Women Busted For Stealing Wallet, Check; One Was Free On Bond

September 28, 2010

Two McDavid women are behind bars, charged with stealing a wallet from a Century grocery store and trying to cash checks at a local credit union. One of the women, Valene Alaine Walker, was free on bond, with several other active cases in the local court system.

Walker, 25, and Tya Laree Simmons, 20, both of the 100 block of Highway 164, McDavid, are charged with a felony count of passing a forged instrument, and misdemeanor counts of criminal conspiracy and second degree petty theft.

The victim told deputies that her wallet, which contained a blank check belonging to her husband, was stolen while she was at the Piggly Wiggly on North Century Boulevard. Just minutes later, Simmons attempted to cash the check made out for $200 to the victim using the victim’s driver’s license at the Pen Air Federal Credit Union on North Century Boulevard, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report. The credit union teller knew the victim and refused to cash the check.

Simmons later admitted to deputies that she stole the victim’s wallet from a shopping cart  at the Piggly Wiggly with Walker’s assistance. Walker engaged the victim in conversation while Simmons swiped the wallet from a purse in the shopping cart. Simmons admitted to attempting to cash the check.

Walker remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $22,500. Simmons is being held on $15,000 bond.

At the time of her latest arrest, Walker was free on bond awaiting trial on felony charges  of possessing a controlled substance without a prescription and smuggling contraband into a detention facility. In May, she was arrested on an outstanding grand theft warrant. An anonymous caller tipped off detention deputies at the jail that Walker was carrying narcotics in her bra. A strip search, according to the arrest report, located one Xanax pill, four Lortab pills and four Xanax bars in the suspect’s bra.

The grand theft case is still outstanding, with Walker’s trail set for October 21. Walker was arrested arrested in April for battery, but charges were dropped in that case.

According to Escambia County court records, Walker also has outstanding cases for unlawful speed, failing to obey a traffic control device, two counts of driving with a suspended license, no driver’s license and no tag.


36 Responses to “Women Busted For Stealing Wallet, Check; One Was Free On Bond”

  1. Just An Old Soldier on October 2nd, 2010 8:36 pm

    My wife and I were shopping in Home Depot in the middle of the day, in the middle of the week some time back – and a young man decided that we were just a little too far away down the aisle from the cart where my wife’s purse was, and that the contents were just a little too interesting. I turned and said in a clear and loud voice “That’s my wife’s purse, put it down.” He looked startled, and muttered “Uh, sorry…” and scurried off.

    He was smarter than these two, though I suspect motivated by the same thing – O-P-M, Other People’s Money.

    I hope that they get the justice they deserve, and an opportunity to change their lives into something more productive and God-fearing.

  2. mercyme on October 1st, 2010 12:53 pm

    Ladies, try wearing a fanny pack on your stomach or putting your cash, credit cards and/or checks in your pockets. You will have a lot more control over who touches (or steals!) your stuff. Even if someone distracts you, you will still have it all covered making it a little more difficult for someone to steal from you. A cautionary tale for sure!

  3. I.C.U. on September 30th, 2010 7:35 pm

    nope, no one stealing glass. just responding to an earlier post “not yours”. Just seems like to me if someone is going pass judgment and even use they’re real name they should be dang sure they aren’t living in that perverbial glass house.

  4. David Huie Green on September 30th, 2010 5:44 pm

    stealing glass too?

  5. I.C.U. on September 29th, 2010 8:33 pm

    Lot’s of folks been to the “rodeo”. Careful about living in that glass house brother.

  6. David Huie Green on September 29th, 2010 4:57 pm

    Thank you barrineau, your happiness is my primary concern.

  7. barrineau on September 29th, 2010 2:45 pm

    DHG…I LOVE IT!! , it is like going fishing, I might not always get what I want , but something is always biting. I knew you had a 2 paragraph (ok, it was 1 and a half) rant in you.

  8. David Huie Green on September 29th, 2010 1:56 pm

    “DHG … On the contrary Sir, I would hope that you would condemn her actions (assuming guilt of course).” (more or less)

    I thought I did (assuming guilt, of course). Every time someone steals what others have worked to earn, it is like killing the part of their lives used to earn the stolen item. I condemn such thefts, vandalisms, extortions, frauds.

    Let me try again, just to make it clear for you: stealing is bad. Armed robbery is bad. Hurting other people is bad. Threatening to kill people is bad. Killing people is bad. Vandalism is bad. Defacing public property is bad. Running fork lifts into oil storage tanks is bad. Shooting people who catch you breaking into their cars is bad. Preying on the weak is bad. Stealing cigarettes is bad. There are other bad things too, those just quickly come to mind. People who do these things are predatory scum, in my considered opinion.

    I bet you think she only steals from non-relatives (assuming she does, of course). We are all related, cousin. We just don’t all know how we are related.
    Please consider.

    David for perfect cousins

  9. barrineau on September 29th, 2010 12:47 pm

    DHG … On the contrary Sir, I would hope that you would condem her actions (assuming giult of course). I understand it is probably hard for you to point your high powered perception at yourself and your kin. Just something to think about maybe before you sound off on what other people’s kin do, good or bad .

  10. none on September 29th, 2010 7:50 am

    an “anoynonamous” tip from someone WHO KNEW SHE HAD DRUGS IN HER BRA……well, i think she may be able to narrow that one down…..with friends like that, who needs enemies??? You know, this drug thing for pain makes me wonder….why, instead of continuing to hand out drugs (especially with Dr’s knowing the problem out there with prescription drugs) don’t they prescribe something that can’t be sold and would actually BENEFIT the so called “patients”…..PHYSICAL THERAPY!!!!! Probably because 1) they wouldn’t go, all they wanted in the first place was drugs to sell and take, 2)because they know it would help them and they wouldn’t be able to file for disability, which is a WHOOOOLe different story. I am appalled at the number of people, couples are on the rise with this too, what a great way to make a living and sit at home all day. I know there are a lot pf people out there who realllly are disabled, but it’s the ones who are claiming it that really aren’t that is hurting the ones who are. When you see people out hanging clothes and flinging their sheets to put them on the line, but are saying their shoulder or arm is hurt so they have to draw their disability, those are the ones who just kill me. We get up and go to work everyday with aches and pains too, but we continue on like everyone else…..put your 2 cents worth in on this matter and let me see what you think about disability claims. I guess before to long these two will end up on it too, saying their brains are fried from dope given to them by the dr and they can’t work, or they will sue the dr for giving them the dope…..

  11. Jay on September 29th, 2010 7:38 am

    I hear all the comments that people are making, yes we need to pray for this family, but we also need to send someone from DCF to check on the children and see what conditions are they living in, is it a safe place, is there drugs in the house, is it clean, are the children going to school, is there an adult responsible for these children while the mama is committing crimes.

    Who else lives in this house, is it a safe environment for the children . How many children are in the home, do they have food?? Come on folks, stop gossiping and go check on the kids.

    This is what we should be worrying about, instead of making accusations and condemning the mother of these children, the law will take care of that, we just need to know, HOW ARE THE CHILDREN and how is this behavior affecting these children???? We must do something to help the children that are living in this home, so that they won’t become criminals themselves.


  12. Someone on September 28th, 2010 8:28 pm

    There is no DHR in Florida, it’s called DCF (Department of Children and Families). Also, if you have had concern for her children, then YOU should have reported it!

  13. David Huie Green on September 28th, 2010 5:51 pm

    “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”

    Please tell me they didn’t steal a goose too?

    I don’t see why you expect me to condone this act (assuming guilt, of course). I was telling you just the other day this is the only way I can keep up with some of my kin. I didn’t even realize she was out from her last accusation.

    David for goose sauce

  14. Parent of 3 girls on September 28th, 2010 5:17 pm

    Too funny, barrineau. Thought the same thing myself.

  15. barrineau on September 28th, 2010 3:44 pm

    DHG .. Come on now, no aw inspiring ,2 paragraph , nobel peace prize like rant’s or comments? Could it be because one is kin? I have come to expect more from you Sir. Momma always said “What’s good for the goose is good for the gander”

    The hook is set!

  16. me on September 28th, 2010 3:28 pm

    I wish Valene would grow up get a job and take care of her kids. While she is at it, her and her family needs to clean up that dump they live in. It amazes me that dhr has not taken those kids. I just pray they don’t follow their mothers footsteps.

  17. David Huie Green on September 28th, 2010 2:42 pm

    in this case, I believe the doctors are blameless–at least the ones related to drugs.

  18. rhonda---removed from the area... on September 28th, 2010 2:33 pm

    “You know, this Walker lady is very attractive and I don’t know why she has to resort to these types of stunts.”

    Apparently we are not looking at the same picture…attractive? are you on drugs too?

  19. Lumber Salesman on September 28th, 2010 1:30 pm

    You know, this Walker lady is very attractive and I don’t know why she has to resort to these types of stunts. A hardworking lumber saleman like myself would be honored to have her as my beautiful bride, but instead she runs around getting in trouble with the law.

  20. anydaynow on September 28th, 2010 12:55 pm

    I don’t believe that anyone just rises from a chair one day and says to themselves or anyone else, ” Hey, I think I’ll go run my life into the ditch” No. People who don’t have a useful level of education suited to their level of learning and moral support and encouragement from their friends and family, and opportunities in their communities to accommodate those tools and offer work that provides a living wage, they are in a position in which their lives consist of REACTING to each day’s challenges for basic needs…food, shelter and love. These basic needs are not available to a laarge population in the Florida panhandle and it is mean spirited and destructive to point fingers at the weakest among us and ridicule them.

  21. ellenb on September 28th, 2010 12:44 pm

    it isn’t allabout being addicted, or a zero or low tolerance for pain, tho mostly it is.
    First & foremost the Dr.’s HAVE to be accountable. I am NOT CONVINCED that they DO NOT know the epidemic they are contributing to. Alot of the time the younger generation are using the same Dr. that the parents use, so not only are they learning it from the parents they’re learning it from the Dr. Addiction, acohol & drugs, is being taught in the home. Now I am a BELIEVER, of GOD & His Word. GOD said that the right choices would bring blessings of EVERY kind for us and our children & their children for a thousand generations. On the other hand the wrong choices would bring curses, of EVERY kind to our children, & their children for a thousand generations. I believe that families need to come to the Throne of God’s Grace and start praying & breaking all those generational curses that are killing us & our children. Thank-you, & God Bless.

  22. Anonymous on September 28th, 2010 12:36 pm

    Wow, people these days. And the sad the thing is, its only gonna get worse. These two ladies will be in my prayers, as well as their loved ones. Jesus loves you!

  23. joe on September 28th, 2010 11:54 am

    it is sad what people will do out of desperation. I guess those girls really needed two hundred dollars.

  24. trackDad on September 28th, 2010 11:43 am

    You should see all the cars pulling into the methadone clinic on Hwy 29 (just north of W. Roberts Road) every morning to get their legal “fix”.

    Apparently drug abuse is a big problem in the area.

  25. TJ on September 28th, 2010 11:01 am

    Don’t cry now that will not help you!!! You are the only one that can help yourself that is you want help you have to make the first step!! If they have been in trouble before and not got no time for that, they will not learn…..until they do maybe!!!

  26. aubrey king on September 28th, 2010 10:55 am

    This is not their first rodeo.I am sick of people doing bad things and blameing it on drugs.They make the decision to do drugs.The judges need to start being stricker.

  27. T.K. aka The DODGE MAN on September 28th, 2010 9:53 am

    Wow ! I wish some of my family would make the local headlines for a good reason. I havent seen that side of my family in a long time. I know that if my Great Uncle was still alive, this wouldnt be going on. He would have taken all of them ( including the parents ) out behind the woodshed and wore their butts out !!! Its amazing how people change once the good influences in their life either pass away or just give up trying to help them. I just thank my father for teaching me the values in life that have made me a good husband, father and respectable part of the community. Anyone can change their bad habits, but they need guidance and to get away from the trash thats surrounds them.

  28. art on September 28th, 2010 9:23 am

    why do some people say they will never learn? have you never heard where there is life there is hope? sometimes we need others to hope for us because we forget. there is hope there. these are lives.

  29. doofus on September 28th, 2010 9:05 am

    I’m sorry, but the pill thing is here to stay for a while. The amount of people that go to the doc for phantom headaches, backaches, tooth aches, and self inflicted stuff to get the pills is nauseating.

    Then there are those that go from doc to doc for the same problem and walk out with a rx for a kagillion lortabs, phenergen with codein, percocet… sell them to make a living while sitting at home and watching tv or surfing porn.

    Until big brother can track this stuff, and it will happen, people will be play the system. It’s sad. It’s wrong. It’s stupid. It’s a sign of the times.

  30. Fred on September 28th, 2010 8:20 am

    These girls need help with their addiction. Until doctors quit prescribing pain pills to people who sell the pills instead of use them we’re gonna have this problem. It might be time for people to endure the pain as people did before these pain relievers were introduced. This problem is leading to theft, robbery of pharmacies and as we saw in the news lately corruption of public officials. How do we solve this problem? Limit prescription pain pills to hospital patients only until they can truly become controlled substances. Most of the prescriptions are paid for by the tax payers. Why are we paying for corruptions.

  31. katie s. on September 28th, 2010 7:51 am

    I grew up with tya,She is a cousin, Its really sad. I hope they both can straighten themselves out.

  32. McDavid Resident on September 28th, 2010 7:36 am

    Why do you think these women (not girls) have learned from their mistakes. They have yet to learn and sad thing is they will probably never learn.

  33. Mom on September 28th, 2010 7:32 am

    I think I went to school with the Walker girl. My goodness! She looks nothing like she did in high school. Hard living ages you fast! I pray she gets her life straight.

  34. ron on September 28th, 2010 7:19 am

    Some people never learn

  35. Angi on September 28th, 2010 7:08 am

    What a shame, these girls are so young. I do hope they have realized what they have done and will not do this kind of crap again ever! I do hope they learn from their mistakes…

  36. David Huie Green on September 28th, 2010 7:04 am

    once again, my cousin looks sad