Brewton Woman Carjacked After Leaving Escambia Mall

September 11, 2010

The Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office is looking for a suspect in the carjacking and kidnapping of an Escambia County, Ala., woman.

Angela Dowdy, 29, of Brewton, was robbed of $200 at gunpoint and forced to get into the trunk of her car by the unknown assailant Thursday night.

The Sheriff’s Office said Dowdy had finished shopping at Cordova Mall before stopping at a closed convenience store on Palafox Street. That’s when she said she was approached by an unknown black male that was clean shaven and wearing a white polo with red stripes.

“The suspect asked her for a ride up the street to his cousins, which she complied,” according to Sgt. Ted Roy, spokesperson for the Sheriff’s Office.  Once she arrived at the house, which was in a location unknown to Dowdy, she was robbed at gunpoint.

“Dowdy stated that the suspect drove around for about two minutes and slowed down for some reason. Dowdy stated at that point she pulled the internal trunk release and jumped from the vehicle,” Roy said.

Dowdy suffered abrasions to her head, face, hands, arms shoulders, back and legs. Medical personnel stated that none of the injuries appear life threatening. The vehicle was processed by crime scene for evidence and towed from the scene. No additional suspect information was available.

Once arrested, the suspect will face charges of aggravated battery, kidnapping-false imprisonment, robbery/carjacking and theft, according to Roy. Anyone with information on the attack is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (850) 433-STOP.


27 Responses to “Brewton Woman Carjacked After Leaving Escambia Mall”

  1. David Huie Green on September 14th, 2010 1:51 pm

    “haha she was here to buy drugs and the deal went wrong. Benefit of the doubt?”

    To make you happy, let’s assume she was trying to buy drugs. Therefore it’s okay to kill her? But he didn’t kill her, you say. Whenever you point a gun at people, you risk killing them. It doesn’t matter because she had it coming, you imply.

    And therein lies a common problem with crime: Folks figure criminals are subhuman and fair game to those who want to rob, rape or kill them.

    I just don’t see it that way. If she is doing drugs, she will likely kill herself eventually but that doesn’t mean I am going to rob her and stuff her in the trunk of her car, nor will I condone others doing it.

    And that is assuming the worst case. What if she legitimately stopped to get a drink out of a vending machine and legitimately and humanely offered a ride to a fellow human being and he considered her prey?

    I just don’t see the humor in her predicament.

    David for hearts

  2. christy on September 13th, 2010 11:54 pm

    OK Chicks from Brewton, it states. Story is fishy to me. She stopped at a closed convenient store? Maybe something was wrong with her car? yea right! This man just happened to walk up to her car and ask for a ride? haha she was here to buy drugs and the deal went wrong. Benefit of the doubt? People get for real..

  3. David Huie Green on September 13th, 2010 11:05 am

    “Why would you stop unless maybe there was something wrong with your car??”

    I stop my car at the end of every trip. Don’t you?

    I have stopped at places I thought were open but which weren’t. I have stopped to buy drinks from drink machines even when the store was closed.

    There’s all kinds of reasons to stop a car. None of them justify being attacked and robbed–assuming it happened.

    David with a stopped Caravan as we speak

  4. Mj on September 12th, 2010 8:55 pm

    Hey,,, before yougo making judgements read the whole story,,, there has to be a reason for all of this, even though it dosen’t make alot of sense,, Why would you stop unless maybe there was something wrong with your car?? I too don’t understand why she did what she did, BUT she is the only one with that answer

  5. Horrific on September 12th, 2010 7:25 am


    it is a sad time when we know to not bother to call our local police.
    They have pretty much trained me well also.

    First the neighbors trained me not to call, and I was so upset with
    the police when they came, it took me a while to realise they were
    training me not to call also.

    I had hoped with a new sheriff in now things might change.

    The cops here are the same old cops.
    They have the same mind set they have always had.

    Go take some lessons get a permit and get you a smith and wesson!
    The good ppl of this town don’t have protection.

  6. Sandra on September 11th, 2010 8:13 pm

    Hey dishearted…ya know that joke that goes” why do I carry a .45 , because a cop wont fit in my pocket”…….it’s not really a joke.

  7. Dishearted on September 11th, 2010 6:03 pm

    This is a shame,I hope they could catch the one involved, but I doubt any thing will happen. I had my home broke into, the officers involved did not finger print or write a report, so I filed a complaint an the Sheriffs office sent me a certified letter saying that the officer did nothing wrong.. God help us all, because the Sheriffs office cant help anyone but themselves

  8. William on September 11th, 2010 3:43 pm

    Mark Martin wrote on September 11th, 2010 1:21 pm:

    The story makes all the sense in the world.Go to WEAR’s site.They have the story that she stopped in the parking lot of a tire store.Which is it?

    Here are the exact words from the Sheriff’s Office press release:

    “According to Dowdy, she had finished shopping at Cordova Mall and stopped at a convenience store which was closed. (It is believed that store was the mom and pop store located at 4404 N. Palafox based on Dowdy’s description of the store).”

  9. Sandra on September 11th, 2010 3:00 pm

    This smells almost as bad as the “home invaders” going after the northview cheerleaders. Maybe this wont get swept under the rug like that did.

  10. misleading on September 11th, 2010 2:52 pm

    Why is the mall even mentioned in this story…she could have stopped at a dozen different places before stopping at the closed convenience store?????

  11. interested reader on September 11th, 2010 2:40 pm

    Ihave a feeling that there is a lot more to this story than we have heard so far. I will wait for THE REST OF THE STORY before I make too many comments but I am glad she was not seriously hurt or killed. There are a LOT of really messed up people out there. Please be careful and try to use good judgement .

  12. walnut hill on September 11th, 2010 2:04 pm

    okay. this is to cygie.
    okay. let see….. if we are not allowed to have guns, he would have robbed her with a knife. woopty do. guns are not bad. it is how you use them. if you have a gun it does not mean you are going to use it for the worst. you don’t need to take away our rights. you need to catch the scum bad fog that did this. we need our right. i am a young woman and i was robbed a few years back, but i pulled out my gun that i have the right to carry, and he tucked tail and ran. it saved my life. and i am not giving it up!

  13. Neighbor on September 11th, 2010 2:04 pm

    to cydie:
    no this should not have happened….was she to blame for being somewhere she had no business or was he just a scumbag she was unfortunate enough to come across, we don’t know by the information given here but to say “thanks to the 2nd amendment”? Are you blaming the 2nd amendment for the fact that the criminal scumbag had a gun? That guy would have a gun no matter what, criminals always find a way to get their hands on one when they want but had she exercised her right to carry a weapon and had she been prepared to use it to protect herself this would have ended 1.) She would have her $200 and be home safe when the coward ran like the chicken crap he is or she could have shot him, maybe then these guys would think twice or three times before they go around messing with people.
    If she was out to buy drugs then what can she expect….

  14. Mark Martin on September 11th, 2010 1:21 pm

    The story makes all the sense in the world.Go to WEAR’s site.They have the story that she stopped in the parking lot of a tire store.Which is it?Definitely a drug deal that homey knew would be a robbery attempt.Fing animals!

  15. nudo on September 11th, 2010 11:07 am

    Hope she’s okay but this story seems kinda strange, doesn’t make alot of sense.

  16. Horrific on September 11th, 2010 9:42 am

    Well I guess I did miss read this one.
    I had thought he asked her for a ride at the mall, and for some reason
    had stopped at a closed convenience store, and I was thinking it was
    probably to let him out.

    Maybe she WAS looking for drugs.

    Sad, I thought she was just a good samaritan.


  17. SO SAD on September 11th, 2010 9:22 am

    hope this lady is safe and they catch the creep that did this !

  18. Mark Martin on September 11th, 2010 8:46 am

    She was looking for drugs,plain and simple.Otherwise,she would have had no reason to pick up the dude.

  19. cygie on September 11th, 2010 8:15 am

    Thanks to the 2nd Amendment none of this should have happened.

  20. Big Chief on September 11th, 2010 8:04 am

    Why would a person stop at a closed convienent store at night and then offer a stranger a ride to an unfamiliar location?

    To purchase illegal substances maybe?????

    Sounds fishy to me……

  21. confused on September 11th, 2010 7:23 am

    Why stop at a closed convenience store. Daaaaaaaa don’t know.

  22. Horrific on September 11th, 2010 7:13 am

    You know I’m not from here originally.
    I HAVE been here a long time now But I remember making a lot of driving
    mistakes in that I would turn the wrong direction a lot .If she didn’t live here maybe she just made a mistake.

    Also when I first came here, I drove down roberts road and there was
    a beat up blue van on the road and a blond young man shaking a gas can at cars. I thought maybe he had gotten a leak in the old van and lost his gas
    or something. He sure didn’t look rich or well heeled. I stopped as I felt bad for him and offered to take him down the road to the tom thumb. He climbed in with his gas can and said he was on his way to his brothers and his gas gage doesn’t work and ran out.

    I don’t give ppl cash so I took him to the station and found out he only had less than $2.00 on him so I gave him $20.00 in gas.

    I figure what goes around comes around.

    Nothing happened out of it, I found out the guy was a Boyd.
    Later I found out everyone in town knew the Boyd’s and someone in
    their family owned a plumbing business.




    This woman did a nice thing, maybe a stupid thing, but a nice thing
    for someone, and she might not have done the smartest thing,
    but she did try to do a good woman thing…..

    It’s really too bad a person can’T help another person because someone
    is really thinking that an act of charity makes you a target.

    Please don’t compound this womans mistake with making her the
    perp. instead of the victim.

    She is lucky to be alive.

    Someone told me just reciently that if your kind a lot of ppl here see
    it as a weakness.

    I think that STINKS to high heaven.

  23. [_]\ on September 11th, 2010 6:15 am

    Unchain……….I’m with you. WHY give someone you DON’T know a ride?

  24. unchainyourdog on September 11th, 2010 5:53 am

    WHY would you give a ride to an unknown person, especially at night??

  25. just sayin' on September 11th, 2010 3:50 am

    Perplexed, that is so not true! Maybe this is not the route you would choose. Please speak for yourself only

  26. luvinoki on September 11th, 2010 2:05 am

    Perplexed: My thoughts exactly!


  27. Perplexed on September 11th, 2010 1:58 am

    Hmmmmm… guess she got lost. If she ended up on Palafox Street, she had to be lost. If you live in Brewton and leave Cordova Mall, you don’t need to go anywhere near Palafox Street to get back home.
