School Board To Hold Special Class Size Meeting Tonight At Northview

August 26, 2010

The Escambia County School Board will host a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. today at Northview High School to discuss class size.

Lawmakers and school administrators are pushing a proposed constitutional amendment that would relax the class size requirement put into the constitution by voters in 2002. As of Monday, individual classes were capped at 18 students for kindergarten through third grade, 22 in fourth through eighth grade, and 25 in high school, with the limits having been phased in since the amendment was passed.

The proposed amendment on the November ballot would allow class sizes to be calculated in a more lenient fashion. If passed, the class size would be calculated at a grade-level average, not an individual classroom cap, allowing some classes to go above the limit.

After the presentation, the public will have the opportunity to address the school board. Discussion will be limited to class size.

The meeting will take place in the school theater.


5 Responses to “School Board To Hold Special Class Size Meeting Tonight At Northview”

  1. wats up on August 27th, 2010 1:12 am

    Its never about the kids just the almighty $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ why get more teachers so many don’t care anymore they just want the check and retirement. Our school system is like our judicial system it has failed us all

  2. David Huie Green on August 26th, 2010 6:55 pm

    “Please, Please, Please vote YES to keep the class size admendment for elementary classes.”

    Unless I am missing something, a YES vote would allow some classes to be made more crowded. A NO would stop that from being done.

    David knowing a YES is to change

  3. Concerned educator on August 26th, 2010 9:34 am

    Class size is crucial to the education of our students. I have taught both high school and middle school. The more students in a class, the harder it is to teach each child. Larger classes tend to have more discipline problems as well. The smaller the classes the more students learn.

  4. Idk on August 26th, 2010 7:41 am

    Speaking of class capacity…if they aren’t going to stretch the class size in high school just a little, they need to add more teachers and more classes. Northview has full classes and is now putting their overflow of students in Honors classes to fix the problem. I don’t think that’s right. If Honors classes are really what they say they are, how can they just stick an average kid in one, just to fix the problem.

  5. Mom on August 26th, 2010 6:12 am

    Please, Please, Please vote YES to keep the class size admendment for elementary classes. I have a child in middle school and 2 in elementary. The class size admendment has made a TREMENDOUS difference in the education they have received. (18) first, second and third graders are more than enough for a teacher to control and teach. If this admendment goes away students will be packed in classes like sardines.