87-Year Old Gets Prison Time For Selling Crack To Cop

October 27, 2010

An 87-year old woman caught on video selling crack cocaine to undercover officers  was sentenced Tuesday to 18 months in state prison.

Ola Mae Agee, 87, of Pensacola, was found guilty on one felony count of selling cocaine. Agee was sentenced by Circuit Court Judge Jan Shackleford after she was found guilty by an Escambia County jury.

Agee was arrested May 13 at her Dr. Martin Luther King Drive home. An undercover Escambia County Sheriff’s Office video shows Agee selling a $20 piece of crack cocaine inside her house to an undercover deputy.

In 1996, Agee was sentenced to two years probation and ordered to forfeit $1,971 seized at the time of her arrest for possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver and resisting arrest with violence. In 1999, she once again faced charges of possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, but those charges were dropped.


33 Responses to “87-Year Old Gets Prison Time For Selling Crack To Cop”

  1. soulwoman on November 1st, 2010 1:07 pm

    Maybe there isn’t enough social security at the end of her month.

    PPL need to and can save themselves from drugs, no demand, no sell

  2. Horrific! on October 29th, 2010 9:02 am


    lets don’t try to make something good out of some 87 year old woman selling
    crack to ppl in town. PLEEEASE!

    She could just have easily taken in a paying boarder. There are a lot of ppl
    homeless right now……….Just because some ppl can’t afford big house payments and all the trappings that come with it, doesn’t mean they don’t
    have money for a room.

    There is always a choice in life…

  3. needmoremayberryandlessmtv on October 29th, 2010 12:06 am

    Bad thing is this lady was probably selling one type of drug just to pay for another. i.e. ( lipitor , lyrica, etc. ) Well it just goes to show that you can never tell.

  4. molino jim on October 28th, 2010 3:18 pm

    ref. feeding/medical care and so on. Unless the policy with the jail has been changed any income the prisoner has such as SS check and so on is used for the up keep of the prisoner. It’s good that they can help pay for their jail costs.

  5. sandra on October 28th, 2010 12:41 pm

    Hopefully the methhead in walnut hill will get some jail time also.

  6. Just An Old Soldier on October 28th, 2010 10:49 am

    Judge Jan Shackleford – thank you. Prosecuting attorney – thank you. LEO’s – thank you.

    Keep up the good work and get this demonic drug scourge off the streets.

    Our prayers are with you, and with those afflicted by addiction.

  7. JUDY MASEK on October 27th, 2010 10:58 pm

    if that is a current photo, id say that (by the grace of God) she looks well preserved….prob throws a mean punch too…..im not crazy about having to pay for her incarceration, or any one who does “the crime”…but, as a tax payer and law abiding citizen, at this point, its the principle!…shes got to go!! no more passes….too bad that she wont get to vote (sigh)

  8. huh on October 27th, 2010 5:45 pm

    Shes 87 do the tax payers really need to pay for her in prison? They should have just sentenced her to a home instead

  9. David Huie Green on October 27th, 2010 5:39 pm

    “ppl have come to my house thinking they can do anything they want to
    me because of my age”

    This reminded me of the Clint Eastwood movie, Any Which Way But Loose in which the old lady who is supposed to be his mother in the movie is being terrorized by the motorcycle gang, The Black Widows, or something like that. She keeps moaning and groaning about people being mean to an old lady like her as she drags out her shotgun and shoots their rides to flaming destruction.

    It would be a bad situation in reality but in a movie it wasn’t long before you felt sorry for the gang.

    To be on topic: I have a friend who claims he remembers this dear lady from around 1960 when she was selling something else and got a number of deputies fired in the process. Interesting that online arrest records don’t go back that far. I imagine newspaper archives do. Old news but shows a career spanning decades.

    Well, maybe she’ll enjoy herself; who can wish her ill?

  10. Just My 2 Cents on October 27th, 2010 4:26 pm

    Who wouldn’t mind paying more taxes to build bigger prisons if the system would get more dealers and suppliers off the street and keep them l o n g e r so as to protect our kids and save their lives possibly? How much is the life of your child or loved one worth?

    Who do you think will pay for criminals’ incarceration? Please tell me you are not in favor of letting criminals run free???

  11. 2 Cents on October 27th, 2010 3:43 pm

    Cocaine it’s good for the eye sight.. O wait thats marijuana…. lol She wouldn’t have gotten but a slap on the wrist if this story had not went public.. Now the county gets to supply her with all her medical needs. Woohoo…

  12. don't know everything on October 27th, 2010 3:36 pm

    Well she want have to sell crack rocks no more to eat. She will get 3 meals a day and medical so she don’t need no money unless she wants some cokes. cakes and chips. I don’t fell sorry for her she got what she deserves. So come on people she will be taken care of by us;

  13. Jim on October 27th, 2010 2:36 pm

    It amazes me that there are some people who try and defend someone like this. At her age she know right from wrong and chose to do what she has done and might I add more than once. If this is where she wants to spend her last day then so be it. She kew she would be going to prison or jail or both if caught when she did it. So be it.

  14. kjohnson on October 27th, 2010 1:19 pm

    You people can be so vile and rude on this site. I am sure that all of you know someone who has had problems I hope you have shown compassion when face to face and am praying you are only “mouthing” off on here where you are anonymous and don’t really behave this way in public. Please be kinder on here.

  15. Dave on October 27th, 2010 12:39 pm

    Another Molino mom….Amen! My thoughts exactly.

  16. Just My 2 Cents on October 27th, 2010 12:32 pm

    Praise to the officers that arrested her and to Judge Jan Shackleford!

    The old bag was probably counting on symphathy form the courts because of her age! And why not?? She had only had her hands slapped before – and she was younger.

    Our laws should be changed and perps like her should get many years in prison the first time they are arrested for selling drugs! You know lives and families are destroyed because of drugs. If the punishment were more severe, maybe more people would tell the suppliers No.

    Let’s pray the officers get the suppliers next.

  17. Another Molino Mom on October 27th, 2010 10:40 am

    Are you kidding me?? This is her THIRD charge for selling drugs-why should her age matter at all.? Her mental status is obviously well enough to know how to sell drugs and accept the money for it…PUT HER BUTT IN JAIL! She’s already had her 2 free get out of jail cards. If it were you or me-we’d be in prison right now. This is ridiculous! Lets remember what these drugs do to our children, grandchildren..and here you have a grandmother (I assume) selling it!! I have no sympathy for her at all and you shouldn’t either. If we excuse her-we may as well excuse them all…which most of the time we do anyway, as witnessed by her “drug selling” history. NO MORE EXCUSES FOR ANY DRUG DEALER-NO MATTER WHAT THERE AGE, GENDER, RACE, etc is.

  18. Horrific! on October 27th, 2010 10:32 am

    Beach front in Iowa ….
    now there’s an idea!

  19. Chumuckla Proud on October 27th, 2010 9:42 am

    Okay, so the old lady was arrested and put in jail for 18 months. Yes, she “did the crime” and is “doing the time” but what about her “supplier”. I find it hard to believe that she manufactured the crack cocaine herself. If she has been selling drugs for years, who is her enabler? Let’s get to the real root of this “Evil Old Lady’s” problem. Do you think the drug dealing in her neighborhood is going to stop now that she is in prison? If so, I’ve got some beachfront property in Iowa I can unload on you.

  20. Right on October 27th, 2010 8:47 am

    Hey Concerned, WAKE UP !!!

    This woman is a REPEAT OFFENDER. It seemsd like they
    cut her some slaack the last time. She willfully committed the
    crime. I’ll bet she expected just another sl;ap on the wrist.
    Not this time !

    I don’t care who you are or how old you are.


  21. Concerned on October 27th, 2010 7:56 am

    Gerry D….we “monitored” my mother until a professional medical decision was made for her to be placed in a nursing home environment where she was given proper care and medications in a secure environment. Please do not make light of our family ’s responsiblity to ensure our mother’s safety and well being at the time she needed it most. I pray to God you never have to make that decision.

  22. Horrific! on October 27th, 2010 7:37 am

    Concerned…opinionated is right….
    mental capacity is sometimes not even diminished when their 100,

    ppl have come to my house thinking they can do anything they want to
    me because of my age……age doesn’t have anything to do with diminished

    If they come here thinking I don’t have a full deck….their playing with fire….

    Then again some ppl don’t have it together at 55……..


  23. Gerry Dumenkoffen on October 27th, 2010 7:36 am

    Hey concerned, we will call the judge and she will change the sentenance so this perp can come stay with you so you can”monitor” her. Shame on you for not suggesting that in the first place.

  24. Opinionated on October 27th, 2010 7:20 am

    Not all 87 year olds have diminished mental capacities. Every person is different. She may not be the sweet little old grandma of fairy tails. If she had enough sense to sell the drug she has enough sense to do the time – Those are the risks you take.

  25. Concerned on October 27th, 2010 7:00 am

    I am hoping that this woman had a thorough physical and mental evaluation by reputable physicians before sentencing. To me, to incarcerate this woman at age 87 borders on ridiculous. Shame on Judge Jan Shackleford for not taking this woman’s advanced age and mental status into consideration. Admitting her to a nursing home facility where security measures are in place (as are for Alzheimer’s patients) would be more appropriate. One would have to live with a woman of this age to actually be aware of her declining mental status…I know tihs because I saw my mother’s mental health begin to declilne at age 83, and by age 87, she could no longer be responsible for her thoughts and actions. Thank God she was living with us where she could be monitored.

  26. aam on October 27th, 2010 6:56 am

    The cops that are regularly going by her house seeing her do this say she is the meanest foul mouth old lady they have ever seen. I only wonder why she hasn’t been put in jail before now. She got what she deserved so no tears here, just hope for redemption. Thanks to the officers for serving.

  27. Carolyn Bramblett on October 27th, 2010 6:05 am

    87? She’s lived beyond the average life span. Put her nasty self in prison and just maybe she’ll think about her eternal soul. But should she neglect that—she needs to be off the street instead of contributing to the delinquency of the community.

  28. WHY on October 27th, 2010 5:53 am

    oh yeah that’s right, Christy let the lady live ?????????? so she can get that rock to your child, just STUPID

  29. Who Knows on October 27th, 2010 5:42 am

    She should have gotten more then 18 months! She will be out in 6 months, if she goes to jail at all. Then it will be right back to selling drugs.

  30. Molino resident on October 27th, 2010 5:10 am

    she can live ,,,,,,in prison……America is sick of dirtbags like this.

  31. momma on October 27th, 2010 5:05 am


  32. Well on October 27th, 2010 5:00 am

    Do the crime , do the time.
    Should be the same for all.
    Oh , Iknow, I should walk in her shoes before i judge.

    WHATEVER !!!!!!!!!

  33. christy on October 27th, 2010 1:34 am

    Geez..let the lady live.