Thief Swipes Gas From City; Leaves It In Park For Others For Free

September 16, 2010

Someone was stealing gas from the Town of Century’s shop and then leaving it in a 55-gallon drum at the city park, apparently for anyone in the know to fill up for free.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, the free gas plot was discovered by Century Mayor Freddie McCall, who was hiding on nearby railroad tracks in an attempt to catch the thief red-handed.

The mayor told deputies that someone was stealing gas from fuel tanks at the city shop at 7850 Alger Road. Deputies found that someone was using an old computer monitor and a barbecue grill as make-shift steps to climb over the shop’s fence. Nearby, at Showalter Park, deputies found a white 55-gallon drum about two-thirds full of gasoline. There was, according to the Sheriff’s Office report, a clear and well-worn trail through a wooded area between the 55-gallon drum and the Century city shop fence.

Tuesday night, McCall reported that while hiding on the railroad tracks, he observed a white Chevrolet Cavalier pull up to the free gas 55-gallon drum. The mayor told deputies that he ran back to his car and pulled back around to Showalter Park. Two males that were standing around the 55-gallon drum fled the park when they spotted McCall.

The vehicle was stopped a short time later in Flomaton. The male driver told deputies that he had been called by a friend who told him about free gas in Century, but he did not know the gas was stolen. The female in the vehicle told deputies that she had received a text message about free gas in the bushes at Showalter Park, but she too did not know the gas was stolen.

Deputies found a plastic siphoning hose, a red 5-gallon gas can and a black 5-gallon bucket in the suspects’ vehicle.

An estimated 300 gallons of gas worth $750 was reported as missing from the Century city shop, according to the Sheriff’s Office report.

The incident is still under investigation; no charges have been filed in case.


31 Responses to “Thief Swipes Gas From City; Leaves It In Park For Others For Free”

  1. David Huie Green on September 20th, 2010 12:31 am

    “I knew if any one would comment on my comment it would you . Thanks for not letting me down ”

    Glad I could help.

    “I just won 5 bucks from the wife”

    Don’t take money from your wife, it’s frowned upon.

    ” I will give the 5 to the town of Century”

    Good, they can use it, other than the fact you shouldn’t take it from your wife in the first place.

    David for proper wagers

  2. barrineau on September 19th, 2010 8:13 pm

    wow, DHG you realy know how to hurt a guy.I knew if any one would comment on my comment it would you . Thanks for not letting me down . I just won 5 bucks from the wife, seriously , I ment to bring a smile to some ones face , I know I had one when I read the article, I’ll tell you what … I will give the 5 to the town of centry.

    barrineau for DHG’s understanding . peace!

  3. David Huie Green on September 19th, 2010 5:14 pm

    “Okay , I know this is going to go over like a lead zeppelin, but didn’t we–the tax payers–pay for the gas? I’m not saying stealing is ok. But whoever did this, in my opinion, is a modern day Robin Hood. I know someone is saying, “But the gas went to emergency vehicles,” and yes I to would like them who have the gas to come help me or my family. As a tax payer myself , I’m glad to help.” (more or less)

    Actually, you ARE saying stealing is okay if you are saying you think this was okay because this WAS stealing.

    You do realize you are free to give away your personal property, don’t you? You can buy gas and leave it beside the road for the needy or just put up a sign saying, “Siphon gas out of my car. FREE GAS!” I’m sure some would oblige you. (Some don’t even have to be invited.)

    You shouldn’t give away your neighbor’s property, though.

    Please consider, taxes should be levied to provide enough income to do what government actually needs to do. If the government monies are siphoned off (literally, in this case), they have to raise taxes to pay for the loss. These taxes come from people who have not volunteered to be robbed.

    Now as to Robin Hood: He existed in a time of tyranny in which the illegitimate government was stealing from the people and his “theft” was to return it (less whatever it took to keep him and his Merry Men merry, of course). We live in a time of representative government with respect to people’s property rights.

    Don’t understand any of that? Okay try this:

    Century isn’t THE RICH,
    the thieves aren’t THE POOR.

    David for understanding

  4. barrineau on September 19th, 2010 12:46 pm

    ok , i know this is going to go over like a led zeplin. didnt we the tax payers pay for the gas, im not saying stealing is ok. but whom ever done this, in my opionon,is a modern day robin hood.i know some one is saying ,but the gas went to emergency vehicals , and yes i to would like them have the gas to come help me or my faimly.As a tax payer myself , im glad to help.

  5. David Huie Green on September 17th, 2010 9:18 pm

    an uncle had gas which kept getting stolen from his home. I suggested he keep one can handy with a liberal dose of sugar in it and remember which can it was so he didn’t try to use it himself. Ere long, folks didn’t want to steal his gas–too expensive when messed up the engines.

    Just a thought. A mean thought but a thought.

    David with sweet thoughts

  6. people are crazy!! on September 17th, 2010 8:47 pm

    Why was the mayor hiding in the park bushes again ? How did he know where gas was at ? Why didn’t cops stake it out ? Sounds really fishy to me !!! I’m just waiting for the rest of the story. There is always three sides to every story Yours , Mine , and the Truth !! And myself I would love to hear the whole truth about this one I’m willing to bet there is alot more to this story than is being told !!!!!!! I apoligizehe was not in bushes he was taking a midnightstroll on the railroad tracks !!

  7. people are crazy!! on September 17th, 2010 8:44 pm

    Why was the mayor hiding in the park bushes again ? How did he know where gas was at ? Why didn’t cops stake it out ? Sounds really fishy to me !!! I’m just waiting for the rest of the story. There is always three sides to every story Yours , Mine , and the Truth !! And myself I would love to hear the whole truth about this one I’m willing to bet there is alot more to this story than is being told !!!!!!!

  8. christy on September 17th, 2010 6:52 pm

    Excuse me officer..”I didnt know the gas was stolen but I do carry a siphoning hose and five gallon gas can in my car just in case I need some FREE gas ! What idiots!

  9. Jim on September 17th, 2010 3:17 pm

    This is to the person who wrote the article under the name “Someone”.
    Someone, I am proud of the fact you are trying to further your education but two wrongs does not make a right. The law against stealing stands no matter who you are or how much education you have. I know you feel taken at the gas pump but it is not the city or county who is robbing you and even if they were it again does not make it right for someone to steal from them. In fact the city and the county are doing everything they can to see to it their budgets are met so they may provide the services that their taxpayers have demanded. And, that includes gas for the vehicles for the employees to do their jobs. Stop and think for a moment what if you had an emergency and you called the police and or the EMS for help and they told you we would love to help but we just don’t have the gas to get to you. How would you feel? Well, that actually happens in third world countries so let’s count our blessings that we have what we have. We did not get what we have as a nation by stealing. Okay, so there is my venting for now.

  10. Nippin Tucker on September 17th, 2010 2:01 pm

    That Mayor job must be some kinda tough. I thought he just signed checks and flew airplanes. Was Freddie wearing a cape when he made these observations?

  11. sara stone on September 17th, 2010 1:08 pm

    well at least they were generous enough to share with others.

  12. none on September 17th, 2010 12:40 pm

    free gas in the bushes in the park…not knowing it was stolen, PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!!! Even though they DID know it was, just saying free gas in the bushes at the park (not knowing) was what is so priceless about it…could this be DUMB and DUMBER?????????????????

  13. neighbor on September 17th, 2010 11:57 am

    I agree with Fred………if these people would work that hard earning a living …….or put that much thought into job hunting…….so, we ponder….were they not taught any better by their family or are they lazy or maybe they are just plain stupid….

  14. goober on September 17th, 2010 10:54 am

    thats why i run dadburn moonshine in my ol truck

  15. Fred on September 17th, 2010 7:29 am

    Lets use general logic here. Climbing over a fence and removing gas from tanks and carrying it to a 55 gallon barrel is a lot of hard work. No one person is going to work this hard just to put this gas up for grabs. And hard work is what these scums are trying to avoid. This was a group of people which included the white Cavalier Guy. He should have been arrested and been solely liable for 750 dollars worth of gas or name the others involved so they could split the bill.

  16. David Huie Green on September 17th, 2010 6:51 am

    county deputies, no town police

  17. Horrific on September 17th, 2010 6:37 am

    I don’t blame the mayor.
    One thing the cops have taught me is if I don’t know who’s doing something,
    then their not going to do something.

    Cops don’t have time for detective work I guess!

  18. Andy on September 17th, 2010 12:45 am

    Why did he do this? Does Century have have sheriff department? Sounds like Mayberry Barney 5

  19. someone on September 17th, 2010 12:22 am

    Yeah, of course they knew it was stolen, but are you going to admit to the police that you knew it was stolen? Why should they go to jail for what someone else did? Yeah it was wrong and I personally wouldn’t do it. But seriously, if you needed it bad enough…wouldn’t you go take advantage of the opportunity? You gotta do what you gotta do these days to get by. Everyone has been in a bad situation and had to do something they weren’t proud of. And I personally feel like I’m being ripped off every time I buy gas so… ya know. and if it’s not hard enough to make it, a large portion of your pay check has to go toward the gas that just gets you to work. It feels pointless to even go to work these days when you only make barely enough to pay the bills and scrape by just to spend most of your life at work anyway. Which is exactly why I’m furthering by education right now so no one comment me on how if I don’t like it, I should do something to better myself so I can get a good job and blah blah blah…yeah..I’m doing that. Okay sorry I had to vent. thank you for your time.

  20. Brenda on September 16th, 2010 9:59 pm

    I find it strange that the mayor was “hiding on the railroad tracks.” Call the cops and let them handle this. Someone (mayor) could have been hurt by confronting the “bad guys.”

  21. my own two cents on September 16th, 2010 6:14 pm

    Wasn’t this an episode from “The Dukes of Hazzard”?

  22. Jim on September 16th, 2010 3:18 pm

    Come on people do you think we are that stupid to beleive you did not know the gas was stolen. For crying out loud how stupid can you be. You knew it was stolen and you should go to jail. Bu you taking the gas it makes you just as guilty and the one who put it there for you to take. I also I hope the police run down who was doing the phone calls and text messaging. They are just as guilty as well.
    The tax payer should be all over you guys. For it is their money you are stealing. Chances are you people who are taking the gas are people who duck their tax obligations as well. Just real quality people I tell you a premier example of people wanting something for nothing. Wake up there is no free ride!!!!!

  23. stretch on September 16th, 2010 11:53 am


  24. Cynical on September 16th, 2010 11:34 am

    A Gasoline Robin Hood; steal from the poor and give to the lame. How much funnier could crime be?

  25. JJ on September 16th, 2010 11:29 am

    What a strange story. So someone has been going back and forth transporting gas in small containers to the 55 gallon drum… so much that there is a beaten path… then alerting friends via text messaging that a free gas station has opened in the park. Weird.

    Although I am kinda hungry, does anyone know if this person was operating a free convenience store in the park as well?

  26. george on September 16th, 2010 10:38 am

    this is the same park we’re trying to enlarge. thats great, enjoy a day at the park in Century, oh and by the way stop by the 55 gallon drum and fill up.

  27. David Huie Green on September 16th, 2010 9:52 am

    yep, check with Broxson.

    It would be better to know who was actually stealing it rather than just who he was passing it on to. We can hope that will be discovered soon.

    David for free gas

  28. YELLARHAMMER on September 16th, 2010 8:06 am

    The mayor needs a good night camera and take picture and leave the police work to the police, granted give the mayor and” A” for effort at least he is trying.

  29. friend of victims on September 16th, 2010 6:55 am

    Mayor McCall is working hard to create jobs for the Century area. What does he get in return, STOLEN FROM. This weekend friends of mine had their family warehouse broken into and lost many antique family airelooms and a lot of items. Two of the thieves were seen by a nearby occupant and a description of the car has been reported to the police. To anyone that was involved in this crime you need to understand that we are not talking petty theft here. The value of the antique item taken here will be assessed at thousands of dollars. GRAND THEFT. We know there was one person who knew what was in the building that planned this and that would be a very limited few. If you were a helper that was talked into being a part of this crime you might want to contact the Sheriffs office and let them know. I wouldn’t be surprised if the mastermind behind this didn’t tell the others that he was given the items to get help loading the heavier items. Wise up, GRAND THEFT is a serious offense. Most surely someone saw the truck hauling the larger items. A description would be a lot of help. Heres items that were taken. 4 to 5 rollup garage doors, around 200 sheets of new tin, wrought iron bed frames, an antique singer pedal sewing machine, collector small block chevy engine block assemblies and cylinder heads and many other items. any help would be appreciated.

  30. Felicia Jones on September 16th, 2010 5:37 am

    How could they not know it was stolen? it is in the park, not in plain sight….Come on now!!!

  31. AL on September 16th, 2010 1:45 am

    “Honest officer – I didn’t see anything suspicious about a text message for free gas in the bushes at a park”