Teachers Get Ready For First Day

August 22, 2010

School bells ring Monday in Escambia County. Teachers returned to class last week to make sure everything was ready for the big first day. Pictured: Ernest Ward science and math teacher Michelle Thomas (top), Ernest Ward family and consumer science teacher Kathleen Ellis and Byrneville Elementary School first grade teacher Candi Thorton worked hard Friday afternoon to complete preparations for the start of school. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Teachers Get Ready For First Day”

  1. FYI on August 22nd, 2010 1:18 pm

    Ditto for the teachers on going to bed early. Many is the time I’ve heard teachers say they were tired because they were out too late at the ball park, concerts, Mardi Gras, etc…

  2. Angi on August 22nd, 2010 7:18 am

    Yep! It’s that time once again, starting tomorrow… Parents, please make sure your children get plenty of rest, and a good breakfast before they go to school. All those late nights of staying up late are now gone. Good Luck to all school children this year, remember to study hard and give it your all; so that you make excellent grades. It will really pay off, I promise…