Equine Group Makes Plea For Help

September 7, 2010

A local equine rescue group is putting out an emergency plea for help after being hit with an unexpected large vet bill from an injured horse.

Panhandle Equine rescued two horses  — Raven and Racer — from Highway 168 near Century in April, 2008. Raven, an Arabian mare, cut her back foot very badly on July 5. She underwent weeks of rehabilitation, a cast and numerous trips to a veterinarian.  A Panhandle Equine Rescue volunteer provided the needed transportation and a stall for Raven.

On Saturday, the non-profit group received a vet bill for $1,648.87, according to PER President Diane Lowery.

“This is a huge expense for us since donations have been at an all time low with the economy situation,” Lower said. “It has been a long time since PER has asked for donations, but we are pleading with the community to please help!”

“Even just five or 10 dollars will help if we can get enough people to show their support,” she said.

For more information about Panhandle Equine Rescue and how to help financially or to foster a horse, visit www.panhandleequinerescue.org.

Pictured above: Raven with her bandaged rear foot. Submitted photo for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


24 Responses to “Equine Group Makes Plea For Help”

  1. unreal on September 9th, 2010 9:43 am

    Why don’t you give me money for my horse PER?!

    Sock it to them vet !!

  2. crazy on September 9th, 2010 9:23 am

    PER, if you have the horse, you pay the bill. It may have been much more sensible to put the horse down.

  3. wendy on September 8th, 2010 11:22 pm

    It really is amazing how everytime something is posted on here about PER, There are certain people that can’t wait to jump on and verbally assault someone for doing a job, that no others take the responsibility of doing. We can tell that you hate PER, they obviously must have investigated you or one of your friends. I would just like to know if any of you have done any research on rescues. There are hundreds of them and they all survive on donations because the counties can’t afford all of the horses that wonderful people keep BREEDING. Check out other websites that have horses for sale.. ( ads like mare with baby for sale and oh wait you get a 3 for 1 because she is breed back but i have to many and must sale.) So PLEASE stop blaming PER for a job that would not even exist if it was not needed. Some rescues have hundreds of horses, they are taking care of and trying to find homes for. With people just giving horses away, It’s really hard for the rescues to get them adopted, there just are NOT enough homes. As for as slaughtering, It has not stopped, they take them to Mexico and Canada by the truck loads. Checkout the internet search horse slaughter. Good, rideable, sound horses that won ribbons, races and babysit children are being stabbed in the spine or hit in the head then hung by their back feet, then their throat is slit to bleed out. Yeah that sounds like a great thing to have. I think PER is doing the best they can. I live in Santa Rosa and yes we have the Horse Asst. council which is great! But they can’t take care of everyone neither, and there are alot of cases over here going to court too. PER has not taken in anymore horses because they are FULL. They try to work with people because if they didn’t they would have hundreds of horses to take care of just like other rescues. So if they do such a bad job why doesn’t someone else step up and do something! I don’t think they would complain. Thank you PER. I am sending a little donation, wish it was more but a little is better than nothing :)

  4. why not? on September 8th, 2010 9:23 am

    invest in a vet book , buy vet meds locally, get wraps, cotton, peroxide,etc., from a dollar store, if you need advice, call the vet, live within your means like the rest of us.

  5. tired of it! on September 8th, 2010 9:01 am

    These people (PER) are no more than storm troupers with yellow t-shirts, and if that doesn’t work they’ve got police back-up. Despite the great efforts they have put forward to help the horses of this county, they’ve burned so many bridges with people here who wanted to help either with time or facility and were turned away because it was not up to thier mansion on the hill standards; I’ve seen where some of those people live and how they take care of their own horses, they’ve really got some nerve asking for help now.

    I certainly think that if you don’t have a place to put your rescues or the money already on hand, don’t take the horse.

    As for all horses being livestock, they are what you make of them, for some, they’re a means to an end, something to be used and put up, to others they are a very big part of the family.

  6. Gulf Coast on September 8th, 2010 6:48 am

    Century Girl,
    Are the vet techs supposed to dontate their time too, how about the secretary in the office, are the drug companies supposed to give their drugs to the PER for the surgery and rehab? PER has a horse there almost everytime I go the the vet’s place. He cant start doing their work for free, he would never get to anyone else.

    PER wants to start Horse welfare, where we pay for them to take care of horses. Thanks but no thanks. I agree with some other comments that we should have continued to allow horse slaughter at least then people have a market for the horses. A horse is livestock not a family member.

  7. Century girl on September 8th, 2010 2:07 am

    It would be nice if the Vets would either discount their services or volunteer their work perhaps being reimbursed just cost.

  8. AL on September 7th, 2010 8:09 pm

    Santa Rosa County has a much better system in place, the have a group that specifically takes donations of time / money to assist not only the fosters, but also owners who have fallen on hard times. ( http://www.srchorseassistance.org ). Animal Control does the investigations / seizure of animals.

    HOWEVER – PER is what we have here in Escambia County and they are doing a job nobody else is / would do.

  9. my own two cents on September 7th, 2010 7:55 pm

    It looks like a beautiful horse. Thank you to all the people who can help abused and neglected horses.

  10. Horse! on September 7th, 2010 7:02 pm

    This is an empire building organization. How many horses do they now control? I will not give one penny to this organization until they start finding permanent homes of which they relinquish total control and have no ownership in. They themselves are doing what they themselves go after other people for. More animals then they are able to provide for properly.

  11. concerned on September 7th, 2010 5:51 pm

    Eyes in the Bushes is right on as well! I have a relative who has been an equestrian for 30+ years. Since the economic downturn he has had numerous people BEG him to take their horses for free because they are out of work and unable to care for them. PER needs to get their head out of the sand and start thinking about the people behind these horses!!!

  12. Robert hudson on September 7th, 2010 5:23 pm

    BMM is right. I agree 100 %. It hits the nail , dead on the head. A lot of you people need to get in the real world. They are live stock.

  13. BMM on September 7th, 2010 5:01 pm

    Horse people do stick together, some of us know who to stick with and who not to. There is no doubt a lot of good people are taking care of these horses and a lot of them do it at their expense. A lot of the horses PER picked up were neglected as a result of cruelty, there is no denying that. However, there are many times where PER could work with owners to help them during hard times. How many success stories do you see on PER’s website where they did not take possession of the animal and chose to help the owners instead. NONE!

    The problem with PER is they think they are law makers too. They want to tell you what type of fence you should have, how much property you should have, what type of shelter you must provide, how often you should clean your water troughs, etc. These are not laws, just their opinions. What types of educational and professional degrees do they have that they can dictate these things?

    What they need is a business degree. This mare has been in foster care for over 2 years according to Kayla at PER’s expense. Now, they have a $1,650 vet bill. They are trying to adopt her as a companion horse (not rideable) for $100 because she has problems with ulcers. Surely, there was some type of indication what the expense of this injury was going to cost. Euthanasia is what should have been done with this horse. Tough decision, but in many cases the right decision.

  14. HSHG on September 7th, 2010 3:44 pm

    Who is the Vet? I would consider making a donation directly to them. I WILL NOT GIVE MONEY TO PER. Ms. Lowery needs to assess her “business”.

  15. eyes in the Bushes on September 7th, 2010 2:38 pm

    I have seen the PER at work :( , it would be a lot better if they would help the owners of the horses, try by approaching the owner’s That they would like to Help them by helping them get feed, hay and Vet care, NOT BY Taking them away from them, You don’t Know what kind of hard times may have falling on the owners Like lost job or Health issues You NEVER KNOW , Some time’s all they need is a little HELPING HAND NOT Jail time, But it depend’s Like dragging the donkey, they need to do community time cleaning stalls, feeding, watering and learning about and taking care of horses at a place that provide’s hoeses for special needs Kids for therapy , and if No one adopts the horses donate the horses to a facility that will use them (that is the one’s that can) be used to help special need’s kids, I have seen this and it works the Kid’s LOVE it, and so do the horses they get a lot of TLC

  16. concerned on September 7th, 2010 2:28 pm

    Agree 100% with BMM and Robert Hudson! It is a scary state of affairs we find ourselves in when a non-profit is given as much power by the government that the PER has! Big Brother is watching, indeed!

  17. Robert hudson on September 7th, 2010 2:03 pm

    Well it seems to me that PER has two sets of rules. What they do and what they tell others to do. Now no one else is able to beg for money for the care of their horse’s, So it goes back to, If you do not have enough money to care for your horse’s , why do you still have them? Horse’s are live stock, plain and simple. If the idiots at PETA had not shut down the slaughter house’s and stop the export of horse meat to Europe, we would not be in this mess. But it seems to me that if one group can not afford what they have, then they have no right to tell others what to do.And they sure do not have the right to haul people to court, and charge them with neglect. Remember , your own rules apply to you to.

  18. Betty on September 7th, 2010 1:38 pm

    These people are nice enough to take care of these neglected horses. They should be thanked for what they do!!! I will donate to them for this horse as it deserves to be given a good life after what it had to endure under former evil owners!!!!

  19. GirlnGreen on September 7th, 2010 1:34 pm

    BMM>> And I always thought horse people stuck together. Kinda like Jeep Owners…. ones jeep is broke they call up the others and it gets fixed. Or motorcyclist, ones in need of help and in two hours you have a poker run set up. One horse needs help I would figure the horse owners around would help.

  20. kayla on September 7th, 2010 12:31 pm

    Before making such snap judgments and assumptions, try to look up the facts. Although this horse is at a foster home, the home only provides facilities and lots of TLC while the rescue group still provides funding for care. The foster family is not required, nor do they assume the costs of care (although if you read the full story on their website, you’ll know the foster family has willingly absorbed lots of costs in time and money outside of the vet’s bill). This horse has had some issues with ulcers — thanks in part to the neglect she received from her REPEAT-offending prior owners no doubt — and therefore has not been adopted apparently.

    If you question where the money goes, as a 501(c) non-profit, I am sure their books are available for anyone questioning it before making PUBLIC accusations such as “obviously using donated money for purposes other than rehab.”

  21. BMM on September 7th, 2010 11:40 am

    Donations should be for the purpose of rehab for these animals, not continuing lifetime care. PER always states that if you cannot take care of your animals, then you should not have them. The same works both ways. If they cannot provide care for the animal AFTER rehab is complete, they should not have them. If the horse is already at a foster family, then that family has agreed to take on the responsibility of the animal and provide the ongoing care. You can’t take a dog back to the pound for emergency surgery a year after you adopt it so the same applies to horses.

    And yes, there are a lot of GOOD people still around and I am more than willing to help any of them. I would rather buy feed for someone who has fallen on hard times and know where my money is going than to donate to an organization that is obviously using donated money for purposes other than rehab.

  22. AL on September 7th, 2010 10:52 am

    BMM – they keep the horses until someone adopts them. It is kind of like the pound, only these horses get to live out their lives with their foster families if nobody takes them. Without donations the rescue ceases to exist and then who will collect up all of the starved horses around here? YOU??

    Oh… and accidents happen at rescue organizations too… shhhh don’t tell

  23. PiNky on September 7th, 2010 10:24 am

    THese people are trying to do GOOD for animals $10 is not too much to ask for ..And I myself do not have help with my vet bills its called being a GOOD person Not that people know what that mean ANYMORE………………………

  24. BMM on September 7th, 2010 9:43 am

    This animal has been in their care for over a year. Why do they even still have this horse? Has it taken them a year to rehab this horse? I don’t think this is right them asking for donations to pay this vet bill since this accident happened while in their care. I don’t get to ask for donations when I have to take one of my horses to the vet!