Bratt Park Completed

October 28, 2010

Work is substantially complete at the new Bratt Park on West Highway 4, and the park is open for use.

The 13-acre park includes an eight-foot wide, seven-tenths of a mile walking track, a well equipped playground and two covered pavilions with picnic tables.

The park also includes two softball fields, a full basketball court and exercise and rest stations positioned along the track. The softball fields will not be lit for night play; in fact, the park’s hours will follow that of other county parks — sunrise to sunset.

The park was  funded with $200,000 in LOST (local option sales tax) monies set aside for the park’s construction. Bratt Park is located near the First Baptist Church of Bratt, just west of Northview High School.

For more information, or to reserve the park for a birthday party, church event, family reunion or other event, contact Escambia County Parks and Recreation at (850) 475-5220. photos, click to enlarge.



20 Responses to “Bratt Park Completed”

  1. jj on October 30th, 2010 10:35 pm

    We use to work but now we enjoy taking our grandson to the park. He likes the small swings and the grasshopper best of all. Thank you Escambia County for making this possible. My husband worked under the Escambia County Commissioners for 35 years and we are greatful to see some of our tax monies at work.

  2. stephanie on October 29th, 2010 10:43 pm

    I like the park. We have taken our kids several times and yes my husband and I both have jobs. People are griping because of the money that was spent on this park and then want to turn around and complain about it not having bathrooms, but then they would have to pay someone to clean them and I’m sure you all would gripe about that too. If it does not measure up to your standards, stay home.

  3. Justin Case on October 29th, 2010 6:57 pm

    Its a park. Not a rest area. Try to see the difference.

  4. PAT on October 29th, 2010 11:55 am

    Isn’t it strange that no matter what there is, there is always someone who complains! If there were potties there, there would still be someone to complain. Some folks are never satisfied no matter what.

  5. William on October 29th, 2010 8:34 am

    >>>I wonder how many people that use these parks actually have a job.

    I use this park, and I have a job. In fact, this story was written while I sat at the park and enjoyed watching my children play. I can sit in the park and work the same time.

    (A side note here for anyone with a Verizon/Alltel aircard for the their laptop — the tower next to the park is a Verizon tower, so your internet works great!)


  6. crazy on October 29th, 2010 8:32 am

    I work for a living. Don’t have time to waste at a park. It is work, clean, fix meals and do activities with my family late in evening at home. I work to pay the bills. Just think, if other folks would quit complaining of what the want from the government, be frugal with their money they too would not have time in the day to go play at a park. I might have more money in my pocket so I can spend more time with my family. Make your own little park in your own back yard. Quit demanding MORE. SOUNDS SO SELFISH. But that is this generations, isn’t it? I wonder how many people that use these parks actually have a job.

  7. port-o-let man on October 29th, 2010 7:20 am

    I see plenty of toilets in the background, they are located directly behind those trees and bushes. Some times you gotta go commando.

  8. Century girl on October 29th, 2010 3:13 am

    A lighted park with port-o-potties would be great. And to be happy with what we get… We pay a lot more and have a lot less in our neck of the woods so… To just be happy and smile for the crumbs they give is … I Don’t Think So!

    We don’t even have any local public transportation in the north end .. No way for folks , who need public transportation , to get to local doctors, or to get to the bus. Our county needs to run little shuttle buses like Esc Cty Al does. Makes sense to me and a much better use of tax dollars that I see being used up our way!

  9. Dobey Gillis on October 28th, 2010 10:01 pm

    What’s all this about toilets? The additional costs of such would probably have made it not feasible to build. Be thankful for what you did get. If someone gives you a new car with no air conditioning, would you refuse to accept it for that reason alone? If this park doesn’t measure up to your standards then don’t go there.

  10. Hopeful on October 28th, 2010 7:00 pm

    The park is awesome!

  11. Just a Person on October 28th, 2010 5:29 pm

    Go to the bathroom before you come, my goodness.

  12. neighbor on October 28th, 2010 4:29 pm

    I get so tired of all the negative comments on here. This is a great park and great for the community. My wife and I have taken our kids here several times and they love it.

    If you think you have to have toilets and electricity, then stay at home!! We dont need your negative attitudes around our kids anyway>

  13. Mary A. on October 28th, 2010 3:50 pm

    Of course it would be nice for the park to have restrooms; however, I am just thankful that we have such a nice park to enjoy. Instead of complaining, let’s appreciate that we now have this park in our community.

  14. Proud to be a silly.... What am I? on October 28th, 2010 2:38 pm

    AAAAAAHHHHHH! Where’s the bathroom? GOTTA GET TOILETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. barrineau on October 28th, 2010 12:38 pm

    Its kind of like having p-nut butter and no jelly, kool and no aid,ham and no burger. Well… they at least have a porta potty.

  16. Oversight on October 28th, 2010 12:24 pm

    If the county won’t make it a full service park with a restroom then what’s the point of building it? Just another waste of tax dollars.

  17. William on October 28th, 2010 8:54 am

    In “neighborhood” parks, the county does not install electricity or water, including bathrooms.

  18. mary on October 28th, 2010 8:46 am

    yes must have TOILETS!!! Let me know when they add those & I’ll be there

  19. crazy on October 28th, 2010 8:04 am


  20. K.B. on October 28th, 2010 7:23 am

    This is a great park!!! (needs toilets, though)