let law enforcement take care of the criminal mischief. Toilet paper is nothing to die over. Why didn’t someone tell him to curb his enthusiasm. He thought these boys were stealing, really? Stealing what? I know being a firefighter in Poarch AL, may seem like you’ve reach the height of public service, but that doesn’t obligate you to enforce any laws. What a waste of life, I am sadden.

  18. canecanecane on October 23rd, 2010 6:17 pm

    i look at it this way everyone says that if the kids wouldnt have been out doing this that the man wouldnt have been killed. if god wanted to call this man to heaven that night it would have happened no matter if it was homecomming week or not or rather they were rolling or not. all of you people who are gunna sit her and talk crap about these kids are sick. they didnt mean for what happened to happen and they were not the only four kids rollin a house that night all of you are actin like children

  19. Flomaton Grad on October 23rd, 2010 4:46 pm

    I am deeply sorry for the McRae family and I am and will be praying for them. I also think that people need to be praying for the kids involved too. They have to live with this regret for the rest of their lives. i understand that everyone is in sorrow for the family. but pleasae keep in mind this is not the kids fault. It could of happened to anyone. now these kids are walking around acting like they killed someone. Which is not the case in the situation. Again, I am deeply sorry for the family, the kids, and everyone involved.

  20. MW on October 23rd, 2010 3:54 pm

    The bottom line is that the kids were just doing what they felt to be a harmless funny act. The adult involved made a yet moreso poor decision by chasing them at a high rate of speed in his truck that was pulling a trailer while he was not wearing a seatbelt. News stated that he did call 911 and tell them he was trying to get their tag number. Maybe he should have just called the law and let them handle it. He died of his own actions, period. It’s sad that your community lost such a well liked individual but it is not those childrens fault that he made the decisions that he made. Noone made him do it. He suffered the consequences of his own actions and paid the ultimate price. Thank God noone else was hurt in the process. Also, even when you’re a responsible adult and you teach your children right from wrong you cannot totally control their actions. They have to learn from their mistakes just like we did. That being said, this tragic accident is not the parents fault either nor a reflection on their parenting skills. It’s just a sad accident and should be trreated as such. An accident.

  21. saddened on October 23rd, 2010 3:23 pm

    Thank you for your much needed message.

    You are so wrong in your thinking. If those kids had not been out doing pranks……a man’s life wouldn’t have ended. The kids were in the wrong….there is no IF’S AND’S OR BUT’S about it.

  22. JanLou on October 23rd, 2010 2:18 pm

    Yes he has the right to defend himself on HIS property….even tho from what I have read it wasn’t even on HIS property. That does not give him the right to get in a vehicle and give chase on the roadway, endangering others. He is not a law enforcement officer and was not in vehicle with emergency lights or sirens. These kids did not cause this accident. The only thing they did was litter. The adult who chose to take the law into his own hands and break numerous traffic laws is to blame for his own death. On the other had, since he decided to give chase….if the kids were the ones who had been killed….he should be charged with manslaughter. When they left, they were no longer in any way a threat to him or any other person who lived around him.

  23. BamaBelle on October 23rd, 2010 2:05 pm

    After reading all the comments on the tragedy I would like to share a few of my own thoughts.
    First of all…my prayers go to the family that has lost a loved one. May God be with you during the hard times ahead. Hold fast to your faith and God be with you.
    It amazes me at how little respect people have for each other. It’s easy to point fingers and lay blame…you get on your computer…make up a false name and just show how simple minded you are. Folks…like it or not the kids were committing a crime. Sure it “seemed harmless” but the results were opposite. Rather than defend the crime and the kids…why don’t you use this as a teaching experience? Respect others….respect their property…respect yourself.
    If the kids want tradition for Homecoming…rather than stringing toilet tissue is trees…why not have some type of competition for lawn decorations in the community…real lawn decorations…where you actually have to think and plan and design and make something that isn’t just trash hanging in trees.

    Parents…wake up…hug your kids…but don’t defend their juvenille deliquent ways…those kids are your responsibility…be their parents not their friends.

  24. Horrific! on October 23rd, 2010 11:54 am

    I said it before…
    this is the year 2010 not 1950 or even 1977

    kids do not need to be out on anyones property uninvited for any reason


  25. canecanecane on October 23rd, 2010 11:07 am

    get over it its over you cant change anything

  26. my 2 cents on October 23rd, 2010 10:15 am

    Mr. McRae took it upon himself for what happened. common sense should have been used instead of a hot head. In no way am i taking the side of the high schoolers in the matter. What they did was wrong and should be addressed, but what he did to cause the whole incident could have been avoided by a simple phone call to the authorities. That is their job, not his. I often travel these back roads with my own family to and from the stores up by the interstate. These roads are narrow and dangerous as it is, let alone a person that is suppose to know better than chasing another car on it. He was also breaking the law. He was a firefighter not a cop.

  27. chris on October 23rd, 2010 6:48 am

    1. it didnt happen on his property 2. he should have called the law and left it at that 3. he could have killed somone else by chasing them. Hate that he was killed but that was a really dumb thing that he did.

  28. get off free on October 23rd, 2010 6:13 am

    If you do something late and at night when most people are asleep, you know that it is wrong or you would do it in the daylight hours. The kids need to be punished for their part in destroying a family. There are more ways to show your spirit than putting toilet paper all over someone’s yard and house. The parents of these young men should realize that if you don’t teach them to when they are young to respect someone’s property they will not do it as they get older. The parents of these teenages are as much to blame as the teenagers are to blame….why were they not home and in bed getting ready for the next day’s school work or do they think because it was homecoming week that no work would be given out? Raise your child up in the way he/she should be raised up and the city,county,state and country will be proud of them. They are most likely thinking now that their parents will do everything they can to get them off free and their names won’t be published in the paper. Talk gets around and even if their names are not published people are going to speculate on who it was.

  29. Sandy on October 23rd, 2010 1:04 am

    Anybody who takes up for these kids is SICK! Yes, they are kids, teenagers to be exact, and I am sorry, but it isbest they learn a lesson as kids than when they untentionally kill someone as an adult.

    There is no excuse for poor taste, bad judgment and criminal activity. If they were on Luther’s property then they were already breaking the law. Would you holler “Who are you, how old are you and what are you doing here?” if they were on your property and you had no idea what was going on?

    Probably not. Guess what? He had the right to defend his property and at the least these kids should be charged with criminal trespass and thank God that they did not get shot. At the high price, each should be charged with involuntary manslaughter and risk going to prison.

    A man died, and the careless actions of “its all about me” teenagers caused it. On purpose or not, which I do not believe it was, a man still lost his life, parents lost their child, and a wife lost her husband. Protecting himself, his property, and his wife, James Luther McRae lost his life.

    I will forever teach my children, as some parents are obviously not willing to do that it is dangers to yourself and others to be on somebody else’s property,

  30. HURRICANE PRIDE!!! on October 23rd, 2010 12:37 am

    To joan:I wasn’t sayin tht to it was to everyone else that thought the school should take away everything!
    And to canecanecane:u r rite they were never on his property!they were across the street!

  31. KitKat on October 22nd, 2010 11:30 pm

    I graduated high school in 1977, and we did the TP roll then. It was a team spirit thing, usually done by the cheerleaders, to show school support to those of us who played sports. It also served as a reminder to everyone in the community of an upcoming sporting event, to wish the athletes a win. The parents of the student whose home got TP’d didn’t necessarily like the mess, but our parents understood and supported that it was a show of school and student team spirit. No one got hurt. I am very sad that this situation became the extreme worst possible outcome, but it is NOT the students’ fault. My heart is filled with love for Luther and his family, and I feel an overwhelming sense of loss for them. This was a terrible, tragic accident. An accident. Please forgive these teens for being in the wrong place at the wrong time; and do not blame them, nor should they blame themselves.

  32. outraged on October 22nd, 2010 9:23 pm

    yea lets just leave these poor innocent children alone and while your at it give them free access to all the money they need….fill their cars up with gas for them…throw the keys at them and say have at it!!!!! with attitudes like cth’s and others who take up for these kids no wonder their is no responsibility at all placed upon them. if this were my husband, the man that i love dearly, i would not let this go……maybe some of you should look at the interview from Luthers mother on wpmi tv 15…….it is heart breaking. god bless his family

  33. joan on October 22nd, 2010 9:11 pm

    TO HURRICANE PRIDE…i was just asking a question….i had read somwhere this morning that they were considering cancelling it since a death was caused by some students…you don’t have to take an attitude. I never posted any durrogatory comments like some folks on here….chill

  34. CTH on October 22nd, 2010 8:43 pm

    Please leave these kids alone. They are kids and at some point we have all been there.

  35. Angi on October 22nd, 2010 7:51 pm

    My thoughts and prayers are with this young mans wife and family, this is such a terrible thing to have happened. Not only is it against to law to vandalize someones property, but it is so dangerous to be doing this toilet paper rolling; plus the prices of toilet paper along with everything else has went up; however most will commit yet another crime of stealing alot of toilet paper to do this.
    When reading this article, I had to ask myself; if this young man was a firefighter and knows to follow all safety precautions while driving, why was he not wearing a seat belt?
    “jc on October 21st, 2010 11:57 am

    That is the problem with kids these days JC, parents just letting kids do whatever they want; which leads to all kinds of trouble. I say to you, if you have children; you need to wake up and face the cruel world out there these days. And the same to everybody else…

  36. S on October 22nd, 2010 6:07 pm

    Sad situation. But some of you need to think about what you are saying on here. These were kids, do you really want them to live their entire life feeling responsible for his death? He was an adult, he too made a bad decision. How would he feel today had he survived and the children he was in chase for wrecked and all four lost their lives… he sounds like a really nice man that just lost control. My heart goes out to the families to all involved.

  37. ProudArmyParent on October 22nd, 2010 4:59 pm

    Friend on October 22nd, 2010 4:25 pm, either you were an Angel or your not thinking back to when you were a kid. We all did things and somethings were worse than others. I don’t see TP as vandalism. My goodness the farmers leave more cotton blowing along side the road than any kid ever put up it a tree. And toilet paper is biodegradable and is usually gone in a week. (God Bless the Farmers!)

  38. .. on October 22nd, 2010 4:58 pm


  39. Wow. on October 22nd, 2010 4:57 pm

    Okay people. Rolling people’s yards is actually a compliment. I’m a responsible teen myself and my friends and I never roll people we dislike. it’s a waste of toilet paper. This guy shouldn’t have even been chasing them anyway, what’s a burglar taking STUFF gonna do at the most? and it wasn’t even a burglar! It wasn’t the smartest thing to do, and sadly it ended up happening this way. Bottom line is, rolling people’s yards isn’t to make people feel disliked or anything. We just do it to friends and well-liked teachers that can actually get a GOOD laugh about it.

  40. canecanecane on October 22nd, 2010 4:42 pm

    to friend: i know for a fact what happend cause i am close to one of the kids that was involved. these kids have to live with this for the rest of there lives just let it go and quit talking about it cause sittin here running your mouth like children is not solving a dang thing. let the family rest they dont need anything else to be worried about. they did not make the man get into his vehicle and chase after them it was not there fault that he lost control and this tradgedy happened. if the kids get on here and read this its goin to make it worse. and none of us may know first hand what any of them experienced but what happened was none of there intentions.

  41. Friend on October 22nd, 2010 4:25 pm

    To Canecanecane: If you were not there then you don’t know whether or not they were on his property. According to his wife they WERE at the McRaes shed and if they had been on my property I may have done the same thing.
    To Proudarmyparent: I don’t care how often homecoming comes around. If these are the events that take place for homecoming then thank goodness it doesn’t come more often because there would be other lives lost! You can not go on other people’s property and not expect there to be consequences!! Every school around has homecoming activities but you don’t see these schools breaking the law and trashing others property!

  42. FlomatonStudent on October 22nd, 2010 4:17 pm

    Well Safe?? at Flomaton it’s a tradition. I don’t know if it’s a tradition to your school or not but it is to ours. But since that accident no one is going to go rolling again probably. May God bless everyone!

  43. CD on October 22nd, 2010 3:17 pm

    Bless this families heart…My prayers go out to this family. I couldn’t imgaine feeling the pain his family and friends do right now. May God be with them. I do have to say yes rolling houses is getting a little old, and I don’t see the fun in it at all. Of course, I never had any interest in rolling houses in high school, but I know these kids didn’t intentionally go out and plan for this to happen. He got in his vehicle and was driving and lost control. I’m sure they are feeling really bad for what has become of all of this. Why didn’t he call the cops??? Why not just turn back around if you think the person you were chasing was a trying to robb your house. I would be concerned for my families sake and not leave them alone. This is just a very tragic situation that could have been prevented, but hopefully a big eye opener for all the high school kids, and high school parent-kids that thinks it’s so much fun, and entertaining. May God Bless all of you!

  44. Safe?? on October 22nd, 2010 3:14 pm

    Tate’s homecoming is tonight and I saw NO yards trashed on my way to work today. Never heard of this “tradition” until this incident.

  45. stephen johnson on October 22nd, 2010 2:12 pm

    all of this bickering back and forth is useless.. let the family grieve this should be a place for the family to find good thoughts and well wishes.. most of you should be ashamed for the childish post.. grow up ,everyone has an opinion when they dont have to post their name.. i

  46. Sandy on October 22nd, 2010 1:37 pm

    As I have stated and TeamAvalanche08 has said and a few others,
    The kids have to own up to their responsibility in what happened and pay for their crime(s). Parents are supposed to teach their kids to abide by the law, that includes trespassing.
    To the parent who says they just called the kids to come clean up their yard, that is just a personal thing of your own. You know who did it. Luther did not have a teenage kid or know who was doing it.
    They had no right to be on his property and nobody should condone the actions of these kids.
    When you do wrong and when you break the law, you are punished and that is the way it is in order learn very important life lessons.
    Through their thoughtless actions, the kids involved caused a man to lose his life. How dare anyone just toss that out a window like it does not matter. Were something minimal the outcome, like him having to clean his yard, barn, or a fence, then people would have the right to take up for the kids. However, a man died and it is far more serious and severe than the way some of you are acting about it. He was well within his rights and you who down him or condone what the teenagers did are just mindless economic zombies with no compassion, care, or concern for others.

    I wonder if parents would teach their children differently if parents were held accountable for the actions of their children too. I bet parents would do a better job of knowing where their kids are, who with, why, and when and would stop a lot of very uncessary things if they were held accountable.

  47. Everyone has an opinion on October 22nd, 2010 1:18 pm

    This is trully a sad thing that happened but each person involved is at fault.

    The teens that were out having fun. As some parents and kids have said in the comments they usually roll houses of their friends. When I was a teen and we had friends each of those friends had a standing invitation to come to our house and that usually included our yard so they wouldn’t have been trespassing as everyone keeps saying.
    Also what is a little TP up in the trees, I agree with a comment someone else made that said what about all the littering people do on the streets everyday. Just today while I was washing my car someone threw trash out the window of their car and I had to pick a Church’s chicken container up out of my yard. I agree with Kathy Chavers they did not vandalize anything, that would be tearing up something in the yard.
    The kids involved should not have been in someone’s yard that they did not know or have permission to be on.
    Everyone keeps saying that the young man was protecting his family. To me protecting your family would be staying with them and just reporting the incident.

    Several comments have stated that he was on the phone with 911 or the police department. Why did the 911 operator or police department that he was on the phone with tell him not to proceed in a high speed chase. Only professionally trained people should give chase in high speed, if your not trained don’t do it.

    So as I stated at the start at the first each one involved is in the wrong, no one wants to see such a tragedy but don’t make decisions to do things that your not qualified for.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. I am trully sorry for your lose.

  48. ProudArmyParent on October 22nd, 2010 1:09 pm

    Friend on October 22nd, 2010 10:53 am, my child weren’t running the roads till all hours of the morning. Sure I let them out but they were always home by 11:00pm. We did have rules, they had a curfew which they always had (during homecoming week there curfew went from 10pm to 11pm.) I really don’t feel that was unreasonable. They were also told only to go to friends, and to stay in the general area of the school, which we do not live that far from. Again I do not feel that is unreasonable. Homecoming comes but once a year.

  49. HURRICANE PRIDE!!!! on October 22nd, 2010 1:05 pm

    the kids have come forward!!and no they didnt cancle homecoming thank you very much!!!!!

  50. canecanecane on October 22nd, 2010 1:00 pm

    the kids were not on his property. they did not go in or near his shed. they rolled the house accross the street. so i dont get why he got in the car and chased after them. the house accross the street was not his property and had nothing to do with him. and also theses were not the only kids out rolling that night but there fun had to end in tradgedy. what if it would have been your kids woulnt you stick up for them to? i really wish he wouldnt have thought to chase him but he did and it ended this way. god rest his soul.

  51. [_]\coffee on October 22nd, 2010 12:48 pm

    It is NOT OK to roll a person’s yard in toilet paper unless you have permission from the person.
    To the parents who think it is ok, let your children roll YOUR yard!

    This is 2010……..NOT 1960, for the parents who have a comprehending problem, IT IS……….D.A.N.G.E.R.O.U.S. in todays world to step foot on another persons property due to what society has done to us.

    I am scared, and if someone shows up on my property
    (especially during the dark hours) WITHOUT permission, then I fear for my life,
    I will take whatever measures to ensure my safety, my children, my family, my grandchild’s safety…..point made!

    WARNING: To the naive and ignorant parents who think that rolling is no big deal, please don’t send your kids to my house to “roll” my property, I might get scared, might feel the need to protect me and mine…….just letting you know.

  52. Former Cane on October 22nd, 2010 12:38 pm

    I, too, was at the “emotional assembly” two years ago when Coach Hammond and the sheriff talked about rolling and the dangers involved. I sat there and listened as the sheriff told us that rolling was ending once and for all and that anyone caught rolling would be sent to Bay Minette to the juvenille detention center for 72 hours. And you know what? When we left that assembly,I went back to class and heard people in my class talking about whose yard they were going to roll that very night (one of them ended up being mine–but no I NEVER rolled and as an adult, I don’t fell that I missed out on anything). My point is, that we sat through an emotional assembly, but it didn’t make a difference to those kids who were going to roll because they knew that the sheriff was probably NOT going to follow through with what he said and that if he did, their parents would get them out of trouble. I think that’s the problem–people think that they are above the law (both those written and moral law) and that rules don’t apply to them. Until we make kids (and their parents) be responsible for their actions, then this senselessness will continue. It’s time for parents to be parents and quit trying to be the “cool mom” who is more worried about being a friend than a parent.

    Also, for the person who talks about there not being things for kids to do so they find things like rolling to do and the other person who said that they’d rather have kids rolling than other worse things (what can be worse than causing someone to die?), my friends in Brewton and East Brewton don’t have this “tradition” of rolling during homecoming and there’s not much more to do in those places than in Flomaton. I think that is just a cop-out excuse.

  53. Flomaton Resident & Concerned Parent on October 22nd, 2010 11:20 am

    My sympathy and prayers go out to the family of Mr. McRae. I did not know him, but who could hear about the senseless death of another human being and not feel saddened. Would we not miss our sons, brothers, fathers, husbands? My prayers also go out to the students involved in this incident. They must also be going through a difficult time. I am surprised at the extremist comments posted here on both ends of the spectrum. As an adult, I fail to see why these types of activities (rolling) are encouraged or condoned by other adults. Just because “we did” and “people will continue to do it” doesn’t mean that it is something that should be done. Would I want someone doing this to my home? NO. Would I allow my children to do this to other people’s homes? NO. Is it a serious crime or offense? NO. Does that make it okay? NO. Haven’t we learned that these types of situations can be dangerous for EVERYONE involved? There are too many things that can go wrong. In this incident, a man died. Can we judge his actions or know his thoughts and feelings at the time? NO. It could have been the children who were killed. Is one human being’s life more valuable than another? NO. Who is innocent? Who is to blame? Probably everyone. We can not fault someone for trying to protect themselves or their property. Does that mean he made the best decision? Obviously not. Can we excuse the actions of teenagers who are behaving poorly just because they are our children? NO. Do I believe for one second that anyone involved meant any true harm to another. ABSOLUTELY NOT. They will have to live with the guilt of being involved in something that ended a life. I pray that they will find forgiveness from Mr. McRae’s family and from the community. It was a tragic accident. One that could have been avoided? YES. One that we could learn from? I SURE HOPE SO.

  54. Friend on October 22nd, 2010 10:53 am

    Personally I can’t believe that rolling was ended only for the WEEK according to one of the post, this is something that should be ended FOREVER! A teen was shot yesterday in Mobile for rolling and another outstanding citizen was killed here in our own town! If any of you parents truely care for your children you would be pushing for this to be stopped before anyone else gets hurt. In this world today, you can not be on someone else’s property without the owner thinking that you are doing something bad. Also this owner has every right to protect their property!
    To Proud Army Parent: You say that you can’t see the harm in this, your child could get killed.
    To Concerned Parent: If kids wouldn’t have been in HIS yard then he wouldn’t have chased them and this whole thing would not have happened. Luther would still be here with his family. Kids need to be taught the dangers of TRESPASSING because that is what they were doing!!!
    To KC: The kids were at his shed that is why he felt like they could be stealing!
    To Terri: You said in your post that your child committed a felony but everything worked out?? THAT is the problem today parents not punishing children and teaching them right from WRONG!!

  55. Wow on October 22nd, 2010 10:41 am

    Some of you “people with children”, I can’t even call you parents, really give people in this area a bad name. Grow up. No, really. It’s about that time. Teach your kids about responsibility and the difference between right and wrong, not about the proper way to roll a tree, house, etc. And stop blaming the man who lost his life. If this man had stayed in his yard and maybe shot a gun and scared the kids and they sped off and wrecked and someone was injured or killed, you same people would be out for blood and you know it. Now the tables have turned and a family has to deal with a senseless loss. Don’t put blame on other people. That’s what’s wrong with America today. People are always looking to lay blame on someone else. Take responsibility for your actions.

  56. Something to think about on October 22nd, 2010 10:38 am

    I must say that until you have walked in these shoes you do not honestly know how you would react. EVERYONE should be in our prayers-the McRae family, the students, the parents of the students, the community. How quickly we, as humans, pass judgement.

    My opinion on rolling doesn’t really matter. Nor does my opinion regarding the chase. I’m sure there were no ill intentions by anyone involved.

    Cancelling homecoming punishes everyone-even those with no involvement. Is that really the answer?

    I must agree with Sad Cane Mom- instead of bashing, we should all be stepping forward to plan events for the students of our area to keep them productively engaged. Someone said this must be a regional thing. I agree. Because we live in small remote areas (Jay, Century, Bratt, Flomaton, etc.) there just aren’t enough activities available for our young people. If they don’t have anything productive available, they will create their own activities. Let’s come together as communities and begin planning for next year so that tragedies like this can be avoided in the future.

  57. Horrific! on October 22nd, 2010 10:25 am

    This is not 1950 this is the year 2010…..

    You can not let your teens go out in the dead of night and go onto other
    peoples property…….for any reason unless they are invited.

    The law is apparently not going to get them and the home owners ARE……

    Now this has happened to someone that everyone says was a wonderful
    guy because some ppl didn’t know where their children were or worse
    they DID!

    God Rest His Sole….

  58. T.K. aka The DODGE MAN on October 22nd, 2010 10:21 am

    Its just something kids do. I have done it myself and even rolled my friends lazy dog who just watched it all happen. There was no need for a high speed chase. Im sorry for the loss of life, but to me he should have ran them off and this would not be an issue today. We will never stop kids from doing crazy things like this. Let the police do their job.If you feel threatened and you have a cell phone with you, just call the police.Once again Im very sorry for the loss of life, it didnt have to end this way!!!!

  59. TeamAvalanche08 on October 22nd, 2010 10:19 am

    I knew Luther when I was around the age of these kids and back then I did plenty of stupid things, but I’ve paid for it. To let these kids off, ESPECIALLY under such circumstances, should be criminal in itself. If these kids are not charged you should ALL be very concerned about the order of your local judicial system. Prayers to the family.

  60. Seriously? on October 22nd, 2010 10:14 am

    My sympathies are with the family. Why don’t we all quit playing the blame game and figure out how to help with family cope with their loss? No, they should not have been rolling. No, he should not have given chage. No, there is nothing that can be done to fix the situation. Quit bickering like school children.

  61. Bamcubz on October 22nd, 2010 9:51 am

    We have had our house rolled several times with us having two teenagers of our own. I just call them the next day to come and clean it up – no big deal.
    No chase in cars running them down or shouts of threats was needed.

  62. rollingwiththetide on October 22nd, 2010 9:32 am

    I’m in shock at all of the parents and students that approve this kind of behavior. What kind of people are you!? With so many home invasions everyone is protecting their property. I hope the students that were involved never forget what happened that terrible night that Luther died!

  63. Sandy on October 22nd, 2010 8:58 am

    It should be banned and anyone trespassing should be charged with trespassing. How you can defend bad behavior and poor decision making is beyond me.
    The kids were in the wrong, not Luther. Anyone who thinks the kids were ok for doing such crap are wrong too.
    Roling yards does not just happen during homecoming week either, and most of ya’ll know that.
    No pass the buck onto a man that was killed due to the actions of kids breaking the law. They should have to take responsibility for what they did. I hate to say it, but what they did, honestly, was criminal trespass, and involuntary manslaughter.

    Their actions caused the death of a man, and they did not intend on killing anyone, but it was involuntary and a man is dead. Parents left without a child, a wife left without her husband, and a life ended because of the actions of teenagers being dumb.

  64. Shorty on October 22nd, 2010 8:50 am

    It is a terrible tragedy. He should have never went after the kids, he should have reported it to the law. He should not have went after them. If they were rolling the fence in front of his yard. Then how did he think they were trying to break into the house? The kids were just having fun, its homecoming week. But you watch, before this is over with it will be banned for good.

  65. Sandy on October 22nd, 2010 8:47 am

    I do not know your friend, Luther’s wife. I have not seen Luther or talked to him in several years. Please let everyone know that I am very sorry for their loss. I knew Luther when he was over here in Auburn. When my oldest son was just a baby, a woman came into the office and had a little boy with her who had chicken pox, bad.
    Luther snatched up the carrier that my oldest son was in, he was only a couple months old, maybe at that time, and Luther took him down stairs and waited on me to get my things to be able to leave work so my baby did not get chicken pox.

    That was not the only think that he ever did for me, but when people do not know someone and make judgment calls based on an accident that would not have happened, had the kids in the situation been taught that sort of thing is wrong to begin with, it makes me mad. If parents stepped up and made sure their kids were not doing stuff like this, then chances are that Luther might still be here with his wife and family.

    Luther and I had our differences just as everyone does sooner or later, but I liked Luther and am very saddened by his death.

  66. Friend on October 22nd, 2010 8:38 am

    This is right down awful. Most of yall should be feeling bad. saying its not the kids fault. yeah it is bc they should stay the heck off of someones property. if it was my yard my husband would do the same thing. so for yall to sit and say luther should of never went after them. yes he should of. and the kids should be charged. it makes me sick for yall to sit and say stuff about a good man and bash him for protecting his home. and yeah he left his wife to chase them down. that does not make him a bad husband. so dont you dare sit here and bash him like that. if you dont know luther keep your rude comments to yourself. and dont put them on here. especially if your a “parent” defending their children. what about luthers parents. how do you think they feel. loosing their child? or how about his wife. have you ever lost a child? if not keep your comment to yourself. yes your child should be charged with trespassing. luther may you rest in peace. and my prayers are with your family. and im gonna pray for these idiots bashing you and taking up for their children. i hope that god will forgive them of doing bad things.

  67. Northview Mom T......... on October 22nd, 2010 8:37 am


  68. Angela on October 22nd, 2010 8:34 am

    I totally agree with Sandy!!

    Luther was in the right! He was protecting his wife! He was doing what he was trained to do! The news is wanting to put the blame on the rolling from across the street to why he chased them! No they were near his barn on his property! I hope these kids have to pay for what they have done! Because now my best friend has lost her husband, best friend, and soul-mate to kids playing a prank on someone that had to relation to anyone at Flomaton School! While we are mourning over the loss of a very special gentleman they will be celebrating there homecoming!!

    Prayers for the Fortner and Mcrae family!

  69. joan on October 22nd, 2010 8:30 am

    Have the kids come forward yet? Also, did Flomaton cancel Homecoming??

  70. Sandy on October 22nd, 2010 8:24 am

    Fed up: you are right. The kids should be charged with criminal trespass. Thank you for saying so.

  71. Sandy on October 22nd, 2010 8:21 am

    The more comments I read, the more it is apparent that many people are very distasteful and stupid. Any comment in defense of teens being teens and rolling somebody’s property is wrong and sadly, it is no mystery why our country is in the shape it is in.

    It is not a job for teachers to teach children right from wrong, but rather parents to grow up at some point in their lives and realize that everything is not just fun and games. Kids who role yards have gone on to commit burglaries and do other things that break the law and are more severe. Just becasue some want to act like it is no big deal does not mean that it is no big deal. Anytime someone tries to defend themselves, their family, and their property and life is lost, it is serious, severe, and should be considered to be so.

    People who dismiss this as kids being kids, or just leaving it to the authorities has little or no sense in my opinion and I am sure in the opinion of others. As stated before, I knew Luther and I am upset by what has happened, and even more so because obviously the kids’, who were roling yards, parents obviously do not care what their teens do or care to what end someone else comes to because of the damaging actions of their kids.

    Do not defend these kids. No wonder why our society is getting more violent. Kids are allowed to do whatever they want, whenever they want, and are never told much more than “kids will be kids” and that is a load of bull, and deep down, you all know it.

    THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE COME TO THE DEFENSE OF LUTHER AND HIS MEMORY IN STATING THE OBVIOUS, the kids should never have been on his property. He has the right to defend himself, his wife, and his property, at the point he realized someone was there.

    What if the stupid teens in this situation had set fire to his barn or his home? What then? Were they still just being kids? Parents take control of your kids and straighten them out. The next person may not chase them, rather, the next person may decide to shoot. It is criminal and illegal to be on somebody’s property without their permission. So you sickos who want to say Luther was in the wrong need to shut up. The kids were in the wrong and that is all there is to it. Depending on where you are in the county, sometimes it could take law enforcement an hour to get to you. Even 30 minutes is too long in order to just call authorities and leave it to them.

    Luther was not in the wrong.

  72. L.A. Redneck on October 22nd, 2010 8:18 am

    I heard this accident happen. I had NO idea. Thougt it was a big truck making racket on the road. terrible In the midst of life we are in the midst of death….

  73. fed up on October 22nd, 2010 8:02 am

    Trespassing is a crime, charge them.

  74. Sandy on October 22nd, 2010 7:57 am

    I have to say that I am disappointed at fellow Americans who have sat here and said negative things about Luther McRae doing what is right in order to attempt to protect himself, his wife, and his property.

    I think maybe parents, like the woman with the daughter who roles people’s yards and thinks its funny, to learn that perhaps your kids should be taught that it is wrong for them to go onto another person’s property in order to role their property. I think it is sick that their actions contributed to the death of a man that I knew fairly well, and that people can then say bad things about him.

    Quite honestly, I am sure the woman has probably done the same in the past and has refused to teach her child differently. You are a disgusting individual. What if Luther had shot at the kids or shot a tire on their vehicle, trying to defend his property and they had had the car wreck? You would want Luther to go to prison.


    What everybody dismisses as harmless teen pranks can lead to death and this story proves it. I am just disappointed that people think Luther was at fault in trying to protect his own. In a day of home invasion and rampant theft by teens, Luther was in the right to try and protect himself, his wife, and his property and the teens who were on his property and had been on the property of others should all be charged with criminal trespass. Not a major charge, but they should be taught right from wrong and apparently their parents won’t teach them that, so it is left to someone else.

  75. 2242 on October 22nd, 2010 7:39 am

    First my prayers for Luthers family. My daughter goes to Flomaton. She asked me the other night if she could go “rolling with her friends. I had a one word answer for her. NO. Not because I think it is wrong but for her, her friends and others saftety. Has it happened to my house. Yes and my other daughter who did not live with me was involved. The kids involved stopped the next day and we laughed about it. But it is like every thing else the events leading up to it set the perception to what appears to be happening. My only question is if Luther had all the details now that we have how would he want the KIDS to be treated. And to all the Firefighters remember “We are our brothers keeper”. His family is your family. God Bless.

  76. HURRICANE PRIDE!!! on October 22nd, 2010 7:13 am

    Look the kids that did it have to live with this for the rest of their lives!I’m good friends w/the kids that do it n no I’m not defending them!but they don’t need yall reminding them and bashing them!no we didn’t get our pep rally,football game,nor dance away!it was a 50/50 blame here!yes I’m very sorry that Mr. McRae lost his life.but 50% balme goes to him because he should have called the cops if he thought something was going on!but 50% of balme goes to the kids for not stopping and jus being caught!my mom does not allow me to go rolling and I don’t want to but if you get caught then you get caught just clean it up!n Coach Hammond said that noone is supposed to be rolling any more this week due to the loss of a life Coach Hammond is teaching us rescpet by saying this!and honestly yall need to stop saying bad things about the guy!his family and wife can read this!so shut up w/your bad comments towards him!you also need to stop bashing the kids(like I said)they have to deal w/this for the rest of their lives!and it is all fun and games til someone gets killed or hurt!but the ones who shoot guns up in the air think watever goes up has to come down!!!!so think bout that!I’m a proud junior at flomaton high school!and I love the way Coach Hammond and the staff at FHS!

  77. PROUD FLOMATON RESIDENT FOR LIFE on October 22nd, 2010 5:53 am

    Firefighter’s Prayer

    When I am called to duty, God
    Wherever flames may rage
    Give me strength to save a life
    Whatever be its age.

    Let me embrace a little child
    Before it is too late
    Or save an older person from
    The horror of that fate.

    Enable me to be alert
    And hear the weakest shout,
    And quickly and efficiently
    To put the fire out.

    I want to fill my calling
    To give the best in me,
    To guard my friend and neighbor
    And protect their property.

    And, if, according to your will,
    I have to lose my life,
    Please bless, with your protecting hand,
    My family and my wife.

    Prayers to The McRae family and all involved..
    A Humble FHS Grad who understands loss..

  78. nudo on October 22nd, 2010 3:55 am

    After reading some of these comments I had know idea that there are this many Idiot’s in our area.

  79. Lilangel on October 22nd, 2010 2:23 am

    WHAT IS OUR WORLD COMING TO! Things are really messed up when people spend all of their time and energy defending and justifying traditions, kids misbehaving and what they think is right and wrong at the most inappropriate time. None of that matters right now. The only thing that matters is a man lost his life and now his family will suffer for the rest of theirs. People want to sit back and say things about how he should have just called the authorities and question why he would chase teens for such a minor thing but has anyone considered the fact that regrettably most of the time people committing crimes go unpunished and are not caught. He called the authorities and I honestly dont think anybody would have taken the time to ask them their age and what they were doing. This day and age you cant trust anyone and whether its innocent or not, most people who come up on someone suspiciously on THEIR property in the middle of the night will react in a similar manner. As far as anyone knows, this man suspected these people had stolen his property and were obviously fleeing and would be long gone before any authorities were able to catch up to them. No matter how many people consider the TP’ing a tradition, laws still consider being on someones property without permission- trespassing, defacing someones property- vandalism and discarding of litter/trash in improper places- littering. I AM SO SORRY FOR LUTHER’S WIFE AND FAMILY. WE LOVE YOU AND WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU. I AM , ALSO, SORRY FOR ALL OF THE INSENSITIVE CRUEL PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD.

  80. RIP Luther on October 22nd, 2010 1:48 am

    Leave your rude comments to yourself if you don’t understand the situation. A man lost his life and people want to down him. This is a sad time for this family so don’t cause them more pain. Everyone is saying “what if.” Well you know what it doesn’t matter what if. What matters is what has happened. Who cares about the kids rolling houses. The fact is that he wasn’t chasing them because they were rolling a house; he was chasing them because he thought that his home and his property was in danger. Many of us would have done the same thing. MY THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS ARE WITH THE FAMILY

  81. fellow firefighter on October 22nd, 2010 1:26 am

    for the the people that dont know what happen,yall need to shut up and be more respectful to the Mcrea family and their loss. i would have done the same thing and chase them too as he did. he was on the phone when they ask for a description of the vehicle he said they were already gone and spead off . to me this call could have went either way but it didn’t.when the kids took off they could have done alot of damage to other peoples houses as well wrecked and i know u parents out there dont ever wanna get that call. i think the kids and parents should go to the a wake to see what happen to people when the speed. i know in my heart know one wants that call

  82. saddened on October 22nd, 2010 1:00 am

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, Brittney, and the rest of the McRae family. This is not a time to blame either the children or Luther for this accident, but a time for all to open their eyes and see how precious life is. Tradition or not, this is Alabama people. We are taught to defend ourselves and our neighbors. This is a mere case of fight or flight syndrome. Luther reacted to a possible threat to his wife, property, and neighbors, just as many of us with a conscience would. This is not the time to point fingers. A life has been lost and children have been traumatized. Let us sit back and reflect on this “tradition” that has, in the past caused injuries. With the crime rate going up in small cities and little towns these days, I think we should stop and think about the consequences of our actions before we act. My prayers are with the family.

  83. Carolyn Smith on October 22nd, 2010 12:09 am

    This goes out to everyone who thinks rolling peoples yards is ok. Well it is not. You are not the ones having to clean it up. Why should someone have to clean up your mess. My daughter goes to Flomaton and better not even think of throwing anything in anyones yard. I know Luthers wife and they are great people. He thought a crime was being committed again them and took action. Alot of you would even though you go on here and say different. She is devastated and all yall are worried about is tradition. Why dont you try putting yourself in her shoes right now. She just lost her husband and all most of you can do is talk negatively. At least he was man enough to stand up and do something and not worry about cowering behind what some call tradition. Looks to me maybe a new tradition needs to be instated. Its time for these so called kids to be responsible for what they do and cause. If they are old enough to make a conscious decision, then they should deal with punishment comes with it. Tradition is not more valuable than life. Has anyone thought that even if he had not followed them these kids could have lost their lives with the speeding they were themselves doing. Do not lay this on this family. Lay it in the lap of where it started.

  84. PROUD FLOMATON HURRICANE GRADUATE on October 21st, 2010 11:46 pm

    I think it is a very sad and terrible loss. I believe this is a true tragedy. But it should not reflect Flomaton in a negative light. Flomaton is an amazing school with a superior administrative system. I went to school there from Kindergarten until I graduated high school in 2009. Coach Hammond is the probably the best principal in the entire state of Alabama. He cares for the school, students, sports, grades, families, EVERYTHING. It is immature and somewhat disrespectful, but it all seems HARMLESS when you are that age. I’m only 19 now but I have grew up a tremendous about since graduating high school. I think everyone should learn from this experience and understand that there is harm in this thing we believe to be so harmless. But instead of pointing fingers in blame we should pray for the family’s loss, and come together instead of tearing each other down. I’m proud of where I come from and will always be proud to be a Hurricane. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and loved ones of Mr. Luther.

  85. Team RamRod on October 21st, 2010 11:45 pm


  86. Angela on October 21st, 2010 11:40 pm

    I think it is time to close the comments on this article. Yes a lot of “traditionalist” will want “rolling” to continue. Why anyone would WANT to put their child in harms way is beyond me. I will not allow my child to play russian roulette, nor roll yards. Luckily, I am just glad that my children had better judgment! Both are a death waiting to happen. I am so sorry that someone “thrill” of homecoming cost a man his life, and by the comments here, I see this as another headline–down the road…. I think we need to let the family mourn without having to read the outlandish comments of finger pointing. IMO

  87. Whitney on October 21st, 2010 11:20 pm



  88. Amazed on October 21st, 2010 11:12 pm

    To be exact, the kids were parked behind the McRae’s barn on their property and he saw lights come from his barn and thought someone was stealing.

  89. Whitney on October 21st, 2010 11:12 pm


  90. Amazed on October 21st, 2010 11:08 pm

    Really people? Regardless of who is right and who is wrong, a life was lost. Whatever you opinion may be have respect for the family. Luther McRae was a husband, a brother, a son, a son in law and many other heartfelt things to other people. Sitting here debating whether or not rolling a house should be allowed or not is completely inappropriate. We all have made bad decisions in our lives and thankfully it hasn’t cost us our life. Luther McRae thought someone was stealing from his property and followed the car to get a tag number. He was on the phone with 911 and the last thing he said was “I am getting close and will give you a tag number.” Was this the best decision, probably not. But how many of you would act on adrenaline and try to protect your property from a thief? So please, grow up and have some respect for the family. They are suffering the loss of a loved one while you participate in your “homecoming activities.”

  91. my prayers are with the loved ones on October 21st, 2010 11:00 pm

    I’m ready here it comes if your not a cop on dutyt than I recommend. You not chase them

  92. me on October 21st, 2010 10:59 pm

    First, prayers to the McRae family for their lost. Now, from what the news say the kids were rolling across the road from the McRae house and on tv you can clearly see the toilet paper hanging from the trees. Now, where Mr. McRae got the idea that they were trying to break in does not seem really clear. Anyway, these kids are not responsibile for Mr. McRae’s decision to jump in his vehicle and chase them. With him being a firefighter and an adult he should have known to just call the law and give them a description of the car/persons involved. Instead, he, and only he, made the decision on his own to take matters into his own hands. It is a terrible accident and my heart goes out to his family but to put the blame on the students (who by the way are kids and are still very much immature) is just plain stupid. I think everybody should just take a step back, take a deep breath and see it for what it really is, a terrible, tragic accident that could have been avoided had Mr. McRae not made the decision to chase them. Throwing toilet paper in trees by high school kids did not cause the accident but, Mr. McRae did when he chased these kids when he could have made the decision to call the police and report what was going on.

  93. IAmAHurricane! on October 21st, 2010 10:49 pm

    and I am NOT defending the students that did roll I am just stating that it was taken WAY out of hand.

  94. rollingwiththetide on October 21st, 2010 10:39 pm

    I think it’s time for all of the Flomaton students to put the toliet paper away forever! Luther McRae had no idea what you were doing in his yard. If he had known, he probably would of helped you!! If you were involved in this situation please notify the Flomaton Police Dept. so they can help you arrange a meeting with his family. I would hate to know that I had to go through life knowing what happened and never told anyone.
    If you didn’t know Luther I can tell you personally he was he was respected by everyone that knew him.

  95. IAmAHurricane! on October 21st, 2010 10:36 pm

    NO , I am a student of Flomaton High School and do not appreciate the way alot of you downing us ! We are THE highest scoring school in the county ! And I don’t feel that we should be punished because of this, sympathy goes out for the family, our principal DID in fact have an assembly do to this tragedy, the halss of Flomaton were extremely quit and I’m sure we ALL feel terrible, it was a mistake do to a tradition, should we STOP our tradition? I don’t think so, just be more careful just like OUR principal told us. Out of RESPECT for the family, FHS students won’t be rolling. I feel that instead of this man, not speaking bad on the dead, trying to chase these children that maybe he should have called the police and the situatation would have been held ALOT better, it wasn’t even HIS house to begin with. But yes since you all stated your opinion I feel as if I should state mine! Thank you and God bless.

  96. SingleMom82 on October 21st, 2010 10:34 pm

    It’s true that “Rolling” is a TRADITION during Homecoming. For most students it is only done to there friends or teachers. But that does not Justify what has happened. A MAN WAS KILLED. If he did’nt know that it was Homecoming for Flomaton then he would’nt know that they were just being adolesents. Neither should the teens just get away with what has happened. PLEASE stop all the NEGITIVE talk on here. A LIFE WAS LOST. A HORRIBLE ACCIDENT…. May God Hold The McRea Family. May Peace Be With You!!!!

  97. my prayers are with the loved ones on October 21st, 2010 10:08 pm

    I have been concerned about something of this nature happening. There is a man in bratt that jumps in his car and drives crazy and tries to force the kids to stop and as I hear how he does this have fear he would accidentally kill one of these young drivers I have forbid ed my kids not to roll this mans house. I believe rolling is harmless but this man goes overboard with his actions. I am sorry that this youngman was not aware it is flomatons homecoming and that is what kids do. I pray for others if you think a robbery is happening please call 911 don’t chase the robbers for you might hurt your self or some ones child that was just out rolling.

  98. justme on October 21st, 2010 9:06 pm

    My prayers go up for this family, and from one Firefighter to all you others who worked with him, hang in there I know it has to be difficult to lose one of your own, whether it is LODD or not. And for the ones on here with the need to scrutinize, act like mature adults for a change.

  99. ProudArmyParent on October 21st, 2010 8:55 pm

    Oversight on October 21st, 2010 8:24 pm,maybe you need to read my comment again. I never allegde to work at Northview. What I said was, “I had 3 kids go through Northview High School we were rolled every year they attended school there.” So please read more carefully!

  100. NHS Fan on October 21st, 2010 8:52 pm

    Tragedy all the way around, we all make choices, all choices have a consequence, lets leave it at that.

  101. ProudArmyParent on October 21st, 2010 8:42 pm

    OldMarine on October 21st, 2010 8:18 pm, these children aren’t Brats! And yes they are children even though they can drive. They are kids, they go to school, many get great grades and attend churches in our community often volunteering themselves for special causes. This is the one time of year they get to be out on their own and be a little crazy. I repeat it is toilet paper, it isn’t vandialism. Those of you being so critical remember you were kids once yourselves. I’m sure you were busy also! My dad use to talk about turning over outhouses (one time actually occupied,) letting fireflies go in the local movies theater, even placing a VW bug on a school roof. It was just kid stuff no harm no fowl! And there wouldn’t have been any harm this time if someone hadn’t taken matters into his on hands. We were all kids, and like I said if toilet paper is the worst they do, BRING IT ON!
    I wish I had my sons toilet papering the town instead worrying about them of in another country where they are burying bombs. Think about it!

  102. AU Alum on October 21st, 2010 8:34 pm

    I knew Luther when we both were at Auburn. He was a sweet, fun loving guy. It has been years since I saw him but was so saddened to hear of his passing. My sympathy and prayers go out to his family.

  103. Oversight on October 21st, 2010 8:24 pm

    I see many troubling posts that contain deflection and misdirection of those who are really responsible for or have direct knowledge of the facts in this tragic event. They are from: …..(a FHS student?); ProudArmyParent (who allegedly works at NHS?); Kathy Cavers; SadCaneMom; and others, all who think that trespassing and littering on another’s property is alright as long as it is in the spirit of homecoming. Well in many views, it is just plane and simply wrong! Flomaton High School should cancel its homecoming and instead it should hold a vigil for the wrongfully induced death by its student body. How can anyone justify the wrongful damage or littering of someone’s private property without the owners permission and then dismiss the actions as being all in fun? Say it out loud in public: you can’t. Student of FHS who were involved in this tragic event need to come forward and face your just deserts.

  104. OldMarine on October 21st, 2010 8:18 pm

    could have gone the other way like in SEMMES, AL

    These Brats are not recognized as kids in the dead of night , People are stressed and they are tired. they are lucky they didn’t get shot like this brat did. Do not Vandalise my Home at night , i don’t age check !

    SEMMES, AL – A 15-year-old boy is being treated at USA Medical Center after being shot in the head. The Mobile County Sheriff’s Office says Evan Smith of Semmes and his friends went to a home on Heater Station Road Wednesday night to “roll it” with toilet paper.

    The people inside the home heard noises and a man inside grabbed his shotgun and came outside and fired one shot into the air to scare the boys. They ran. According to the police report, once Smith got into the car, he felt his head and it was bleeding. The report says the pellet skimmed the boy’s head and he was taken to the hospital.

    A MCSO spokesperson says the reason why the man fired his shotgun was because on August 1st, someone stole a car from his yard and broke into two other vehicles and didn’t know if the bandits came back to commit another crime.

  105. Bill L on October 21st, 2010 8:15 pm

    prayers for the family so sad. as a firefighter Luther was trained to react under pressure, no comments on his decision making to hop in a car and drive careless around the curve and lose control, was a seat belt used? don’t put all the blame on the kids. keep our firefighters and policemen in your prayers at least once a week

  106. molino jim on October 21st, 2010 8:09 pm

    Isn’t it odd that several people have said “there were THREE BOYS” and I fail to see the number of people or gender in the story. Maybe next home coming the students can show off their 4.0 grade point grades. It’s “just fun” is repeated several times— I can recall years ago (and maybe still) kids would go out “knocking” ( I’ll not use the first word that is a part of this) by hitting people with eggs. It died out after one kid was shot and killed.

  107. Whitney on October 21st, 2010 7:54 pm

    This absolutely break my heart for Luther’s family. Those kids have NO business rolling people’s yard. I think a new tradition should be enforced at flomaton. Do you see wsn or trm doing a classless act as this?! I understand rolling has been done by all kids at all school but for a group of 20 something kids to roll every night?! Enough is enough! Parents, it is time to step it up before a child is killed or another terrible tragedy occurs. No matter how “harmless” rolling is…..a precious life was taken. He was protecting his family from what he thought may have been danger.

  108. concerned parent on October 21st, 2010 7:45 pm

    I am deeply troubled over this event. I dont understand if someone thought they were being ROBBED why would leave there family in the house to chase someone down? It doesnt add up! I cant say enough how sorry I am for the family but we also need to think about our innocent children who do not know how this could happen from something so innocent. Yes they shouldnt have been doing the papering but they shouldnt have to feel the guilt of this!!!!!

  109. t on October 21st, 2010 7:24 pm

    How do you break in a house with t-paper? why would you “chase” a group of students that’s no longer breaking in?Authorites said he was chasing the kids that “WERE” rolling a house!! Was they breaking in? I wonder if it been the other way around and all the kids would have died becouse he was chasing them. Thank about it the rolling would not seem that bad would it? Note the kids roll each other not just the first house they see.

  110. KC on October 21st, 2010 7:01 pm

    According to the news, the trees were not even in his yard so it was totally unnecessary for him to jump in the car and chase them. No way he could have thought they were breaking in to his house. As a parent that has had my house rolled and my kids have also done the rolling in the past it is normally a harmless fun activity. I feel sorry for the man and his family. Its a horrific tragedy but one that could have been avoided if he had not tried to take matters in his own hands. Most of the time, the kids will take off if you just yell at them and tell them to go away. All the families, including the kids, are in my prayers. I’m sure the kids have some guilty feelings to deal with also.

  111. Terri Sanders on October 21st, 2010 6:57 pm

    Some people beleive that when your time is up you are going no matter what you are doing or how you are acting.Reminds me of the runner on the beach months back was hit and killed by an airplane falling out of the sky.Then we are so stressed out and convinced everyone is out to get us,we make decisions with considering the consequences.The year my son graduated from north view,the thing was to wrap cars in plastic wrap….lots of plastic wrap in addition to papering houses.The only harm that was done was that the group papered the school and my son put plastic bags over the security cameras which is a felony…but it all worked out and the papering will go on and on and on

  112. nudo on October 21st, 2010 6:56 pm

    I just want to state my earlier points out again for the ones taking up for the kids rolling. Don’t hold the home owner responsible when he does something because he thinks he’s being robbed at 1 am in the morning or whatever time of the night. Not everyone is aware of someone’s homecoming week. It wouldn’t be my first though being rudely awakening at night seeing people running away from your house. Again it is trespassing and destruction of property. These are laws and home owners do have rights.

  113. just wondering on October 21st, 2010 6:50 pm

    this is in response to kathy chavers. who do you think you are saying it was just a little piece of toliet paper. we are talking about a human life. how do you compare a piece of toliet paper to someone getting dying. i hope and pray that everytime you go and buy toleit paper god will bring this to your attention until you go and apologize to this lady.

  114. mary on October 21st, 2010 6:19 pm

    The more I hear about this man..the more I feel for the short lived!!! I totally agree w/”outraged” the “whole homecomming activities should be canceled/forfiet the game….UNLESS the kids that were doing the toilet paper thing come foward…then punish them!!!! PARENTS WAKE UP!!!!! You just mite be the one who is held responsible for your children’s behavior. WE have a rite to protect ourselves..WE dont know what is going on in our yards so if something is happening in our yards or our neighbors and WE do notice it..WE PROTECT!

  115. concernd parent on October 21st, 2010 5:54 pm

    What is sad is that 3 young kids could have lost there lives because a MAN decided to take the law into his own hands!!! He could have killed those kids!!!! I am so appauled at the nerve of some of you people. Those kids were not responsible for HIS decisions!!!! What if it would have went the other way? Then what? I cant believe you would even try to put that pressure on a child!!!!!!

  116. ProudArmyParent on October 21st, 2010 5:52 pm

    Prayers Going Up on October 21st, 2010 3:35 pm, it is toilet paper! It isn’t some long sustainable material that is going to stay around for years and years. Heck most of the time it isn’t more than 1 ply. You say you have been rolled over and over. Look at it as a sign of affection. The kids doing the rolling do. It isn’t ment to be done to those you don’t like! I had 3 kids go through Northview High School we were rolled every year theyu attended school there. I remember the first year we were rolled more than once. (We were dumb and cleaned it up before Homecoming was over, we learned out lesson and just left it.) My kids would actually get upset if the yard didn’t get rolled right away! Get in the spirit of the thing, it is just done in fun. We actually found a toilet paper bow on our dog one year. As parents you can look back at those times and remember. I know when it is Homecoming at Northview I think back and remember my yard looking like a White Christmas. Oh to have those care free times back. Now I think where in the world are my boys!

  117. ...... on October 21st, 2010 5:52 pm

    Honestly im a student at flomaton high school and my prayers go out to the family and all but harm is never intended on rolling houses, its just when people take it to far of chasing, calling cops, and threating with guns, its highly immature. Us flomaton students hate the fact that this happened but things happen and the student that had to deal with the fact of a man dying is hard enough and scarful. I think that people should keep there opinions on the situation to there self and let it be decided by the lord on judgement day.
    Not all flomtaon students just run away, some just handle things different in split decisions. So don’t blame the whole school and say this when its just possibly 2 people or whatever.

  118. Neal alum '95 on October 21st, 2010 5:11 pm

    My prayers are with Luther’s family…I’ve known Mrs. Liz since I started grade school at North Brewton Elementary where she was an aide. I know how she lived for her boys and I would just like to say to all the parents and especially the mothers that are on this site making snide remarks and comments about him being in the wrong and giving chase, think if it were your child. I think in the prediciment I probably would’ve done the same thing he did. I understand that it may be tradition there but things and times have changed. When you have so many break ins and home invasions going on you never know. I feel Luther was doing what he thought was right. He was a very sweet person, and he actually was at the Little League parking this past season helping out there. I just hope some changes will be made and that kids will think more about the concequenses of their actions. I know we all at that age think we’re invincible, we were all there once. I know how hard it is to explain the reason why you think some things other kids so may not be what you want your children doing. I am the mother of 2 teenagers I know it’s hard to get them to understand. I hope all involved in this can find some peace in what’s happened. For the McRae and Moye families my heart and prayers go out to all of you. God Bless You All.

  119. Dear Friend of Luther and Brittany McRae on October 21st, 2010 4:53 pm

    Luther was a very good man! He would never hurt anyone on purpose, especially kids. He thought his family was in danger (bring robbed, or worse), he would not have just jumped in a truck to chase someone for some toilet paper. No one will ever REALLY know what he saw or what went on that night. Just let the family grieve in peace, they don’t need you dragging Luther’s name through the mud at a time like this and making him look like a animal, because that was not the type person he was. If you do choose to put him down, don’t put it on here for one of the family members to see. HAVE SOME RESPECT!!!!!!


  120. outraged on October 21st, 2010 4:51 pm

    and one more thing i think the school should cancel the homecoming parade, eliminate the homecoming court and maybe forfeit the game…… IF YOUR OFFENDED BY THAT… OH WELL!!! maybe next year these kids will decide that they have to be more responsible and just for the record they are not kids any more…they drive and can fight for this country at 18 yrs old…… are 12 and under…..sometime you have to grow up!!!!!!!!

  121. outraged on October 21st, 2010 4:41 pm

    i live at the corner of hwy 4-a and tulip st on the fl -al line. and this has been going on all week. its just not a few kids out having fun… car..3 kids yea…no problem as long as they are rolling their friends house. the other night there were at least 20-25 cars and trucks parked on tulip st and on the hwy. and double the number of kids. they parked in peoples yard and ran back and forth across the hwy trespassing on even the elderly’s yards. i witnesses at least two trucks pull out in front of oncoming traffic. and i did call flomaton police and let them know that this kind of behaviour was gonna cause an innocent person to get killed…..parents you are still the parents!!!!!!! why don’t you keep track of what your kids are doing….or do they tell YOU what to do???? praying for the family of this man who was trying to be a good citizen.

  122. ohhhmyyy.. on October 21st, 2010 4:40 pm

    these kids did not intend for this to happen…

    thoughts and prayers go out to mr.luthers family and friends…

    kids are gonna roll they’ve done it for years and years…

    i don’t see the harm in toilet paper in a tree and on a lawn it isn’t hurting anything seriously…

    when the kids left the house that should have been the end of it right there…

    disrespectful i am not but he shouldn’t have tried to chase them down either way of the chase we all know how it would have turned out..bad for one or all parties involved…

    its horrible that this happened the way it did..

  123. mememe on October 21st, 2010 4:38 pm

    Valid questions: What if it were the kids that were killed in the wreck and the gentleman were to walk away without a scratch? What would the public view be then? Would some be so ready to say, they deserved it, because they were worthless criminals that were defacing property and littering….or would they have a different view and say, “But they were only rolling a yard with toilet paper”. Would another question being ask be, “Did that worthless man have to run down poor children just out having fun?”, or would they hold him high on a hero status for killing the young criminals? Isn’t the point he was in a high speed chase not an illegal action itself? Do people not get tickets for high speed called dangerous/reckless endangerment driving? So I am trying to make another point, the teens breaking the law was not alright, but the gentleman speeding was? And I understand he was a fireman, but do they still not race when going to a fire? And do they have jurisdiction over a littering criminal? And last but not least, the next time you see someone litter and that litter winds up in someones front yard, who all is going to chase that person down?…………And no Im not trying to put the gentleman in the guity position, Im just trying to point out a few things that Im not sure some have thought about. And Im not trying to be disrespectful to his family, Im not joking in the least bit either. I just think there are a lot of points to consider.

  124. Not Local on October 21st, 2010 4:20 pm

    I am not a local, but I know friends of the family and Mr. Mcrae. From what I understand he was ON THE PHONE with 911 during the pursuit and that he gave pursuit because the people had BROKEN INTO HIS TRUCK. Now how do you all feel about these “innocent” kids and their pranks?

  125. a parent of teens on October 21st, 2010 4:18 pm

    PUNK KIDS are you serious? Its people like you that causes such a mess. The kids are not doing harm. SO what if you catch them doing it and don’t like it. Just make them clean it up. To make them clean it up for all the neighbors to see is much more of punishment than to chase them or call the law. My opinion of punk kids are the ones doing drugs walking with their pants below their butt.. My kids have rolled a few houses and they ARE NOT PUNK KIDS…

  126. a parent of teens on October 21st, 2010 4:10 pm

    First of all MY THOUGHTS GO OUY TO THE MCRAE family.. A sad thing happend here. Kids are out doing what they think is harmless. I personally went rolling when I was a teenager. My kids have done it. I did always talk to them about going just to your friends house, Not to someone that get mad or call the law. Now the fact that someone lost their life is really sad. But the fact of a grown man chasing teenagers is also sad. What if he would have caused them to wreck, what if they all would have died. What if anyone else would have been on that road. They could have died also. Like someother people have said. I would much rather my teens be out rolling a few houses (harmless fun). Than out doing drugs, drinking and driving. Parking and having unprotected sex.
    Now with my opinon being said. I do feel for the McRae family. MY prayers go out to you and all friends. And I hope that everyone is also thinking and praying for the teens that were involved.

  127. A Friend on October 21st, 2010 4:07 pm

    Luther was a great guy. He was just doing what he thought was right for him to do. The kids that were out there were the ones that are in the wrong. No matter if it is a “homecoming tradition” or not it is just dumb. It so sad that something so tragic had to happen because of this. My prayers will be with his wife and family during this difficult time.

  128. SadCaneMom on October 21st, 2010 4:03 pm

    This has been a horrible tragedy. On both sides. I’m very sorry for the McRae family, truly sorry. I’m also sorry for the kids involved. And so thankful that my children weren’t on that expedition. The kids never meant for any of this to happen though. I have no doubt about that. Does it make everything okay? Obviously, NO! I’m not defending TP’ing a house at all. I think it’s pretty silly but I was a kid once and I know that it appeals to kids. I also agree with one of the other posters, that this is not a “malicious” type of thing–it’s more of a status symbol. Usually the only houses rolled are teachers and well-liked kids. I’m not sure why these teens were so far out of town. They were probably rolling a friends house. I also agree with another poster that Mr. McRae, with all due respect, shouldn’t have given chase. I don’t say that to be disrespectful. I’m sure had he known the outcome, he would have chosen differently. I’m thankful that the car with the teens didn’t crash and kill a bunch of our kids. If it had, would people blame Mr. McRae for their deaths? I’m not judging or wanting to sound inflammatory, I really wonder these things. I have been asked on more than one occassion by one of my kids if they could go roll with a bunch of other kids. And even told that one of the moms would do the driving. My instinct was to say “NO”. I know what it feels like to be pressured by your kid(s) to agree to let them do something that just goes against your better instincts. And I also know that children do not always obey. I wish more parents knew how to say no. I wish that teenagers saw the possibility of danger in seemingly innocent fun. I wish that there were more for the kids to do around here. Maybe from now on, during Homecoming week, the local churches (or even the school) would each sponsor a night of activities for the kids. I’m sure that the “mean, overprotective” (as my kids call me) parents would be more than happy to help chaperone such an event. It’s really hard parenting a teenager. They are so motivated to be part of the in-crowd. They can’t help feeling that way–it’s the way most of them are wired. They just have to outgrow that. It’s our job as parents to tell them NO when we need to. It won’t be the end of the world if “everyone” else does it and they don’t get to. No judging and all blaming aside, but an innocent night of fun ended in tragedy. Not just for the family of the man that died but also the families of those kids.

  129. Kathy Chavers on October 21st, 2010 4:00 pm

    My house gets rolled every year, and to be honest with you it is just a little toilet paper. In my opinion 99% of the kids who are out and about are just having fun 1 day out of an entire year for this sort of activity in the celebration of Homecoming week. Never has there been any damage to any of my possessions. We have chickens and goats, you would think if these kids were up to no good they would open up the gates and turn them loose, but not the case. I have many, ,many flower pots and again no damage done. We have pumpkins all about the drive ways and porches and still nothing…just a little paper. I am aware that terrible things could go wrong, but terrible things can go wrong on any day of the year, not just Homecoming week. Might I add most of the houses that get rolled are those of family members and friends, I do not know any kid who just goes and random picks a house to roll and here’s thing thing most of the time it is not the home owner, but the busy neighbor next door who gets all fired up.
    In addressing the family of Mr. Luther McRae, my heart is heavy and my prayers are going up for you all. God is always, always good.
    And 1 last thought, kids are going to be kids, and parents know were your kids are, and kids be careful and smart in all you do at all times not just on certain days of the year.

  130. concerned on October 21st, 2010 4:00 pm

    I hope the punk kids in this mess (rolling houses) are held accountable. They were the cause for the whole ordeal. I was a senior at Flomaton and they rolled houses back in the 80’s but most of us found different ways to enjoy our senior year, not destroying others people’s homes. They should not be aloud to join in on any other activities for the rest of their senior year. The should be supended permantely for their actions. THey might think about stupidity next time it slaps them in the face.

  131. Just My 2 Cents on October 21st, 2010 3:38 pm

    Innocent people do not run away. Littering is a crime. Tresspassing is a crime. It’s time the cops treated ‘the rollers’ for what they are.

  132. Prayers Going Up on October 21st, 2010 3:35 pm

    In Reply to ProudArmyParent on October 21st, 2010 3:14 pm who wrote “I’m not trying to be disrepectful to the Luther family, but I do feel that Mr. Luther should have made a call to the authorities if he thought there was some really disconcerting activity going on.”

    Our yard has been one of the yards rolled in the past years and we “did” call the authorities because it was rolled more than once. It was not a joke in our minds because of the mess the toilet paper made not to mention the trespassing of the teenagers. By the time the authorities arrived, the teenagers were gone. So our call accomplished nothing! We were told that basically there was nothing they could do unless they caught the teens in the act. Then, they would just take their toilet paper up!

    YOU SAID, “But toilet paper is just not a bad thing. Yes it is dumb to throw it around in a friends yard, but heck it is also fun and the kids could do so much worse.”

    Well, seems to me that toilet paper rolling is a stupid thing! It is dumb to throw it around in a friends yard. It maybe fun to some, but it is defacing other people’s property that they take pride in. The kids did do worse with this roll because it led to the loss of a life!

  133. jc on October 21st, 2010 3:16 pm

    my point exactly army parent!

  134. ProudArmyParent on October 21st, 2010 3:14 pm

    Homecoming is a time for kids to be kids. I’m not trying to be disrepectful to the Luther family, but I do feel that Mr. Luther should have made a call to the authorities if he thought there was some really disconcerting activity going on. Chasing someone is not smart and it could have been so much worse. They all could have been killed in a high speed chase plus anyone else that was on the road. But toilet paper is just not a bad thing. Yes it is dumb to throw it around in a friends yard, but heck it is also fun and the kids could do so much worse. And if they are doing worse call the police don’t take matters into your own hands.
    My deepest sympathy to the Luther family!

  135. AL on October 21st, 2010 3:12 pm

    replying to “mememe” who said ‘So why everyone is so upset over this incident I think they need to keep it in the back of their mind for the much horrible things kids could be doing….”

    Well, for one, I don’t settle with something not being “as bad as” something else. If it is wrong, it is wrong. I never drank, did drugs, shot at cops or vandalized someone’s home. My boys think it is stupid and immature to trash other people’s property for fun.. and guess what? no drugs or arrests there either.
    And they know, without a shadow of a doubt, if they ever even get caught thinking about doing something ILLEGAL like this – their parade is going to get rained on is a big big way.

    My heartfelt sympathies for the family on such a tragic loss.

  136. My wife is from around here... on October 21st, 2010 3:07 pm

    Seems to me that if you do something that results in the death of another you have a lot to live with unless you’re not a very good person. I don’t see where the celebrant youngsters have come forward to accept responsibility for their actions.

    BTW, “rolling” for homecoming must be a regional thing. I haven’t seen it done for homecoming anywhere else.

  137. rollingwiththetide on October 21st, 2010 3:03 pm

    I don’t think there is a person that didn’t like Luther. He was one of the nicest young man that I have ever met. Luther and my sons have been friends all of their life. Our love and prayers to the McRae Family.

  138. Concerned Resident on October 21st, 2010 2:59 pm

    I understand Homecoming fun, but anything that requires you to sneek around and vandalize or steal things is not fun, it’s crime. And there are statutes that are in place for reasons such as this.

    My prayers go out to the families affected by this. I know that losing someone while they are trying to protect their family or even their country, like our soldiers do everyday, is difficult. His heart was in the right place and it shows how much he loved his family to protect them so. Again my prayers are with you all.

  139. AAAT on October 21st, 2010 2:57 pm

    Mrs. McRae and family, you are in my prayers. Trust in Jesus– 2 years ago, due to a rolling incident with members of my senior class at FHS, we had a highly emotional school assembly about the possible consequences of going rolling. Maybe its time for another assembly. And kids, I think maybe its time to put the TP away. For good.–Fun that results in tragedy is never the good kind of fun.– Kids involved in this incident-you are in my prayers as well.

  140. mememe on October 21st, 2010 2:53 pm

    So, I am interested in hearing when the next person gets killed because of a drug related incident that teens are involved in. Sorry, but I much rather my kid be out rolling yards than what the other teens are doing,,,sitting around getting drunk, high, having sex (say at that lady’s house, that was in the news just a few weeks ago), joining a gang or stealing copper for their drug habit. So why everyone is so upset over this incident I think they need to keep it in the back of their mind for the much horrible things kids could be doing….Now, I do feel sorry for the McRae’s, it is never a good time to lose a loved one. But I also dont think all this down talking about other’s children, whom they love dearly, is going to solve anything. It will not bring the gentleman back and it isn’t going to give comfort to his new wife. Yes, I do believe the children should understand the severity of this death. But I also know that if this man was as good hearted as people say he was, he wouldn’t want people on here destroying kids lives. Wouldn’t he just want everyone to pray for all involved?

  141. jc on October 21st, 2010 2:44 pm

    For the record I am not in highschool……………..and i am FEMALE not a MALE like someone stated…….I am an ADULT

  142. jc on October 21st, 2010 2:42 pm

    I do feel bad for the family…I really do….but I just personally see no harm in homecoming fun….I would NOT bother the family and I am sure the guy was great and I hate this happened but its not bright to chase after them. You people are all bashing me saying I am the insenstive one? Please. Like I said everyone knows it’s homecoming week and knows what is to be expected duing that.

  143. Prayers Going Up on October 21st, 2010 2:40 pm

    In REPLY to jc’s comment on October 21st, 2010 11:57 am:

    No, JC everyone does not need to just relax and let the kids do what they do BECAUSE the ACTIONS of these kids ROLLING Mr. James Luther McRae’s house/yard did hurt someone … it ended up taking Mr. McRae’s life and forever changing his wife’s life. Mr. McRae thought these teens were trying to break into his home by this stupid activity that most teenagers look forward to homecoming week. Well, JC, it is nothing to just relax and chill out about! A young man loss his life because of a stupid prank. This is nothing to chill out about!

  144. Elizabeth on October 21st, 2010 2:36 pm

    sad story. Prayers go out for the family.

    I have been involved with this area since I was 18 and I am still no closer to figuring out why people toss toilet paper into their friends’ trees. I moved here at the age of 21 and 10 years later I still can’t grasp it. There is no other word for the tradition than STUPID. That was my opinion as a teenager and it is my opinion today.

    May this terrible event will help homecoming revelers to grow up and learn that their actions have consequences. God bless this hurting family.

  145. stephen J on October 21st, 2010 1:55 pm

    Luther was a good guy all around, a fireman and friend to EMT’s he was quick to jump into the back of the ambulance and lend a hand.. he will be missed by those of us at Atmore Ambulance.. our prayers to all of you his family and poarch firemen

  146. James Brown on October 21st, 2010 1:44 pm

    Destroying someones property is against the law. They deserve whatever the law dishes out!

  147. doofus on October 21st, 2010 1:11 pm

    Wasn’t someone almost run over a couple years back in Flomaton because of some homecoming pranks??? We rolled yards when I was a kid and if we got caught it was our butts. Trust me, my mom never knew… and I had good parents.

    Also got my yard rolled as an adult, but we rolled friends yards not some random yard. It was all done in good harmless fun. No malice intended at all.

    This was a senseless accident that’s all it was. Bad timing, bad decisions, and bad luck. It happens to good people and could have been avoided on both sides.

    We’ve lost a fine young man and my heart breaks for his wife and the families involved.

  148. atmore on October 21st, 2010 1:10 pm


  149. atmore on October 21st, 2010 1:09 pm

    This is such a sad situation. There is another story about a 15 year old boy getting shot in the head in Semms Alabama when he and his friends were trying to roll a house. Times are though and everyone is on the lookout for people trying to break in and everything. You never know what might happen, the best thing to do is stop wasting valuable money on toilet paper to waste!! I have never understood why people think its so fun! Go out and work for the money to buy it and then see if its as much fun to waste it…geeze, prayers with the family of the innocent man trying to protect his home. =(

  150. Friend on October 21st, 2010 1:02 pm

    To JC:
    Do you not see what happened because of this ROLLING thing? Maybe you should try to explain to his new wife, parents and friends that rolling doesn’t HURT anyone because in this case it KILLED an innocent, outstanding YOUNG man!

  151. nudo on October 21st, 2010 12:50 pm

    Yeah I think JC doesn’t want this to ruin his homecoming rolling he had planed for this week. Bad statement “JC”. Littering and trespassing is illegal. Harmless prank or not! I think most of us have done this without any regard to consequence once or twice in our lives. Yeah i did it too. We all just got lucky nothing bad happened. Some people are okay with the rolling but most are not. Thing is “JC” someone just got killed because of it.

  152. Neal Alumni on October 21st, 2010 12:38 pm


    I’m wondering how you would feel if it was one of your family members or one of your friends that was killed?! I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t feel like it was a harmless rolling then!! Luther was a great man and I really can’t believe you are being so insensitive about it!

  153. Teri on October 21st, 2010 12:33 pm

    First let me say my heart goes out to the family. May God give you peace and comfort during this time and the time that follows.I personally think that if the kids are gonna roll other peoples yards then they should be made to clean it up. I work all week long and the last thing I want to do is clean up behind some KID that just wanted to have a little fun. I say go roll your parents yard. I bet they would make you get out there and clean it up the next day to. To JC, maybe we need to send all the kids to your house and let them roll your yard. Heck, I’ll even buy the toilet paper. I say this needs to stop and stop now. I remember a few years back when some kids were rolling, the homeowner came out with a gun and started shooting. Although he just shot up in the air to scare them, it could very well have been aimed at them. I think the parents need to take control of your kids and teach them right from wrong. Wake up people, the next time it might be the kids that lose.

  154. Hurricanes on October 21st, 2010 12:30 pm

    I think that it is rediculious that half the people on here have such a problem with high school students rolling yards, when they threw eggs in highschool out of hate and distroyed property. The high school students believe that it is a harmless joke and do not see it as an insult. I was told by high school students if you get rolled its more of a complement it means that people like you. And to ALL the people that are saying GROW UP on here I think its sorta funny because this is like where yall come to state your opinions which honestly noone really cares about… if you dont want your children rolling thats up to you but when it conserns others parents techniques on raising there children its really not anyone elses business.

  155. Flomaton Resident on October 21st, 2010 12:29 pm

    Prayers for the McRae Family!

    I would like to say that I too think that rolling as gotten a little out of hand. I was a senior at Flomaton High School a few years back and I to particiapted thinking i was invinsable. On that one very night I went with me fellow classmates we were shot at my a high school coah.. who is now retired. We could actually hear the bullets as they were passing by. It is trespassing whether kids, or parents want to believe it. Also, some boys in my class would run up to the house and beat on the windows, doors, ect. Of course the high school let us know that it was not okay but the police need to inforce this. We were also caught the same and only night I went and all the police did was take our TP, throw it over in the ditch (so we could pick it up of course) and left. .. and we did run over and get it and took off to the next house. its gotten too out of hand and its ashame that some parents let it happen. I just want to ask Flomaton Mom what are you going to do one day when the police are knocking at your door telling you your son/daughter has been shot and killed per rolling and trespassing in someones yard. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!

  156. darrin on October 21st, 2010 12:22 pm

    It is sad luther was a good husband and loved his wife. He will be missed pray for his family. RIP luther you will be missed.

  157. Think about it on October 21st, 2010 12:16 pm

    “jc on October 21st, 2010 11:57 am

    Ask the McRae Family if they are hurting! Never mind. You probably WOULD go and bother them at a time like this. We all see what happens when you “LET THE KIDS DO WHAT THEY DO” as you suggested. The headlines are full of these things every week. Drugs, alcohol, wrecks, guns, etc. etc. when you “JUST RELAX AND LET THE KIDS DO WHAT THEY DO…” Parents are supposed to be there to guide and mold their kids into responsible adults…….not to assist them in risky behavior that breaks the law! GROW UP!

  158. fhs09 on October 21st, 2010 12:10 pm

    i think people need to calm down rolling is a harmless act that everyone or almost everyone has done in the highschool career, you can sit here and say u didnt but its not hurting anyone and the people who chase the kids are being ridiculous

  159. Steph on October 21st, 2010 12:06 pm

    The kids obviously did not mean any physical harm nor should they be held responsible for this. However I agree with other posts that this is a good indicator that this should not be acceptable. There are too many “near accidents” that occur when out rolling yards – I remember from my high school years. I hope that FHS gives public notice to students that this is not acceptable – they may have already taken place. While the school cannot control students actions outside of school hours they can let the students know where they stand.

  160. hs on October 21st, 2010 12:06 pm

    *** DIRECTED TO JC *****

    the man thought the kids were breaking into his home!!!! you must be just a kid… … where the hell is your sensitivity. ??!! The man was only married for just a few months, just returned home from a late honeymoon this past sunday!!!!!!

    AGAIN……….. he thought the kids were trying to break in!!!!

  161. jc on October 21st, 2010 11:57 am


  162. nudo on October 21st, 2010 11:53 am

    I went to school with Luther I was two years ahead of him. He never cause problems or got into any trouble. We definitely lost a good man last night. I think the rolling thing has been let go and over looked. I know back in our day if you got caught rolling it was just like trespassing and a number of different things could and would happen. I do believe it is against some laws its sad that something like this is what it takes for something to be done about it. I know its meant as a harmless prank but people are protective of there homes and land. Which you have the right by law to be. RIP Luther and may God bless your family. Sincerely Jeremy Salter.

  163. feed up!!! on October 21st, 2010 11:41 am

    You know…it is so sad that this young man lost his life because of such a senseless activity.

    It is WAY past time that teenagers are taught that it is NOT okay to litter in someone’s yard…my yard was rolled three weeks ago and I still have toilet paper blowing all over the neighborhood…


  164. Co-Worker and Friend on October 21st, 2010 11:35 am

    The world has just lost a great man! Brittany and the rest of the family are in my prayers. Luther you will be missed deeply by my family! We love you man. RIP Buddy!

  165. mom on October 21st, 2010 11:32 am

    May God be with his family during this time of sorrow and loss…. It didn’t need to happen…. My child has been warned not to participate in illegal fun and if they do, don’t call me if they get caught… I never did when I was young, cause my mom wouldn’t of been able to clean it up and I wouldn’t want to put anyone else thru the trouble,,, To people who think rolling houses is fun, think of the people who have to clean it up… I have arthritis and it took me several weeks to get most of it picked up and out of the trees…. I like to use my energy for the things that are necessary, not for nonsense… To this day little pieces still litter my yard and it was done at the beginning of school…

  166. concerned on October 21st, 2010 11:31 am

    I think the kids invilved in the paper rolling are very much the cause of this young life being taken . They should be held as to blame for this accident. All involved. This is a tragic accident which claimed a life of an innocent young man. They need to be on held accountable for this crime.

  167. Prayers Going Up on October 21st, 2010 11:16 am

    This is so sad to hear. Prayers to his wife, Liz, and family. I agree with McCullough # 8 that James Luther McRae, at the young age of 34, loss of life is “TERRIBLE”! Yes, God does know our appointed time to die, but this does not make it easier for us when we have “KIDS” running around during “HOMECOMING” week “TOILET PAPERING” houses and yards which possibly led to Mr. McRae’s life being taken early! I have heard the same information as Northview Mom T and No Responsibility that some of these juvenile delinquents even have parents who drive them to engage in rolling. These parents need to grow up themselves. Yes, toilet papering is an act of littering and trespassing. Now when kids toilet paper a yard, they try their best to destroy the yard. It is “NO” longer a joke. It does not take 20 mins to pick up! They usually even toilet paper yards more than once! SO, for Flomaton Mom on October 21st, 2010 10:19 am since you “see nothing wrong with teenagers rolling houses during homecoming week”, you should let the teenagers ROLL your house EVERY night of homecoming week. Then you know where they are, who they are and perhaps something like this wouldn’t happen. BECAUSE, as you can tell from what happened not everyone feels like you.

  168. Friend on October 21st, 2010 11:14 am

    Several years ago when I was in high school, IF I thought about rolling a yard my mother would have beat me. This is just another example of parents not controlling their children. In this day and time if you see someone in your yard, you will automatically think the worst. Now because of a “prank” that some children were playing this town has lost a wonderful person! Luther was a very kind and caring person. It is so sad that his wife will never be able to enjoy the joys of having kids and sharing life with her new husband. My thoughts and prayers are with Brittany (his wife) and the McRae family as well as Poarch firefighters!

  169. Molino Mom on October 21st, 2010 11:00 am

    This is so tragic! My son (14 years old) actually asked me last weekend if he could go with some friends to roll houses!!! Of course, we told him absolutely not! Kids think of this as a tradition and see nothing wrong with it. He told me “Mom, everybody does it” We explained that this first of all is illegal, and that he could get shot by the homeowner thinking that someone was breaking into his house. Of course, young minds do not think of these things. I plan on showing him this article today when he gets home from school.

  170. mary on October 21st, 2010 10:48 am

    I so agree w/”think about it” …I myself(46 yrs old) have never “rolled a house” or have had my house rolled…but I think if I saw/heard people in my yard..I would have my gun & dawgs out!! Wheather rite or wrong…I have a “No Trespassing” sign in my yard..I would also call the cops..but would hold the kids tell they got here…For the parents that help thier kids do this…What are you thinking???? In today’s world…I wouldnt help my kid intentionally go out & mess w/someone else’s property(even if it’s just a tree)..So I am wondering if you want your kids to “fit in” are you also going to buy thier alcohol & drugs just so they can be “popular” w/a group of kids?

  171. Jeane Padgett on October 21st, 2010 10:43 am

    I would like to say is may God bless his family.. I knew Luther when was a young boy. His family live close to me many years ago.. I haven’t seen him in a long time.. But one weekend while he was in college he came by to bring my youngest son a very special gift that a friend of his sent to my son.. I know Mrs. Liz will remember this… I never got to thank him for this, I wasn’t at home at the time…But I know he knows what a wonderful thing he did for a special little boy… Luther you will be missed and may your walk be peaceful.. A young man who was love by all.. A sad day this has made…

  172. molino jim on October 21st, 2010 10:38 am

    I recall a few years ago a young person was chased down on foot by a home owner in Gulf Breeze who put a gun to the persons head and came very close to firing a round. I have trouble understanding the “fun” in messing up some ones home and yard. Flomaton mom if this is ok to do why not just have an open house and ask all who wish to paper a house to come to your home and do it. You could serve drinks to them at the same time—PARTY TIME. Ref. “parents” taking their kids around to paper a house—I’m with the others who said “GET A LIFE”

  173. big01 on October 21st, 2010 10:30 am

    This is a very tragic event. I remember rolling people’s yards as a teenager during homecoming, and back then we thought of it as a harmless joke. If we were caught, we had to clean up the mess. Now a great yound man has lost his life. This really disturbs me emotionally as this didn’t have to happen this way. My prayers are with this young mans family.

  174. Elizabeth Wooten on October 21st, 2010 10:22 am

    Luther was an outstanding man. He was compassionate about life and loved ones. You couldn’t ask for a better friend. May God be with his wife and family whom are beautifull people as well. Thank you Luther for your love and kidness to us all. You’ll be missed more than we can express.

  175. Flomaton Mom on October 21st, 2010 10:19 am

    I see nothing wrong with teen agers rolling houses during homecoming week. As long as it being done in a friendly manner. I know that does not sound right but these kids did not go out to be malicious with any intent to hurt anyone in anyway. I have children that have participated and my house has been rolled. No harm done and no feelings hurt. It took a whopping 20 mins to clean up. No big deal. If you see teen agers out doing such and you don’t feel it’s right call some. You never know if the home owner is on the fun themselves. I really hate this happened and I do send my prayers to Mr. McRae’s family.

  176. Think about it on October 21st, 2010 9:46 am

    I’m not a young person now, but I do see the mess it makes at the houses they roll. That paper blows all over and into other yards. I’ve seen people try to remove it with a water hose. Big mistake. It sticks and makes a larger mess. In today’s violent and unpredictable world, NO ONE (especially kids!) should be in someone’s yard at night messing around. This is trespassing and littering! I don’t have a problem with kids having a good time, but PLEASE find some other way to do it! I don’t want to be responsible for injuring some kid who might not mean any harm, but is out in the dark doing something like this on someone else’s property.
    My deepest sympathy to the family of this man. From the comments of those who knew him, he was well thought of. May God Bless his widow and other survivors.

  177. Neal Classmate on October 21st, 2010 9:43 am

    Such a tragic loss! Luther was a very sweet and kind young man. I graduated with Luther from Neal High many years and have a lot of fond memories of him throughout school. R.I.P. my friend! May God shower this family with peace and comfort during this tragic time!

  178. My 2 cents on October 21st, 2010 9:09 am

    So sad, I was just having a discussion with my step son about this the other night. I told him the dangers of this and how a kid got killed trying to get away from a house that he and some friends rolled a few years ago. I know someone who shot at some kids last year thinking it was someone trying to break into his house while he was sleeping. They could have been killed. This is not cool!

  179. Just a friend on October 21st, 2010 9:03 am

    This was one of the sweetest, most caring individuals you could ever meet. He could put a smile on your face every time you saw him. He was what you would call a good country boy. My thoughts and prayers are with Brittany and the family. May you rest in peace Luther. You will be miss greatly by anyone who knew you and those that didnt missed out on knowing a great man.

  180. RJO on October 21st, 2010 8:59 am

    This is so sad. Prayers to the family and also to the kids involved this is something they have to live with for the rest of their lives. When i was in high school a little over 10 years ago my mom would have beat my tail if i would have rolled someones house, kids these days get away with so much more than what we would have. I know that alot of people say that its tradition to do that but look where tradition gets you. You have a young new woman without her husband and kids who could really be in alot of trouble. Traditions not worth lives lost. Parents really need to consider whats more important. If i caught my son doing it he would have the same reprecussions i would have had all those years ago.

  181. hmm on October 21st, 2010 8:58 am

    call somebody if you suspect anything is out of the ordinary. don’t put yourself in danger!!! this is terribly sad. my sympathy goes out to this family.

  182. No Responsibility on October 21st, 2010 8:56 am

    It was just a matter of time till a tragedy like this would happen. And what is more shocking is that there are parents of some of these juvenile delinquents who actually participate by encouraging and even driving the teens to houses to engage in rolling. When will people grow-up and find a more socially acceptable way to celebrate instead of getting involved in this obviously deadly prank? Maybe the police will find out who was rolling and the family of McRae will sue those involved.

  183. McCullough # 8 on October 21st, 2010 8:32 am

    This is a TERRIBLE loss, Such a great guy he will be missed from our family of fellow firefighters,,,, My God bless those that he has left behind and his strength will move you forward,,

  184. Northview Mom T......... on October 21st, 2010 8:30 am

    I was just telling my child (that thought the idea of rolling people’s house was going to be a grea high school moment) was not a good idea…I was told by my child some people are waiting for you with paint guns, be-be guns and whatever else that would shoot at a vehicle when their house are being rolled…This is an example of what goes wrong when a bunch of kids think it is sooooo fun to roll houses..and I have heard some parents take the kids to roll houses..With all of this being said parents who help kids roll houses “GROW UP N GET A LIFE”
    God bless this man family…

  185. Neal Alumni on October 21st, 2010 8:26 am

    My heart goes out to Luther’s family. I went to school Luther my entire life and graduated with him in 1994 from WS Neal High. He was the most kind and gentle person you could ever meet. RIP Luther…you will be greatly missed…..

  186. Co-Worker on October 21st, 2010 8:05 am

    So sad to hear. Prayers to widow and family. His Poarch family held him in high esteem and will miss him.

  187. Flomaton Mom on October 21st, 2010 8:00 am

    Luther was the sweetest guy you would ever meet. He always had a smile on his face. He was such a caring person and he loved his mother with all his heart. Liz you are in my thoughts and prayers….

  188. PROUD FLOMATON RESIDENT FOR LIFE on October 21st, 2010 7:26 am