Century Set To Approve $3.3 Million Budget

September 20, 2010

The Town of Century will hold a final public hearing tonight before approving their 2010-2011 budget and ad valorem tax rate for next year.

The total budget under consideration by the town council is $3,337,231 — an decrease over the 2009-2010 budget of $4,587,744. The difference is due to a  one-time $1.83 million grant for a water infrastructure project during the last fiscal year.

Outside of the grant-funded water project, the town’s biggest source of revenue — $1,825,000 — is from water, gas and sewer charges, and the biggest expense is $1,464,178 to pay for the costs associated with providing the water, sewer and natural gas service for the town’s residents.

Ad valorem taxes will increase slightly — from .823 mils last year to .9048 mils. The new millage rate is estimated to generate $30,000 for the town during the 2010-2011 budget year, compared to $26,000 in the last fiscal  year.

The final budget hearing will be held at 6:55 tonight at the Century Town Hall.

To view a summary of the budget in pdf format, click here or the image below.


4 Responses to “Century Set To Approve $3.3 Million Budget”

  1. David Huie Green on September 20th, 2010 5:29 pm

    ” not one dime is going to be spent on economic development!”

    Unless I misunderstood, economic development was part of the justification of the water grant–businesses were less likely to locate in an area with inadequate water for fire suppression or not enough water for industrial needs.

    David for better understanding

  2. needmoremayberryandlessmtv on September 20th, 2010 1:32 pm

    I am 26 and grew up in century. I was intoduced to drugs and partying at a very young age. as young as 14 to be exact. Its amazing to me that there is so much underage drug use and drinking in the northwest escambia area and nobody say maybe we should look into thing we can spend money on for our youth. maybe if the town spent money on park inprovments a nd summer programs, maybe even a pool. there would be less drug use and drinking, crime, vandalism, etc. Just Saying

  3. SW on September 20th, 2010 8:26 am

    Wondering if the Town of Century should just dismantle the governmental body and become just another community along the highway?

  4. Too Much Government on September 20th, 2010 6:18 am

    Ok, some quick math. $4.587 million minus $1.825 million (water grant) gives a budget for last year of $2.762 million. Now take next years budget $3.337 million and take away last year’s and just like magic – you find that there is a $575,000 INCREASE! This is an unfathomable increase of 20.8% over last year and not one dime is going to be spent on economic development!

    You’ve got to love the way that the town circumvents public disclosure of expenditures as they are nicely tucked away under some non-assuming line item title in the document. How about some specifics under these broad titles so that the public can be informed on just exactly where the money is going.