Escambia, Santa Rosa Students Allowed To Hear Obama Speech

September 14, 2010

Last year, students in Escambia and Santa Rosa schools were not allowed to a watch a live back to school speech by President Barack Obama. This year, teachers and principals at individual schools will be allowed to decide if their students will watch the speech live today.

To read the entire speech, click here.

In addition to the live broadcast, both the Escambia and Santa Rosa school districts will record today’s speech and make it available to teachers to show at a later date.

The speech begins at noon today from the Julia R. Masterman Laboratory and Demonstration School in Philadelphia, Pa.  In addition to many cable news stations, the speech will be available with live steaming on at noon local time.

Last year, Obama’s back to school address encouraged students to study hard and do their best in school. The U.S. Department of Education released teacher lesson plans to go along with the speech. That lesson plan last year originally called for students to write a paper about how they can “help the president”, but that part was removed after considerable public outcry — especially from Republicans — that the White House was trying to indoctrinate students into supporting his policies.


9 Responses to “Escambia, Santa Rosa Students Allowed To Hear Obama Speech”

  1. David Huie Green on September 14th, 2010 5:46 pm

    In the eighth grade my Civics teacher, Mrs. Shoemake, assigned our homework to listen to President Johnson’s State of The Union Address. I listened very carefully or thought I did. Only after he finished did I hear the comentators talking about how he had announced he would not seak re-election the the Presidency.

    Lessons: Listening to our leaders is a time honored tradition.

    Actually listening is less common than it should be.

    Sometimes what they say is important, other times it makes for a good sleep.

    I’m enjoying the political spot in which President Obama orders us to elect Alex Sink. She isn’t running it, her opponent is. Nobody likes to take orders from public servants.

    David for backfires

  2. Anna on September 14th, 2010 3:12 pm

    The guy gives more speeches than any other president we have ever had. Enough! Our kids need to spend their time on reading, writing, math and the other basic subjects. Keep the politics out of the schools! My grandson will not be attending if they decided to show it at his school.

    I agree wiht the previous post, If I have to listen to one more word from that man, I will be sick. He will go down in history as the biggest failure of a president in the history of our nation.

    Vote in November and take back control of our country!

  3. downanout on September 14th, 2010 2:39 pm

    Lets all get on a boat and go back to the country we can from.

  4. anydaynow on September 14th, 2010 2:20 pm

    Oh, cloud of knowledge please rain upon the Panhandle. Srsly.

  5. Steph on September 14th, 2010 12:14 pm

    There are so many things I like about living in the South. However intolerance and ignorance is definitely a quality that exists among many of us.

    Come on Michelle – Get Real – This speech will lead your children to be come “the next generation of the new Hitlers Youth.”

    If your children can be that easily influenced you have bigger problems than Obama’s presidency!

    That is a very hateful statement that cannot be backed up!

    I am a republican and I disagree with many of Obama’s initiatives – but there is nothing wrong with this speech.

  6. unreal on September 14th, 2010 9:01 am

    Teaching them reading, writing and Arithmetic! Not a socialistic form of government at work. What a waste of time. Homeschool!

  7. Concerned Century Citizen on September 14th, 2010 8:45 am

    If it was George W. Bush or any other republican in the white house the schools would practically mandate that their students watch the speech. People in this country or going to have to learn to respect each other, whether they like it or not. Slaves didn’t have opinions and in the south as far back as the 60’s southern blacks still had a hard row to hoe. Other cultures learn how to live with other cultures.

  8. Michelle on September 14th, 2010 8:17 am

    If they want to show it. My children will not be attending school that day. My sons will not be the next generation of the new Hitlers Youth!!

  9. Horrific on September 14th, 2010 7:57 am

    If I have to watch that man strut across another stage I may just barf.

    The best thing he has done since he got it was the first thing he did
    and that sign the stem cell bill.

    Now he has raise the cost of everything we buy and lowered even
    further the value of everything we own.

    What a joke. Congress is a joke.
    AMERICA is becoming a JOKE!

    I’ll tell you the only thing about us that is not a joke OUR DEBT!