NHS Varsity, JV Beat PCA In Volleyball

September 8, 2010

The Northview Lady Chiefs beat Pensacola Christian Academy on the volleyball court Tuesday evening.

At the varsity level, the Lady Chiefs (2-1, 2-0) defeated PCA in four games — 26-24, 25-19, 25-16.

“Varsity did a great job of implementing a faster offense in tonight’s game against PCA. It is something that we are continuously working on putting into our program and I felt that we are going to get establish,” said Northview Head Coach Betty Heaton.

Northview varsity stats:

Shawn Montgomery – Kills-12, Aces-2, Blocks-15, Assists-4
Raylin Spence — Aces-3, Assists-6, Blocks-4
Sarah Killam — Assists-5, Aces -1, Assists-5 Blocks-3
Katie Wieborg – Block-1, Aces-5

In JV action, the Lady Chiefs beat PCA in a two-game match — 25-18, 25-19.

“I am very proud of the JV team for the way they worked hard on every play to get three touches. Every play you could see them focusing on getting a pass, set, and hit. They did a great job working together. We still need to work on communication on the court, but I believe that will come,” Heaton said.

Northview JV stats:

Alison Bardin — Digs-2, Aces-2
Paeton Hadley – Assists-1. Aces-1, Digs-1
Madison Arrington — Assists – 4, Aces – 2
Tiffani Pritchett – Kills-1, Digs-1

Pictured: File photos of Northview vs. Jay, submitted by Brenda McCall for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “NHS Varsity, JV Beat PCA In Volleyball”

  1. NHS parent on September 9th, 2010 9:26 am

    Way to go Northview!!!! Good job incorporating those “quicks” Varsity. Makes it even more fun to watch!

  2. Amanda on September 8th, 2010 8:32 am

    Great job, Shawna!! Way to go girls!