Cantonment Man Accused Of Videoing Nude Woman In Tanning Booth

September 23, 2010

A Cantonment man is accused of using a cellphone video camera to record a nude woman in a tanning booth.

Martin David Ham, 32, turned himself in Wednesday and was released from the Escambia County Jail on $1,000 bond.

On August 25, the victim told deputies that she was standing in a tanning booth at Club Sun on Nine Mile Road when she noticed a cellphone camera lying underneath a wall in manner that made her believe she was being videotaped. The victim kicked the camera back under the wall, at which time the Ham immediately place the camera back underneath the wall in an attempt to videotape her, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The victim then placed a trash can in front of the camera and left the room. She called deputies, who identified the suspect in the next room as Ham.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office is asking any witness in the case, or anyone that believes they may have been a victim, to contact Investigator Troy Brown at (850) 436-9426.

Officials said Ham was not an employee a the store.


11 Responses to “Cantonment Man Accused Of Videoing Nude Woman In Tanning Booth”

  1. David Huie Green on September 24th, 2010 6:02 pm

    “up until we find out if there are anymore victims and determin if he’s a threat to”

    Knowing nothing and, as always, judging nobody I would think the device would have been taken as evidence and investigated for what might be on it.

    Could be wrong, just thinking.

    David for knowledge, wisdom and truth

  2. JUDY MASEK on September 24th, 2010 3:06 pm

    my thought now is, will this tanning salon (and, or, other tanning salons) make any changes in their mode of operations to ensure that a reasonably expectation of privacy is adhered to so that their customers are not subjected to this aberrant, criminal behavior in the future?…….were there privacy safe-guards in place and were they being followed?…..not being a lawyer, of course, but…from the limited information reported in this article, i dont think that “the salon should be sued” necessarily……..however, i do think that if a tanning customer can prove injury (physical or mental) derived from this incident, due to negligence on the part of the salon, it could certainly be open to a potential possibility…..

  3. Horrific on September 24th, 2010 6:40 am

    I agree….but the laws are such you can’t presume they have more victims
    and just continue to hold them.

    However, this woman was victimized and it sure looks like some judge
    could have cared less.

    I’m sure the woman had nightmares last night. If I were her I would
    certainly never be able to go back into a tanning booth.

    I hope someone puts out this judges name so we can remember him
    too and get rid of him.

    time to go judge……

  4. Neighbor on September 23rd, 2010 6:15 pm

    $1000,,,,so with $100 and a bondsman he can go home and be comfortable,,,,,I think he should be locked up until we find out if there are anymore victims and determin if he’s a threat to our girls. There are too many perverts out there for us to continue taking chances on the ones we know have a problem already. If he’s brave enough to do this I don’t think this is his only crime.

  5. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 6:13 pm


    Thats just what my husband was saying. It’s more likely that this started when
    he was young with upskirting or some such crap and he either got away with
    it or the family stuck up, covered up or just plain thought it was cute.

    So now he has gone on to bigger and better things.
    Look at him now. How cute is this. WILL some business get sued and
    risk having to close thier doors. Thats just what pensacola needs is to
    lose one more business and how many ppl will that put out of jobs.

    He got out of jail for $100.00.
    Nobody down town cares….geesh!

  6. letmespeak13 on September 23rd, 2010 6:05 pm

    Why sue the salon??? Was their pervert detector broken that day?? The problem with guys like this is that they look just like the guy next door. I just moved to a new area and then did a sexual predator search of just a mile around my house and found 11 (one who lives very close by). And these are just a FEW of the many sick-o’s out there. They do not wear signs to announce what they are. I’m just glad that the woman noticed him and did what she could to end his actions and was able to get out of there!!

  7. Perv on September 23rd, 2010 3:28 pm

    Salon needs to be sued.

  8. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 10:12 am

    they won’t do much to the pervert.
    look at the size of his bond.

    He just needs run out of town on a rail as we used to call it in my day.

    Haunt his home and harrass him.
    Of course we would get more time than he will for OUR invasion of

    It’s a mans world out there!
    Little girls are not safe in it.
    We need more HERO’S!!!!
    But our hero’s have fallen!
    Look at Mr. Fire Chief Today!
    Look at our Police with drug habits and refusing to write reports and
    more over the last 6 months.


  9. JUDY MASEK on September 23rd, 2010 9:05 am

    good!..sure would be interesting to know what else this scum bag has on his cell phone…doubt that this was his first illegally invasive act…..hope that the investigators confiscated his home computer/laptop for further evidence, as well!

  10. NF on September 23rd, 2010 5:53 am

    Sick individual!!!!!!!!!!

  11. NoTanner on September 23rd, 2010 1:37 am

    Are there more sickos out there now, or or they just more brave, or are we just hearing about them more??? This world is in a heap of trouble… Some people just seem to think anything immoral is ok now-a-days – or maybe they think there is no immorality.