Jantz Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography Possession, Distribution Charges

September 29, 2010

An Atmore man has pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his home computer.

Jonathan Mark Jantz, 38, of Highway 31, entered the plea in Mobile federal court immediately after a judge denied his request to throw out the evidence against him.

A Florida Department of Law Enforcement Cybercrimes Unit investigator located known child pornography on Jantz’s computer that was made available on a file sharing network using the program Limewire in 2005.

McMullen, according to court documents, located a child pornography video over three minutes in length on Jantz’s home computer by searching the file sharing network for the term “kiddy”. He also located six computer files that were cataloged as known child porn and 120 files that “were named with file names that would suggest the file contained images of child pornography,” according to federal court documents.

The case was turned over to the Alabama Bureau of Investigation, and a search warrant was executed at Jantz’s residence on February 1, 2006. “A forensic analysis of the digital evidence confirmed the presence of multiple images and videos of child pornography,” according to a court document.

The indictment against Jantz was returned by a federal grand jury on June 24, 2010, charging him with possession of child pornography and distribution of child pornography.

In a brief filed August 6, 2010, Jantz asserted that he believed the file sharing software was set to not allow access to the “shared” folder on his computer. His attorney argued that without a search warrant, law enforcement violated the Fourth Amendment that protects individuals against unreasonable search and seizure. Jantz also asserted that authorities were unable to prove that he had actually viewed the child pornography because his anti-virus software had accessed all files on his computer the morning of the search warrant and seizure.

Jantz also claimed that he had unknowingly downloaded any child porn on his computer.

“Mr. Jantz initially downloaded a large quantity of pornography with no intent to download child pornography. His interest was in adult pornography,” according to court documents filed by defense attorney Christopher Knight. “His possession of the alleged child pornography was incidental to his primary interest in collecting adult pornography.”

Jantz’s motion to dismiss the evidence against him was denied by Judge Callie Granade last week. He immediately entered a guilty plea on both counts against him. He is due to be sentenced on January 6, 2011.

He faces a mandatory minimum sentence of five years to a maximum sentence of life in prison.

Prior to sentencing, Jantz was ordered to avoid contact with minors without the direct supervision of a responsible adult and he is not allowed to possess any Internet capable devices. He was generally restricted to his residence from the hours of 7 p.m. until 7 a.m., except for his work.

On Wednesday, the court grant Jantz’s request to move to Walnut Hill.


40 Responses to “Jantz Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography Possession, Distribution Charges”

  1. A Customer on October 20th, 2010 7:16 pm

    Ive done business with Jon in the past. Very good guy honest and you always get what you pay for. Can anybody say abusing authority? These people need to go after the source not people unwittingly downloading the stuff. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Nothings been proven in my estimation only assumed. 5 years of wasted life is all its going to amount to. May everyone pointing fingers turn em back on themselves.

  2. friend the family on October 9th, 2010 8:10 am

    this is my thing its so true that u can put in anything on the computer an something so simple can come back CHILD PORN without even knowing how u did it …it has happen to me an im a MOTHER OF 2 girls an if i for a minute thot that this was the case i would think he needed to be hung but i DONT an i think that it was a honest unknowing mistake an it sad that his name an his family is being drugg throught the dirt for this……JON AN MONICA WE LOVE U AN WE WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT U…….MAY GOD SORT THIS OUT THE WAY IT NEEDS TO BE…..

  3. Sympathetic on October 4th, 2010 3:15 pm

    I hate to say it but the next is cast too wide sometimes. People that really havent done anything keep getting swept up into it to catch the big fish. If he’s really innocent i feel for him.

  4. friend on October 4th, 2010 9:28 am

    Jon, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers! hang in there….

  5. To Help You Understand... on October 1st, 2010 12:31 pm

    In answer to SW’s comment (fourth one down), anyone who doesn’t know Jonathan may have trouble understanding the difference in the tone of the comments on these three cases, not that I am judging the guilt or innocence of the others by saying that. However, anyone who REALLY knows Jon, his personality, his values and his character, will not have any problem realizing why he has so many good and loyal supporters who believe in him.

  6. This Case makes no sense what so ever.... on October 1st, 2010 10:48 am

    American Has Become A Land Of Woeful Injustice…
    Today’s court has it’s limitations, judges now have limitations and guidelines to follow without looking at the “real” person involved, in this case the person being Jonathan Jantz. They begin to create a monster, an example. Who in this country & community is going to stand up for Jon and help his wife, his family and friends and tell this court that Jon was never a “monster” and WILL never be a “monster.” This has already been proven over and over, anybody that knows Jon knows his character. All his evaluations came back “perfect” Limewire is of the devil and did devilish things to his computer. Jon is in court under a very unlawful unethical charge. Come on people this was like 5 years ago. He was not involved in illegal “stuff.” This is a case that makes NO SENSE what so ever. You just take a very honest law abiding citizen off the streets and make him a criminal, and put him away for 5 years….. Something is seriously WRONG here. He has a lovely wife that needs her husband at home, very honest upright families and friends that need him. I have known Jonathan for most of his life and would testify in his behalf. This man is NOT what the court says he is. We need a miracle here. We need EVERYONE to pray for a miracle. God knows everything and can do wonderful things if we call on his name. It seems if this community truly CARES and wants to HELP they need to PRAY and maybe contact Jon, his family to see what all can be done to help this unjust case. It is NEVER to late….Are you willing ? ? ? ?

  7. The new lime disease on October 1st, 2010 8:20 am

    Here is just one example where someone downloaded music with limewire and got child pornography instead. Copy and paste this link into your browser to read the article. This is a growing problem and the wrong people are getting punished.


  8. David Huie Green on October 1st, 2010 7:09 am

    “C’mon folks, be consistent.”

    Is it the same people castigating and defending the assorted people? Some always defend but don’t defend all. Some always condemn but don’t condemn all.

    And then there’s the “the worst sins are those of which I am not guilty” idea. In some places people can imagine people semi-innocently getting into a problem with the law because they’ve been close a time or two themselves but haven’t done the other things which would get them in trouble because they understand THOSE things are bad.

    Some seem to have downloaded things they didn’t intend and can imagine others doing the same, to have dated people who misrepresented themselves and can imagine people doing the same, may have thrown out dogs and can imagine people doing the same.

    Me not know, but can imagine that may be the case.

    David for “foolish consistency,
    the hobgoblin of small minds”

  9. SW on September 30th, 2010 9:56 pm

    I don’t understand.

    This guy pleads guilty to possession of child pornography on his computer after the judge didn’t throw out the evidence against him. His defense was while he was downloading regular pornography the child pornography got put on his computer by mistake.

    Many come to his defense.

    A volunteer fireman is accused of inappropriate things with an underage girl and gets crucified by bloggers.

    A former radio personality gets convicted of child sex and gets mangled with opinions against him.

    C’mon folks, be consistent.

  10. David Huie Green on September 30th, 2010 5:37 pm

    “The biggest problem I have is with the “mandatory minimum.” Congress has taken away the Judge’s ability to judge in these cases”

    Some years back Congress studied the sentencing of people convicted of crimes. They noticed that with the exact same set of circumstances one judge would give a warning and another judge would give life in prison.

    That struck them as unfair as well as hinting at prejudice and/or bribe taking. (It struck me as an incentive to avoid the danger of getting a Hanging Judge by staying out of trouble in the first place. But that‘s just me.) Thus, they decided to set up guide lines suggesting minimum and maximum sentences for assorted crimes with weight to mitigating and extenuating circumstances. They could go outside the guidelines but had to explain why. Judges are good at talking, so that shouldn’t have been a problem other than the blow to their professional pride.

    Some judges were unhappy with the decision of Congress, some because it stepped on their co-equal status as one of the three branches of government, some because it cut down on their money making opportunities.

    Still, Congress has its pride too and they are empowered to make laws and set punishments for violations. (Plus it gives them a chance to get bribes from lobbyists wanting the laws to go their way.)

    David for perfect justice
    while using imperfect people
    to judge imperfect people

  11. Really? on September 30th, 2010 10:28 am

    There is no statute of limitations for child porn. The “Protect” law of 2003 eliminated the statute of limitations. Therefore, this arrest could have happened anytime. The biggest problem I have is with the “mandatory minimum.” Congress has taken away the Judge’s ability to judge in these cases. These cases are not all the same but Judges *have* to treat them all the same.

  12. Horiffic on September 30th, 2010 10:16 am

    I had porno pop up years ago when I just googled an old friends name from
    high school to see where she was and if I could connect.
    I was shocked what all popped up.

    This could happen to anyone I’m afraid.
    There are way too many variables on this contraption.

  13. Lyall on September 29th, 2010 7:51 pm

    I have know Jon for a long time. I know alot of people. I have few friends. Jon is my friend. I would trust Jon with my two year baby girl. Ever bit her daddys pride.

    What bothers me is that this is America. We are supposed to be the smartest nation on earth. But this is what we get. This judge and DA are the people we thought it would be a good idea to represent us. Really, that’s the best we can do? Please pray for our nation, for we are doomed.

    I wonder if their computers have google? Maybe if they would look into the case instead of trying to close one because time is almost up.

    Instead let’s put the guy in jail because he does not have enuf money to prove how messed up our system is, he has to make a deal. Way to go America. I’m so proud.

    You know what would be funny? If kiddy porn showed up on their computer?

    Now where did my black hat go, this white one just don’t fit right anymore….

  14. Mcleod Miss on September 29th, 2010 7:32 pm

    We are pulling for you Jon. Don’t let the negative comments get you down.

  15. mom on September 29th, 2010 6:05 pm

    No more lime wire for me also can you put a block on your computer to keep your children from puting lime wire on it. children has did this before to down load songs

  16. Your friend on September 29th, 2010 5:37 pm

    Yantz, the ppl that matter to you know the truth. Everybody Take some lessons on downloading. This can and does happen to everybody, and you just don’t know it. As good as Jon is with computers would he have that out in the open if he ment to have it? The judge is stupid. Educate yourself before you ruin somebodies life. It’s not Jons fault that the judge does not know how p2p works.

    Yantz, if you need me, you know were I’m at.

  17. Firepoker on September 29th, 2010 5:05 pm

    What I don’t get is the heavy minimum mandatory sentence… Wassup with dat? There’s been a couple articles on here lately…. the teacher dude in Brewton, Larry Tindell….. he had given DRUGS TO STUDENTS, had child porn on his computer, all kinds of things… he gets like 3 years. The other guy, Paul Black a few weeks back, he had a whole bunch of this stuff on his computer, CD’s full etc. plus admitted he had been searching for it online…. he gets 30 months.

    But this poor dude is looking at 5 years minimum to life cuz he had a few files in his Limewire folder and he claims he didn’t even want them there. The system seems like it is seriously messed up…. Jest sayin///

  18. family friend on September 29th, 2010 4:51 pm

    “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
    Luke 6:37

    Please everyone remember this verse as you post your negative comments about this matter.

  19. saywhat on September 29th, 2010 3:24 pm

    What a shame if he really is innocent. I don’t get the “distribution” part of the charge. Just goes to show you that if you are downloading adult porn, the same thing could unknowingly happen to you. Seems better to stay away from any kind of that trash all together.

  20. Insanity on September 29th, 2010 2:16 pm

    This situation just makes me sick. I know and appreciate Jon very much. It looks to me like there is some stupid law enforcement agent or agents just wanting to be a hotshot and make an easy case. I know Jon did not intentionally do this. I feel it is undeserved for Jon to have to go through this. Like someone else said, why dont the law spent their time arresting the real criminals. But no this is an easy case to say that a person is guilty. This country is truly messed up. I stand behind you Jon. I pray that all our prayers will somehow make a difference.

  21. AtmoreChick on September 29th, 2010 12:28 pm

    Jon is a customer of mine and he seems like a really great guy. I know he has a wonderful family also. I believe that he did not mean to download this on his computer. I dont trust LIMEWIRE a bit. He has a beautiful wife and would never do anything like this. I have NO FAITH in the justice system. Good luck Jonathan !!! I am behind you 100 %.

  22. nudo on September 29th, 2010 12:19 pm

    Ok well I read wrong then about the search. Its worded a little confusingly.

  23. Resident on September 29th, 2010 11:58 am

    nudo wrote: Maybe some of you missed the report where they said he typed in “kiddy” and did a search. Never heard of that song or artist.

    The cop did the searching “McMullen, according to court documents, located a child pornography video over three minutes in length on Jantz’s home computer by searching the file sharing network for the term “kiddy”.” Jon did not search for kiddy.

    Ever wonder about the cops doing this stuff?

  24. What?? on September 29th, 2010 11:55 am

    I don’t know this person and do not judge. I can say that I have never looked up porn on my computer, but at times it has gotten downloaded through YouTube or other sources via viruses. It is very frightening. I would feel very sorry for a person that I know also, that would never look up porn on his/her computer, but has a son that was addicted (grew out of it thankfully). I can’t even imagine what the outcome would be in his/her situation if something like this came about. It makes me want to stay off computers forever. Sadly, most everything has to be done by computer anymore, job searches, etc.

  25. nudo on September 29th, 2010 11:54 am

    Maybe some of you missed the report where they said he typed in “kiddy” and did a search. Never heard of that song or artist.

  26. Really? on September 29th, 2010 10:41 am

    The reason he didn’t go to trial is because of people like Atmore res and Chumuckla proud above. Most people do not believe in innocent until proven guilty here in Alabama. You’re guilty when you are arrested – case closed. If he took it to trial which is what he probably thought should happen, when (not if) a jury of his peers (yeah, right) found him guity, his punishment would have been far worse than just pleading guilty at the outset. A result from the trial would have been much harder on his family, friends, co-workers and his health. It was probably an impossible decision for him but yeah, our justice system is dependent on the lowest common denominator – whomever gets picked for jury duty that week. So,instead of having a fair chance of proving his case at trial, the taxpayers get to provide a jail cell, meals and medical care to him for years insead of him paying taxes and providing for his family. Good job!

  27. Bad Situation on September 29th, 2010 9:55 am

    I have known Jon for years also. He told me about this situation a long time ago. Recently I spoke to him about it and he said he had not heard a word from anyone about it since they showed up and seized his computer. He had never been arrested for it or even been further questioned… no restrictions on travel or anything. He got married and went on with his life. It’s really strange that all of a sudden almost 5 years later they’re saying he’s such a bad guy they think he needs to be locked up…

    I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jon is a good person, and would never in a hundred years harm anyone. He told me he really regretted and felt bad about downloading ADULT porn, and felt horrible that there were illegal files mixed in…

    I’ve done a little research on Limewire by googling “Unwanted Files downloaded on limewire” and found there are literally thousands of cases of this happening… Limewire should be outlawed.

    He also told me his lawyer said that these cases do not get a fair trial…. all they do is show the files to the jury and the jury gets so mad they convict no matter what the circumstances… there’s like higher than a 99% conviction rate on these cases. You better hope you never get anything like this on your computer because there is no defense, no matter how it got there.

  28. Cantbelieve on September 29th, 2010 8:59 am

    This is crazy, People get things downloaded unwanted all the time from these kind of web sites, This is a good man and would never do any harm to anyone and I truly believe this was a mistake. I have known Jon for a long time and know he would not in the least be interested in child porn! It is sad to be forced to plead guilty for something you didn’t do, especially a man like Jon! Come on and wake up people, go after the “real” bad guys!

  29. guru on September 29th, 2010 8:52 am

    Ok so 5 years ago and agent found 1/2 of an illegal file. 30 days before statute of limitations is up they decide to go to trial. No contact prior. People 5 years. The agent knows the truth about this case, he sees them all of the time he knows the difference, but he has quotas to fill and like an officer told me one time, “it is easier to charge the innocent than the guilty in court” Our judicial system is messed up. A man in Brewton Alabama has personal child porn videos, pics etc. He also molested 2 girls (i beleive grandchildren) He only got probation. No registered sex offender and no prison. This crap didn’t come from limewire either. Some was his own material he made. Oh yeah, its not right or wrong its who you know….

  30. TBO on September 29th, 2010 8:27 am

    I wonder what Atmore res is doing on the computer at 1:19 AM??(See how easy it is to judge)

  31. bugs bunny on September 29th, 2010 8:19 am

    Nothing as been mentioned about the pursuit of the person who created the file and put it up for download. And shouldn’t the web site have a moderator to view all files that are posted before they are made available for download. It seems to me that the real criminals are getting away with this and one man is taking the wrap for them. I think his lawyer should appeal the ruling and ask for new trial with a different judge. If this had been 1 file with a name that signified underage porn it would be different.

  32. Partyride on September 29th, 2010 8:16 am

    I use to use Limewire up until last year, but I don’t anymore because of files being downloaded I never authorized. What I think would be hilarious is if the Judge who are as stupid as this one is as to how things work with file sharing programs like Limewire would get hacked and installed on his computer. Then have his computer searched and bingo, one automatic guilty Judge. A lot of Viruses and Trojans out there can also cause things like this. Now you know why we have Antivirus, Anit-spam, Anti-ad aware programs is to try to help STOP these things from getting on your computers. Oh, and guess what, THEY DO NOT WORK 100%. If I had to guess based on my experience with arrestees, I would say this guy took a plea out just to get it over with because of the major stress that this can cause a person. Here is another thought, how do you know he was the only one who had access to his computer? Several people use mine…. Should I take the rap for one of them just because it is my computer?

  33. worried resident on September 29th, 2010 8:16 am

    He pled guilty! That says it all.

  34. bmr on September 29th, 2010 8:01 am

    If you do not know this man personaly do not judge. A wise man once said do not judge a man until you have walked in his shoes.

  35. WGC on September 29th, 2010 7:51 am

    I totally agree with ElmerFudd. I have known Jonathon for years and he is a very reputable, upstanding citizen. This evidence was downloaded unknowingly and the “Kiddy” file was never opened until the FBI opened it. It is very sad to me that my friend had to plead guilty to something that he unknowingly and unintentionally did.

    It breaks my heart that this family, a wonderful family, will have to be separated for five years or longer.

    I have four children. I think cases such as this one should be investigated to the max for the safety of our children. It is very disturbing that so much time and money have been spent on this case. Time that could and should have been used to prosecute the truly guilty who pose threat to our children.

  36. Neighbor on September 29th, 2010 7:47 am

    Followed this story from day 1. One day someone like Atmore res will have been on the computer downloading some song or pics on limewire and have FBI knocking on their door. This is not the normal case of child porn being on a computer for personal use. Jantz had a mental and psychiatric evaluation that came back perfect. No person that is involved in child porn comes back with normal evaluations. BE CAREFUL WHAT or WHO YOU JUDGE. I absolutely hate child porn. This case is different and unless the Government does something about programs like limewire which allow illegal downloads and file share it will happen more often. By the way. FBI reports show only 1/2 of a file was able to be accessed or viewed. Which clearly states that a download was cancled. NOT GUILTY!!!

  37. Terri Sanders on September 29th, 2010 7:36 am

    Elmer Fudd is right. You can be downloading music from Limewire or any other program and unknowingly download child porn or adult porn.After learning of this case,I immediately cancelled my Limewire which I used to download music.After research on Google it appears that incidents like this are not common but they are increasing.I do not in any way condone anyone watching adult porn,but that is not against the law(which I think it should be) but to be forced to plead guilty to something you did not do is absurd. Our judicial system leaves much to be desired.

  38. Chumuckla proud on September 29th, 2010 7:23 am

    Should at least be locked up (guaranteed) for life as he is a danger to children. Pedophiles cannot be rehabilitated, that sickness stays with them forever.

  39. ElmerFudd on September 29th, 2010 7:17 am

    The judge is totally wrong in this case. I think the judge has very little knowledge of file down loading or file sharing. It is very possible to download an unwanted file when you download a large quantity of files.
    So mister Atmore resident I could send you something like this in a hidden file and when they bust me they will bust you too.

    And show up at your house with a warrant to search your computer for the suspected file. A file that you never knew was on your computer. To me that would be unreasonable search

  40. Atmore res on September 29th, 2010 1:19 am

    Hope he gets life!