Two Injured When Car Slams Into Broken Down Semi On Highway 29

September 22, 2010

Two people were injured when their car slammed into the back of a parked 18-wheeler in Molino early this morning.

Charles Curtis Wolfe, 31, of Byrneville Road, Century and Jason A. Hadley, 26, address unknown, both claimed to be backseat passengers in a Volkswagen Jetta that collided with the truck about 2:30 a.m., according to the Florida Highway Patrol. The FHP said both men claimed that the driver of their vehicle fled the scene; however, first responders were unable to locate any sign of a third person in the accident.

The accident happened on Highway 29 near Mathison Road in front of the Molino Health Department. The broken down truck had been parked on the shoulder of the road for some period of time prior to the crash. The semi-truck driver was not with the truck at the time of the crash.

The FHP estimated the speed of the car at about 60-65 mph when it struck the trailer.

Wolfe and Hadley were transported by ambulance to a Pensacola hospital. Their conditions were not available.

In addition to the Florida Highway Patrol, Escambia County EMS and the Molino Station of Escambia Fire Rescue responded to the call.

Pictured above and below: Two people were injured when this Volkswagen Jetta struck the back of a broken-down semi-truck early Wednesday morning in Molino. photos, click to enlarge.


31 Responses to “Two Injured When Car Slams Into Broken Down Semi On Highway 29”

  1. Just Wondering on September 29th, 2010 7:28 pm

    I was just wondering who was sitting in the child’s car seat on the rear passenger side?
    I was just wondering why all the blood is in the front seat, on the air bags, and on the front window?
    I was just wondering why the front doors are open if the passengers were in the back seat?

  2. delisa council on September 26th, 2010 9:09 am

    well no matter what when you drink and drive you put you and your surroundings at danger so this goes to show you that what ever your doing in life remember yourself and others!

  3. WOW on September 23rd, 2010 11:02 pm

    Good thing they were “both in the back seat” lol They had an angel driving them for sure….. if they “had of been in front seats” some one might really be hurt! ;-)

  4. Mother of Jason on September 23rd, 2010 10:12 pm

    My son was not driving the car he was in the passenger seat and could not have made any statement about the accident for he was unconscious and bleeding in the brain.So take note:Shut your mouths you cruel ppl that have not a clue as to what happened,may this never come to your door step.

  5. Smitty on September 23rd, 2010 7:25 pm

    honestly do you low life people have nothing better to do then redicule someone because they got in a wreck. i bet if somone would have been hurt it would be nothing but prayers but sence everyone is ok (i hope) some think they have the right to leave bad comments…why is it any of your business what they were doing and how about yall go on some of these storys about criminals murdering people and robbing and redicule them not someone who had a car ACCIDENT. And anouther thing all who are saying they know the driver of the semi and hes a good guy well guess what i know charles “chuckie” and he is also a very nice loving guy so just because you know the driver of the semi doesnt give you the right to say stuff about the others that were actually injured. So basicly long story short as i learned in pre school if you dont have anything nice to say then dont say nothing at all !!!

  6. Sweetie on September 23rd, 2010 2:46 pm

    To mustuknow:

    I thought this happened in Molino, which is in Florida. Why does Alabama law have anything to do with it?

  7. Angel on September 23rd, 2010 12:26 pm

    I am quite sure being this is a new accident and it freaked the hell out of her then looking at her car and knowing her husband could have been dea along with his friend, she was probablt shakin up especially when you have evryone attacking her husband and the father of her babies. People say all kinds of things when they are scare and panicked. How would you have liked to have gotten that call about someone you love. I HAVE gotten that call and a million things go through your mind. Don’t attack her, she is a scared wife and Mother.

  8. Samantha on September 23rd, 2010 11:02 am

    Prayers for all involved! I claim a healing for these people in Jesus Name! Amen!! GOD IS SO GOOD!! (:

  9. molino lady on September 23rd, 2010 9:40 am

    i know this driver, and he would never have park that truck where it would put anyone in dander. he is a safe and very aware DOT driver and the two men in the “REAR” seat, come on. they were either drunk, drugged or fell aspleep at that time in the morning, and to say someone else was driving, how stupid do they think the cops are ? if there was a driver in the front seat, he would have been hurt worse that the two in the back seat. come on guys, tell the truth, for once in your life. There was no driver in the front seat, you are both covering up what really happened.

  10. US citizen on September 23rd, 2010 2:00 am

    Last I checked this is still The United States of America and we still have freedom of speech…..

    ‘Megan’ knows the truth — she wrote “stop acting like they have never done anything in their life wrong”. Is she saying she knows they did something wrong?

  11. Mad on September 22nd, 2010 11:50 pm

    You know this is really upsetting you have things to say but you don’t know these men, so how can you judge they are out there making a living. That’s more then you can say about alot of people. For the teens father what if that was your kid you would feel harsh about peoples comments too. We sure need these men back at work. Y’all are blessed, we will see you men soon. Stfup…..

  12. Sister on September 22nd, 2010 11:37 pm

    I was wondering how so many people could say the things they have. What if it was one of your family members it would be different. And then everyone could be jerks to your family. You know these men have families that have feelings too. So for the ones who has a heart,please pray for these men. Oh yeah thank god for being with my brother and a good friend.

  13. Mustuknow on September 22nd, 2010 10:59 pm

    Well I would love to see a couple different angles of the truck and the edge of the payment….. From the view I can see it is very questionalbe if it is more than 3 or 4 feet. Finally, is it not required by law in the State of AL for 18 wheelers to put out reflective triangles or dayglo orange cones for so many feet behind the broken down vehicle? Just curious.

  14. Angel on September 22nd, 2010 10:09 pm

    From what I was told Jason Hadley was unconsious when the FHP and medics got there he couldn’t have said anything! How do you know they were drinking? I don’t see it in the news story? Megan, I hope your husband is okay. I don’t know who he is, but I do know Jason. Don’t let other peoples stupidity upset you. Just be glad you still have your kids father around. People love to judge, but I am sure they are not perfect either and one day it may be them we read about and it be far worse. Thank God they are all alive. My prayers are with the family.

  15. a teen's dad on September 22nd, 2010 9:23 pm

    they didn’t fall asleep they were drunk or on some other drugs, call it like it is. Yes I know it’s not something anyone likes to here family or not, but hello “facts are facts & lies are lies.

  16. Lost in translation on September 22nd, 2010 7:49 pm

    Glad the guys made it out of the car ok. Good thing for them they were in the back seat. Heard the air bags are very scary when they deploy. But I guess I missed the picture scale that said so many inches equaled so many feet so I could figure out how far the truck was off the road. Guess that makes me ignorant.

  17. OMG on September 22nd, 2010 6:03 pm

    This was some of my family and both guys are in the hospital !!! Ones is in ICU and the other about to have surgery on his broke hip !! I am not excatly sure what happend but unitl we know it’s probaly best if everyone kept there cruel commments to themselfs !!

  18. Megan on September 22nd, 2010 5:46 pm

    Well just for everyone out there the car was mine and that was my husband. He has 2 kids 2 and 4 yrs old. Some of these comments are ridiculous and people sometimes need to keep things to their self and stop acting like they have never done anything in their life wrong.Not unless you were there then you can talk but Everyone makes mistakes and Both of their conditions are fine but still comments are made without someone knowing that.

  19. leroy on September 22nd, 2010 2:56 pm

    i came by this truck around one thirty last night it had hazzard signs along the roadside. the truck was off the road completly and remember threre is the extra lane between the traffic lane and the grass. someone was not paying attention or fell asleep.

  20. Only Happens In the Movies... on September 22nd, 2010 2:13 pm

    Not knowing when the photo was taken…but, 2 people in the back seat?
    Must explains why the two front doors of the vehicle were opened. Don’t they know that their DNA is left on the air bags? I guess this gives a whole new meaning to “Back Seat Driver.” Seriously, I hope the truth comes out and the guys aren’t too banged-up. Good thing no one else was hurt.

  21. William on September 22nd, 2010 2:01 pm

    >> I am not trying to dispute you or your cousin but that truck is not 5-6 ft off the road it is maybe 2-3 feet check the pictures

    I’m not really sure how far the truck was off the roadway, but one of the firemen pointed out to me how it appeared the impact of the car had perhaps lifted and moved the trailer. — William

  22. (Angelz) on September 22nd, 2010 1:58 pm

    ■Idiots on September 22nd, 2010 8:44 am
    This is almost funny, other than the fact that these two were actually injured. My cousin drives the 18 wheeler that was parked 5-6 ft off the road, it had broken down on him the day before. He was shocked when he returned this morning to find debris all over the place and his truck trailer damaged. He had no idea what had happened until a firefighter stopped to tell him (he had ran the call that morning). All I can say after seeing that car is….”Those men better be glad Jesus was driving that night !!! “

    I am not trying to dispute you or your cousin but that truck is not 5-6 ft off the road it is maybe 2-3 feet check the pictures

  23. anydaynow on September 22nd, 2010 11:01 am

    I gotta say, it looks as though that VW took that head on collision fairly well, it appears that the dash held.

  24. guess who on September 22nd, 2010 9:06 am

    Who else would be stupid enough to flee the scene and then these so called “Back Seat Drivers” actually think they are going to find someone to say “Hey Man, Over Here”. I did it. I was the one driving. Yeah, right!!!!!! We were born, but it wasn’t yesterday.

  25. Idiots on September 22nd, 2010 8:44 am

    This is almost funny, other than the fact that these two were actually injured. My cousin drives the 18 wheeler that was parked 5-6 ft off the road, it had broken down on him the day before. He was shocked when he returned this morning to find debris all over the place and his truck trailer damaged. He had no idea what had happened until a firefighter stopped to tell him (he had ran the call that morning). All I can say after seeing that car is….”Those men better be glad Jesus was driving that night !!! “

  26. fyi on September 22nd, 2010 8:34 am

    Probably drinking and driving, once again somebody trying to get out of a DUI, should have told the truth, now your consequences are going to be worse!!

  27. Frank on September 22nd, 2010 8:16 am

    DUI…people do stupid things…unless the driver did not own the car??? just saying!

  28. Time for change on September 22nd, 2010 7:09 am

    I guess people forget that a vehicle’s tag and V.I.N. number hold all of the owner’s info. Remember you may can out run the police but you can’t run from NCIC (National Crime Information Center)!

  29. YELLARHAMMER on September 22nd, 2010 6:53 am

    I wonder if this was a remote operated car since both of these people where in the back seat. Smells fishy.

  30. 06FLSTCI on September 22nd, 2010 6:24 am

    Two grown men in the back seat together. With someone else driving. I did’nt know Volkswagaon made limos or taxis.

  31. wow on September 22nd, 2010 5:56 am

    Once again, it wasn’t me!!!! I don’t know how I got the gash, etc. Oh, someone must have stollen my vehicle. OWN UP TO YOUR SCREW UPS!!!!!!!!!!!