Labor Day: 25,000 In The Area Out Of Work
September 6, 2010
On Labor Day, the latest unemployment data showed that 25,159 people are out of work in our three county area — an increase of over 2,000 since last year.
In Escambia County (Fla.), the latest employment data for July shows 11 percent of the workforce unemployed, a slight increase from the month before at 10.8 percent. That translates to 15,715 unemployed in the county.
In Santa Rosa County, the unemployment rate was at 10.8 percent, up from 9.7 percent the month prior. That equals 7,880 unemployed persons.
In Escambia County (Ala.), 10.9 percent of workers were out of a job, down from 12 the month before. There were 1,564 unemployed in the county.
Pictured: This graphic shows the unemployment rate over the last 10 years in the three county North Escambia area. Click to enlarge.
9 Responses to “Labor Day: 25,000 In The Area Out Of Work”
to kathy, I agree with you that 265.00 is better than nothing but it is not like getting a paycheck as I stated before plus, not to mention the fact that there are no benefits as far as insurance or the ability to put back for retirement. I myself perfer to work as I was taught growing up. Also, I know what you mean about self employment. There are no governement funds for self employed people as far as I know. My husband was self employed for 33 years until he became sick and is no longer able to work. So you see, when I got laid off my paycheck was the only paycheck in the household that took care of kids and insurance and car payments, etc.,etc., etc.. I count my blessing everyday for the 265.00 per week and I know something will come along but, looking for employment is not as easy as some people think. I can unstand someone not giving up unemployment for part time work and at the end of 2 weeks you don’t even bring home 265.00. Also, if I am not mistaken each state’s amount of unemployment is a different amount. I am in alabama and I think I am getting pretty close to the max amount you can get for alabama. Some states are way higher and some are a little less than 265.00. I do not see where the economy is recovering as the politicians states it is. I want an honest,decent paying job that will provide for my family and myself but until then I know that my faith in God lets me know he will take care us.
I am not going to argue with anyone. I over heard someone say ,he isnt going to take that teaching job because his unemployment benefit s are too good. Also, you cannot pass judgement on me either because my husband had a small business and lost it after 25 years of being in business for himself and then he was out of work for close to a year until recently. (and did not get 1 cent of unemployment or any other government benefits) I have kids that are in school also. I thank God for my job everyday! We have struggled. LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, 265.00 is better than nothing at all!!!!
I can agree with both sides, I understand how hard it is to find work on the other hand some people do abuse it, I had a guy come in a couple of weeks ago looking for a job we were going to put him to work driving a truck. He filled out an application, talked to the superintendent and his first question was is there a/c in the truck? He also stated he don’t do shovel work. This guy was in his 20’s. He was hired on the spot and never showed up for work the next morning. I don’t understand some people.
to kathy and the 8:43am bob, I don’t know who you think you two are but, I just hope and pray that the two of you never get laid off. How dare you sit back and pass judgement on unemployed people. I have worked since I was 17 years old and I am now 50 years old. I have never been fired from a job or laid off until about 10 months ago. I have been looking for work ever since then. the 265.00 unemployment benefits you think are so good does not even begin to compare with receiving a paycheck. There are still house payments, car payments, medical bills, groceries, kids in school that has to come out of the 265.00 per week that you think is sooo good. Not every unemployed person receives food stamps to help cover the cost of food. As far as seasonal work is concerned bob, if you pay these people under the table in cash as you hinted then you are guilty of helping these people ride the system and perhaps this helps you when filing your taxes. Plus, I can tell you that not all jobs posted anywhere will result in an unemployed person getting the position. Most likely, people will be moved around within a company to accomodate any new position and the company is just posting to make it look like they are hiring. So Bob, Kathy, until you have walked in an unemployed person’s shoes do not just assume anything because the government is helping people in these hard times. I don’t feel we need to constantly explain ourselves because we haven’t found a job yet and I have worked my whole life for anything I receive now.
Let’s see. You pay someone not to work and they choose not to work. Sounds pretty smart to me. We are currently at nationally, 16 months of unemployment over 9% and soon this streak will break a new all time record.
We need to remove the uncertainty & antagonism businesses feel from all the changes your government has throw at them. They can’t even begin to calculate what a new employee is going to cost them with increases in taxes and changes such as the Health Care Law coming head on. Small businesses hire over 50% of the work force and until they feel we have a business friendly climate they will not take a chance and hire new folks in any numbers. They are going to hunker down to protect themselves from the war declared on them. In 60 days folks need to pick a whole lot better leaders, that are going to move small business forward and not backward, otherwise we are going over the clift into depression.
Ive been unemployed for more than 99 weeks, and I have been looking work, and I have been doing everything that goverment has told me to do, I have also apllied for a seasonal work jobs, and have had no answer, I dont know about anyone else, but I dont want a hand out, all I want is a job, and as for the bob that posted at 8:43 this morning, I have sold my car and had to move back in with my parents until I find something, and no I dont do odd jobs and am not looking for job for cash. I want off unemployment, and Im looking for work. I dont want to be on the benefits anymore, but I need them to stay afloat, and pay bills. So if anybody like kathy or bob has a suggestion let me know.
unemployment doesnt last forever and its less than half your current salary, most people would end up losing cars and houses trying to live on unemployment.
The real issue is greed with business thats don’t care to provide any jobs, or cut back full time employees and make everyone part time to escape paying benefits.
That aside our area just has no work , we aren’t producing anything major
We need an ambitious project, with no hiring rules or minimum wage. Maybe highspeed rail in our area , even if someone isn’t competent enough to work pay them $4.00 an hour and let them pick up trash, stop the credit and background checks and let people just work doing what they can.
China does it, and they are doing well
I hate to keep whipping a dead horse but when unemployment benefits can be paid for 99 consecutive weeks there is no incentive to work. I am closely involved in a business that hires a number of seasonal workers each one that comes by will ask if I can pay in cash so these benefits won’t be interrupted. The unemployment is not nearly as high as indicated because a lot of these people are riding the system and have odd jobs that do not interfere with these benefits. By the way 275.00 a week is not bad money if two people in the family are drawing them. Most all employers do not deduct unemployment from the checks. I,m with Kathy they need to go to work.
Why work when unemployment benefits are as good as they are!!!!