Manhunt Sunday Night In Century

September 13, 2010

A manhunt for a  domestic violence suspect turned up empty Sunday night in Century.

(This story has been updated, click here.)

The suspect, age 30, fled on foot from domestic violence incident on Shady Lane near Stateline Road about 7:30. Deputies from the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office surrounded the area, while a K-9 unit from the Century Correctional Institution searched for the suspect. Officers from the Flomaton Police Department were on the lookout for the suspect in their city, less than one-tenth of mile away. The manhunt was  called off about 9:25 p.m.

According to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office, a female got into an argument with the suspect, her husband of nine months. The argument turned physical, with the suspect pushing her to the ground and attempting to drag her back inside their apartment. A witness approached the suspect with an ax handle and ordered him to leave the victim alone, according to the incident report.

When the suspect fled the area, it is believed he had taken the victim’s cell phone and had been calling friends and relatives asking for help to the get out of the area, the Sheriff’s Office report states.

The suspect was described as a white male, hazel eyes, 170 pounds, 5-foot 8-inches tall, with a bald or nearly bald head.  According to the Sheriff’s Office report, he will face charges of battery.

Anyone with information on the incident should call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9650 or their local police department.


34 Responses to “Manhunt Sunday Night In Century”

  1. William on September 15th, 2010 7:53 am

    This story has been updated:

  2. jess on September 14th, 2010 9:25 pm

    so does anyone know if this guy has bee caught yet??

  3. David Huie Green on September 14th, 2010 5:21 pm

    “I don’t think anyone should be able to comment unless you have been a victim of domestic violence ”

    So men should stay out of it? Judges, deputies, councilors should just shut up and ignore the claims? Or they should believe every one and simply do whatever the victims demand? Surely SOME discussion is warranted even by those of us with perfect spouses.

    David getting an education

  4. Horrific on September 14th, 2010 4:17 pm

    \ he knocked again and I did it again.

    Ok I’m done lol

  5. Horrific on September 14th, 2010 4:09 pm

    WOW sorry I should have proofed that it’s pretty unintelliagble.
    Someone had knocked at my door.

  6. brenda on September 14th, 2010 2:41 pm

    i don’t think anyone should be able to comment unless you have been a victim of domestic violence i myself have. i love the guy very much but i loved my life more so when it happen the 2nd time i packed my bags and left i had really no money or anything but i got myself out of there and now look at me I’m happily married to a wonderful man…just remember a woman is NOT a punching bag for anyone must less for a male..

  7. David Huie Green on September 14th, 2010 2:31 pm

    “This is a good subject for a man to stay out of because you will find 10 million women who will jump on you because you have never been in their shoes.”

    Typical women thinking only women are abused therefore men can’t talk about the subject. (NOW they can jump on me for my sexist statement about “typical women”.) I often take it to mean, “Leave me alone in my misery because I don’t want to improve my life, I just want to gripe about it. And you could never understand anyway because men are inherently stupid.”

    David feeling 20 million high heels
    stabbing my poor back
    but in comfortable shoes

  8. Horrific on September 14th, 2010 1:45 pm


    There are times when it’s both ppl’s fault and there are even times when it
    is the womans fault.

    This subject however runs very deep with experience for way way too many
    women who found themselves with a loser who put on a happy face and
    then mentally and physically put a hold on them that they couldn’t break
    until it almost killed them.

    This is a good subject for a man to stay out of because you will find 10 million
    women who will jump on you because you have never been in their shoes.
    Sometimes it takes years to break the chains and the nightmares then go
    on for many more and have repercussions that you as a man couldn’t not even

    I usually agree with almost everything you say, so stop while you still have
    some ground because on this one your out of your depth.

  9. William on September 14th, 2010 1:34 pm

    ok they posted the story & picture about the two brothers fighting & one brother got hit in the head w\can food BUT they will not post the name of the guy who BEAT his wife!!!! i think that is crazy..

    Read my comment below. The brother who allegedly hit his younger brother with a can of food was charged and arrested on two felony charges. The man in this story has not yet been charged with any crime.

  10. sherry on September 14th, 2010 1:30 pm

    ok they posted the story & picture about the two brothers fighting & one brother got hit in the head w\can food BUT they will not post the name of the guy who BEAT his wife!!!! i think that is crazy..

  11. just saying on September 14th, 2010 12:15 pm

    to ”just woundering” i know who they was it is a small town and everyone talks…so i dont know why they will not give the names out….i would post the name but i know they will not post my comment if i did say there names…i just hope she gets away from him & stays away and does not go back w\ him when he gets outta jail because most girls do just that and most of the time they wind up really hurt or even worse dead

  12. William on September 14th, 2010 9:13 am

    just woundering wrote:

    i was just wanting to know why did they not say his name?? you know the girlfriend he was beating on knew his name…if the media gave his name out who knowes he could already be in jail now…

    The man has *not* been charged with any crime *yet*. The information has been submitted to a judge to sign a warrant.

    We generally don’t identify persons that have not been charged with a crime because there’s always the chance the judge won’t sign the warrant. Unless the charges against the man are upgraded, he will only face a misdemeanor charge. We usually only report only felony arrests, but did this story only because there was a manhunt involved. Since we did this story, we will run his name and mugshot when he is arrested as a followup story.

    Running his name and even his picture at this point would serve no purpose. No one is going to arrest him if the judge has not signed a warrant yet. He’s not wanted for any crime (unless there’s some other warrant unrelated to this case).That’s the way our legal system works.

  13. just wondering on September 14th, 2010 9:11 am

    when r they going to give us a name.

  14. David Huie Green on September 13th, 2010 7:09 pm

    “apparently you have no problem with low self-esteem”

    “Oh yes, it’s hard to be humble when you’re perfect in every way,
    I can’t wait to look in the mirror, I get better lookin’ each day.”

    So it would be hard to have low self esteem. Now as to: “They feel it must be their fault somehow. Other factors such as fear and/or no money play a part also.” Yep, there’s always someone thinking there must be two sides to every story and that justifies staying in an abusive situation. My cousin’s wife didn’t see it that way, so she shot him through the liver–over some minor little thing. It didn’t kill him, of course, since we high self-esteem Greens are so tough, but he was much more polite and considerate when he overed it.

    I am aware abusive people like to alienate the abused from those who would help them but that doesn’t mean the abused have to allow it. I watched an abused husband justify his wife’s actions for years while she destroyed their children. Nothing legal I could do, nothing he chose to do.

    There’s excuses and there’s obstacles. Most of the obstacles are in the mind and no outside agency can free the mind. I suspect that is why some are saying, “Why bother? she’ll just bail him out tomorrow.” Are they right or are they wrong?

    David thinking everybody sleeps sometime

  15. kathy on September 13th, 2010 6:38 pm

    not girlfriend—-wife

  16. just woundering on September 13th, 2010 6:08 pm

    i was just wanting to know why did they not say his name?? you know the girlfriend he was beating on knew his name…if the media gave his name out who knowes he could already be in jail now…

  17. Considering on September 13th, 2010 5:58 pm

    DHG, apparently you have no problem with low self-esteem–which is why, in most cases, these women find in difficult to leave, or even ask for help. They feel it must be their fault somehow. Other factors such as fear and/or no money play a part also. I’m sure there are many more, but these are the ones with which I am familiar.

  18. kathy on September 13th, 2010 4:40 pm

    I have read all the comments on here. People feeling sorry for the victim or the one doing the abuse. But most people do not understand the situation and is not at all what it seems to appear.

  19. Thinker on September 13th, 2010 3:37 pm

    This kind of situation makes it even more clear to me why young people need to go out on their own, live alone, etc. before jumping into a relationship. Knowing in your gut that you can go it alone is ammunition against staying in a bad relationship. Human bonding is a strong thing. Bonding with one self for a few years gives you something to fall back on.

    Support is the key. There are places for women to go within a reasonable distance that I know about but won’t mention the names of here, for obvious reasons.

  20. george on September 13th, 2010 3:23 pm

    didnt think those apartments were for younger people with kids. thought it was elderly and disabled people.

  21. kathy on September 13th, 2010 1:48 pm

    know both of them…this is tit for children involved..she has a child but not the child is usually with his great aunt, granny or great granny.
    Both of them has problems..but as I can see its not one sided..its both

  22. ellenb on September 13th, 2010 1:28 pm

    Why don’t we know who it is by now?

  23. beenthere on September 13th, 2010 1:21 pm

    Thank you Horrific,you sound like someone who has been there,or knows someone.As a survivor of domestic abuse,i know how hard it can be to break away.This day and time there is help,BUT most often the victims are too scared,cut of from friends and family ,and because they been told that no one will believe them,that they are not worth anything,that they can’t survive without the abuser,they do nothing.If they do ,the abuser sweet talks them into changing their story,or threatens them.The mental abuse that comes along with the physical is just as bad.So before anyone judges this woman,educate yourself.Find out how these things happen and above all hold out a helping hand.
    I was also under the impression,that in florida once you file charges of domestic abuse you can’t drop them,that the State will charge the abuser anyways.Maybe i am miss informed on that though.

  24. David Huie Green on September 13th, 2010 1:06 pm

    “There are a lot of reasons why even if you want to leave you can’t.”

    Please tell us the reasons so we can understand better.

  25. Miss K on September 13th, 2010 12:09 pm

    First of all unless you have been in a spousal abuse situation you have no right to judge that woman. It is not as easy as everybody makes it to be, to get out of that situation. There are alot of reasons why even if you want to leave you can’t.

  26. David Huie Green on September 13th, 2010 10:32 am

    Even if so, it throws a kink in the works. Police can not and should not just go around charging people with crimes they did not witness. If the lady has charged and dropped charges in the past, you can say she is being a victim or you can say she is working the system in a strange way. Me not know.

    And, as people always point out, the charges may be bogus. I doubt it but that is just because I am distrusting of any man who might hit a woman no matter the provocation. That’s just the way I was raised.

    Some people raise their children to think of people as punching bags. One child speaking to my wife said, “Mr. Green sho’ is nice. I bet he don’t even beat you.” The idea that I might not beat my wife seemed like the height of goodness to her. I would consider it a bare minimum but absolutely necessary.

    But that’s just me.

  27. Horrific on September 13th, 2010 8:29 am

    Why isn’t she charge for …..

    I’ll tell you why!
    Because you don’t know anything about how these things come about.

    This is probably a woman who loved or loves her man.
    He beats her every time he gets in a snit or things aren’t his way.
    It starts out as one slap.
    Then the next morning he is sorry and sweet again.

    Then 3 months later he hit’s her hard and give’s her a little shove.
    The next morning he is sorry and sweet…..

    Then 7 months later he socks her right in the eye.
    Now he really hurts her and she calls the law.

    The next morning it doesn’t hurt anymore and he is on the phone
    saying how he loves her and he is going to stop and he is never
    going to hit her again.

    She loves this man, has loved him for a long time and she drops
    the charges.

    This problem is an escalating problem.
    It doesn’t start out as he beat her senseless the first time so she
    knows he is nuts.

    He has hid his violent temper for long enough that she fell in love
    and married the loser.
    Now she loves him even tho she sees he is not who she thought
    he is.
    MAYBE she also has children to think about, maybe not.
    But this is classic spousal abuse!

    AND this woman fits the criteria!

  28. William on September 13th, 2010 7:29 am

    >>well i guess they didnt catch him last night. or it would be on here

    As of 7:30 a.m., the man they were looking for last night is not in the jail.

  29. just wondering on September 13th, 2010 7:22 am

    well i guess they didnt catch him last night. or it would be on here . i love this site. it stays up on the latest news. i wonder if the girl regets calling the law after maybe she has had time to sleep her high or what ever she had off. u dont cry wolfe but just so many times. maybe she needs a cell of her own before she ruins some innocent lifes.

  30. sktmax on September 13th, 2010 12:05 am

    Like most of the media is honest and accurate just because they can hear the scanners. Police agencies across the country have went to these new systems, and their surrounding media outlets adjusted accordingly. Our “media” can do the same.

  31. just wondering on September 12th, 2010 11:00 pm

    why r they wasting time and money hunting this guy. she did this before and had him locked up and the next day went down and dropped charges on him. why isnt she locked up for dropping charges and wasting tax payers money and time.

  32. here we go on September 12th, 2010 10:58 pm

    Why would the officers waste their time looking for this man???/ his wife has already pressed charges 2 ms ago for the same thing… she must like getting her beatings ! she will drop charges by Monday morning !

  33. just saying on September 12th, 2010 10:53 pm

    i went threw town tonight and saw cop’s everywhere i was wanting to know what was going on…..thats why i love northescambia they have all the latest news….i sure hope they catch his crazy guy

  34. Brenda on September 12th, 2010 9:22 pm

    And THIS is why we NEED the media to be able to use the scanners!! When the information gets out quickly to everyone, then better results are made with potential captures of the bad guys. I remember William posting an article early one morning that helped capture the Molino Tom Thumb robbers. Keep up the good work William!!!