This Place Matters: Flomaton Historical Group In The Running For $25K

September 9, 2010

The Flomaton Area Railroad Museum is the running for a $25,000 “This Place Matters” grant — and they want your help.

The This Place Matters Challenge from the National Trust for Historic Preservation will award the $25,000 to one entrant to protect places in their community. The goal of the This Place Matters Community Challenge is to rally as many people around the grassroots issues of preservation in communities as possible, according to the group’s website.

“I am terribly happy that we were chosen to be on there,” Betty Jones of the Flomaton Area Railroad Museum said.

To see Flomaton’s entry and vote, click here. Voes are due by September 15.

Pictured: Levi Wagner, son of Tip Wagner and April Eicher, in photo used by the Flomaton Area Railroad Museum in their “This Place Matters” entry. Courtesy photo for, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “This Place Matters: Flomaton Historical Group In The Running For $25K”

  1. Terri on September 10th, 2010 12:46 am

    I was there just this past Tuesday, A lady named Carol (Pug) showed me around took me throughout the big house and on to the small house in the back, it was definitely a step back in time, and the sight of such things brought back wonderful memories. I am not from Flomaton but my mother was born and raised there……Kuddo’s to Carol you represent your Town well and they are fortunate to have an individual such as yourself that cares enough about your Town to go over and beyond in explaining Flmaton’s History!

  2. Jerry Simmons on September 9th, 2010 9:30 pm

    When you get there, be sure to look for and purchase that great book on Flomaton history, “The Flomaton Centennial Scrapbook.”

  3. BGW on September 9th, 2010 8:04 pm

    The museum is normally opened Monday-Saturday 9am to 2 pm. There are a few days a week from time to time that we don’t have a volunteer to open up. If it is not opened and I am in town, feel free to give me a call and I would gladly open and let you take a look around. Tip Wagner 296-9055

  4. Betty on September 9th, 2010 7:58 pm

    Open daily now 9 till 3. Also open house there and other places Oct .23 Flomatons’ Great Homecoming week-end

  5. heather on September 9th, 2010 5:50 pm

    Go Levi, Love you and great job!

  6. barrineau on September 9th, 2010 2:31 pm

    I have been there a couple of times and it is never open, I would like for my family and I to learn more about Flomaton’s history.