Former Pastor Pleads On Fake Prescription Charges

September 16, 2010

An Alabama pastor accused of passing fake prescriptions at a Century pharmacy pleaded no contest in an Escambia County courtroom Wednesday.

wrightbertha.jpgBertha Y. Wright, 44, appeared before Escambia County Circuit Court Judge Nickolas Geeker and entered the plea on three charges of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud  and one count of possession of a blank prescription. Prosecutors dropped numerous charges against Wright, including 11 counts of possessing a controlled substance without a prescription, 12 counts of possessing a new legend drug without a prescription and one count of trafficking in hydrocodone.

Wright, who remains free on $34,500 bond, is due to be sentenced on November 17.

When Wright attempted to fill three prescriptions at Century Pharmacy on Mayo Street in March, the pharmacist suspected that they were fraudulent. Julie Moran called the doctor that allegedly issued the prescriptions, Dr. David Smith in Jay, and determined they were indeed fraudulent, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office incident report.

The first prescription was written for Phenergan and codeine. The second was for 180 methadone tablets, and the third was for 120 Soma tablets. All three were dated March 3, 2010. Deputy David Bashore contacted Dr. Smith by phone, and he advised that he last saw Wright in February and had written no new prescriptions for Wright.

Inside Wright’s purse, Bashore located an unlabeled prescription bottle containing methadone, a bottle with generic Lorcet and generic Soma mixed together, and a third bottle with methadone.

When deputies Michael Coburn and Tod Day searched Wright’s vehicle across the street from the pharmacy, they discovered a variety of medications — the sheriff’s office incident report lists about a dozen other medications by their identification numbers. The report identified 127 hydrocodone tablets and the muscle relaxer Carisoprodol. An ice-filled cooler in the vehicle also contained three bottles of an unknown substance, according to deputies. The vehicle and the medications were seized as evidence by the sheriff’s department.

Wright was reportedly a pastor at a Mt. Vernon, Alabama, church.


32 Responses to “Former Pastor Pleads On Fake Prescription Charges”

  1. Horrific on September 21st, 2010 9:09 am

    Blah, Blah, Blah,

    You can stand up for the drug dealers all you want.
    You ARE who you RUN WITH!

    Personnally, I like to stand up for the ppl who get up every morning and
    make breakfast for their children and drag them out of bed and make
    them go get a good education and then they clean the kitchen and go
    to work. They drive safely to work because they know there are innocent
    children on the road and they obey all the laws of man because they
    know it will leave a better place for their children when they are gone.

    THOSE are the ppl I care about. THOSE are the ppl I stand up for.

    Not some drug dealing 44 year old loser who proclaims herself the righteous.
    I have no use for ppl who are a drain on our resources and our
    children’s futures.

    You can quote all the bible you want but this is MOLINO in 2010 and the good need all the help they can get from the
    spoiled rotten 40 year old brats who would destroy everything over something
    they just don’t have the gumption to stop putting in thier mouth or sticking
    up their arm, yet they know that it kills.


    I repeat: This woman was old enough to know better!
    Now why don’t you go out and do some of your bible thumping for ppl
    who need it and DESERVE IT!
    Like the children of this nation who are LOST!

    This 44 year old child has had ENOUGH of MY TIME!


  2. David Huie Green on September 19th, 2010 5:21 pm

    Or, not Of

  3. David Huie Green on September 19th, 2010 4:34 pm

    You don’t know what she means by that statement. Of if you do, you’re way ahead of me.

    David for understanding

  4. SW on September 19th, 2010 7:56 am

    MY comments are all over the place? I feel that I’ve been very consistent in my posts. Am I wrong, anyone?

  5. David Huie Green on September 18th, 2010 11:43 am

    “We know we are in the church”

    Here I just mention that Paul wrote of a member of a church who insisted on remaining in sin. Paul said to put that one out of the church so Satan could work on him in hopes he would repent and could be readmitted later.

    David thinking what was written
    should be considered
    by those professing to follow it

  6. David Huie Green on September 18th, 2010 11:38 am

    “darkeness don’t understand. But light will. She let them keep judging tomorrown surely have to come. That we reap in the flesh you sow in the flesh. And that we reap in the spirit we reap in the spirit.”

    If the trumpet sounds an uncertain sound, soldiers won’t know their marching orders. If a person tries to share the gospel but does so in such a way it is incomprehensible, nobody benefits but the one making the noise. With that in mind let’s consider if this was what you meant to say:

    “darkness doesn’t understand. But light will. She let them keep judging, but tomorrow will surely have to come. That we sow in the flesh we reap in the flesh. And that we sow in the spirit we reap in the spirit.”

    If I got it wrong, please consider others may have as well. If you have something to say, try to say it so it can be understood. Remember Paul said he would rather say a few words people could understand and which gave glory to the Lord than a thousand which meant nothing and helped nobody and just gave him glory. (short version: speaking in English around here helps most understand)

    Further, please consider who was walking in darkness here. Consider who was lying to satisfy the desires of the flesh. Please consider who was sowing to the flesh rather than the Spirit, satisfying her fleshly desires here. Consider that light fell upon her actions and that’s where her problem came to light, she had thought she could stay in the darkness and nobody would know.

    Repentance is still possible but pretending this is someone being mistreated for the Lord seems a bit silly. But, I could be wrong.

    David for light

  7. babyface on September 18th, 2010 8:13 am

    Amen Tarricka, I am with you 100%. We know we are in the church. But if you don’t know God. It is a different in going to church and know God. darkeness don’t understand. But light will. She let them keep judging tomorrown surely have to come. That we reap in the flesh you sow in the flesh. And that we reap in the spirit we reap in the spirit. And when you rejoice over others but better watch out it can be you your child and a relative. We don’t know and then they will want the whole world to pray for them. So all I say is pray for her and her family they all need it. Stop pointing fingers. Look in the mirror at your ourself and see do you have a beam in your eye. And you get the beam out of your eye for you try to help others or talk about other. You shouldn’t be talking anyway. PRAY!!!!!!!

  8. Tarricka on September 18th, 2010 1:17 am

    Oh everything in my comment was not directed towards you. However your comments are all over the place.

  9. SW on September 17th, 2010 11:18 pm

    Tarricka, you couldn’t possibly have read any of my posts. Read them again, slowly. You will see that I only judged the criminal act, not the heart of the person. I also stated that this person has an opportunity to be a testimony if she recovers from this.

    I don’t rejoice when someone in the church falls. It is a bad testimony for themselves, their church and their God.

    ‘God is a man.’ Really?

  10. Tarricka on September 17th, 2010 10:47 pm

    Horrific & SW you are the one with the problem. SW you don’t have a right to judge the deed of man, God is a man of grace and mercy, Stone you said it the best, Pastors are human first. But of course man will use you past against you, but only God can turn a mess into a message, victim into victorious, test into your testimony. Of course she is wrong and should pay for what she did. But that do not mean that God can’t use her. See God is a man that specialize in people you call a pitiful excuse of a human being. When man judge them as pitiful and useless then they are perfect for the kingdom of God. If every man was perfect and didn’t sin God wouldn’t have given us room for repentance. Don’t get me wrong this was Wrong and at first I judged but I know that I need God to forgive me so I have to forgive others. Look not at the man but the spirit that works within the man. But if we take a good look at self I bet we all have something in us that we are not proud of. I for one Thank God for grace and mercy, for not killing me in my mess, no man is perfect. Even the upright go through trials. Job was a upright man yet he went through. Careful not to judge or you will be judged. God sits high and look low, you can rejoice now and look up tomorrow and see your children in the paper or on North Escambia with the same charge or worst. It’s sad to rejoice another man down fall. And even if she did sell drugs don’t mean they have to buy them. I don’t feel sorry for Bertha at least she know who God is, although she strayed, at least she can return. I feel sorry for the ones that apparently don’t know who God is. You are the ones who need to be scared. Yes she made her bed and she will have to lay in it. BUT GOD!! If I make my bed in Hell, the Lord is there! She can be delivered if she want to be. If God came tomorrow will you be ready is the question, I just hope when he come you are not posting comments like that because we are to bear the infirmity of the weak.

  11. David Huie Green on September 17th, 2010 9:53 pm

    and nobody’s casting stones.

    Understand, casting stones was done to kill not to condemn or bad-mouth, it was a real, actual execution. It was an act saying, “This was a sin worthy of death,”

    Also consider the follow up: Go and sin no more. This was not a declaration that a sin had not been committed but a direction to STOP IT. The only one there who actually was without a sin hadn’t come to condemn but to save. (He judges later and far more harshly.)

    Leading to the question: what if she continued in the action? Even when given the direction to forgive 490 times, the requirement for repentance was there. I’m amazed how everybody leaves that part out: Repent. Don’t continue. Go another way.

    I’ve made it clear I intend to legalize all drugs when I become President. (could by why I have no committed supporters and never have) I wouldn’t do it because I wanted people to use them–which I don’t–but to take away the profit motive which often leads them to get others hooked on drugs as well. (I wouldn’t even tax them because tax revenue encourages government to encourage taxable consumption.) This holy Prophetess of The Lord would have had no reason to go into the drug trade if everybody could get their poison cheaply, legally and relatively safely. Sure, it would still kill them but it would be their decision and would involve others only if it directly hurt them–same as drunks on the road.

    David for not stoning the stoned
    or hydrocodoned
    nor praising them

  12. SW on September 17th, 2010 7:40 pm

    … BEFORE, between…

  13. SW on September 17th, 2010 7:36 pm

    sara stone, I don’t argue with the ‘get them some help’ argument; but hopefully, you agree that addiction is no excuse for criminal action. Otherwise, everyone who commits a crime as a result of addiction will get a free pass. Now if the person wants help BEFORE between addiction and criminal activity, no problem with me. There are facilities for about every income level.

  14. sara stone on September 17th, 2010 5:17 pm

    Addiction has no preferences. It can take over preachers, doctors, lawyers and teachers. There needs to be more available and affordable rehab centers especially in rural areas. A person with addiction should not be locked up with violent criminals. They should be treated for their particular addiction so they can become an asset to society. Thhe prison system would not be overcrowded with non-violent persons and it would certainly be cost effective. This area could use a dose of the adage of Jesus sayinf let you that has not sinned cast the first stone. Ialso believe marijuana sshould be legalized and taxed just as alcohol and tobacco. It certainly is no worse than them and has certain medicinal value for cancer pts and other ailments. It is already legal in California. I do not smoke it myself but I have no problem with those that do. I’d rather be driving with someone on pot going 25 mph than a drunk going all over the road. Neither one is safe but you get my drift.

  15. SW on September 17th, 2010 3:53 pm

    If she does consider herself a woman of God, fine. Others on higher pedestals have fallen and recovered; not without paying a price for their human failure. God has still been able to use them in some capacity.

    As I said earlier, it will be a testimony to her character (and faith) if she can recover from this and use it as a witness in her faith.

    That does not absolve her from being accountable for breaking the law. We can judge the act and leave it to God to judge the heart.

    Give to Caesar….

  16. David Huie Green on September 17th, 2010 2:24 pm

    “but the bible says touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm”

    You do realize nobody here is touching her, don’t you?

    You do realize nobody here is doing her any harm, don’t you?

    So the only question left is one of whether or not she is one of the Lord’s anointed, correct?

    If the Lord anointed her to go out buying and selling dope, that’s between her and Him. If the Lord did NOT anoint her to do such things, we have the example of Nathan who went to the Lord’s anointed, David, second king of Israel, and pointed out that what he had done with Bathsheba and to Uriah the Hittite–her murdered husband–was wrong.

    So theologically speaking, it’s okay to speak the Word of the Lord–even if it condemns the actions of one of His people.

    “Ah, but Nathan was sent from God,” you proclaim, “Only THEY can say such things.” or maybe you wouldn’t say such things but certainly seem to be saying that.

    And that leads us to the biblical pronouncement that His people are a chosen generation, a Royal Priesthood–ergo, His annointed. Now, assuming some of these people are actually His people, that must surely leave you a problem. Do they have the right and responsibility to denounce sin? and if they do, have you broken your own beliefs by denouncing them?

    David pondering a point
    while not condemning

  17. babyface on September 17th, 2010 1:12 pm

    That is so true we put there picture in the paper. But where are the real people of God to come and talk with them and encourage them. That God is able to deliver them from is addiction. But instand people sit back and judge them because they have done wrong. wrong is wrong. Yes she done wrong. If you read the bible everyone in the bible didn’t something, but God still forgive them and he took there mess and give them a testimony. So who are we to judge the next person. God looks at the heart when man looks at the outer appearances. Let stop judging people and pray for these people so that the Lord can help them to change and get there life in order.

  18. SW on September 17th, 2010 11:21 am

    If you don’t want your picture in the paper, or on the news (or news website), don’t get arrested-simple.

    I guess it is William’s fault that this woman (and all the others) got arrested and her ‘mugshot’ got published. We certainly don’t want to hold anyone responsible for the consequences of their own negative actions.

  19. sara stone on September 17th, 2010 11:11 am

    judge not lest ye be judged. people around here do not realize the physical addiction that opiates take hold on your brain. getting help is easier said than done. most rehab centers requre hundreds to thousands of dollars. most other civized countries in this world have free tx centers but not us. we like to post these young peoples pics in the paper and ruin their lives over 1 or 2 lortabs when they truly need counseling not a jail sentence while these redneck cops around gloat knowing they are probably doing the same or worse.

  20. SW on September 17th, 2010 9:15 am

    We may not be entitled to judge the heart; but we are certainly entitled to judge the action. Breaking the law is…breaking the law.

    If someone raises themself up as a leader (business, religious, or public), then falls to criminal acts and betrays that leadership role, then that person should be dealt with more harshly than those who don’t-period.

    Now, can that person pay for their wrong, recover, reform, and become a better leader or person? By all means! It would speak loudly of their character.

    Hopefully, she will.

  21. babyface on September 17th, 2010 9:05 am

    I just don’t pray for her i pray for you who is judging me and other No i am not a Prophet but i am a woman of God. And i don’t play with God or his people so you can joke if you want to but the bible says touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm.So don’t bring the angry of God for missing with his child.All i was saying we all have sin and done wrong.I pray for you as well as her family. And i am not judging you. Because you have a soul like she do so i hope you have christ on the inside.If so you would be praying and not judging.

  22. David Huie Green on September 17th, 2010 7:28 am

    “But who are we to judge them. Yes It is wrong”

    So which is it? Are we not to judge them or are we to say it is wrong?

    “How can we say she wasn’t a preacher. I knew her and she was an awesome woman of God ”

    Nobody said she wasn’t a preacher, in fact some held her to a higher standard as if she were a “woman of God” and expected to act accordingly.

    David seeking understanding

  23. babyface on September 17th, 2010 7:18 am

    No one like the idea that people sell drugs. But that is the chose that they choose to do. But who are we to judge them. Yes It is wrong. But the thing is we all have to judge ourselve. What do we have in our life that is not right. She just got caught. How can we say she wasn’t a preacher. I knew her and she was an awesome woman of God that just made a bad mistake. And I pray that she take this and learn from it and she will be able to tell some other young woman that she been through that and not to go down the same road. Yet I pray for her and her family. We have to look at it in our eyes also if that was one of our love ones. My thing is she has pleaded let it go let her do time and move on with her life. One tthing the bible says God will forgive us but man will keep bring it up all the time. If we will learn to pray and not talk down on a person wither they do wrong or not. I pray for all of those we are caught up in selling and dealing drugs. it not them it is the enemy working inside of them. And have them with a spirit of greed.The more they get the more they want. It is just like night and day. If you are in the Lord you live in the light but if you are in sin you live in darkness. So I don’t expert everyone to understand what I am saying unless you are in the light with Christ. Family hold your head up you have no reason to look down. We all have sin and done wrong in the sight of God. He will keep you and give you strengthe to go through.Like i said before. Tomorrow has to come so don’t rejoice over someone else downfall.

  24. David Huie Green on September 17th, 2010 6:53 am


  25. Horrific on September 17th, 2010 6:25 am


    I don’t have any use for ppl who sell drugs.
    They are the blight of this nation.
    They ruin our young ppl……without fools who don’t care where or how
    they make their money we would not have drug dealers and our
    children would be safe from this type of predator.

  26. Mr. RIGHT on September 16th, 2010 3:59 pm

    Bertha only pleaded now so that all the charges would get dropped. She is a dealer and a trafficer.she has destryed many lives,of all ages.The court systems dont really care. they want money,she has none on the books,but probably a good stash.We have a pool going,I have bet she’ll do 11months 15days in county,three years probation.She should do 20 years.I know her well,10 years.I hope she gets 40,she is a hip-A-cret.

  27. David Huie Green on September 16th, 2010 11:47 am

    neither you nor I know what she preached. Her practices may be in line with what she preached for all we know. Only her congregation knows for sure.

    “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36, I think

    She’s like most people, imperfect. We have much worse 1.21 miles from here even though she DOES have a nice smile and freckles.

    David in a world with profits, prophets, drugs and thugs

  28. Horrific on September 16th, 2010 8:41 am

    Sorry I should have proofed that!


  29. Horrific on September 16th, 2010 8:16 am

    Blah, Blah, Blah…..

    She is a pitiful excuse of a human being.
    Old enough to know better and if she had a problem get some treatment.
    There is plenty of place out there to go ask any cop or health care worker!

    Drugs, Prescription fraud and here she hides under the cloak of a
    preacher who tells others ALL OF THEIR SINS AND WHAT THE GOOD

    yeah, yeah, yeah, Blah, Blah, Blah!

    Just another false profit!

  30. babyface on September 16th, 2010 8:02 am

    Well, what halppen, happened and you have no right to fudge her. Yes did wrong and we have have to pay for the what we do in the fflesh. The bible says if we sow in the flesh we will reap in the flesh. But if we sow in the spirit we will reap in the spirit. So we all have to make sure our hands are clean and we have a pure heart. And do rejoice over someone elses down fall. We don’t know what tomorrow my hold.The bible says also to get the beam out of your own eye before you can get it out of someone elses. We all have done wrong but just haven’t got caught. Yes she got caught and she will have to pay for what she has done. My prayers are with her and her family.
    So don’t get happy because she got caught. I am not taking up for her because it was wrong what she has done. But some of us are looking at her because she is a Pastor. They are human to. An they make mistake too.Alsdon’t rejoice over that. We don’t know what is going on in her life. Look in the mirror and examine yourself. Make sure you are where you need to be and doing what you suppose to be doing. And not to set back and judge others. If you judge other you will also be judged. So I say to all just pray for her that she wil get herself together whatever she goes. It not up to us but to pray for her. Think about it if that was your child or sister. That is someone wife, mother,.sister and daughter. And she do have a soul. So people just pray and not judge. I pray for all of those dealing in drugs or using drugs. It is not them it the spirit that worketh within them. So a food for thought.Be bless Wright family and keep looking unto God for your strength.

  31. Horrific on September 16th, 2010 6:58 am

    This is a pitiful excuse for a human being.
    She had so many drugs on her and yet she was trying to get more,
    so obviously these were not just for personal use.
    If she was sellling drugs I don’t understand WHY they dropped any
    of the charges.

    If she is selling drugs then she is contributing to the drug problems

    Make DARNED sure you throw the book at this woman not just
    a slap on the wrists.


  32. Carolyn Bramblett on September 16th, 2010 6:10 am

    Good for Ms. Wright just going ahead and pleading. When you’re guilty–save the taxpayers the expense. Too bad this isn’t was Ms. Hovind did in the federal case over at the Dinosaur Land or whatever it was/is called.