Northview, Jay Take Top Spots In Cross Country Meet

September 22, 2010

Northview and Jay took the top spots in a cross country meet held Tuesday at Northview.

Here are the results from Tuesday’s meet:

Girls Overall

  1. Jay
  2. Baker
  3. Northview

Boys Overall

  1. Northview
  2. Jay
  3. Baker

Top 10 Girls

  1. Allison Blair -Jay 23:26
  2. Caristyn Golden -Jay 23:53
  3. Georgia Goetter -Northview 24:06
  4. Robin Blackman -Jay 24:18
  5. Jorja Agrait-Jay 26:06
  6. Sarah Killiam -Northview 26:52
  7. (unnamed runner) -Jay-27:35
  8. Cheyenne Brannon -Baker 27:50
  9. Sierra Brannon -Baker 29:40

Top 10 Boys

  1. James Whitehead -Jay 18:17
  2. Josh Scott -Northview 19:49
  3. Micah Kemp -Jay 20:41
  4. Dylan Scott -Baker20:55
  5. Dustin Lewis -Northview 22:17
  6. Chason Roley -Escambia Academy 22:53
  7. AJ Lambert -Northview 24:05
  8. Brandon Goins -Escambia Academy 24:12
  9. Patton Goetter 24:54
  10. Dillian Crutchfield -Northview 25:32 photos, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Northview, Jay Take Top Spots In Cross Country Meet”

  1. Angel on September 23rd, 2010 2:24 pm

    Great Job Chiefs/Chiefettes. You guys and girls are doing an awesome job! Keep it up.

    Angel Mitchell

  2. Papermaker on September 23rd, 2010 12:40 pm

    Hey Mat D. keep an eye on the Gunter runner! It’s in her blood, (Kevin Winingar is her uncle) and she has a couple grandparents (on the side of the road/trail) that are real serious about the sport. If Ashley continues to improve like she did this last meet, she too will be competing at the college level! Olympics? Imagine!
    I “planned” to be at this meet and missed a great meet for all the runners.

  3. chiefrunsalot on September 23rd, 2010 8:33 am

    Congrats NHS! glad to see all the hard work and mile-repeats paying off! See you guys at the 5K!

  4. Terri Sanders on September 22nd, 2010 8:52 pm

    Way to go Ashley!!! another personal best!!! I am so proud of you!!! Your running Nana!

  5. proud mom & dad on September 22nd, 2010 5:01 pm

    Way to go Northview.
    Excellent job Dustin!!