ECUA Raises Water, Sewer Garbage Rates; Nixes Employee Pay Increases

September 24, 2010

ECUA voted Thursday to increase rates across the board at a lower level that originally proposed while forgoing planned employee pay raises.

Emerald Coast Utility Authority customers will see an eight percent rate increase for each of the next three years, pushing the average bill from $65 per month now to $88 per month in three years. That amounts to a 26 percent rate increase over a three year period.

ECUA garbage customers will see a two percent rate increase each year during the period. Monthly sanitation rates will jump 17 cents for Lifeline customers, 31 cents for seniors and 36 cents for ordinary residential customers.

The rate increases passed 3-2, with board members Larry Walker, Elizabeth Campbell and Elvin McCorvey voting in favor. Lois Benson and Dale Perkins voted against the proposal, citing concerns about rate increases during the current economic times. The rate increases will be effective October 1.

“Periodic rate increases are necessary to reflect the cost of investments in the utility system and to account for rising costs,”  said McCorvey.

The additional revenue, according to ECUA, will be used to continue the modernization of pipes, sewer lift stations and other infrastructure requirements. ECUA also said revenue is significantly down due to decrease water usage, foreclosures and a loss in the total number of customers. At the same time, ECUA said the cost of doing business, higher electric and natural gas rates, and rising chemical costs have impacted the utility’s bottom line.

Also Thursday, ECUA’s board turned down proposed pay increases for over 500 employees.

700,000 employee raises not this year


29 Responses to “ECUA Raises Water, Sewer Garbage Rates; Nixes Employee Pay Increases”

  1. David Huie Green on September 28th, 2010 11:43 pm

    But did you call him?

    He came by here a while back making sure all the garbage cans were proper, wheels rolling, lids fitting, whatever. It might have been related to the fact they were about to take over from Allied Waste, but I’m assuming it was because he was looking out for us.

    I know they won’t pick up garbage if the can isn’t turned right and they won’t pick it up if you put it out after they go by, but I figure you know that too and that isn’t your problem. I have no idea why they treat you better than they treat everybody on Bluff Springs Road. (not that we don’t deserve better treatment, just that I doubt the workers know we do)

    Catch him in a meeting with lots of things going on unrelated to non pickup at your place and he might forget under the load of all the action. Call him and see what he does.

    David for public servants serving the public

  2. Dishearted on September 28th, 2010 6:25 pm

    To David, I was at the ECUA meeting and he may act like he cares and tells the people he cares but I would say, If he cared he would not have screwed the people in his District. as I have said before, YOU CAN PUT LIPSTICK ON A PIG BUT IT IS STILL A PIG..( + the board through % numbers around like nothing, all they cared about was how much they could steal…I mean go up) So my feelings are that larry walker is useless,and hope to God he is not re-elected…

  3. David Huie Green on September 28th, 2010 6:00 pm

    stephanie downey,

    Call your ECUA Member, Larry Walker 850 723-6094

    He cares

  4. stephanie downey on September 28th, 2010 11:00 am

    I commented on their last article about my trash not being picked up 8 or 9 times in four months. Now it has not been picked up 11 out of 22 times. I called the county commissioner last week who stated that they did not oversee ECUA, the utility commission says ECUA is there on entity. I called Ms. Campbell, one of their board members and she recommended that I pay an additional $3 a month for an extra can, so that my garbage won’t pile up on the weeks they don’t pick up. Three people promised MR. RUDD, the director would call me back. It’s been 8 days and he still has not called me. So we are supposed to pay rate increases, they still aren’t providing the services they are supposed and now i’m paying for an extra can i shouldn’t have to. I have asked for a credit 8 times and they refuse. Just doesn’t seem right!!!!

  5. Just An Old Soldier on September 27th, 2010 8:53 am

    Let’s see – first they raise fees, then they reduce services, then they raise fees, then they reduce services, then they streamline “business processes” for more “cost savings” and they raise fees yet again while reducing services….sounds like a perfect bureacracy so far….oh, and they keep worker’s salaries low too, no raises for the workers (where’s all that money going?)….there, that’s more like it!

    Customers? They don’t need no stinking “customers”! What a nuisance!

    Just keep raisin’ those rates and reducing those services! So when does the employee downsizing, er, I mean “right-sizing” begin? Anychance a reduction in work force can make it even more “efficient” while raising rates. And when must I dig my own well and burn my own trash? Ah, the good ole days! Before all those “modern” conveniences like indoor plumbing.

    While we’re at it…Where can I trade my car for a horse and buggy? (though I am sure a gub-mint department will want to regulate the horse manure and methane production – they are experts in that!)

    And when do I get an 8% raise in this Depression?

    Come election time say “goodbye” to our ECUA incumbents with a vote for anyone else…hopefully for a candidate that will have the citizen’s interests at heart.

  6. David Huie Green on September 26th, 2010 4:44 pm

    “David: why not let the downtown crowd vote for anyone in their county? It cant be any worse than what we already have. Plus it should be their right to elect who makes decisions in their county,” (more or less)

    Okay, you’ve convinced me, we should just drop the concept of representative government and hand it over to the bosses–they should be allowed to outvote us in all these measures.

    In fact, not only should THEY be allowed to tell us what to do and who holds office here in Escambia County, the people in Tampa, Miami and Jacksonville should have say in the matter too.

    No, there I go thinking too locally again. The people of Chicago, New York, Boston, Houston, Los Angeles should be allowed to pick our county commissioners and other local officials.

    Dang it, I did it again, still thinking too local. The people of France, Nigeria, Kuwait, Vietnam, China, Russia and India should be able to tell us what to do, after all, it’s THEIR planet too. (think global act local)

    David contemplating
    the natural end of civilization
    and personal freedom

  7. Dishearted on September 26th, 2010 4:25 pm

    David: why not let the down town crowd vote for anyone in there county, it cant be any worse than what we already have. plus it sould be there right,to elect who makes dicisions in there county, do you like it that Dist 5 doesnt get much done,but other areas south of the Interstate get a lot more than us..did you know that the City has approved 254 appx blocks to be repaved. and you can bet it wasnt from there (the Citys) income. they have councelmen ,and County leaders . seperate is suppose to be seperate.(Oh thats right they are in the County)

  8. David Huie Green on September 26th, 2010 3:31 pm

    “you can only vote for the person in your district, and not the other districts, but the other district leaders can vote for or against your district. We need to get that law changed, because the other district leaders would not think it’s fair to them, for someone not in their district to be able to vote, inside their district. but they can vote for or against other” (more or less)

    You really can’t have that law easily changed because it is the result of a federal judge ruling involving minority rights. If they created a minority district but outsiders kept voting for non-minority candidates, it was deemed to be depriving the minorities of representation.

    Look at it on the big scale: New York and Alaska elect Senators and representatives who get to vote on spending affecting us but we don’t get to vote for those Senators and representatives, just as they don’t get to vote for our Senators and representatives.

    Ask yourself: Would you WANT them picking our representatives?

    Now back to the small scale: do you want the downtown crowd electing our Commissioner? Our ECUA member? Century’s mayor? If they did, who would actually be represented by the winner? The majority of his or her voters, of course. Which is to say, we would have NO representation since we are a minority.

    David for representative government

  9. jim on September 26th, 2010 1:29 pm

    4% increase in water and wastewater rates effective October 1, 2008. Even though both the water and wastewater customer base decreased slightly, water revenue increased 4% and wastewater revenue increased 2%
    sewer improvement fee beginning with the June 2007 service billing.
    2009, they implemented once-per-week curbside recycling and weekly garbage pick ups from two to one. reason to save money and prevent a rate increase.sanitation rates were increased 2.8% effective January 1, 2008.
    money spent in 2009 include $8 million to construct or upgrade wells and water lines, and $4.4 million to upgrade lift stations.
    fiscal year 2010 budget adopted by the Board includes a water and wastewater
    rate adjustment of 5.93%. This rate increase also provides funding for a bond issue to fund $15 million in construction projects in addition to the CWRF
    so how many rate increases are there??

  10. Dishearted on September 26th, 2010 12:42 pm

    Has anyone ever thought about why you can only vote for the person in your district,and not the other districts,but the other district leaders can vote for or against your district.we need to get that law changer,because the other district leaders would not think its fair to them, for someone not in there district to be able to vote, in side there district. but they can vote for or against other districts…show me where that is not against us.

  11. Dishearted on September 25th, 2010 3:04 pm

    Just like our County leaders,they just want more,and do LESS, then whine about how hard times are.what I think is is you hung a BELL on there BUTT they could not find reality the ECUA can screw the people,because the COUNTY does it ,and the County does it vecause the State does it, the state does it because Washington does it. and they wonder why people are fed up with the people VOTED in office, and there buddys…

  12. bill w on September 25th, 2010 1:53 pm

    If the district 5 representative gets one vote that’s one too many. Same thing with old Charlie and our reps who voted on the septic tank issue.
    Enough is enough.

  13. jim on September 24th, 2010 10:19 pm

    end of 2009 year cash and cash equivalents $38,424,464

  14. jim on September 24th, 2010 10:16 pm

    2009 2008
    Cash Flows From Operating Activities:
    Cash received from customers and others $ 103,617,266 $ 95,514,247
    Cash paid to suppliers for goods and services (39,455,666) (41,021,057)
    Cash paid to employees for services (22,266,536) (21,938,106)
    Net cash provided by operating activities 41,895,064 32,555,084

  15. jim on September 24th, 2010 10:10 pm

    During fiscal year 2008, the Authority spent $69 million on capital improvement projects. Significant capital
    investments in construction projects included $19 million for the CWRF, $10 million for the AMR device
    installation project, $9.5 million for the NAS Pensacola sewer system connection, $9 million for sewer system
    expansion and line replacement, $8 million to construct or upgrade wells and water lines, and $4.4 million to
    upgrade lift stations.

  16. David Huie Green on September 24th, 2010 5:54 pm

    I still like Larry. You gripe about high bills but you REALLY gripe if something essential breaks down because it wasn’t maintained because there wasn’t enough money in the budget.

    Just think how much they could save if they went to once a month garbage pickup!

    David truthful on first,
    joking on last

  17. jim on September 24th, 2010 5:29 pm

    larry walker is unable to understand of even care about the people that elected.. after telling him that people on social security hasn’t had a rate increase this year or next. after telling him thousands of people are out of jobs and are hurting very badly. after telling him old people are already paying way too much for the services they use, his coment was WELL TIMES ARE HARD AT MY HOUSE TOO… also last year he wanted to cut services in half to prevent a rate increase, well he lied didn’t he

  18. Dishearted on September 24th, 2010 3:24 pm

    To: anydaynow. Im not sure what they get paid,but it is way to much. I know the ECUA chairman Mr.McCorvey works for the school system as principal of Washington he isnt worried about you or I or anyone else, but him and his and you want to talk about cocky would think there is more than God, with him around.Down with them all come vote time.

  19. anydaynow on September 24th, 2010 2:46 pm

    How much do the board members get paid, and what is their job? Does ECUA have a general manager, and if so, why pay board members, too?
    Didn’t ECUA have a good bit of money left over from moving the treatment plant? Didn’t I read that there are stimulus funds available for infrastructure improvements?
    Does ECUA entertain outside competative bids for work that has to be done such as replacement of water and sewage lines?
    Gas prices are down over the last 18 months, does their budget reflect that change?

  20. Horrific on September 24th, 2010 2:10 pm

    It it sure should be challenged…..but your finding out you can’t fight city hall.

    It’s called Tittling at Windmills…

    Your going to get hit and their going after the septic tanks in Florida saying they’re
    polluting ground water….yes and let me see you check what the
    paper mill is putting in the water before you bother any home owners.

    I see they still aren’t slowing down any of the logging trucks going down the
    back road on 95A.

    It’s all about the money….

    It has nothing to do with the people anymore!

    For the People and By the People


  21. interested reader on September 24th, 2010 12:32 pm

    I live in Walker’s district and he has helped us in the past with various garbage problems but in the YES vote for a rate hike, just gave him a NO vote at re-election time. ECUA just needs to tighten it’s belt like everyone else is having to do. Please re-think this bad decision.

  22. S.L.B on September 24th, 2010 11:31 am

    Our world as we know it today is all screwed up everywhere you turn!

    All aspects of everything are so out of control now, and so much bigger than the little people, that I personally feel overwhelmed and don’t even know where to begin to fight and even if I did, as dishearted previously said, people seem to wear ear plugs now and your voice isn’t heard and is non-existant. How do poor people fight the greedy powerful rich ones without any resources and acknowledgement?

  23. atmore on September 24th, 2010 8:51 am

    Atmore water utility went up as well.This is sad.I remember when water and garbage together was 30-40 dollars now it is outrageous.This should be against the law bc water and lights is something a person needs it is not a want.We went from paying a 50-55 dollar water bill to 75-80 dollars with in the last 2 years.Now they have decided to increase the rates again on 10-1 in Atmore.It is unbelievable that people can be so greedy.I read what SW wrote and it is so true,we havent gotten a raise on my job in years.We are paying out in utilities more than what we bring home,that is why the economy is such a mess(greed).We will never be able to gain unless these big companys and these rich people be challenge.Allow the customers to have a voice,try other options.Their are other ways to fix a problem rather to raise the cost.With so many people paying,i wonder where the money is going.After a while our utilities bills are going to be the same as the mortgage,car note, etc .I never thought a water bill would be one hundred dollars a month. Reality has finally kicked in.If we dont voice our opinions or fight to make a change,they are going to keep raising the rates and making excuses.Now their workers are getting a pay raise because of the hike,us little people have to cut back on something else to pay for the hike.God is going to move shortly,,im just waiting on him.Prayer changes things.May not be now,but im praying our situation gets better.

  24. Dishearted on September 24th, 2010 8:39 am

    I was at the meeting yesterday ,which was a waist of time, the BOARD must of had ear plugs in because they didnt listen to anyone.If you cant run a business cost effectly dont start one. ECUA said that . they took over the system from the City,there must have been problems with it . now they say that there is close to $200,000,000.00 worth of work needed to be re-done(at our cost) if the system is that bad why take it if you cant afford to fix it your self(ohhhhhhh you dont have to spend any of your money ::::we do.ECUA leaders you have got to go, we will try to find someone that can do the job..

  25. Bama54 on September 24th, 2010 8:11 am

    Larry Walker you are Fired!! Don’t even think about running for reelection. You have sold us down the ecua garbage pit. First you dogged the Waste Management company saying that ecua could do the job more efficient and save money, and then you cut the 2 day garbage pickup to 1 day a week, and how much money did the customer save? Then you brought in the Recycle program, and how much did the customer save, or should I say how much does the ecua save and not pass the saving on to the customer. Now you vote for an increase, when everyone is trying to make ends meet. You must be a Democrat!! and will you please stop telling people your an Alabama Fan, it makes the ones that are true fans look bad. Maybe you should become Gator fan, but I am sure they would not want you either.

    Larry Walker your FIRED!!!!

    FIRED!!!! FIRED!!!!

  26. Angi on September 24th, 2010 7:04 am

    I think this rise in cost is rediculous, and as far as our garbage pickup; it use to be 2 times a week and now only once a week. I think lots of people will go back to the old ways of things and putting it all in a burn barrell and setting it on fire…

  27. David Huie Green on September 24th, 2010 7:03 am

    it actually is who, as in who doesn’t have

  28. Oversight on September 24th, 2010 6:03 am

    “…costs have impacted the utility’s bottom line.”

    Isn’t that an understatement for every customer; and whom among us does not have the same issue? The utility is a government agency and its bottom line should always be ZERO.

  29. SW on September 24th, 2010 5:33 am

    8% per year utility increase? 2% per year increase on garbage (31 cents to seniors)? Is anyone getting 8% per year cost of living increases? How about 2%?

    They partly justify this because people didn’t use as much water, foreclosures, and loss in total customers. So if you’re one who didn’t waste water, didn’t not pay your mortgage and didn’t leave the area-you get hit with paying for those who did ?

    It’s not like people can go somewhere else for this service, apparently. Can this be challenged?