Lawmakers Raise Stink Over New Septic Tank Inspection Requirements

September 24, 2010

Several lawmakers are raising a stink over a new law that requires septic tank inspections every five years in Florida.

Florida Senate Bill 550 requiring all septic tanks in the state to be evaluated by the Florida Department of Health every five years at the property owner’s expense will go into effect on January 1 unless action is taken to amend or repeal the bill. Passed into law on June 7, the environmental protection bill requires an evaluation of the septic tank and drainfields, along with an assessment of the system’s overall condition. Residents will be required to pay the cost of the evaluation and an inspection fee. Some tanks will also require a tank pump out, repairs or replacement.

Two Panhandle lawmakers, Sen. Durrell Peaden, R-Crestview, and Rep. Greg Evers, R-Baker, wrote Gov. Charlie Crist Thursday to say septic tank inspection requirement is too expensive in a tight economy and should be pushed back from January to July 2011 to allow lawmakers to revisit the matter next year. Earlier this summer, outgoing Senate Democratic Leader Al Lawson, D-Tallahassee, said the bill should be repealed altogether and has promised to keep hammering the state on the issue.

But Crist, who signed the measure in June, will not heed either suggestion.

Meanwhile, on the local level, the Santa Rosa County Commission passed a resolution in opposition to the state bill, and they are firing off a letter to the governor expressing their concerns.

“The Santa Rosa County Commission is opposed to this bill, as they feel it will impose excessive and unnecessary costs to Santa Rosa County residents with fully functional septic systems, particularly those on fixed incomes,” said Joy Tsubooka, public information officer for Santa Rosa County. There is already a law on the books in Santa Rosa County that requires a septic system to pass inspection whenever a property is sold or conveyed.

Besides monetary costs, Santa Rosa County is concerned that the law does not address the different soil types and geological differences across the state.

“The governor is not delaying implementation,” Crist spokesman Sterling Ivey said. “It was a Senate bill that passed both houses and he signed into law. He didn’t have any reservation about the bill when it reached his desk or he would have vetoed it.”

Backers of the springs protection bill say the requirements will cost much less than possible federal water regulations from the U.S. Environmental Protection agency. The EPA is currently considering limits on the amount of chemical pollution that would be allowed in state bodies of water, but backers argued they may consider letting Florida have more of a say in that – and not eventually try to police Florida septic tanks – if the state showed it was serious about protecting its water resources.

But Peaden and Evers said Thursday that said that less expensive was not good enough in a rocky economic time.

“In recent months…many individuals have contacted our offices regarding the adverse impacts to them both financially and physically as a result of the new septic system evaluation requirements,” they wrote to Crist. “Concerns have continued to grow as estimates from various counties on the cost of implementing the septic tank evaluation provisions have varied widely from a low of $180 to a high of $800. Since the law itself makes no mention of the actual cost of an evaluation, Floridians can be left to deal with unscrupulous individuals that can charge any fee they choose under the authority of the state,” the Evers and Peaden wrote.

The springs bill, SB 550, was backed by environmentalists, but heralded by sponsor Sen. Lee Constantine as a product of negotiations with various competing interests groups.

“When you get the home builders and the Sierra Club to agree” Constantine told the News Service last month, that’s consensus. “This was landmark legislation.”

But Peaden and Evers said that a review of the cost of complying with the bill by the Florida Department of Health as it considers rules for implementing the septic inspections shows that lawmakers should take another look at the requirement.

“This raises serious concerns that in a rush to pass legislation to protect Florida’s water resources, insufficient time was spent on how this law was going to financially affect Floridians,” they said. “Therefore, we request that you use executive authority granted to you under the Florida Constitution to direct the Department of Health to postpone the implementation of this legislation … allowing the Florida Legislature to more thoroughly investigate the financial impact to Floridians.”

The two lawmakers also asked Crist to direct the Department of Health conduct a fiscal analysis on the “full and actual costs of the implementation of such an evaluation program” before the new requirements go into effect January 1.


80 Responses to “Lawmakers Raise Stink Over New Septic Tank Inspection Requirements”

  1. Lawrence Rueff on September 1st, 2011 10:37 am

    Does anyone know how these inspections are supposed to reduce nitrogen going into the ground. Doesn’t all of the water and nitrogen always go into the ground through the drain field anyway?

  2. James on January 14th, 2011 11:26 am

    This is the most assenine law I have ever heard of, who ever thought of this should be arrested and locked up for life. I have 3 tanks on my property I am retired on social security and medicare, How in the world do you expect me
    and others like me to pay for this. I want an answer NOW!! Stupid!!

  3. Bill Higdon on December 2nd, 2010 5:51 pm

    It’s just another opportunity for us the consumer to be ripped off. How will we know if the work is needed or just a rouse for these contractors to get extra money out of us. It is sickening!

  4. Bryan on November 13th, 2010 8:27 pm

    This is a terrible law that is going to throw alot of people out of there homes.The plumbers union helped shove this down our throte.You have to pay 500 dolors JUST so they can come and inspect it.And if they find iny thing wrong with it wich you know there going to find somthing just so they can get more money.And if you cant afford the cost of repairs wich could be anywhere between 3000 and 9000 dollars they will fine you 500 DOLLARS A DAY!that 3500 a week i dont make that in 3 months!
    And then if i cant pay it i get kicked out of my home.I hope to god that they repeal this.
    And if they dont me and every one else of us simple hardworking blue colors workers are going to be in the poor house.

  5. Americanmom on October 21st, 2010 7:35 am

    Fl. SB550 according to the business office of the governor Charlie 850 488 4441 says this: If you can not pay the REQUIRED inspection fee $500? they will put a LIEN on your property. The goal of having every single septic system upgraded within the next 5 YEARS to a new electric septic system of $13000. and the big one NO MEDIA IS TALKING ABOUT, it they come to inspect and they decide your septic is not up to code THEY CAN PUT A CONDEMN ORDER ON YOUR HOME AND YOU WILL BE HOMELESS TILL YOU UPGRADE! here is the dirty little secret besides this no one is telling you. The EPA & environmental groups settlement about clean air and water HAS THE SAME GOALS OF SEPTICS and happens at the same time frame. So the Fed. EPA and Dept. of health are doing this action in several states not just Fl. Quietly from the health care bill. Guess what the Dept. of health in Fl. is in charge of who inspects!!!! Think it is all a great big coincidence? Think it can be stopped? CURRENTLY when the Fl. legislature reconvenes Rep. Colley will introduce HB61C to try and stop the inspection fees, this does not address the rest of the issues and does not happen till March. The bill goes into effect Jan. 1 2011. Sounds like the Admin. in Washington is in complete control of our water, and it will effect farming(FOOD) with the legislation all laid in place on a Fed. and State level but hey who needs to know the truth in Fl or America! Thanks so much media for being investigative journalists.

  6. Richard Gerace on October 14th, 2010 10:00 am

    They claim that the reason for this law, is to reduce the amount of nitrogen going into the ground, but they didn’t want to pass a law to regulate fertilizer. (sb564 ) wouldn’t want to loose donations from the chemical companies. It’s all about money.

  7. aldo boselli on October 11th, 2010 9:31 pm

    this is a perfect example of why we need to throw the republicans out ! as they find all kinds of ways to bleed the middle class and feather the beds of the wealthy, this is so bogus that it should have been made public as a consumer fraud or a a make work scheme for certain buisnesses, is this really for the peoples sake or for the bottom line, get out of town governor you are never going to washington except as a tourist, you are so out of touch with the little guy,

  8. Cynthia Lord on October 9th, 2010 9:06 pm

    I agree that this law creats undo burden on many folks who are struggling economically. There is another aspect to think about as well….think of the paperwork and additional cost to us as taxpayers to regulate this lovely piece of legislation. Government just keeps getting bigger and bigger with more laws stacking on top of each other.

  9. CTB on September 28th, 2010 10:13 am

    This reeks of the same type of legislation as the health care bill.

    Pass it quick no matter what the opposition is promising You Will Like it after you are stuck with it.

    We the people NEED the OPPORTUNITY to VOTE on this type of Legislation,
    Not the Money Grubbers in Charge who are suppose to be looking out for Us the Public’s better interest.

    When the Elected Officials do a sorry job and forget who they work for they need to go, we need accountability from Elected Officials.

    No multiple bill should be passed especially riders attached to bills. One Bill at a time with proven justification on how it is beneficial to the ones who are going to have to pay for it

  10. D. Sgusted on September 27th, 2010 10:53 pm

    Since the legislature is so concerned with the contents of everyones septic tank,
    perhaps septic owners should send some contents of their tanks to the ones who voted for this so they can inspect it personally.

  11. Dishearted on September 27th, 2010 5:57 pm

    To Jones: they will make you put in a system so they can check it.( dont confuse them, they will have to have medical treatment,at our cost of course)

  12. jones on September 27th, 2010 5:47 pm

    I like my out house, no running water here in my home… what are they going to do about us backwards folks…

  13. Ladybug on September 26th, 2010 5:17 pm

    Alot of us in the northend live on 5 acres or more so what right does the state have to come in and tell us to get and inspection . Most of us want to keep our
    systems in good condition anyway but it’s time for the state to help those who
    live in the subdividions to get a working sewer system instead of septic tanks.
    It’s time for Crist to make his exit. It’s time for the people to have more of a voice
    in the northwestern part of the state. We are not south Florida and I donot
    need a politician to inspect anything that takes more of our money to do it.

  14. EMD on September 26th, 2010 4:22 pm

    I am amazed by the endless methods the government can dream up to get MORE taxes. And who ARE the home builders and the Sierra Club, but some of the wealthiest of our citizens. Most people are in the middle and are ALWAYS the ones that take the hit. If we allow this to continue. There will only be the very poor and the very rich……………like in third world countries. Hasn’t that been the plan of the Federal Reserve and friends all along. Really!???

  15. David Huie Green on September 26th, 2010 3:16 pm

    “David, sounds like you want government to oversee everything, or maybe you just don’t like the fact that someone doesn’t have to pay for something that you might because you’re on city sewer. Oh and you probably believe all the science involved in trying to convince us all we should stop breathing in the name of Global Warming. Far be it for anyone to call into question (junk science)”

    How do you figure? When did Bluff Springs get city sewer? And why wasn’t I told? I already told you I had a nice hyacinth patch at the end of my field line before the boys left home and it dried up, no longer overwhelmed by the load.

    Did I request government oversee our tanks? I pointed out they generate much of what goes in them, but most don’t consider that praise. Maybe you do.

    Explain how this affects Global Warming. I could have used more of it last winter and less of it this summer. (Cold in winter, hot in summer, whodathunk?)

    David for the best man for President
    and the better man until I’m running

  16. bmr on September 26th, 2010 2:24 pm

    why do we have to pay for it if they make it a law, they the state need to pay for it wake up people take the gov. back

  17. jean kallman on September 26th, 2010 1:42 pm

    WHAT am I suppose to do? I’m 75 years old, live alone like some many others who live here .I can’t pay the state for their FORCED CHARGES they are trying to make me pay I can barely keep my head above water as it is. I have no place to move to. Is this Still America? What has happened to my freed, my right to choose? Every thing associated with this SO CALLED GOVERNMENT FOR THE PEOPLE ,taxes(name one)license, insurance,and evertthing else to do with this government and big business is taking away my right to live a decent life. Every year I get older,every years this GOVERNMENT AND BIG BUSINESS takes more from me and gives me nothing

  18. Total Recall on September 26th, 2010 1:01 pm

    David, sounds like you want goverment to oversee everything, or maybe you just don’t like the fact that someone doesn’t have to pay for something that you might because your on city sewer. Oh and you probably believe all the science involved in trying to convince us all we should stop breathing in the name of Global Warming. Far be it for anyone to call into question( junk science) Heck I bet you voted for Obama instead of your know it all self.

  19. Dishearted on September 26th, 2010 12:08 pm

    If you thing out side of the box, sewer goes to the ECUA plant they do their thing to the sewage,then its dryed and the stuff is turned to chips and sold, and used it goes right back in ground, so whats the big difference with septic tanks or ECUA type systems,probley not a lot..all I can say is PUTTING LIPSTICK ON A PIG STILL MAKES IT A PIG..I say tell the people that want to inspect NO, and to leave..

  20. Jack S. on September 26th, 2010 11:13 am

    Involuntary separation of a person from their money is called robbery. This program is robbery.

  21. Jim on September 26th, 2010 11:11 am

    What’s next? I suppose it will be illegal for bears to sit in the woods.

  22. David Huie Green on September 26th, 2010 9:05 am

    “David Huie, I certainly hope you are not tring to make every one think that you think that a papermill which contaminates from 3000 to 6000 gallons of water per minute is contaminating less of the water supply than rural or urban America.”

    Nope, I certainly don’t expect you to be affected by any scientific studies or anything else which disagrees with you. It doesn’t stop me from remembering them, though. I also remember the paper companies own many square miles of forest which filters and cleans water entering the aquifers, most likely far more than they use and once you shut them down and go to Chinese paper the trees on the land will likely be cut down and replaced with more people who you also believe never pollute, never spray chemicals, never do anything wrong.

    David with low expectations

  23. eyes in the Bushes on September 26th, 2010 8:00 am

    What about ppl that have City Sewer, what kind of inspection do they get and how much do they get charged ?, Just Thinking out loud

  24. nellie marks on September 25th, 2010 11:25 pm

    i think we have lost all our rights as to being free. now they want to inspect our waste and we pay for it. we work all our life for the american dream but it still costs to do this after you pay for everything. it is so depressing for us on fixed incomes that there is no way out. the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer. who cares, just someone who gets paid big money to do these things. is it time to find another country that you can say is free why keep making laws where no one can handle the pressure of money money and more money, which is the root of all evil. i just think this is gone way out of control when it has come down to you plumbing. what else will they think of? this is a very bad thought , but what does charlie care, will he help us that are poor and not getting paid to ruin our homes and privacy as we know it. it is all most of us have left is what we worked for and how it functions to our best abillities, does he want us to sigh our property over to the state so they can have what qwe worked for there is no such thing as owning anything this is a mith we were all told to work for and now look what they want controll of that. thanks freedom

  25. Total Recall on September 25th, 2010 10:52 pm

    David Huie, I certainly hope you are not tring to make every one think that you think that a papermill which contaminates from 3000 to 6000 gallons of water per minute is contaminating less of the water supply than rural or urban America. I challenge you to equate that to the average 1.6 gallons per flush that most comodes use, then let’s take into consideration they concentrate their disscharge whereas if you finally do get enough households together to try and start to figure a rebuttle up then you must also take into consideration that many homes would probably involve many hundreds of square miles of land to filter the water instead of just stirring it up and dumping it back into our rivers and aquafers

  26. Paul N Goodin on September 25th, 2010 9:55 pm

    I do not like this inspection either but do not blame Charlie, who is in charge of the house and senate in Florida, who may have taken a champaign donation to add this in the middle of the night, maybe like they did to get to change the rules about bring law suits against the tobacco company. Big money talks. Why don’t some of you that love this Marco Rubio, find out where he was sleeping when this crap bill was attached to a water bill. Is he one the BIG leaders over there in this town called Tallahassee, where they write these laws and try to convince us that it is the crap we need. Please put the blame where it belongs, Charlie did NOT write the bill. If you think your representative will not vote for something like this,if the money is right, then I would like to sell you my spare septic tank. BIG MONEY TALK’S!!!!!!

  27. downanout on September 25th, 2010 7:49 pm

    They don’t want to put a treatment plant in the north, so they can get money this way. I paid over five thousand dollar to have mine installed.

  28. Lyn Limpert on September 25th, 2010 4:35 pm

    I f you don’t like what the government is doing, we have a remedy for it: VOTE! Vote the people out of office if you don’t agree with them, and take time to email/write/phone your county commisioners, senators, representatives, and governor!!! If you aren’t willing to make your views known, don’t complain!

  29. David Huie Green on September 25th, 2010 4:07 pm

    “then why aren’t their inspectors out doing their jobs and shutting down the LARGEST water polluters in the area, namely the paper plants and BP!”

    Last I heard, individuals WERE the largest water polluters in the area. Each one individually contributes little but there are so many of us, we generate more water pollution than the paper mills and what is BP doing to our fresh water supply? Oh, you mean the blowout. Didn’t we get them to stop that?

    Paper mill has had a plan for cleaning up its water pollution for years but held up in protests and paper work (seems self perpetuating if you think of it, paper and paper work….never mind). Just waiting for okay to treat it or failing that to be shut down and all employees put out of work.

    David with thunder rumbling all day around me

  30. Dishearted on September 25th, 2010 2:55 pm

    I figure if we all say no it would cause them all kind of problems. any way if their are no problems why inspect it ,if the State wants to inspect it let the State pay for it .( Im just going to tell no ) you have to have it inspected any way when you buy or sell, or have a permit pulled if their is any problems..yhe State just needs a nother BUCKET of money to through away.on some of there crap…..

  31. A.W. THOMPSON on September 25th, 2010 2:00 pm

    This is the final nail in the coffin for Charlie two- tone tuna.I am one independant that will not be supporting him in the race for the senate seat.In tough economic times such as now the last thing the people need is an unneeded expense like this.The high price of living in Florida is on the verge of sending us crackers back to the Heart of Dixie. A.W. THOMPSON MOSQUITO FLATS, FLORIDA U.S.A.

  32. Carl Lewis on September 25th, 2010 11:40 am

    I agree. This bill is just another tax. If the state wants this kind of law on the books, let Crist pay the expense. Why should the people that supposedly represent us, not want to do what the people want. Repeal this law, it’s not a good one. Who’s gonna police the people that make the inspections. It’s like the old Car Inspections, if they say it’s broken, whether it is or not, just to make $$$$$ on the program, who is gonna dispute the findings.

  33. Just An Old Soldier on September 25th, 2010 10:53 am

    “But Crist, who signed the measure in June, will not heed either suggestion.”

    And this guy wants MY VOTE to represent me in the Senate? I already have a Senator that ignores me, Bill Nelson….why should I want two? This septic inspection bill needs to be repealed, or changed. We’re in an economic Depression and this is just another TAX.

    Rubio for Senate!

    He’s got my vote, because he’s willing to listen to his constituents.

  34. Nope on September 25th, 2010 10:37 am

    you can’t touch the paper mill, they won’t let you
    you can’t rouch BP either
    the only one’s they want touched here is you and your pocket
    better make those calls today

  35. Chumuckla proud on September 25th, 2010 9:36 am

    If it is the environment they are concerned about..mainly water pollution, then why aren’t their inspectors out doing their jobs and shutting down the LARGEST water polluters in the area, namely the paper plants and BP!!!

  36. barrineau on September 25th, 2010 8:24 am

    I have an idea , why dont the state come and check and see if my smoke detectors are in working order, or that my windows open properly, or heck, to see if i cleaned my air filtters.My point is, In my humble opinion this is utterly …dumb!!

  37. xpeecee on September 25th, 2010 7:41 am


    You are right on…

  38. xpeecee on September 25th, 2010 7:40 am

    Huie, you are a hoot!!! : )

  39. xpeecee on September 25th, 2010 7:39 am

    Does anyone know how we can find out who voted for this bill? I will NEVER Knowingly support anyone who voted for it, nor would I knowingly support anyone who will not work to repeal it… Socialist obama supporters, all! How disgusting.

  40. EMD on September 25th, 2010 1:16 am

    Methinks the oppressor never sleeps.

  41. just thinking on September 24th, 2010 8:20 pm

    Maybe we should just re-draw the state boundaries. Annex everything west of the Apalachicola River onto Alabama. Let the panhandle become “Lower Alabama”.

  42. bob hill on September 24th, 2010 7:30 pm

    Tme to buy a pump out truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. David Huie Green on September 24th, 2010 5:48 pm

    “I wonder if this an effort to do, on the state level, what they have done with Social Security. Tell the people that the money is going to be used for one thing, and then transfer the bulk of it to the general budget to make up for shortfalls ”

    If it works you use it until it doesn’t work.

    David for tried and true

  44. Dishearted on September 24th, 2010 5:08 pm

    Our Capital is sooooooo messed up, did you know that an elected official wins two terms which is 8 years they get full retirement( not bad for 8 years) so they dont have to care after 4 years because they are set. this goes for our Local County Comm as well.

  45. Gary Wagner on September 24th, 2010 3:57 pm

    If I was ever on the fence about Crist, there is no doubt now. Say Bye Bye

  46. Dishearted on September 24th, 2010 3:31 pm

    Hey Michelle: you can bet it will go to a select few (the ones the leaders can get kick backs from )(I know none of our Leaders would do something wrong like that)they say they dont break the laws….

  47. Michelle on September 24th, 2010 3:03 pm

    And who are the inspection accounts going to? Is the county putting their people in charge or bids from outside companies? I just see scammers coming out of the wood work to fleece us again!

    Septic tank owner shouldn’t have to pay the county because we pay out of pocket ourselves, we don’t call them for repairs. So we have no dealings with them. They just figured here is a group of people (owners) who are somewhow keeping money from them. We shouldn’t have to be charged to help pay for town sewage.
    And just out of curiousity where will these $500 a year per household be going? And what will we be getting out of it in return? Sorry mate, but you don’t get something for nothing, not in this lifetime!!

  48. anydaynow on September 24th, 2010 2:26 pm

    This 187 page bill ( ) is mostly about water management districts, and according to this March 2010 piece in the Orlando Sentinel, the provisions in the bill regarding septic tanks was added late in the writing of the bill. ( ) I haven’t read the whole bill yet, but the major concern is about water pollution. Now, I am all for clean water and you surely don’t want to drink tap water anywhere in Florida, but to be truly in the interest of the public this bill needs to be scrapped and a new one written without so many veiled interests being served. It needs to start with the big polluters, nitrate fertilizers, agricultural runoff, phosphate mining waste, municipal dumping, storm water runoff and all the many other large deposits of contaminants to the water sources. I see that the Home Builders Association is a big participant in this bill writing and you can bet they aren’t looking out for US, but for themselves. The Florida/Alabama/Georgia water war is coming to a head and I’m curious what sort of building permitting is going to be done in areas such and north central Florida that already doesn’t have enough water, much less enough for more people. I hear rumors that developers are wanting to build a community “twice the size of Miami” in Collier (?) county, and I want to know where they are going to get the water for those homes…I wonder, too, what it will do to home values statewide. If any of you get to a part in the bill that recommends care and use regulations for owners of septic systems ( septic safe toilet paper, detergents, and deposits) let me know. A neighbor of mine says she uses about 2 gallons of Clorox a month, yikes!, and you can bet her system is dead…cause she’s killed it.

  49. Dishearted on September 24th, 2010 1:44 pm

    To Bama54: now were talking ,lets get together as a group an do what ever it takes to get our Dist 5 and County back. being Mr.White isnt going to do for (HIS) people in Dist 5,so the people will.( sorry mr.white you need to gooooo. I used small letters for the Dist 5 leader, because he doesnt deserve capital letters)

  50. eab on September 24th, 2010 1:35 pm

    The Dodge Man said…….”One name you should remember. Marco Rubio !!!!! If we vote him in on november 2nd, this kinda crap ( no pun intended ) will stop. Crist is a liberal in conservative clothing. He supported the joke called obamacare and plenty of other things that will hurt the working men and women of florida. If you dont work, support your family or pay taxes then you should vote for Crist. If we don’t take a stand against the overspending…. give to the freeloaders also known as the democratic party, we will have to look at our kids in the future and say were sorry. Look at their record people, it speaks for itself. T.K.”……

    Guess what, Mr Dodge. The Florida legislature passed this bill. The legislature is dominated by Republicans. Check it out.

  51. george on September 24th, 2010 1:28 pm

    moved from alabama to florida several years ago. big mistake. i could drive to brewton pay property tax, get tags, get a gun license for 20 dollars, and be back before lunch and not break a hundred dollar bill. seems like someone is always trying to rip us off in florida. i’m taking a list of all incumbents and how they voted.

  52. Bama54 on September 24th, 2010 1:14 pm

    All things said it only one thing we can do, and that is to vote these individuals out of office. In my opinion no one should serve no more than 2 terms. Any thing more is not good for the citizens. We need to form our on little tea parties in the north end of the county and just say we are not going to take it any more. Dist 5 has never gotten its fair share of anything except taxes.

  53. David Clark on September 24th, 2010 1:14 pm

    I should clarity my earlier comment made at 12:19.

    One proposal for this system that I have heard about is that we would pay a monthly fee to the state. This would fund inspections, pumpouts, and any replacements. There would be (supposedly) no charge to the homeowner except for the monthly fee. If this proposal is the route that the state takes, then this would be a nice, guaranteed source of monthly income for the state. A source that, I think, would be too tempting for our lawmakers to pass up when the state budget comes up short.

    If this proposal is the route that they take, it will be interesting to see how much of the money is used for septic tank maintenance and inspection.

  54. interested reader on September 24th, 2010 12:50 pm

    Good bye Crist . You just sealed your loss on the governor and the senate jobs. Maybe you really didn’t want those jobs anyway. I know you didn’t do much for the people of Fl. Why should anyone think you could do a better job for Fl. in the senate. Hope you and wife and pals enjoyed all those nice vacations on our dime. Gee, guess that’s why we can’t afford vacations any more.

  55. Dishearted on September 24th, 2010 12:48 pm

    Isnt it amazing that ECUA and the state crap comes out at the same time. they wonder why people are leaving. we need to start doing something now, before its to late.(start with our useless County leaders,and start working up the line ) thats how I feel.if we all vote the useless leaders out of office it will help getting our State and local situation better..

  56. David Clark on September 24th, 2010 12:19 pm

    I wonder if this an effort to do, on the state level, what they have done with Social Security. Tell the people that the money is going to be used for one thing, and then transfer the bulk of it to the general budget to make up for shortfalls instead of making cuts in the state budget.

  57. S.L.B on September 24th, 2010 11:12 am

    Robb D. Blind says:
    O.K from what I see Evers voted NO and Nelson voted NO.
    Two Panhandle lawmakers, SEN. DURRELL PEADEN, R-Crestview, and Rep. Greg Evers, R-Baker, wrote Gov. Charlie Crist Thursday to say septic tank inspection requirement is too expensive in a tight economy and should be pushed back from January to July 2011 to allow lawmakers to revisit the matter next year.

    SLB says:
    Why would Sen.Durrell Peaden be writing the Governor about pushing it back so that lawmakers can revisit the matter next year, when he voted YES to allow it to happen in the first place? Sounds to me like he is strattling the fence and playing the taxpayers as fools.

  58. S.L.B on September 24th, 2010 10:56 am

    On a limited fixed income, trying to come up with the money the first of the year for property and fire taxes isnt hard enough, we have to figure where to come up with the money to purchase the over-charged little bittie sticker for our tags. Garbage rates fixing to go up by 30% and now this on top of everything else. No wonder people are going off of the deep end! I think that if they are able to squeeze every dime out of the homeowner until they cannot afford to come up with the dimes anymore, they figure that they can put a lien on your home and take that away and make some more money at your expense. Was born and raised in Florida and hate it with a passion now. I think it’s past time to re-locate and never own a home again….so much for the AMERICAN dream.

  59. Robb D Blind on September 24th, 2010 10:43 am

    If you don’t know who your representatives are go to this link below and the upper left side of the screen says Find Your Representative. Roll over it and you can put in your address and it will give you all of them. It also has their e-mail you can click on and send them your thoughts. (Keep it clean after all you probably voted them in and if you didn’t vote at all, then you cannot be mad at anyone but yourself)
    Oct 4, 2010 is the deadline to register

  60. David Huie Green on September 24th, 2010 10:35 am

    “If cut over it and if not a wet spots then, I feel real sure it is doing it job. ”

    whereas I just put hyacinths over the wet spot and had a beautiful place until my sons left home and the water bill dropped to a third and the wet spot went away.


  61. T.K. aka The DODGE MAN on September 24th, 2010 10:27 am

    One name you should remember. Marco Rubio !!!!! If we vote him in on november 2nd, this kinda crap ( no pun intended ) will stop. Crist is a liberal in conservative clothing. He supported the joke called obamacare and plenty of other things that will hurt the working men and women of florida. If you dont work, support your family or pay taxes then you should vote for Crist. If we don’t take a stand against the overspending…. give to the freeloaders also known as the democratic party, we will have to look at our kids in the future and say were sorry. Look at their record people, it speaks for itself. T.K.

  62. Robb D Blind on September 24th, 2010 10:04 am

    O.K from what I see Evers voted NO and Nelson voted NO.
    This one I will not vote for again.
    To all who say these are reasons to move from Florida, that is not going to help.
    This is happening where ever you go. We have to take a stand somewhere. Until we do we this is going to get worse. Between the money squeeze of the property tax, fire tax and rising insurance rates some where we have to stand together and say enough is enough. Take 10 minutes out of your day and e-mail these guys and either thank them for voting against it or ask them to explain why the voted for it and then tell them they might want to be considering other career options after the next election.

  63. Dishearted on September 24th, 2010 9:54 am

    As hard as it is our lacal and state are wanting every one to leave the state for some ungodly reason, but they are pushing (HARD),I for one have been looking. it will be rough ,but there are jobs that pay better than here. with out all the BS we have to deal with. …To the officials, when we are gone,so will you ,because the gravy train just ran out , (OH, I have been he for 51 years). Im not some youngster if you are thinking it….

  64. Bully on September 24th, 2010 9:41 am

    Vot’em all out! It’s time for citizen leadership, not career politicians.

  65. idunno/ dick tracy on September 24th, 2010 9:18 am

    Said it before…..Russia ain’t got crap compared to US on communism… What are these idiots thinking? About the time I’m finally impressed with Crist, down the ######## sewer he goes…….Fl life is really startin to suck!!!!!

  66. saywhat on September 24th, 2010 9:05 am

    This is absurd! Another good reason to move out of Florida….there are SO MANY! Thanks for the links, William!

  67. Robb D Blind on September 24th, 2010 8:49 am
    Check out this link on a article that claims the cost will be from $800 to $1400 per inspection. Where can we get a list of people who voted for this bill. I want to make sure I try to vote them out. And I see where other counties are opposing this but I don’t really see any opposition coming from escambia county. I guess they see it as a money maker. People we elected need to wake up and spend within the exsisting budget. This septic tank issue is just another way to take our money. Oh I forgot it is a stimulus bill to bail out the county and create jobs for more inspectors and the plumbing companies. Our fixed income people cannot afford this. Contact your representative (email or phone) and try to make a difference. If you don’t, in five years just write the check $$$$$$

  68. Bama54 on September 24th, 2010 8:28 am

    I inspect my tank every time I cut my grass!! If cut over it and if not a wet spots then, I feel real sure it is doing it job. Plus, no back-ups in the house is a really good sign it is working and doing its job. I just save myself $150 to $800. I don’t need someone to come out to my home and tell me I have a problem. I got pasted the first grade!!

  69. Janice Parker on September 24th, 2010 8:27 am

    Someone needs to twitter this situation as well as others that the state and county are doing to us and give them some good advertisement nation wide. People need to know what it’s like to have to live in the state of Florida. Our hands are tied. My mother is 92 and I’m 68. The property we have has been in our family over 100 yrs. My mother lives on less than $800 a mo. We’re stuck. I couldn’t move and I’ve wanted to get out of here especially since 2006.

  70. p on September 24th, 2010 8:13 am

    The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

  71. L.A. Redneck on September 24th, 2010 8:06 am

    ……..product of negotiations with various competing interests groups…..says it all …. Don’t worry about the voters, it really the interests groups that matter. They’re the ones that contribute to the politicians

  72. whodat on September 24th, 2010 7:59 am

    Crist doesn’t want to help the people of Florida, but he wants your vote to put him in the senate. I’m glad this came up before election time.

  73. William on September 24th, 2010 7:44 am

    Oversight wrote:

    It’s time to publish the roll call so we can see which law makers in the house and senate voted “yea” on this bill.

    Here is the House vote:

    Here is the final Senate vote:

  74. Just me.... on September 24th, 2010 7:29 am

    The one that will profit the most from this is the sewer system. If your system fails inspection, you will not be allowed to repair any part of system, if you have sewer access.
    When you have your inspection done and it fails, the state wants you to fix it. The state has not come up with a good way to police the enforcement yet. If you have had a permit for repair on your system in the last 5 years, you will be good untill it expires.
    I think that to start this kind of law, the state should make it your problem if you live near a body of water. The people living in the middle of the county with no creek or river near them are not going to have runoff into the water. If they are near the water, or flood zone, make sure their system is in good working order. Then the people that are affecting the DEP will be the ones that are having to deal with the DEP.

  75. barrineau on September 24th, 2010 7:25 am

    When did the power of the people to vote on stuff like this get taken out of our hands? If the majority of people vote yes on some thing like this I would gladly have my tank inspected every 5 years.I think that most of us know when our tanks have a problem, I had to pay over two hundred dollars 8 months ago for a guy to take 20 minutes to pump my tank.I’m in the wrong business.If it aint broke dont fix it.

  76. concerned on September 24th, 2010 6:43 am

    First car tag prices double. Now this!! I need a stimulus check to pay for all of these cost increases. 800 dollars that is more than most people make in a week. Thanks for literally taking my money and letting it go down the drain.

  77. molino jim on September 24th, 2010 6:23 am

    Forget Crist—ask how our state rep. voted on this when it came up. Easy to be upset after the law is signed. Where were they when it was voted on and HOW DID THEY VOTE.

  78. Oversight on September 24th, 2010 5:51 am

    It’s time to publish the roll call so we can see which law makers in the house and senate voted “yea” on this bill.

  79. SW on September 24th, 2010 5:21 am

    Now’s as good a time to leave Florida as any. Low employment, high taxes, and now this? Hurry and vote Charlie in as Senator, too.

    Lean on the legislature, folks.

  80. what on September 24th, 2010 5:19 am

    This is one of the reasons people are moving away nfrom Flordia. I had to haqve new field line several years ago. I had to have the guy out to tell mr where I could put them on 20 acres of land. the 2 little marker cost around 150 dollars way back then. Do you know many people that lost their homes i9n the last couple of storms had to dig up and put nrw tanks dowm with these being less than 30 years old, I could not believe this until I saw this 5,0000 more dollars these people had to put out and rebuild their homes.