Armed Robbery At Molino Pharmacy; Short Standoff Follows On Molino Road (With Photo Gallery)

September 20, 2010

Authorities are continuing to investigate an armed robbery Monday afternoon at a Molino pharmacy.  During their investigation, they surrounded a house on Molino Road and detained at least three individuals after a short standoff.

For a photo gallery from the pharmacy and the standoff on Molino Road, click here.

Read an update to this story here.

The robbery was reported about 1:30 at Scott’s Pharmacy on Highway 29 at the intersection of Molino Road. One suspect was described as a white male in jeans and a blue bath robe. The, who was armed with a handgun, was wearing a blue and green checked shirt over his head.

At short time after the robbery, numerous deputies converged on a home in the 400 block of Molino Road, near the U.S. Post Office. With weapons drawn, deputies ordered the occupants of the home to exit.  Two people — a male and female — complied and were temporarily detained and later released.

A third person refused to exit the home. Deputies could be heard calling the man by name, ordering him step outside and threatening to send a K-9 into the home. After the standoff continued for about a half hour, the man exited the brick home and was detained. He was later released.

Further details have not been released by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

For a photo gallery from the pharmacy and the standoff on Molino Road, click here.

Pictured: Authorities are investigating the armed robbery of Scott’s Pharmacy in Molino Monday afternoon. Pictured inset and below: Deputies surrounded a house on Molino Road after a possible suspect refused to exit a Molino Road home. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.


42 Responses to “Armed Robbery At Molino Pharmacy; Short Standoff Follows On Molino Road (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Noneof on September 23rd, 2010 7:14 am

    That last paragraph says it all mr. green

  2. David Huie Green on September 22nd, 2010 8:57 pm

    Yep, don’t trust anyone who isn’t human, can’t trust anyone who is (except for me and thee, of course).

    Oh, and the other part I forgot to mention: Public places versus private places come into my thinking. That which you do in the public is open to public scrutiny. That which you do in the privacy of your own home is far less open to public scrutiny.

    If you commit a crime in a public place then run into a private place, it’s open season–the private place is an extension of the public crime.

    If you are in a private place and are accused of having committed a crime, they really should need a hunting permit to go after you. In this case an arrest warrant or a search warrant come to mind.

    Since I wasn’t involved, I can’t say which should actually apply in this case. I always assume the law enforcement officers know what they are doing, but it would be easier to continue making that assumption if they never let us down.

    David for perfect justice

  3. Noneof on September 22nd, 2010 4:19 pm

    It’s sad you just can’t trust every cop.

    When I was small I looked up to them so much.
    The truth is they are just human and there in lies the rub.

  4. David Huie Green on September 22nd, 2010 2:09 pm

    “I’m a bit confused. ”

    I have that effect on people.

    Which is more reliable: a photograph or a person’s memory?

    Have law enforcement officers ever gone to the wrong address due either to a mistake on their own part or that of the dispatchers?

    Do cameras get antsy and shoot people?

    And I think back to instances when law enforcement at the highest level (Janet Reno) may have unintentionally killed a number of small children in their handling of a standoff.

    I also remember a law enforcement officer who had girls strip and do jumping jacks for his own amusement. (This is less likely to happen when there are multiple officers present, but it happened.) I’m reasonably convinced you don’t legally have to do whatever an officer demands.

    As I said, I would comply but I just wondered at the legality of the situation.

    David doing jumping jacks

  5. SW on September 22nd, 2010 12:14 pm


    I’m a bit confused. On one hand you support electronic means of law enforcement but on the other hand question live enforcement where supervisors are present and the public can witness.

    It’s called ‘Fresh Pursuit’ and is permissible in FL; pretty much allowed as long as the trail is fresh.

    Sure wish they had those cameras, though….

  6. Scott's Pharmacy on September 21st, 2010 9:43 pm

    we just wanted to thank everyone for the well wishes, we absolutely love our customers and are grateful for all the love and concern we have experienced in the last few days. molino is full of wonderful people and we just wanted you to know we appreciate being a part of your lives! thanks again,Ron Scott and The Girls

  7. WOW on September 21st, 2010 9:37 pm

    Weird thing is I moved form molino about 20 years ago and this is exactly why I moved. Drugs and alcohol has ALWAYS been a huge problem out there. Im not saying everyone is a druggie or alki. I Know a lot of very good people in molino who Im proud to call friends but when was the last time you have ever seen someone pulled over and given a DUI in molino. The cops have always turned a blind eye to it out there.

  8. barrineau on September 21st, 2010 8:40 pm

    DHG not 100% sure but i think that it falls under the probable cause umbrella. Maybe they (the police) got a tip or saw a similar vehicle . It is a very big umbrella , I hate it but a police officercould say just about anything to get it (probable cause). I am very greatful no one was hurt.The people who work at scotts are a fine bunch.

  9. William on September 21st, 2010 3:01 pm

    >>> Now that this has been needs to be updated

    What you read above, as of this afternoon, is still the latest information. Nothing more has been released.

  10. Mary on September 21st, 2010 3:00 pm

    Was anything ever said about what was taken if anything?? Now that this has been needs to be updated..How things have changed in the 20 yrs I have been living out here!!!

  11. Sandra on September 21st, 2010 2:58 pm

    Just one day I’d like to read where a customer with a concealed weapons license dropped the robbers on the spot…..just one day I’d love to see this.

  12. Jack on September 21st, 2010 2:46 pm

    To doesn’t matter:
    “After the standoff continued for about a half hour, the man exited the brick home and was detained. It was not immediately known if he was charged with any crime.”
    Try reading before you disagree.

  13. MolinoGurl* on September 21st, 2010 2:29 pm

    Did these guys even walk out of the store with anything or just drop it and run, I would like to know what scared them off and did they actually hold the ladies AT gunpoint or just have a gun in there hand to scare them into getting what they want? During the day. . .Its like they were walking in the store saying HEYYY I WANNA GO TO JAIL! People that does things like this are NUTS! I mean use your brain…of course your going to get caught sooner or later, do you really want to go to jail?

  14. anydaynow on September 21st, 2010 11:28 am

    We really need to demand regulation of the prescribing of narcotics. I know that there have been numerous occasions that I have gone to the doctor with a complaint and they just pick up the prescription pad and write out an Rx, and there have been many times that I have said that I’m not there for pain medicine and that I have aspirin, I’m there to get my problem solved. But some people won’t challenge the doc, take the Rx and get it filled and the next thing you know they are a “repeat customer” going back month after month to get the prescription updated. The bad thing about narcotics is that if you take those things for 10 consecutive days you are addicted to the stuff whether or not you want to be. Sometimes that’s unavoidable and people have health problems or injuries that require pain management that extends beyond 10 days. But in general, I think there should be a maximum Rx limit of seven days. One of the primary sources of narcotics in communities is the VA that mails narcotics to their patients month after month.

  15. David Huie Green on September 21st, 2010 10:56 am

    ” Question: Why wasn’t the one that refused to come out of the house arrested for refusing to cooperate with the police”

    I don’t know but I have to wonder if an order to leave your own home without a hot pursuit situation or a judge’s orders is a legal order. I admit it’s probably a good idea and a way to stay alive, but I just wonder if it is legal.

    For example, if they are after your neighbor but get confused and go to your house and order you to come out and you’re deaf or just stubborn…..

    David not intending to try them
    but still wondering

  16. soapbox on September 21st, 2010 10:36 am

    wow…the comment by [_]\ are right on..Could not have said it better myself..It’s a shame when someone can work there butts off for thirty years or more with a company and then barely have enough money to enjoy the retirement they worked so hard for… and then you have some people that maybe have a minor health problem like a bad back (which god knows did not come from working your entire life) , or they have just learned how to milk the system, and they are able to draw a fat disability check, and go to the doctor for free and get drugs that they sell to their buddies for extra money for their many extra curricular activities…. It just makes you wonder how some people can look at their selves in the mirror every day. We need STRICTER laws in this country…It’s definitely going to hell in a hand basket!!

  17. concerned on September 21st, 2010 9:05 am

    Just like to say, I am so glad my “girls” are ok. I know they had to be scared to death. You do a wonderful job and always have for me and my family. I hate that this had to happen to you. You girls mean alot to me. Hope you know that!
    These cowards who thought they could just go in at gunpoint and rob this pharmacy better not get a slap on the wrist. If they do, I think its up to all of the residents of Molino to stand up and make damn sure these cowards get what they should get, jail time, community service, and 5 years of parole or more. .
    Take care my “girls” and be safe,

  18. [_]\ on September 21st, 2010 8:55 am

    It is sad that a small town like Molino has been taken over by drugs.
    It used to be that Molino could be considered safe, old fashioned “mayberry” type town, BUT not anymore! There are just as many drugs, meth labs, and dealers in Molino as it is in Century, Cantonment and Atmore.
    It saddens me to know that so much of it is right under our nose and NO one wants to admit that there IS a problem.
    Another thing is watching all of these people walking in and out of Dr. office’s getting narcotics prescriptions, getting them filled, (**MEDICAID**) and then SELLING them making a fortune off of them, all the while it is my and your tax dollars paying for the Dr visit, and medication.
    So many people who are on “Disability” that smoke pot, pop pills, doing meth, smoking crack, shooting needles….. NEVER have to take a drug test to continue receiving that so called disability check BUT I have to take a drug test in order to obtain employment so that I may work, and pay taxes for them to continue to recieve that check.
    Are you with me people? and now this…………robbing a pharmacy for pills, so now I can work, pay taxes, and support them while they eat for free in prison.
    OH yea, and I wonder if any of these “free loaders” have children that we will also support while they lay up in “da” cell, with dey homies getten dem some new tatt’s on dey arms?
    Does it ever end? Makes me want to work for cash and QUIT paying taxes!

    If my comment offends YOU, then get a job!

  19. This is whats wrong..... on September 21st, 2010 8:21 am

    It is sad when someone robs someone who has gone to school with them
    or their brothers, or knows them personally or has sat next to them in
    some meeting or even church.

    IT IS however, always sad when someone robs someone else no matter
    if they know them or not.

    If you work for something, take care of something.

    It does not belong to the neighbor. They can not just come get what they

    If they do their going to meet MR. 44 CALIBER!
    That’s it!

    Me or someone else is going to take some of these druggies out one
    of these days and then you all can say how horrible it is that some
    good boy is dead.

    Some of us are getting really sick of this crap.

  20. If the shoe fits, wear it! on September 21st, 2010 7:48 am

    I was checking back on this story and reading some of the comments posted. I think has done a pretty good job reporting on this story and from what I read, its all true. I watched as the “standoff” went down. Watched all three cuffed and put in the back of cruisers and later to be released. It took exactly as long as they say it did for these suspects to come out. Im not saying anyone is innocent or guilty but I do believe if cops were calling my name and surrounding my house it wouldnt take me but just a minute to come out. If you dont want people to think your guilty then dont act like it. As far as people having guns, they were believed to since it was an armed robbery!!! How about instead of focusing that anger towards people that want to see these criminals locked up and commenting on it; put the anger where it should be on the criminals. I have to agree with most people around here now days needing to get a life. I also believe half this town needs detox, rehab, NA, and AA meetings. Thats where the problem lies is the drugs. People robbing, stealing, and killing to do what ever means necessary to stay high. Those people need to get a life because the road they are traveling down leads to jails, institutions, and death! In this case, I hope to see justice served and some serious time behind bars. Whoever they are will get caught and I truly beleive the authorities are focusing their attention in the right direction.

  21. Heather Eller on September 21st, 2010 7:46 am

    I am with Christina I am just glad my mother and everyone else is ok. I also hope they get the sentence that they deserve. I think it is very disturbing that people are acting this way in our small town, robbing people you have known for years and sat beside in PTA meetings. It is absolutely ridiculus and I can’t wait until they are caught and we can read about their sentencing on this wonderful little website. I personally love this website and the information it provides to the residents of north escambia and if you don’t like it don’t visit the page.

  22. Fred on September 21st, 2010 7:44 am

    William beat me to the punch here. Question: Why wasn’t the one that refused to come out of the house arrested for refusing to cooperate with the police. Wasn’t he or she buying time to destroy incriminating evidence?

  23. Fred on September 21st, 2010 7:27 am

    Doesn’t Matter, If no one was taken in to custody then why does Scotts-Robbery-039 in the picture gallery show a man in a red shirt in handcuffs being put in the police car. If you’re in handcuffs you’re in custody. Are you saying this is a bogus picture.

  24. William on September 21st, 2010 7:12 am

    “Doesn’t Matter” wrote:

    nobody at the 400 blockof molino rd. was taken into custody because nobody at the 400 block of molino rd. robbed scotts pharmacy…and whats this about a “stand off’”???HHMMMMM???I do believe someone would of been taking into custody if it were actually a “stand off” which i thought meant the person inside had a gun and was threatening the authorities/ppl outside

    Being handcuffed and placed into a Sheriff’s Office cruiser is being detained. And three people were detained — we observed and photographed each.

    The story does not say anyone was arrested or charged. In fact, it says two were released and on the third “It was not immediately known if he was charged with any crime” because the ECSO has not, as of this moment, released their report or any information saying if the person was charged or released.

    “Standoff” means a “deadlock or stalemate” or a “defensive stand”. Remaining in a house for an extended period while police are outside ordering you out with guns and a dog is a “standoff”. “Standoff” does not mean by definition that anyone in the house had a gun or was threatening anyone.

  25. Doesn't Matter on September 21st, 2010 6:20 am

    First off….the infomation on here isn’t 100% true…if North Escambia cant get it right, they dont need to broadcast it all over North Escambia…nobody at the 400 blockof molino rd. was taken into custody because nobody at the 400 block of molino rd. robbed scotts pharmacy…and whats this about a “stand off’”???HHMMMMM???I do believe someone would of been taking into custody if it were actually a “stand off” which i thought meant the person inside had a gun and was threatening the authorities/ppl outside…but everyone at that house was released and nobody was takin into custody…soooooo, before the little town of Molino starts to judge and gossip you need to make sure you know what your talkin about…i’ve done heard several different stories with a mixture of several different ppl names that live in molino…its actually quite humorous how some of you ppl have nothin else to do but gossip about stuff you dont even know about….and WOW…i was about to submit my mini novel then i seen rule #3-No Libel. That’s saying something is not true about someone…now how funny is that???

  26. livin-in-molino on September 20th, 2010 9:34 pm

    We love the folks at Scotts. I could easily go to another pharmacy, since I am in Pensacola every day….. But because of the people at Scotts….I keep my business in Molino. GLAD TO KNOW ALL IS OK.

  27. Dave on September 20th, 2010 8:34 pm

    They will be caught by the Sheriffs Office. On the other hand, They will be given light sentences by the liberal justice system and be back to business within a year.

  28. William on September 20th, 2010 8:09 pm

    >> What is the deputy in the bottom picture holding in his hands?

    The leash for the dog.

  29. Leah on September 20th, 2010 8:08 pm

    Ya, not only a pill head but probably an acolholic too.

  30. anydaynow on September 20th, 2010 7:45 pm

    What is the deputy in the bottom picture holding in his hands?

  31. MolinoGurl* on September 20th, 2010 6:13 pm

    I know so many people around Molino now days that are like this and its people that I PRAY gets caught. You always hear about these things in Pensacola and now its getting closer and closer to home. Its sad :( I wish there were more cops put out around here in these areas, maybe they would catch more people.

  32. cb on September 20th, 2010 5:01 pm

    it’s on the east side of molino road “old molino”

  33. um huh on September 20th, 2010 4:59 pm

    John: A couple of houses down from the Post Office in Molino

  34. James Benkis on September 20th, 2010 4:38 pm

    Sad to see this happen to people who are doing their best to do whats right to be taken advantage of, by people seeking an easy way out. I hope they throw the book at them. We need more do-gooders in this wold. Thanks Escambia Sheriff Dept. Book’m Dan-o.

  35. JohnMolino on September 20th, 2010 4:34 pm

    Glad everyone is safe and looking forward to hearing that all suspects are in jail. What side of Molino Rd did the arrest take place? East or West of 29? I drove by Scotts Pharmacy at 1:20pm and saw nothing out of the ordinary. If I can jog my memory any better, I’ll post it here. Again,glad everyone is safe.

  36. dylan on September 20th, 2010 4:00 pm

    dragged out of his home?crap

  37. sick and tired on September 20th, 2010 3:03 pm

    Scott– Put a .9mm in an ankle holster. Once you fire at some would be robbers, no others will think of targeting you again! Glad it appears that no one was hurt. Sounds like rookies…

  38. barrineau on September 20th, 2010 2:57 pm

    My daughter and wife were ther like 3 or 4 minutes after the robbery. they said there were pill bottles in the parking lot , WAY to close to home. THANK god for traffic. Way to be on top of things NE!

  39. Mary on September 20th, 2010 2:50 pm

    WOW!! Too close for comfort! Hope Escambia’s finest work fast on this 1…Did “Scott’s: have security video cameras??

  40. Dee on September 20th, 2010 2:32 pm


  41. Dan on September 20th, 2010 2:02 pm

    Where’s Dirty Harry when you need him?

  42. atmore on September 20th, 2010 1:50 pm

    wow. thanks for the fast info. It’s only 1:48 and you already have it up here! Good job!!! =)