School District Approves Engineering For School Security Cameras

September 27, 2010

The Escambia County School District has approved engineering services for security camera systems at several schools, including Northview High and Ransom Middle.

The $91,293.80 will provide the engineering for the surveillance systems at nine schools — Brown-Barge $5,957.04, Ransom $11,517.20,  Bellview $8,385.43, and Warrington $9,991.18 middle schools; Northview $8,025.28, Escambia $9,991.18, West Florida Tech $16,680.75, Pensacola $10,991.01, and Washington $9,754.73 high schools.

The budgeted services will be purchased from Schmidt Consulting Group, Inc., of Pensacola.


4 Responses to “School District Approves Engineering For School Security Cameras”

  1. Dishearted on September 29th, 2010 11:40 am

    To Walnut Hill: The idea is great,the protection for our children is most important, but the $91,000. being spent on a engineering is wrong, when the county has the people to do the samething at $000. added cost. but when the money bucket starts to run dry ,the system will hit everyone in the pocket again,instead of trying to save the people money…I say very stupid of our school system to spend money when we have people to do it.( and they wont get a kick-back)…

  2. Walnut Hill citizen on September 29th, 2010 8:17 am

    Great Decision!!!! Finally money well spent! In response to disheartened $91000.00 is just a drop in the bucket compared to the money being spent in our school system. Just ask yourself, Is $91000.00 worth protecting my daughter, son, granddaughter or grandson, sister or brother from drugs or any other behavior not accepted in our schools? If someone come in the schools and started shooting at students, “Would you want to know who it was so they could be arrested?” TIMES ARE NOT WHAT THEY USE TO BE!! Also, this is a way to protect all people working in our schools and to protect the innocent. For instance, If a fight breaks out, problem solved. Get the cameras. guilty are punished and innocent go free. Whereas, use to be all involved were punished. I just hope all cameras are not put where students will know FOR SURE where they are and they will always be on guard. I know this is very discouraging to especially our teenagers in regards to privacy but it is very important to protect you from all the crime of today. This is not done to punish but to protect! Don’t forget to put them on the buses too!! Remember Ernest Ward problem!

  3. Dishearted on September 28th, 2010 8:48 am

    I agree, but why spend all that money ( they say they dont have) to put up cameras. we pay people that work for the County/ School system that can do it, and save the people $91.000.00 +. what a waist of good money (mine and your Money).It just shows what is wrong with the system. + if we keep giving it they will keep taking it.

  4. [_]\ on September 27th, 2010 7:07 am

    I love it.
    GREAT Idea, and I think EVERY School should have them, EVERY class, EVERY hall, EVERY office, and EVERY bus!
    NO MATTER the cost
    Protecting our children can never cost too much.

    I also think that the state should require ALL daycare centers to provide electronic surveillance systems.