Molino Man Charged With Scott’s Pharmacy Robbery

September 23, 2010

A Molino man is now behind bars charged with the Monday robbery of Scott’s Pharmacy in Molino.

Joseph Daniel Flowers, 56, of 484 Molino Road, was booked into the Escambia County Jail just before noon Thursday. He is charged with robbery with a firearm, grand theft, possession of a firearm in pharmacy, and wearing a mask while committing a felony. All of the charges are felonies. Flowers bond was initially set at $60,000.

About 1:30 Monday afternoon, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Department believes Flowers robbed the pharmacy at Highway 29 and Molino Road at gunpoint while wearing boxer shorts on his head.

The bandit was described by witnesses as a white male in navy blue bathrobe, blue jeans, black house slippers, yellow kitchen-type gloves, and with boxer shorts on his head. He entered the store and announced that he was robbing the business. Employees said he was armed with a revolver that was wrapped in a plastic bag and pointed at a store employee as he demanded prescription narcotics. Flowers threatened to kill witnesses if the police responded, the report states.

Flowers, “No cops better pull up, because I will kill someone and I will not have a problem doing it either,”  a pharmacy employee told deputies.

Flowers fled the store with a large quantity of narcotics worth several thousand dollars in two plastic bags, according to the ECSO report. Deputies recovered an unknown number of pill bottles outside the store following the robbery. Investigators did not say how much of the stolen medication was recovered.

A store employee told deputies that she recognized the suspect as Flowers, a pharmacy customer, by his voice.

For a photo gallery from the pharmacy and the standoff on Molino Road, click here.

A witness told deputies that he saw the armed robber run from the store and enter his getaway vehicle.  A vehicle matching the exact description was located in Flower’s yard at 484 Molino Road near the U.S. Post Office.

A short time after the robbery, numerous deputies converged on the home. With weapons drawn, deputies ordered the occupants of the home to exit.  Flowers and a female complied and were temporarily detained, questioned and later released.

A third person, identified as a relative of Flowers, refused to exit the home. Deputies could be heard calling the man by name, ordering him step outside and threatening to send a K-9 into the home. After the standoff continued for about a half hour, the man exited the brick home and was detained. He was later released after being questioned by investigators.

Inside the home, deputies recovered a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver matching the description of the one given by store employees, according to the report.

Deputies took Flowers into custody Thursday morning shortly after a judge signed a warrant for his arrest.

Click here for an earlier story about the robbery. For a photo gallery from the scene, click here.

Pictured top: Joseph Daniel Flowers was temporarily detained by deputies Monday afternoon at a home at 484 Molino Road. Pictured top inset: Scott’s Pharmacy in Molino was robbed at gunpoint Monday afternoon. Picture inset: An Escambia County Sheriffs Deputy stands with her weapon drawn has she orders a man to exit the backdoor of a home on Molino Road. Pictured below: Deputies were involved in a brief standoff at a Molino Road home following the pharmacy robbery. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.


92 Responses to “Molino Man Charged With Scott’s Pharmacy Robbery”

  1. David Huie Green on September 26th, 2010 9:14 am

    “Where I come from, we just simply know how to spell, we learned it in HS, without spell check. ”

    They taught you how to spell in HIGH SCHOOL? Better late than never, I guess and it certainly must be nice to know the spellings and usages of all words. I keep coming across words I never met before, but then I went to Century High after Byrneville Elementary so you can see they had to leave out some of the words and definitions.

    David for perfect communication

  2. love to fish on September 25th, 2010 11:50 pm


    Somebody forgot to tell you that there is a difference between grammar & spelling. EXAMPLE: you said ‘To many of the people that the drugs are…’ It should be–”Too many of the people that the drugs are prescribed to blah blah blah blah” TOO not TO

  3. how funny on September 25th, 2010 11:17 pm


    The joke is on you. Of course, there was a ‘typo’ in my earlier post, ‘of’ instead of ‘or’ (anyone with experience on a keyboard, or typewriter, would understand that) but no grammar mistakes, or ‘grammer,’ as you might put it. I do feel ‘kinda’ sorry for you, since you have to rely on spell check so much. Where I come from, we just simply know how to spell, we learned it in HS, without spell check. If you would like, I will allow you to sit in on one of the free leesons for pre-ks that will be hosted this week. If that doesn’t work, I will tutor them myself.

  4. Fred on September 25th, 2010 10:28 pm

    Getting back to the problem of addiction to prescription drugs. To many of the people that the drugs are prescribed to don’t even take the drugs. Instead they sell the drugs to people that either use them or want to resale them for a higher profit. They are distributed to people of all ages and many become addicted to them. It’s getting to be a bigger problem almost weekly it seems. You would think with all the technology that we have that there would be a blood test that would verify the amount of drugs someone has taken that were prescribed to them. Something needs to be done.

  5. Fred on September 25th, 2010 9:42 pm

    You’re right ARE WE BORED, this form of the word capital should be spelled capital instead of capitol. Understand that we’re just joking around with the grammar thing because “how funny” accused everyone of bad grammar when he also had grammar mistakes in that post. I use spell check on my computer. If there is no such word there will be a red line under the word so you can correct it. The real truth is, If grammar mistakes were a crime, almost everyone that’s commented here would go to jail!!!!

  6. David Huie Green on September 25th, 2010 8:36 pm

    I picked up chestnuts today, but gave them away, so that probably doesn’t count either, does it?

  7. A. Davis on September 25th, 2010 8:23 pm

    just look its drugs the police are going to wait for the crimes to happen instead of trying to arrest these people whatever happened to undercover. does everyone really know everyone and why do people deal with this.

  8. ... on September 25th, 2010 8:18 pm


    They make these things called laptops and smartphones that allow people to access the internet from almost anywhere. I know it’s crazy, but you can have a job and check the news over the internet at the same time. BTW, if you really need a job, I heard that McDonalds is hiring in Pcola, if you can drive, or is that asking too much?

  9. DHG on September 25th, 2010 7:55 pm

    Mr. Green only knows how to pour concrete and post on leader in news for northern escambia county, fl.)

  10. David Huie Green on September 25th, 2010 5:32 pm

    it’s a burden. My mother married to move it from last place to middle

  11. ARE WE BORED? on September 25th, 2010 4:40 pm

    Mr. Green I could never be jealous of someone with such a terrible middle name.

  12. ARE WE BORED? on September 25th, 2010 4:34 pm

    I believe if I am not mistaken the correct spelling for “capitol” would be CAPITAL.
    WHAT DOES TYPING IN ALL “CAPITAL” letters have to do with “grammar”?

  13. David Huie Green on September 25th, 2010 4:11 pm

    try not to be jealous, it isn’t nice in anyone

  14. Fred on September 25th, 2010 3:57 pm

    All capitol letters is not very good grammar.

  15. ARE WE BORED? on September 25th, 2010 12:11 pm



  16. Fred on September 25th, 2010 8:13 am

    In response to: It’s a good thing stupidity is’nt a crime , or half you people would be locked up !!

    If you have been reading all the comments here then you should know that we have been working on either Grammer or Grammar (Grammar is the correct spelling) here. Most people with any kind of Grammar at all knows that if you short term two words together that you tag it where the letters are missing. It should have been isn’t instead of is’nt. This was STUPID.
    It’s a good thing stupidity isn’t a crime , or you would have been locked up!!!!!

  17. barrineau on September 24th, 2010 5:16 pm

    It’s a good thing stupidity is’nt a crime , or half you people would be locked up !!

  18. cb on September 24th, 2010 3:31 pm

    Yes God Bless ALL of Molino bc they def. need it that’s for sure. Especially, seeings how they have nothing to do except slander a man that they don’t even know. You people disgust me! All the grammar, sports, etc. ya’ll are def. in need of some help yourselves.

  19. ang on September 24th, 2010 2:53 pm

    I guess I should have said “not everyone” gets used to it.
    I am not coming back and commenting on this article anymore, it is just adding fuel to the fire. Im praying for everyones families. I feel horrible for the women at Scotts, I myself have used that pharmacy for quite a while. The women that work there are nothin but nice and it is terrible what happened. Danny has been arrested now can we let this rest, there is no reason for any of us to keep going back and forth. I am sure that there are alot more productive things we can all be doing on this lovely Friday afternoon than fighting. God bless all of Molino.

  20. David Huie Green on September 24th, 2010 1:46 pm

    “Is it also safe to say that you are being unfair to the entire family by judging him and some of his sons past? NOOONE EVER GETS “used” to being embarrassed. You really out to stop and think what if this were your son or brother or father… you are sitting there judging an entire family biased of the criminal history for two of its members. Just give them a break.”

    Yes, it’s safe to say it. It’s not true, but it’s safe.

    I haven’t judged him or his family. I don’t know if he did the sorry, scummy deed of which he is accused. I don’t know if he actually pointed a gun at girls and threatened to kill them unless they gave him dope.

    Since I don’t know, I haven’t judged the gentleman. The deed is another matter. I apologize if you think the deed shouldn’t be condemned; that might even explain a few things I had wondered. Please forgive me if I don’t back down in condemning the act of threatening the helpless.

    People DO get used to family members embarrassing them. Mine have graced the pages of this site several times; it’s about the only way I can keep up with some of them.

    True, they weren’t my sons, but then my sons have never been accused of threatening the lives of people just going about their lives minding their own business–although one WAS arrested for explaining what he would do to a man who was threatening his brother after attacking him. And yet, I don’t even feel embarrassed about that since they had been minding their own business at the time of the attacks.

    David for truth, justice and the American Way

  21. K&J on September 24th, 2010 1:27 pm

    For all of you people talking about JOSEPH DANIEL FLOWERS ll, he goes by JOEY. We have been together for over 5 1/2 years and we have the most beautiful little boy together. Our little boy is 3 1/2 years old, and as you can see if you look at his criminal history, Mr.Flowers has not been in any trouble since we found out we were expecting. Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s how you pick up the pieces that count, which i believe he has done a fine job at it. Mr. Flowers is a very successful man who takes excellent care of his family. So instead of putting him down you all should be congratulating him on the efforts he has made becoming a better man.

  22. David Huie Green on September 24th, 2010 1:17 pm

    “but I still think how funny should be perfect with his”

    Yep, when I get to be perfect (rather than practically perfect as we now see), I’m going to correct everybody else. In the mean time (what my father, who/whom I loved dearly always called “main time” ), I shall ignore 99.3% of the switches related to where, we’re, weir (okay, nobody’s used that one wrongly yet), me, myself, who/whom, will, well, we’ll, you’re, your, there, they’re, their, hear, here, its, it’s, who’s, whose, torques (maybe), no, know, new, knew, none, known, wouldn’t of versus wouldn’t've or even would not have, would of versus would’ve, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

    It’s all part of life and we’re creating and destroying the language as we go. Maybe the new one’ll be even gooder.

    David for perfect mental health
    at least for others if not quite myself

  23. interested reader on September 24th, 2010 12:54 pm

    So glad all at Scott’s are ok. I’m sure getting a gun pointed in your face was NOT in your job description. Thank the Lord no one was hurt. Hope they have the right person and the others involved.

  24. David Huie Green on September 24th, 2010 12:53 pm

    “It is spelled ‘grammar’ not ‘grammer’ ”

    Not always, it depends on the context. For example,

    “My Grammer can run the John Deere as well as My Gramper can.)

    David for proper context
    and camo underwear
    (boxer or briefs?)

  25. err on September 24th, 2010 12:48 pm

    I’m seriously going to pray for all you people, everyone should just let it go, the court will decide everything. There is no need to continue arguing over this matter. It is what it is, so everyone should just move on and find something else to talk about. Seriously, my prayers go out to all.

  26. Fred on September 24th, 2010 12:39 pm

    DHG, You’re right about the r and f being above and below each other on the keyboard, but I still think how funny should be perfect with his GRAMMAR enable to cut down us hard working old goat ropers in the manner that he did. If I run across a John Deere at a good price I’ll let you know. It’s very important to live up to the image that how funny has set for us.

  27. Doesn't Matter on September 24th, 2010 12:02 pm

    In response to William in Mr.Flowers past criminal history…also if everyone takes a closer look at the charges for Joseph Daniel Flowers II, he was only CONVICTED once and it was a victimless crime.

  28. ang on September 24th, 2010 11:49 am


    in response toy your last post- what does his son have to do with this case? Is it also safe to say that you are being unfair to the entire family by judging him and some of his sons past? NOOONE EVER GETS “used” to being embarrassed. You really out to stop and think what if this were your son or brother or father… you are sitting there judging an entire family baised of the criminal history for two of its members. Just give them a break. This is my sons family and he is a wonderful child. He will always wear his name proudly and people like you will not change that.

  29. David Huie Green on September 24th, 2010 11:10 am

    “Please refrain from posting comments about the “long criminal history” of the man in this story because it’s not this person.”

    True, of course, and doubtless all the charges were made up for all of them.

    Still, the question was one of embarrassment to the family caused by these false charges and since the other is also listed once as the same name followed by a II (as in two or Junior) and they often shared the same address, it just seems reasonable to assume they may be distantly related. Therefore, it would be reasonable to assume they were used to it by now.

    David whose family frequently makes these pages
    (also always on false charges, of course)

  30. how funny on September 24th, 2010 10:41 am


    It is spelled ‘grammar’ not ‘grammer’ although that is probably how you pronounce the word and if you will check your english books you will find that there are some acceptable instances in which you can start a sentence with the word ‘and.’ To be completely honest, I just posted my comment last night to stir it up a bit more, it is just so much fun.

  31. DAVID on September 24th, 2010 10:05 am


  32. 2 CENTS on September 24th, 2010 8:45 am

    I will be praying for this family. However, I also do believe anyone that can point a gun to someone face and tell them they will kill them. Has to be mental. PERIOD!!!

  33. barrineau on September 24th, 2010 8:06 am

    All the stones thrown are building up a wall. Do the crime do the time!

  34. Horrific on September 24th, 2010 7:57 am

    Also ANG.
    I’m not making him the butt of jokes on here!!!

    I’m not humiliating the family either!!! YOUR just mad at me because I want him put away where he can’t scare or hurt ppl anymore.

    It torks me off when I see comments like the girls just had a few
    moments when they were scared, and their all right anyway,

    Ever have a gun waved in YOUR FACE by a lunatic with shorts on his
    face and saying things like, “and the police better not pull up either
    or I’m going to kill somebody and I won’t have any trouble doing it

    Heck lady I wouldn’t sleep for a while after that one!
    I don’t think that is an insignificant statement.
    I take it very serious while someone actually has a gun and is
    in the commission of a crime.

    You just don’t want ppl to go to jail for what they do that’s all.

    Do the crime …. Do the TIME!

    No compassion for perpetrators!

  35. Horrific on September 24th, 2010 7:46 am

    Your wrong…. I do have compassion for his family….
    Thats why I want him locked up…..

    That will keep him from ever waving that gun at one of his grandchildren
    or one of our good townsppl again.

  36. William on September 24th, 2010 7:23 am

    To all trying to post about Mr. Flower’s past criminal record:

    In Escambia County, Mr. Flowers does have a 16-year old assault conviction for which he was sentenced to “time served”. And he has a few traffic tickets.

    It appears many people are searching his name at the court clerk’s website and seeing a long list of felony charges against Joseph Daniel Flowers. But if you will click on the cases, you will see they are against a man with that name born in 1979. The Joseph Daniel Flowers in this story is 56 years old — born in 1953.

    Please refrain from posting comments about the “long criminal history” of the man in this story because it’s not this person.

  37. David Huie Green on September 24th, 2010 7:10 am

    Yes, it should be “or” instead of “of” but it’s a natural mistake with the r and f keys above and below each other. It would be petty of (or?) us to point out the error, especially while our feelings are so hurt by:

    ” Small minded, small towners are funny. You guys should all shut your mouths, put on your camo overalls and John Deere hat and go back to work on the farm”

    Interesting to read where folks have such prejudiced attitudes in this enlightened age.

    David with hurt feelings
    over lack of a John Deere

  38. SMH on September 24th, 2010 3:29 am

    Fred- you are right about the law. However it is state prison not federal.

  39. Fred on September 24th, 2010 1:29 am

    how funny wrote: I couldn’t resist commenting on this. I’m not sure what I find funnier, the ‘boxer shorts bandit’ of the fact that you IDIOTS are arguing over it on this website. And then there are all of the grammar mistakes.

    Correct me if I’m wrong but shouldn’t this be “or the fact that you IDIOTS” instead of “of the fact that you IDIOTS”. Most surely this is not a grammar mistake from a big city scholar like you.

  40. JRES on September 24th, 2010 1:05 am

    in the police line up: ” Oh yeah thats him, the one with all the bama gear!! great disguise genius! you look just like the rest of the saban nation.

    he probly run out of money buying up that bama gear and could’nt afford the medication…

    how stupid is he? look at me look at me i love bama woooohooo. roll idiot roll !

  41. Fred on September 23rd, 2010 11:56 pm

    Oversight ask: How does Flowers serve 10 years in federal prison under Florida’s 10-20-life law?

    Someone correct me if I am wrong but it is to my understanding that the law is: 10 years if you use a handgun during a crime. 20 years if you fire the gun and life if you shoot someone.

  42. David Huie Green on September 23rd, 2010 11:30 pm

    “Christina if someone is harassing you over facebook don’t you think you would keep that in your personal business. ”

    So if someone is in any way threatening a woman, she should just shut up and endure it?


  43. ang on September 23rd, 2010 10:35 pm

    “how funny”
    You know its funny you are pointing out “grammer” mistakes, however you start a sentence with the word and. IF I am not mistaken that is not following pretty basic English rules. Maybe you should read over what you post on here and double check your own “basic English” before you go critiquing everyone elses.

  44. JNJ on September 23rd, 2010 9:56 pm

    First of all Horrific and Smallwood, how boring does your life have to be to sit here and keep writing the same thing over and over again, as for the rest of u take a moment and think what makes you any better then the person who did this. Every one on here is so quick to judge what he deserves did u ever take the time to judge yourself. You all say you would never and what type of person would do this, but think of it this way.. What would u do if u could get away with it? Further more there are rules to post things on here but so far all I see are post breaking the rules chosen. Every one is judging and sitting here belittling this man and his family. No one has any idea what was going through this persons head when it happened or how he felt, nor does any one have hard core proof that it is in fact this man they say it is. Facts are facts and until his charge is guilty, every one should keep their mouths shut. As far as public records go that people like to look up, there may be different charges against members of the Flowers family but how many say guilty next to them? What kind of people are you to sit here and talk about embarrassment and try to make people ashamed of their family or their name. No one should ever have to be made to feel this way, or talked about like they amount to nothing. Every one on here has a family member that is more than capable of the same thing if not worse. Not to mention, I’m sure none of you are saints yourselves. In school we are taught that if we tell a secret to one person and have it told to another by some one else around the room by the time it gets back to you its nothing close to what you started with. All any of you are doing is helping spread vicious lies and gossip, ruining some ones life, and hurting some ones family for something that some one hasn’t even been convicted for. Why doesn’t every one on here just worry about your own lives, and your own drama and stop blasting your opinions just to criticize some one else just to make you feel like a better person.

  45. how funny on September 23rd, 2010 9:50 pm

    I couldn’t resist commenting on this. I’m not sure what I find funnier, the ‘boxer shorts bandit’ of the fact that you IDIOTS are arguing over it on this website. And then there are all of the grammar mistakes. Is there not something better for you to be doing? Small minded, small towners are funny. You guys should all shut your mouths, put on your camo overalls and John Deere hat and go back to work on the farm.

  46. cb on September 23rd, 2010 8:42 pm

    They should definitely have the same compassion to the family this has effected as they do for the girls at Scotts. They had nothing to do with this. Christina if someone is harassing you over facebook don’t you think you would keep that in your personal business. This isn’t a pitty party for you. Someone harassing you personally should not even be thrown into this. Sorry, but that’s just how I feel. Everyone is glad that everyone at Scott’s Pharmacy is safe, and nothing happened to any of them. It does suck they had to endure the anxiety, being scared, and whatever feelings they had at the moment. Nobody should ever have to go through that. This family is just like the rest of us. They have a life to live, but I’m sure this is making it worse for them to cope. Some of you people need to think something like this could happen in your family or circle of friends anytime, anyday. Would you like to be treated the way they are and emabarrassed? Don’t pretend anyone in your family or you have never done wrong. One day it could be you and your family sitting here getting bashed for something you had nothing to do with. =)

  47. jc on September 23rd, 2010 7:43 pm

    he was not to sick to hold a gun he was not sick to go to drug store he was loseing it because he is a dope head he needed drugs he needs to go to jail

  48. Oversight on September 23rd, 2010 7:23 pm


    How does Flowers serve 10 years in federal prison under Florida’s 10-20-life law?

  49. Fred on September 23rd, 2010 6:46 pm

    Wow! yall really got a lot different opinions going on here. My opinion is that anyone that robs anybody, especially using a firearm is mentally ill. Florida law for committing a crime with a gun is 10-20-life. He didn’t fire the gun. This means he should have 10 years minimum in a federal prison to meditate and be treated for his mentally illness or addiction. He could have got help with his problem through a rehab program. Whats done is done. It’s to late now.

  50. David Huie Green on September 23rd, 2010 6:26 pm

    “He has children, grandchildren, THIS IS SAD FOR EVERYONE! Not just “your scotts girls”.”

    You should show equal compassion to those related to the man who pointed a gun and threatened to kill as to those he threatened to kill?

    Fascinating viewpoint.

    I understand it might be a bit embarrassing for people to know what he seems to have done, but all those other things he and JDF II have done are public record too. A simple way to avoid embarrassment is to stop doing such sorry things. After all that over the years, it just looks like the family would be beyond embarrassment by now.

    Maybe not.

    I don’t know, I’ve looked down the barrel of a gun–three guns, actually–and it’s easier to identify with the innocent than the one threatening them. But that’s just me.

    David hoping for perfect justice
    with REASONABLE mercy

  51. finally on September 23rd, 2010 6:20 pm

    Christina thank you for being the voice of reason! To claim mental illness is just sad and disrespectful to those who are actually mentally ill. The “wearing the underwear on his head and a bathrobe in the middle of the day” means hes ill? No it means hes doped up and thats why he went and robbed a pharmacy with a gun and threatened to kill somebody. To his family, Nobody has said anything disrespectful about you! The worst they’ve said is he should of had his butt kicked when a child. Get over it! He messed up and chose the wrong path. Now its time to pay the piper! (no pun intended) If i was his family and friends I would apologize to the workers that a loaded gun pointed at them and beg for their forgiveness! Oh and Bama Sucks! Take that football haters!

  52. FOOTBALL??? on September 23rd, 2010 5:26 pm

    WTH does football have to do with anything? Why are these ignorant comments even allowed on here?
    Just goes to show you the immaturity of so many people.

  53. David Huie Green on September 23rd, 2010 5:22 pm

    “Innocent untill proven guilty by a court of law.”

    While I fully support the concept, I am reminded of the tale where a man was acquitted of the crime for which he was accused.

    “Does that mean I can have my heroin back?”

    I’m sure it never happened but too good a tale not to tell.

    David for perfect justice
    and refunds

  54. ANG on September 23rd, 2010 5:05 pm


    You have NO compassion for anyone but for who is on your side of this. Having compassion for EVERYONE who lives in this town is also having compassion for his family! He has children, grandchildren, THIS IS SAD FOR EVERYONE! Not just “your scotts girls”.

  55. LOL on September 23rd, 2010 4:57 pm

    Small towner
    “pillheads are creeps”

    80% of Molino are “pillheads”. . . . or well junkies of some sorts.
    Maybe your living in the wrong town.

  56. ANG on September 23rd, 2010 4:54 pm

    a voice of reason-

    It is very nicce to see that someone in Molino knows what the heck they are talking about.

  57. IS IT POSSIBLE? on September 23rd, 2010 4:50 pm



  58. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 4:47 pm

    AND by the way….
    GOOD for THESE officers
    THEY got their man and DID THEIR JOB!


  59. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 4:46 pm

    I have compassion.

    I have compassion for the girls at the Molino Drug Store and everyone
    else who lives in this town that NEXT time it could be them that this
    guy is threatening to kill while waving around a gun.

  60. Bamcubz on September 23rd, 2010 4:38 pm

    After getting off the floor from falling off my chair in laughter all I could think of is “The Boxer Bandit”. Wonder how long it will take before its an episode on
    “Smoking Gun presents The World’s Dumbest Criminals”

  61. [_]\ (coffee) on September 23rd, 2010 4:32 pm

    and we must allow the ignorant the right to comment about football when it has NOTHING to do with this story

  62. A voice of reason . . . . on September 23rd, 2010 4:29 pm

    I hate to hear that the rumors may be true- I know this family, and I know that IF Danny did this then he was not in his right mind. He was acting out of desperation. You- -the public have know idea- there is more to this story then some junkie wanting to score some pills- to sell or whatever else people have been suggesting. Look at the circumstances-dressed in a bathrobe and slippers in the middle of the day-at his own local pharmacy-the circumstances alone are proof that he was not in a rational state of mind. Before you lump this man in the category as a druggie, have some compassion. What he did was wrong, but he needs help not prison!!

  63. JRES on September 23rd, 2010 4:04 pm

    Hey, look he’s a BAMA fan, probly needed some pain pills before the next big ball game….

  64. [_]\ (coffee) on September 23rd, 2010 4:02 pm

    :( This really saddens me :(
    Now the $1000000 dollar question……….
    WAS anyone else involved?
    Other family members?
    Druggie buddies?

    Does this man have a severe drug/pill addiction? it appears that he does!
    OR did he do it to supply OR sell the pills to other people?

  65. SMH on September 23rd, 2010 4:02 pm

    I DO NOT know this man so I cannot say weather he has a mental illness or not. However, he is “suspected” or commiting robbery with a firearm, which last time I checked was a very serious offense. It just saddens me to know that nowadays everytime someone doesnt something stupid, such is the case here, everyone wants to pull the mental illness card. I wouldn’t be that he was a drug user, could it? Also, last time I checked if you pull a firearm in the commision of a felony it is an automatic 10 years in prison. If found guilty hopefully that rule will apply.

  66. cb on September 23rd, 2010 3:57 pm

    Go Dale Go!!!! Wahoooo! This is about sports isn’t it??? you people are nutz .lol

  67. What a Joke on September 23rd, 2010 3:54 pm

    I totally agree with ANG and Glass Half Full. lol you people need to practice what you preach. Oh yeah, and small towners freak me out! bwhahaha

  68. xpeecee on September 23rd, 2010 3:53 pm


    A man with a gun, who threatens to kill someone during a robbery, is only a breath away from murder. I was referring to the bleeding heart liberal judges who set criminals free. Not a jury, just one judge. How sad…

  69. ANG on September 23rd, 2010 3:49 pm

    Do you know this man on a personal level?
    Do you know his mental history?
    IT IS NOT AN EXCUSE but it is certainly the ONLY reason that he would ever do anything like this. I lived with this man and his family for 5 years and I can tell you that IF he did this crime he was not in his normal state of mind. Him not having a prior record in ESCO is because he has not commited any crimes here, so on that note how else would you explain a 54 year old man committing such a horrible crime?? NOOOOO it couldnt be mental illness!

  70. mary on September 23rd, 2010 3:35 pm

    yes xpeecee they got him!!! He doesnt have a “record” in escambia county Fl. but he used a gun so hopefully that will keep him locked up for awhile. as for the people who say he has “mental” problems.. he had it together enough to “not” get busted on Monday..not an excuse..who doesnt have some sort of “issues” now a days?? Thkx Escambia county Finest..wish you hadnt waited though but you got him & thats what matters!!

  71. REALLY?? on September 23rd, 2010 3:20 pm

    “”"”Don’t worry. The judge will let him go – – – like he did with Jamal Lee. How sad…”"”
    how the heck can you compair A SECOND DEGREE MURGER CHARGE TO ROBBERY? That is ABSURD!

  72. Glass half full on September 23rd, 2010 3:04 pm

    HORRIFIC- Actually it just may be. How long did it take them to make an arrest?

  73. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 3:00 pm

    Glass half full

    That won’t be long……

  74. CDB on September 23rd, 2010 2:57 pm

    I totally agree with ANG. He will do the time for the crime he did. I know some of the people on here commenting and your comments are so freakn ridiculous. How about some of you, and you know who you are quit tipping up that bottle, and popping them pills bc your sitting her slandering this guy for some addiction when really some of you need to help yourselves first. One of you I know that commented the preivous stories need to quit tippin that bottle bc it’s not right either. Think before you speak. You may of known him in the 1960’s, but you have no idea what’s he is like these days. Let me see 1960″s??? Oh about 40-50 years ago give me a freakn break. To all you commenting about football get a life, job, or something obviously you guys are very bored with yourselves and your lives!

  75. xpeecee on September 23rd, 2010 2:48 pm

    Don’t worry. The judge will let him go – - – like he did with Jamal Lee. How sad…

  76. Glass half full on September 23rd, 2010 2:36 pm

    Innocent untill proven guilty by a court of law.

  77. ANG on September 23rd, 2010 2:27 pm

    My comment below was intended for BAMA54

  78. ANG on September 23rd, 2010 2:25 pm

    This is my childs grandfather and I can say that you saying “family traditions” is disrespectful to my CHILD. So maybe you should just stop talking all together. If he did do this crime than he does deserve to be punished for it, however slandering his familys name is not very adult of you. So maybe you should take some of your own advise and grow up.

  79. xpeecee on September 23rd, 2010 2:10 pm

    Mary – I told you they would get him. Good job, Law Enforcement!!!

  80. are u kidding me on September 23rd, 2010 2:07 pm

    ROLL TIDE. Wat team u go for has nothing to do with any of this you people are so stupid or mental as some say this man is. So grow up and don’t comment if your gonna sound so stupid. That’s why you don’t post ur real name huh

  81. xpeecee on September 23rd, 2010 2:07 pm

    I agree with Dave. Keep him off the streets. In my opinion, he does not deserve to live free in a civilized community. However, the judge will probably let him off with a slap on the wrist. How sad…

  82. David Huie Green on September 23rd, 2010 2:03 pm

    this was well written

  83. bama54 on September 23rd, 2010 1:43 pm

    Maybe I used the wrong word “bad”. Maybe the word should have been family tradition!! If I am not mistaken, his family had a history of bad behavior, and yes Danny did think he was bad because of the rough and rowdy ways of his family. He demonstrated it from grammar school until “I” graduate and move on and no longer kept up with the Atmore folks. Just this morning, reading the I realized it was one of my old class mates from years gone by and I thought to myself this guys has not changed. Call it what you will, he may need help, but that help should have started back in the 1960’s with a board accross his butt. Spare the rod, spoil the child.

  84. Name (required) on September 23rd, 2010 1:27 pm

    Once again…


    Seems like there were some folks on the earlier thread who may want to apologize…

  85. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 1:25 pm

    I’m with Dave and I don’t care if this individual is mentally ill.
    He had a gun and waved it in our girls’ faces and said he was
    willing to kill them.

    Enough Said!

    Take him to jail and keep him for the rest of his natural life!
    He can’t walk the streets with the rest of us, he has proven
    he is unfit one way or the other.


  86. Poor guy on September 23rd, 2010 1:00 pm

    Now we see why he had underwear on his head. He was to ashamed to wear the bama hat out in public! lololol

  87. Dave on September 23rd, 2010 12:59 pm

    Well the officers did their job. Now it”s time for the Judge to do his/her job.WHEN this suspect is found guilty, put him away for a long time. It can be jail or a drug treatment hospital,just keep him off the street. Unfortunaly, he will have to kill someone in order to get serious time. He already stated he would harm someone and not have a problem with it.

  88. ANG on September 23rd, 2010 12:54 pm

    Danny Flowers does not think he is “bad”. He is physically and mentally ill. There is no excuses for what he has done, however knowing this man on a very personal level I will be the first to stand up and say that he does have a mental illness and is EXTREEMLY DISABLED. …… FYI BAMA BOY… he is a HUGE BAMA FAN. What does that have to do with ANYTHING?

  89. Cynical on September 23rd, 2010 12:50 pm

    Demanding drugs in lieu of cash suggests an addiction problem rather than a cash flow problem or a social issue such as the lack of common sense that is typical of a criminal.

    Auburn fans don’t rob pharmacies. That’s too low brow. Auburn fans rob trains.


  90. smalltowner on September 23rd, 2010 12:48 pm

    Yeah, definitely part of his disguise! But seriously, hope this guy gets help! Pill heads are creeps!!!

  91. bama boy on September 23rd, 2010 12:37 pm

    For the record this is obvioulsly an Auburn Fan….He used a disguise to rob the pharmacy and he went as an Alabama fan…

  92. bama54 on September 23rd, 2010 12:37 pm

    I went to school with Danny in Atmore> He thought he was bad then, but he was just a blow heart. You would think he would have grown up by now, but some of us never do. Some things change, but some of us just stay the same, just a little older.
