High School Volleyball: Flomaton Defeats Northview

September 21, 2010

The Northview Lady Chiefs fell to the Flomaton  Lady Canes Monday at the varsity and junior varsity level.

For a NorthEscambia.com photo gallery from the varsity games, click here.


The varsity Chiefs dropped three games to Flomaton, 24-26, 20-25, 15-25.

“Tonight’s game wasn’t what we were hoping it would be.  We are still working on consistency in our play.  We need to continue to work on our serving and serve receive.  Once those two are fixed, I believe we will see a different ending in our games,” NHS Head Coach Betty Heaton said.

Senior Shawna Montgomery had a dozen kills, three aces, six blocks and four digs for the Lady Chiefs. Kara Hardin, a senior, added three aces and three digs, while sophomore Morgan Payne had three kills, two digs and a block.

The  Lady Chiefs are 3-9 overall, 2-1 in district play. Northview will play their first regular season home games Thursday against Freeport. The junior varsity will take to the court at 5 p.m., followed by the varsity at 6 p.m.

Junior Varsity

Flomaton defeated Northview in two junior varsity games, 18-25, 17-25.

Freshman Madison Arrington had one ace, one kill and two aces. Lana Clayton added three kills and four assists for the Lady Chiefs.

The JV Lady Chiefs are 1-6.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


19 Responses to “High School Volleyball: Flomaton Defeats Northview”

  1. Brenda Garrett-McCall on September 23rd, 2010 7:55 am

    Great job Lana!!!!
    Gi-Pop kept me informed while I was at work.

  2. Another Parent: on September 23rd, 2010 7:19 am

    You may not can coach heart, but you can sure cause kids to LOSE heart if there’s not enough fun and encouragement. I haven’t heard any parent that said that the girls shouldn’t run and work out. We understand why this is done. We just think that too much time is spent on these things. It seems like our volleyball team would get better if we played more volleyball. In response to, “Parents need to be there to encourage their daughters”, we are there for that. We are also there to fork out the $175 dollars or so for uniforms. We take our girls to fundraisers on many Saturdays all during the summer that take very LITTLE off this bill. We work the concession stand and donate food for different things. Many sit in the parking lot long after practice, is supposed to be over. We schedule our holidays around practice (Labor Day), and spend a lot of time and money going to the games. So forgive us if we have trouble keeping quiet when our girls are becoming more and more discouraged, and not winning games that they should be winning!

  3. central athlete on September 22nd, 2010 4:38 pm

    As a central athlete, I don’t know why Campbell left Central but we are all soooooo glad he did!! he made all sports miserable when that is not how sports are supposed to be.

  4. NHS Supporter on September 22nd, 2010 12:00 pm

    The bottom line is this…let the Coach coach the team. Parents are there to encourage their daughters. It is our job as adults to help direct the players into doing their best on and off the court. They cannot do their best if they get confirmation from their parents that they are being treated unjustly, based solely on gossip. The more parents/players say negative things about the Coach or other players, the more dissention is on the team. Volleyball is a sport…it does require conditioning. The players might run because of something done during a previous game…it’s ok. It’s not going to hurt them. Any athlete at any school will tell you that they run…some for conditioning; some for errors. The players didn’t run because they lost the game. They ran because there were goals set and they were not met. This isn’t little league any more. The players are given attainable goals. It is part of coaching to make sure the players are pushed to reach their full potential. You can’t coach heart…the players don’t lack skills…they lack heart. Some of that heart will be regained when parents, players and coaches are all working toward the same goal. Why don’t we try believing in our coaches and our program and see where that takes us? Did anyone ever stop to think why this is even a discussion? Eight years ago it wouldn’t have been. We didn’t have expectations of winning or even competing then. This Coach is putting her heart into changing this program around and making NHS a competitive volleyball school.

  5. Parent on September 22nd, 2010 9:03 am

    To: Just a Thought I agree that what you described is true in some cases, however, this is NOT one of them. We have some good kids with great parents on our teams. I really hope that these comments can be taken as constructive criticism and maybe changes can be made to improve things.

  6. just wondering on September 22nd, 2010 8:03 am

    i have been to the games. there is such a difference in the teams that northview plays. most of the other teams are having fun, laughing and goofing off and the catch is that they are winning. our girls look not only unprepared but very very unhappy to be in the game that they love. and lets face it they love volleyball or they would have never endured 12 suicides at practice yesterday as punishment for not winning. did the coaches do the suicides with them because they should take as much of the blame as the team for losing. just a thought

  7. nhs vb parent too on September 22nd, 2010 7:55 am

    i am a parent too of a volleyball player and i just don’t sit back in the bleachers and judge. i am not one of those parents that makes excuses for my daughter. she just got her cell phone back after months of not having it. we have no tv in our home. she is allowed on the comp maybe 30 min a week. she is one of the sweetest and most honest girls you would ever meet. i encourage her to do her best…….i am there to pick her up after practice….i sit in the parking lot sometimes for 30 min because practice is not over yet and i have not said a word to the coach (because you know there are other children in our household, there is homework and we do have a life other than volleyball)….i do go to the games and show support. so you see sitting in the bleachers is not our only involvement… i have always taught my daughter to live up to her mistakes and take responsibility but as adults we make mistakes too and we too should say am i doing everything the right way. and for a coach to not take into consideration how parents and her team feels is a mistake. she must prevent division of the team just as much as the parents.

  8. NHS VB parent on September 22nd, 2010 6:40 am

    Hey, I’m looking forward to a rematch between Northview and Flomaton at the first NHS Dig Pink Volleyball/Breast Cancer Event on Sept. 28th. Good job Coach Heaton for organizing this. We’re lucky to have a coach who actually knows how to play volleyball and the skills it requires.

  9. just a thought... on September 21st, 2010 11:04 pm

    I am a local teacher/volleyball coach & I am stunned by the comments you parents are making about the coach. It’s easy to sit in the bleachers and say what should be done or what needs to be done ~ it’s a totally different thing to actually be the coach. Most coaches I know are very competitive and do not walk onto a court or field to lose a game. They don’t spend hours practicing only to settle for mediocrity effort from players. Playing sports teaches discipline, accountability, teamwork, unselfishness, responsiblity… (I could go on and on). The parents doing the complaining are probably the same ones who blame teachers or friends when their child makes a bad grade or decision. You are the same parents who make excuses for your children. You never take away the cell phone or car keys when your child is disrespectful or defiant ~ you most likely never (or very seldom) discipline your child. You are probably the parent of a “super star” athlete (in your opinion) who is only average at best! You sit around the dinner table and bash the coach ~ what does this teach your child?!?! Kids live in world of instant gratification, everything they want is just a mouse click or text away. A lot of kids today don’t have the self discipline to play sports, they are too worldly and selfish. You need to get off the coach’s back and be supportive and encouraging. Show your child that being part of a team means being a team player ~ doing whatever it takes to help the team!!!!!

  10. Former NHS volleyball player on September 21st, 2010 8:35 pm

    Regarding (some of the parents)

    Working out and Doing drills makes these girls stronger i played volleyball for northview a few years ago and at first i didnt think we should work out so much but then it made me alot stronger and you have to realize that a girl with no strength cant serve or anything coach heaton knows exactly what she is doing she is an amazing coach! And just cause the girls didnt win doesnt mean they need to work on things there not good at it means that when she does punish them by making them run she believes that they didnt try there hardest. I Have been a northview volleyball player before and coach heaton is AMAZING! So please dont judge the way she coaches. Goood try girls you’ll get them next time! & Mr. Heaton I agree with you completely.

  11. Mark Heaton on September 21st, 2010 7:49 pm

    Maybe the lack of communication is a problem that is passed on to the kids from the parents. How about stop talking about someone negative on a forum that you won’t sign your name too and maybe teach your child how to communicate and schedule a meeting with the coach and your child and talk about your concerns. I don’t think there is a single coach or sponsor at Northview that would retaliate on a child because you are being a grown adult and communicating your concerns. The approach you are taking on here will cause the same division you are accusing others of. If you approach it in a respectful, loving and professional manner more good will come from this and you teach your children a valuable life lesson.

  12. Jay Volleyball Mom on September 21st, 2010 4:39 pm

    Sorry, the article about Coach Bell is online under viewer comments and will be published next Press Gazette issue.

  13. Jay Volleyball Mom on September 21st, 2010 2:53 pm

    I believe all exercise is important especially learning how to build up your endurance. However, from a Jay’s prospective, we are down to 7 players from the beginning of the season, so therefore the equation…6 – 7 players all the time + exhaustion from playing all the games = missed serves. NO ONE can be that perfect. Our girls at Jay were in practice maybe a week and had to do a qualifier which included 100 wall touches the length of the gym within 20 minutes. No conditioning, no endurance training, just get out there and do it. I quote, “if you don’t make the qualifier, then I’m (Coach Campbell) not obligated to let you play”. We just want fairness with our kids. By the way if you all get the opportunity, check out the editorial page in the Santa Rosa Press Gazette today about another coach. Wake up people!

  14. proud parent on September 21st, 2010 2:40 pm

    both teams are struggling so its evident that there is a problem…..i have never seen a team that did not get out on the court and practice a game….and these girls do not play games at practice. what good is a strong body if your mind is not trained on how to play the game together. there needs to be a balance of both….and i have heard a lot of the girls, that love volleyball, say that they might not try out again. i am sure that coach heaton cares about the team. maybe its time for a different approach.

  15. NHS Supporter on September 21st, 2010 2:17 pm

    As a former volleyball player myself I understand the dynamics perhaps a bit more. Running for errors made during a game are common. This is to help reinforce the importance of certain times or actions during the game that are more important than others. For example we had to run every time we missed a serve after timeouts or game point, etc. This is to help make sure players understand how game changing missing your serve during these times can be. Guess what? If we didn’t miss our serve…we didn’t run. Lifting weights and running are big pluses in volleyball. The stronger your core is the better you hit. The stronger your legs are the higher you jump. Volleyball can be an endurance game. The team that is in the best shape often is the one who wins the game. I have seen plenty of teams with awesome skills be defeated by teams that just have more energy at the end of a long game. Obviously skills need to be worked on during practice but as long as both needs are being met I don’t see the problem. I’ve been on teams where it didn’t matter what the Coach did or said during the game if the players didn’t make that decision to step up and want to win. Coaches will often try different tactics to try to encourage players to give it their all. That doesn’t mean they don’t care about the players and want the players to succeed. To me it appears that NHS has a Coach who cares and wants the program to succeed even when the community support is lacking.

  16. proud parent on September 21st, 2010 1:50 pm

    coach…i hope you will take the advise of these parents. you have the potential for a winning team. many parents are afraid to say anything for retaliation on their child. you have taught these girls technique, made them stronger and tougher. but in the end if they do not get out on the court and practice together then you have nothing. all you have is 13 individuals that can not perform as a team. it is obvious their is lack of comm between themselves.. they don’t trust one another and don’t pull for one another. football players learn plays and technique and put it to the test on the practice field…dancers learn dance steps and always practice their routines over and over together before the recital. you don’t need to punish these girls…instead step back and take a look at yourself….are you doing what is best for the team…can you do anything differently to get better results? we as parents are pulling not just for our child but the whole team. but we also know that the girls are working hard and we want them treated fairly.

  17. Jay Volleyball Mom on September 21st, 2010 1:08 pm

    I totally agree with the Northview Moms above. I’m a Jay parent of a VB player and Coach Campbell uses running for “punishment” when they miss a serve and they also have to run 100 wall touches if they miss a practice. (Sickness or doctor appts. are unexcused. They have to sit on the bench when sick, but still come). We are now down to 7 players because all of the others quit – do you blame them? We need conditioning to make the best players. I put my daughter in VB because she is unable to run track – - -HELLO!!!!!! By the way, why DID Coach Campbell leave Central anyway? Wonder????

  18. Some of the Parents on September 21st, 2010 9:40 am

    It’s very sad that so many of our players are saying that they will not play again next year. Why not do extra serving to improve service errors, and scrimmage more to improve communication. We cannot see how running and lifting weights will improve these things (it obviously hasn’t the past few years). Please Coach, try and take a positive and more encouraging approach with the girls. You can’t take the fun out of the game and expect them to perform. Go Chiefs!

  19. VB fan on September 21st, 2010 9:06 am

    The team will be running the majority of practice for punishment instead of working on the things they need to improve on. These girls have the potential to be one of the best teams Northview ever had. They just need the encouragement and support to get there.