Jury Recommends Death For Leonard Patrick Gonzalez

October 30, 2010

An Escambia County jury has recommended Friday that Leonard Patrick Gonzalez Jr., 36,  be put to death for the first degree murders of Byrd and Melanie Billings.

The death penalty recommendation was not unanimous, with the jury voting 10-2 in favor of the death penalty. A sentencing date has not yet been set. Gonzalez was found guilty of the murders Thursday night.

Assistant State Attorney John Molchan told an Escambia County jury that Gonzalez planned, organized and then executed the July 9, 2009, robbery and murder of the Billings, who were known for adopting special needs children.

According to testimony, Gonzalez believed he would steal a safe containing $13 million from the Billings home.

The defense rested Thursday afternoon in the trial without calling any witnesses.

Gonzalez faces a maximum penalty of death on two counts of first degree murder when the court reconvenes Friday morning.


50 Responses to “Jury Recommends Death For Leonard Patrick Gonzalez”

  1. bamagirl on January 11th, 2011 2:37 pm

    I knew “Pat Poff” through his childhood years and am very shocked at all of this. He was a good kid…….his mother was and still is PRECIOUS!!!

    With all that being said, when you take another person’s life, it’s wrong. There should be consequences for your actions. When I was young and did something wrong, I got a spanking or was sent to my room. Patrick was involved in two killings…..of innocent people. They did nothing wrong to Patrick. He was money hungry and would and did whatever necessary to fill that hunger. He needs to be punished. Whether it’s life in prison or death penalty. I personally think the jury made the right decision of the death penalty. I do feel sorry for Patrick’s wife and children. But what if the tables were turned? What if one of his own was killed? He would feel how we all feel. We all need to be glad that our justice system finally did what was right and be done with it. Too many people on this comment blog are attacking each other. That’s craziness!!! You can’t do anything about the sentencing just like the Billing’s family cannot take back what happened and the Poff family can’t either.

  2. David Huie Green on November 1st, 2010 7:06 pm

    “We spend just as much money on Welfare in the State of Florida that we do on the prison system. If we should abolish the prison system, maybe we should abolish the welfare system too.”

    You could be right. Interesting, though, that you equate the two due to similar costs.

    One is intended to protect society from those who prey upon it, intended to keep them away from the rest of us.

    The is intended to help those who need help.

    So you could say that both are intended to help society at large.

    David considering differences and similarities

  3. Compassionate Friend on November 1st, 2010 6:01 pm

    And so that some of you who have been posting how much an inmate cost the taxpayers, I will educate you on the reality of Prision Life.
    1. The food that these prisoners are fed are not healty but provided by the cheapest contractor that tax payer money can afford. This means alot of fillers in the food that expand to give them the sense of fullness. It is not real meat, chicken or pork. It is no better than dog food and that would probaby taste better.
    2. Medical is provided only under dire straights. They have to be seriously hurt or violently ill to get medical care or medication.
    3. They do not have cable TV in their cells but only in common rooms. Most prisioner read so that they do not have to be in situations that could be dangerous to them in a common open population setting.
    4. The exercise yards do not have gym equipment or weights. The have to get exerices by aerobic activity or by pushups pullups ect.
    5. Life in prison inmates are not allowed to work in kitchens or lanudry rooms. They jobs they are allowed to perform are in the yard or cleaning the dorms.
    6. Unless they have family that can send money they are provided their staples for living such as underware, toothbrush, shoes ect and limited how many times that they can have these things during the year. They are made with the lowest quality of fabic and do not last long.

    Now if you have read this far understand why I being so detailed: I agree with the Death Penalty in this case, however Life in Prision is no Picnic either. I have a family member that would tell you that he would prefer the DEATH PENALTY to LIFE IN PRISION. Either way people who get these sentences are DEAD to Society. Mr. Ethridge got that part right for sure. Justice is speedy but punsihment should never be Fast. Just think of how many people would have been executed on Death Row that DNA proved them innocent. We should all want to be sure before someone is actually executed.
    We spend just as much money on Welfare in the State of Florida that we do on the prison system. If we should abolish the prison system, maybe we should abolish the welfare system too.

  4. David Huie Green on November 1st, 2010 5:48 pm

    “I thought I heard [one] time two people was in the room that they was killed in or maybe the [state's] witness changed their mind on that part also. NOW I know now people will [misunderstand] my [view] on that but I am so glad I did not have to be on that jury. I know he is guilty because [that’s] what the news said also the people trying to save their ownself. But I also know that I [don’t] know what really [happened]. ” (more or less)

    Not me, I don’t actually know any of it ever happened. The Prosecution has to prove every bit of it to the jury beyond a reasonable doubt. They even have to prove the Billings family lived and were killed and who was there at the time.

    If I were on the jury, I would have to rely on the testimony including the credibility of the witnesses. If I remember correctly, one of the two in the room was sent out to get bags or some such thing. Other people would have seen him elsewhere when the gun was fired.

    One thing for sure is that the Defense did not present any witnesses claiming the testimony was false. and the Prosecution provided enough pointing at Jr. that the jury was convinced.

    Unless you know something which suggests the jury judged incorrectly, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. Sound fair?

    David for perfect justice

  5. Compassionate Friend on November 1st, 2010 5:38 pm

    Funny your should say that mezeus;I believe that is why this has happened. Had Patrick Poff turned to God for answers on how to make money, then this may not have happened. People often have political views that are based on their religious beliefs such as NO DEATH PENALTY. But not all people who have religion belive that. So to make a blank statement like you did was not only out of line but shows your IGNORANCE. But I will pray to God that your mind can have peace and learn tolerance.

  6. David Huie Green on November 1st, 2010 5:33 pm

    “You God people make me sick.”

    Please expound on how those who believe in God make you sick.

    Who makes you happy?

    How would you change believers if you could?

    What attitudes do you think would be more appropriate or correct?

    David learning from a sick person

  7. mezeus on November 1st, 2010 3:01 pm

    You God people make me sick.

  8. Concerned on October 31st, 2010 11:39 pm

    Yea! I do not want to support his life for the next 10-15 years

  9. A. Davis on October 30th, 2010 10:09 pm

    I am glad to know in ESCAMBIA COUNTY everyone gits a fair trial nomatter who they are…. I thought I heard on time two people was in the room that they was killed in or maybe the states witness changed their mind on that part also. NOW i know now people will miss understand my veiw on that but I am so glad I did not have to be on that jury. I know he is guilty because thats what the news said also the people trying to save their ownself. But I also know that I dont know what really happend. NOW PLEASE dont think I am all evil my son was friends with Ricky when this happened and worried so much about him and for that the hurt and the fear that all the children felt that night yes I am the sick one/evil one that could do the same to all of these humans who put those awful memories into those childrens heads I also have special needs children and understand how this causes more harm than anything to them.. I dont care who really did it I guess IM just noisey I just know they need to feel the same horrer those children felt.

  10. Don't believe it for a minute on October 30th, 2010 5:05 pm


    I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only begotten son who died for us on the cross.

    However, I do not think this was all a part of God’s Master Plan and that it was HIS WILL!

    There are good people and there are evil people. Leonard Patrick Gonzales was evil and so were his accomplices! Birds of a feather. They let evil into their lives. They made a pact with the devil..now they deserve what they get.

  11. jimmy on October 30th, 2010 12:08 pm

    you who – where did you get your stats on cost to house and cost to kill convicts?

    secondly, we need to remember this is part of fathers master plan. if it was not God’s will this would not have happened. there is a lesson here for all of us. we need to put more value in each other and not material or petty things. this is a hard and painful life lesson for all of us. there are so many families affected. I am at peace with the knowledge that the billings are now in heaven. I am sad, but know they have been rewarded. I will use this lesson to try and become a better person, perhaps my actions can help or change the course of a troubled persons life. My prayers are with the families and friends of the victims and the criminals who did this. may you all find peace with GOD.

    Let not your heart be troubled, in my fathers house are many mansions.
    John 14: 1,2

  12. hawghead on October 30th, 2010 7:25 am

    If they need a volunteer to administer the letal drugs, put me on the list. I’ll do it and not even think twice about it.

  13. Just An Old Soldier on October 29th, 2010 6:18 pm

    After watching the demeanor of Leonard Patrick Gonzales Poff Junior in the Defendant’s chair, I can’t help but think “Hubris” – perhaps he can’t help it. Perhaps it was an attempt to show confidence. Perhaps he still doesn’t understand the magnitude of his crime.

    The Law and Justice has been served. Guilty as charged on all counts, and a recommendation of a Death Penalty.

    Should he be given the Death Sentence by Judge Geeker, it will be done with much more mercy than he deserves,and more than he was willing to give the Billings family.

  14. Singingmyheartout on October 29th, 2010 5:50 pm

    Who’s smirking now, who’s smirking now
    Whose heart is achin’ for breakin’ the law
    Who’s sad and blue, who’s cryin’ too
    Just like the coward you are.

    Right to the last, just like your past
    They tried to warn you somehow
    You had your way, now you must pay
    I’m glad that you’re not smirking now

  15. Chumuckla Proud on October 29th, 2010 5:42 pm

    Let’s be sure Pamela Laverne Long Wiggins is there to witness the punishment, knowing full well that she’s is next in line…wipe that smirk from her face too…especially the one where she sashayed herself in front of the news cameras acting as if she were Ms. America and that no one could touch her. What a pig!

  16. Chumuckla Proud on October 29th, 2010 5:32 pm

    Make him face death but not by the usual routine which is too easy and no pain. Replace that smirk on his face with the look of pure terror. .. naked in a 5 x 5′ cell with poisonous snakes of all kinds, rattlers, moccasins, copperheads, coral, cobras, etc. The biggest snake of all in there among the little ones, screaming to his death instead of smirking…..or take him to Gatorland, tie him up and dangle him above the bigges, nastiest, hungry ones, and then lower him closer inch by inch…who is smirking now?

  17. amanda on October 29th, 2010 3:41 pm

    what’s sad is that the tax payers will have to support him for the next 20+ years till they “get to him” and he will have more rights than we do. I’m sure he will appeal the case to drag it out even longer…..the main thing here is that 2 people were killed over money, AND HE DIDN’T EVEN GET ANYTHING!!!!!!!! HE GOT CONVICTED AND SENTENCED TO DEATH…MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN A REAL JOB AND NOT GONE AND ROBBED A FAMILY AND THEN KILLED THEM….YOUR GONNA GET WHAT’S COMIN TO YA, JUST NOT SOON ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the fact that it was premeditated for a year, is just insane, you knew exactly what you were doing…..and still did it,apparently you and your croonies weren’t afraid, but i bet when they take you to be executed, you will be, hopefully you feel some of the anguish and fear that mrs. billings felt after she watched you kill her husband!

  18. amy on October 29th, 2010 3:06 pm


  19. Name here on October 29th, 2010 2:59 pm

    Death is too quick and easy of a punishment. He needs life w/out parole.

  20. Advocate for peace on October 29th, 2010 2:27 pm

    I don’t think he should get death row. Then again, I dont think anyone should get death row. That just makes the “good guys” the same as the “bad guys”. That just makes them murderers too. He just deserves life in prison.

  21. art on October 29th, 2010 1:42 pm

    joyce lucas,
    thanks, it is a smirk, not just my imagination…it is still unreal he can smirk after what he has done…so bizarre.

  22. Not Fair on October 29th, 2010 1:29 pm

    Rot in HELL! Thats the only place for him!!

  23. Elizabeth on October 29th, 2010 12:32 pm

    Gonzalez has a very smug look on his face.

  24. Joyce Lucas on October 29th, 2010 12:28 pm

    He needs to have a rope around his neck and dragged down I-10. Look at his smirk, look at how he continually laughs and talks when the lawyers try to save his miserable neck. He is worthless. To go in and rob these people is one thing, but to brutally slaughter them in front of children is heinous. All pre-meditated. He got baptised? Why is it all murderers all of a sudden get religion? What about a few hours before they commit the crime. Is religion available then?

  25. JohnJohn on October 29th, 2010 12:20 pm

    Whatever penalty this guy gets will never be enough!

  26. mary on October 29th, 2010 11:46 am

    I like GOOBER’s idea!!!

  27. Compasionate Friend on October 29th, 2010 11:30 am

    Ashley Markham has shown grace in her statement to the jury. She did not ask that this jury recommend death. It was very clear that she wanted them to know how much everyone has lost in this case. I must also point out that neither his mother or wife did not challenge the verdict or try to minimize the impact of a clearly devestated family. The pressance of Bud and Melanie Billings was clearly depicted in these proceedings today. May Jesus comfort these two families today. The jury and judge have the burden of this decison and I pray for them to have peace in what ever they decide. To quote Mrs. Poff “Thy will be done”

  28. 357s@w on October 29th, 2010 10:19 am


  29. You Who on October 29th, 2010 10:07 am

    I think he needs to be put in a 10 X 10 cell (Solitary)for the rest of his life. No porole. I believe in an eye for an eye but now days that ends up costing the taxpayers to much money. The average death sentence cost the taxpayer $ + to put a crimnal to death when he can rot in jail the rest of his life for a little more then $500.000.00. Its would be too easy to die, Suffering sounds better to me and a life time in a 10 X 10 cell being bored out of your wits,thinking about what you have done would be far worse then dying – He will eventually get that (Death)

  30. unknown on October 29th, 2010 9:28 am

    wow this man is a total con artist, he was a traveling salesman and believe me everything the prosecutor said was true,,, patrick is a low life scum bag..he has the reputation as the prosecutors are proving him to be…get the needle buddy cause you need to be put to death

  31. Compasionate Friend on October 29th, 2010 9:13 am

    I can see Mr. Powell didn’t get my point. I said I agreed with the verdict and capital punishment for these heinous crimes. But think about this for just a minute. In 5 years, 10 years, 20 years when Mr. Gonzalez’s children want to surf the net about the reason that they lost their father (and they will) they need to see that adults in their community showed compassion to them as well. The murderer or his accomplisis will not read this post. After the verdict last night I am sure that Mr. Gonzalez and all of his gang realize that 99.9% of the population in the panhandle are relieved and feel justice has prevailed. JUST CONSIDER THE OTHER .1% (THEIR FAMILIES) They are victums too. I did fail to mention that the other perpitrators also have wives, mothers, fathers and children. The count of victums from both sides is unconsolible. Although the perpitrators do not deserve comfort, their families do. I am from the Pan Handle but live out of state. I have always been proud of where I was from because of the Love, Grace, and Christian Values of the people in the Gulf Coast. I am from Milton, my husband joined the airforce where we have traveled for many years. I was shocked to realize that Mr. Gonzalez was Patrick Poff. I remeber him as a 9 year old boy in a karate suit. But the person that triggered the association was HIS mother Terry Poff. She was the nicest person you could meet and I am sure she is heartbroken as she has spent the majority of her life teaching people how to defend themselves. Just have some respect for these victums on the other side and dig deep for you christian compassion for their suffering as well as the Billings Family. If you dont agree I am sorry but as of Right Now anyway this is a free country where we are all entitled to our opinion and how we express it whether it be verbally or written. Again, I will be praying for everyone who have been hurt by this terrible tragedy.

  32. A♥♫ on October 29th, 2010 8:08 am

    It is a sad situation, when someone would take the lives of people that are trying to take care of all of these special needs children, it’s bad enough people taking lives of others period! This is the United States Of American folks, why do some want to be like some of these other countries where they could care less if they take the lives of their own people or not. I personally hope this criminal gets the max! I feel so sorry for all of those children that were so use to these victoms, and the family, friends and loved ones of both victoms. Let Justice be done!

  33. Mickey Powell on October 29th, 2010 7:50 am

    Top to Bottom
    goober————-Very good
    mary—————Use him slowly so he can feel the pain slowly, like Mr Billings did
    as the thug started shooting in in the foot then the leg then in his
    compassionatefriend—No Judge-No Jury needed here
    meemaw———What if it was yours or my children-heck I would not EVER forgive
    him not even ONE time.
    Really??———Too eazy

    Mickey Powell

  34. Horrific! on October 29th, 2010 7:20 am

    I have cried way to many times over this whole thing….

    All those kids who had 3 strikes against them from the beginning but they had found parents somehow with enough love, compassion, and patience to handle such a great undertaking and these ppl came in the dark of night and stole all their happiness.

    words are pretty much beyond me when i read anymore about this whole thing.
    but I will say this…..

    I will pray for them alright….but I won’t print what I pray for these perpetrators…
    our good william wouldn’t let it fly anyway…..

    Hugs to the children of this family from my family to yours….

  35. art on October 29th, 2010 7:07 am

    is it my imagination or is he wearing the same smug smirk pam wiggins was sporting in one of her infamous mug shots? these folks are incredible!

  36. goober on October 29th, 2010 7:01 am

    I think he should be tied in a chair, and each of the Billings special needs’ children gets to take shots at him with his 9mm. Due to their limitations it might take a while for them to get a good “hit”, so it would be a nice, painful, drawn-out death.

  37. mary on October 29th, 2010 5:17 am


  38. Everett on October 29th, 2010 4:44 am

    This case will be back in court in 2-3 years for the appeal. The defense will argue too much pre-trial publicity. The other argument will be non-partial local jury. This will be due to the national coverage this case got before the state attorney could even file charges against anyone. This case cost the taxpayers of this county a lot of money. The appeal will cost even more. There are more trials coming with the other defendants. More of our tax money spent.

    If this guy gets life, we will be feeding and housing him for the next 40+ years at 60K a year in the system. If he gets death, he’ll set on death row 20 years with all of his housing and appeals being paid for by us.

    The families on both sides suffer, especially the children. These children can’t help what happened both ways.

    Judge Geeker did a good job with this trial. The State Attorney’s office did a good job presenting the case.

  39. Just My 2 Cents on October 29th, 2010 3:38 am

    I believe in capital punishment – but then I’ve never had a son, father, or brother face that possibility.
    I hope he gets the chair like he deserves.
    May God be with all who have an ache in their heart because of the whole affair.

  40. louise on October 29th, 2010 12:13 am

    Please, in your prayers, do not forget the children of the perpetrators as well, They are the innocent suffering the crimes of the fathers and have no trust funds.

  41. Mike jones on October 28th, 2010 11:41 pm

    This takes me way back.the first and only time I met L.Gonzales JR.he was 3 months old.His mother Terri Clark lived a few blocks from me.To my knowledge her and L.Gonzales SR.never married.She was 16.?.Leonard SR.was a bully in the hood ,in “East Pensacola Heights”. I went to school with his sister.When I heard of the crime and L. G. SRs.name I wasn’t suprised./But sadly ,I remember a young Terri…holding a tiny little baby, leonard jr. in her arms,never imagining a day like today..!..A moral to this? ,.dont know if there is one..Take care Terri , Mike.

  42. Compassionatefriend on October 28th, 2010 11:15 pm

    These murders have been publicized Nation Wide. The crime will be remembered for many years to come. The poor children who have so tragically lost both of their parents. These kids who had 3 stikes before these great people reset the count with their compassion and love, have lost more than anyone of us can imagine. I would also like to point out, that there a 7 other children, a mother and stepfather who has lost their love one as well. I know that you all feel the need to express your feelings on the punishment Patrick Gonzalez so rightfully deserves but the fact remains that it is not our decision but the jury and the judge. Try to hold back the grafic comments for all of the family members who have lost so much. These comments do not help their closure, and I believe from everything that I read about Mr. and Mrs Billings that they would not want to be party to this type of hateful commentary. The would probably have compassion for Mr. Gonzalez family and children. If I am wrong and presumptious on that statement I apologize to the Billings Famly. For the record, I agree with the outcome and believe as you all do but choose to show compassion to everyone involved. God Bless both families who are the clear losers!

  43. interested reader on October 28th, 2010 10:22 pm

    Gonzalez was given a much better chance of living than the Billings. I hope he receives the maximum penalty on all counts. Let’s face facts, there are some people who are just too dangerous to ever be back on the streets. May God have mercy on his soul and the Billings family be able to get closure for this horrible crime. God, please be with them in the days ahead. It is not over yet.

  44. meemaw on October 28th, 2010 10:02 pm

    This man has a soul just like you and I. Lets pray for him. He has to pay for what he did but if God can forgive him so should everyone else.

  45. jimmy on October 28th, 2010 9:42 pm

    this man needs prayers and should ask god for mercy on his soul.

  46. Crazyheart on October 28th, 2010 9:38 pm

    He needs to be executed and soon!!!

  47. Really?? on October 28th, 2010 9:26 pm

    I wish we would mimick Revolutionary France and use the guillotine. Sounds crazy, but so does killing innocent people. And with children in the house. People are always screaming about capital punishment is inhumane, blah, blah, blah. Guess the murderers are humane when they choose to kill someone. I personally am all for “an eye for an eye.”

  48. A. Davis on October 28th, 2010 9:24 pm

    I think he will appeal this as soon as he can. I just feel so sorry for all the children involved in this it is very sad that they had to go through somthing so awful.

  49. ProudArmyParent on October 28th, 2010 8:39 pm

    Here is hoping he gets the maximum on both counts of first degree murder.

  50. Heartbroken citizen on October 28th, 2010 8:31 pm

    I am glad the family finaly has some closure. I know it has been a long road.