Lawmen Seek Help In 25 Year Old Missing North Escambia Woman Case

September 2, 2010

Twenty-five years after she was first reported missing, authorities still don’t know what happened to a North Escambia woman believed to be the victim of violence.

On the morning of Saturday, August 31, 1985,  Lucetta Pauley Starkie, 51, was reported missing by a sibling who explained that Starkie had been missing since about the beginning of July of that same year.

Starkie had been living with her husband of more than 25 years in the Bay Springs community near Walnut Hill at the last time she was seen. Starkie is believed to have been the victim of violence, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Lucetta Pauley Starkie was also known as “Lu” and “Lucy” to her friends and family, as well as Lucetta Mary Alice Starkie. Her whereabouts are still unknown.

Anyone with any information at all regarding what might have happened to Starkie, or anyone that was familiar with Starkie with the time frame leading up to August 31, 1985, is asked to contact the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Major Crimes Unit at (850) 436-9580 or Gulf Coast Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


24 Responses to “Lawmen Seek Help In 25 Year Old Missing North Escambia Woman Case”

  1. Michael Starkie on December 7th, 2018 5:09 pm

    Andrew was my grandfather…. please help me…

  2. Michael Starkie on December 7th, 2018 5:04 pm

    Hello my name is Michael Starkie. I’m desperatemy seeking information a out my missing family member. PLEASE HELP ME!!

  3. lola on September 7th, 2010 1:02 pm

    Around 1988-89 a doctor form Flomaton or Century (forgot his name.} Dissappeared in his airplane from Atmore airport one morning. the Dr. Was Srewart if I am correct I do believe he was found far from here and was living it up (this is just what I heard throught the grape vine, the vine maybe week)

    And the Shooting of the Flomaton Mayor’s secretary”s son by those Atmore cops?
    The cops were arrested and prisoned for some amount of time not sure. The son was left paralized. The cops are now out of prison and jail and living free and just paying restitution.

  4. Hannah on September 7th, 2010 1:01 am

    Around 1988-89 a doctor form Flomaton or Century (forgot his name.} Dissappeared in his airplane from Atmore airport one morning. Does anyone remember that and what ever became of it?
    And the Shooting of the Flomaton Mayor’s secretary”s son by those Atmore cops? I have lived away so long that I have been out of touch and not heard anything. And nothing on the McGee girl either? So Sad!

  5. me on September 5th, 2010 9:29 pm

    I was about 9 or 10 and I can remember hearing the elders in the surrounding area thinking it was the game warden. As a child you would hear of cops doing wrong and as a teenager you wittness those bad seeds and one sticks out in my mind cause so many think so fondly of him but back then he did wrong and who knows he may have changed later. As an adult I have witnessed cops lie and so many sing praises to them well guess what my bible tells me they will be held accountable so grin and brag now for I am at peace knowing u will have to pay for your wrongs. And the good ole boy system is still in the northend but slowly retiring THANK GOD so glad to see them GO!!!!!!!

  6. ashamed on September 3rd, 2010 7:31 pm

    I cannot believe the meaness of you people. No wonder this world is in the mess it’s in………enough said

  7. [_]\ on September 3rd, 2010 5:15 pm

    TERRI SANDERS comment should have NEVER been allowed to stay on here.
    Hope the family of this lady does not read Ms Sanders “Ignorant” comment that she so proudly posted. WOW!

  8. Terri Sanders on September 3rd, 2010 5:14 pm

    Sandra ,seems the statements I made affected you more than a little…wonder why? Starkie still has friends out there,and you may very well feel obligated to take up for him.

  9. K on September 3rd, 2010 12:20 pm

    I agree with Terri Sanders – Something smells fishy.

    Sounds like the only person who took a hike was the husband… Yeah, took a hike right out of town… Hmmmm….

  10. What?? on September 3rd, 2010 10:19 am

    What about the remark by Gerry Dumenkoffen “time for someone to go on a hike with Lu”? You don’t think that is insensitive or cruel?
    I hardly think Lu went on a hike. More like “dragged”.
    I did hear that on the afternoon of the day she disappeared her husband was parked in front of a gate going into LaFloresta and he was opening the gate. Lou was in the passenger side of the car with her head leaning back on the seat. Never was questioned or investigated. Heard the new driveway was dug up, but nothing found, of course not, she more than likely was never under the driveway. Husband left town sometime after that with his new woman. Moved far away….Not sure he is even alive….

  11. sandra on September 3rd, 2010 9:28 am

    Mrs Sanders, your observation is opinion and supposition. You dont know for a fact that her body was treated in the manner that you described. All you think is what you and your gossip buddies have manufactured. Your comments were rude, cold hearted and callous and in my opinion should not have been printed for the sake surviving families. I’m sorry if you are to uncaring to see that.

  12. Larry on September 3rd, 2010 8:20 am

    I have always believed that her husband GAME WARDEN Starkie himself did it and got away with it. Law enforcement needs to look at him a little more closeer unless he has since died. He always presented himself as a —hole when approaching hunters weather you were hunting leagally or not. He always seemed to be a sour puss. I believe he did it due to fact in La Floresta it was set up for walking only and hunters had to walk into those woods to hunt since you could not drive a vehicle into those woods. Only GAME WARDENS were allowed to drive on the property. Who else knows those woods better than a GAME WARDEN? GAME WARDENS in that area knows of areas way back into the forrest where hunters definitely would not venture due to being too far to walk and possibly drag a deer out of those woods. I believe that if it would have been anyone elses wife other than a GAME WARDEN the law would still be pursuing the crime. The LAW sticks up and LIES together to cover their own tracks and their own crimes. Most of the time the LAW is the criminal and gets away with it. Taht is just my take on all this. WARDEN STARKIE should have been kept under survellance until he messed up.

  13. Terri Sanders on September 3rd, 2010 7:16 am

    Why do you think Lucy’s family would be upset by my comments? You think they have a different take on her disapperance? I don’t think so. some of you were offended and sometimes brutal honesty can be offensive but that offence does not make the truth a lie..It was a botched investigation by the “good old boys” watching each others back.There are several peolpe nstill alive that know what happened to her,but none of tem is of the caliber to step forward and drop the dime. Good to seeJerri still around.long time no see.

  14. Atmore Girl on September 3rd, 2010 1:06 am

    And let us not forget about The McGhee case neither another one yet to be solved.

  15. interested on September 2nd, 2010 5:53 pm

    Sandra: Maybe Ms. Sanders could have used different choices of words, but she’s telling what is most likely the truth. Those of us that few up in that area and knew the family, etc., are probably not far off the truth on the surmises.

    I’ve always been mystified why law enforcement couldn’t find out more information. I would love nothing more than to see this mystery solved. I’m afraid my thoughts over the years have been greatly similar to Terri’s in that I feel Mrs. Starkie is deep in the woods, that certain family members knew like the back of their hand, and will probably never be found.

    I sincerely hope that those ‘not’ involved with her disappearance have found some peace over the years and I also sincerely hope those are “are/were” involved will be revealed and closure put to this case.

  16. curious on September 2nd, 2010 4:44 pm

    i lived in this neighborhood as a kid and remember this happening, but always wondered why the driveway was never dug up because the concrete was poured around the same time as her dissappearance.

  17. Gerry Dumenkoffen on September 2nd, 2010 3:05 pm

    I agree with Sandra. Post needs to be deleted. Time for someone to go on a hike with Lou

  18. me on September 2nd, 2010 3:00 pm

    You are right on the money Sandra. That comment made by Terri Sanders should have been deleted!!!!!!!

  19. hmmm? on September 2nd, 2010 2:42 pm

    sandra: Nice post Mrs. Sanders. I’m sure that the family appreciates your vivid and certainly gory accounting of her demise. A class act you are.

    You know, not all deaths are stories of dying in your sleep…sometimes terrible things happen…I’m sure that Terri Sanders did not post her comment to offend the family of this woman, but rather, trying, maybe to help force someone out of their guilt…that is, if they are still alive and reading this blog…

  20. Citizen X on September 2nd, 2010 1:57 pm

    I remember hearing that her husband was in law enforcement. As a game warden.

  21. Gerri on September 2nd, 2010 11:58 am

    I played the piano for Enon Baptist Church while I was in high school and remember Mrs. Starkie fondly. I would love to see this ‘disappearance’ solved’. She was a fine lady.

  22. sandra on September 2nd, 2010 11:56 am

    Nice post Mrs. Sanders. I’m sure that the family appreciates your vivid and certainly gory accounting of her demise. A class act you are.

  23. Terri Sanders on September 2nd, 2010 8:01 am

    Yes she WAS a victim of violence! She was killed,cut up and either fed to alligators in the swamp or put into the barrels that was used to put entrails at the check in point for hunters.Those of us from her church and neighborhood have a pretty good idea of what happened and who did it.In some ways this was a botched investigation by officials in charge.Rest in peace Lucy.We love and miss you.

  24. Lifetime Neighbor on September 2nd, 2010 6:51 am

    I grew up in the BaySprings Community, and remember her so well. This has always been a mystery. So many people have ask years and years later about her. She was a LOVELY woman, such a sad thing to leave a mystery.