Molino Homemakers Learn Basket Weaving

September 26, 2010

At a recent meeting, the Molino Homemakers had a demonstration on basket weaving by club member Carolyn Peterson.

Peterson learned how to make baskets 13 years ago and has been making them ever since.

She took round reed, cut it the length she would need, soaked it in a bucket of water, then started an over and under weave around a crisscross section. This method was continued until the bottom was made. The crisscross vines were then positioned in an upward angle. The over and under method was continued to make the sides. A separate weave was demonstrated to make the rim of the basket.

Peterson said the Creek Indians traditionally used honeysuckle vine for this type of basket.

The Molino Homemakers enjoy sharing ideas and skills passed down to them to assure its continuation into the next generation of homemakers. We never forget the knowledge and wisdom that sits amongst us each meeting. Visitors are welcome. The group meets at10 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month, excluding July, in the fellowship hall of Molino First Assembly of God Church.

Pictured: Molino Homemakers club member Carolyn Peterson demonstrates basket weaving at a recent club meeting. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


3 Responses to “Molino Homemakers Learn Basket Weaving”

  1. Horrific on September 29th, 2010 1:05 pm

    what an art!

    Very nice.

  2. Beverly Jolly on September 28th, 2010 9:39 pm

    I also learned to basket weave years ago at the Extension Center with Edwina Robertson. Were you in that group? But I have not kept it up.
    Good for you!!

  3. Penni on September 27th, 2010 8:24 am

    Wow…what a great job. They are very pretty!